Clutch Cargo 50
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    Touch cargo with his power spinner and 5 ft in another exciting take a rip

    court back Wale Our scene opens on an old deserted hangar near the little midwestern town of weeds

    Once the center of busy flying activity some say the place is haunted Few remember the

    legend of its colorful past Who was that Is that the ghost of weeds airport What's this an announcement

    Why somebody is planning to put on an air show And it's starting tomorrow Take a look at this clutch

    I just received it through the mail Well this is the same kind of air circus announcement

    they used to have 30 years ago Yeah and that old handbill smells kind of musty too It

    must be some kind of a joke could be clutch but it might be worth checking into on

    the back of his hand bill It says planes of all descriptions will be in this air show Waco

    Travel Airs Great Lakes Spas Jenny Gypsy Moors Ball pups Oh pops Yes Spinner Those early planes had

    very colorful names Clutch There's a story here I want you to check into Well I don't know

    but you're the boss Tom Come on Spinner Let's see What's with weeds though The hand says this

    air show is being staged by a fellow named Rick Van Winkle Who he I

    vaguely remember It seems to me he was a hot pilot back in the early

    years mysteriously disappeared right after an air show about 30 years ago disappeared Girl he must have come back like

    an old ghost That's right Spinner How could an old pilot who disappeared for 30 years

    suddenly come back from nowhere and throw an air show This looks like weeds country

    right Yeah it has a wheat field in corn There's the weeds airport dead ahead Right on course That's

    it looks more like an old b in a wheat field It sure looks deserted

    All the planes to the air show Mighty strings You better go down and drag

    the field and see if it's safe to land What I can Good plan runway Good

    spinner It looks all clear We'll circle in for our landing Let's get out and look around I don't see

    a soul anywhere What kind of an air show is this gonna be I don't

    understand Spinner We've got the right place and the right date Look here comes to play now It

    looks like he's going to buzz the field Hm It's the dirt Spinner He's gonna fly right into

    the hangar Uh oh an old plane diving at them How can they escape being

    hit Be sure to tune in for the next exciting episode with Crutch cargo clutch cargo with his pal spinner

    and paddle foot in another exciting adventure The case of Rip Court Van Winkle you'll remember last time Clutch

    and company received an invitation to an air show one just like those held in the olden days of flying

    Arriving at Leeds airport they find a deserted while standing inside the broken down old hangar

    the dirt spinner he's gonna fly right Crutch That was a close one Sure Quit

    thinking opening up that back window and letting that plane out It was the only thing to do Spinner Hey

    he's so good Look at that rose Oh wow Wait look at him Go He he's a I haven't

    seen flying like this since the old days Whoever's piloting that plane is either good or

    terribly out of control Well here he comes again Crotch now an outside loop The

    toughest of all maneuvers Yeah Crunch flying that plane with a long gray beard If I wasn't seeing it I

    wouldn't believe it coming in for a landing Hi there Old timer That was some show you put on You

    ain't seen nothing yet Sonny Wait till the real show starts Me Mr when you flew

    into the hangar I thought we were all goner Don't worry about old rip cord Van Winkle

    I can throw that creed in and out of a shoe box Rip cord Van Winkle

    Then you're the one who called the ear meat right Your sonny And it's high time The rest of the

    vomit showed up I'm ready to go by the bye What's your handle Mr I'm clutch cargo These are

    my friends spinner and paddle oot clutch cargo Well I read your adventure log book That chapter on flying was

    keen read about a few things I didn't even know about I know you This here's my

    airport spinner you and paddle foot Just make yourselves to home Well I of course

    rip cord This was the site of that famous air race that was so controversial 30 years ago But right

    after that you disappeared Yep But I'm back now and I'm ready for action Flying

    action But where are you been practicing Sonny practicing for this here I meet Why

    I can fly anything from gets to Jimmy to Giant Condors Well what kind of an air show

    is this going to be rip It seems you invited all the old timers That's right Sonny

    I want them all here Especially one in particular Hey here comes someone next That's him That's

    him That's the one in particular I was telling you about That's the one I'm

    playing for Why It's one of those old high powered Gies he's turning towards us and hit him right at

    the hangar I oh no the same kind of stunt rip cord be winkle pulled Will

    this pilot make it be sure to tune in for the next exciting episode with

    Chicago cargo with his pal spinner and 5 ft in another exciting adventure The case of Ripcord Van

    Winkle you remember last time Clutch and company arrived at the deserted airport of weeds Ripcord

    Van Winkle gave them a stare of flying through the hangar Learned that Ripcord had been in hiding for

    all these years Then suddenly he's turning that was a close one There seems to be

    more flying going on inside this hangar than out He's cling runs coming in for a

    landing I hope hot looking plain It looks just like a bumblebee Look The pilot's wearing a mask the

    mask Marvel mask Marvel That's nobody but Marcel Twitty the guy I come here to

    beat He just wears that disguise Get up cause he thinks he's somebody special bar Rip cord Van Winkle

    You're not exactly No shrinking violet yourselves and I can beat you any day in any

    race Not a fair race Well boys we'll soon see who's the best man here

    Come the others Look at them They're coming in from all directions Finally the moment of the

    big air show sponsored by old timer Rip Van Winkle has arrived Once again the weeds airport is hunting

    with activity The starting gun goes off Colorful balloons are released as the signal for action to begin The

    Spectators are filled with anticipation First comes the fancy trick playing Yeah Race pick up Yeah And he yeah

    one of the most exciting events of the afternoon famous delayed parachute jump by Rip Van

    We Yep that's me He will be taken up to 1000 ft by his arch rival Marcel 4 20

    He's priming Yeah he's get ready What have you ever got his shoes He better hurry He's running

    out of altitude Packed his parachute with laundry Oh poor record Is this the end for him Be sure to

    tune in for the next exciting episode with cargo cargo with his pal spinner and pale foot In another exciting

    adventure The case of Rip Court Van Winkle you remember last time while Clinton and company were

    talking with Ripcord Van Winkle Marcel Twitty suddenly flew up on the scene There has been

    great rivalry between Ripcord and Marcel as the events of the air show progress Ripcord starts his

    delayed parachute jump Mr Rip Rip something Let me your arms What do you think

    you ask for thrills You've got sheer courage What fortitude What what nerves of steel

    they don't call me Rip Cord Van Winkle for nothing G clutch Mr Ripcord sure Wasn't kidding when he

    said he's been doing a lot of practicing That's right spinner His 30 years of practice is paying off

    We've certainly seen a lot of excitement here today but take a deep breath It is now time for

    the grand event The racing planes will prepare in closed course competition Ripcord I want to congratulate you

    I don't know when I've had such a thrill I'll say you ain't seen nothing yet Just wait till we

    get into this closed course race But you and Spinner are going to be an old

    number five There she is Her lions are as sleek as ever She's won many in

    her day I want you to keep an eye on that Marcel Twitty the masked Marvel He's the

    one that beat me out 30 years ago He just ain't to be trusted This

    is the race I've been practicing for all these years I won't be cheated out this time Attention

    attention Pilots manual planes Marcel 20 The last Marvel has zoomed into the lead in his powerful

    GB special partly pursued by clutch cargo and spinner in number number two with POY

    Van He that cargo is a hotter pilot than I thought Looks like he'll have to

    be the first to go I got just the plan Looks like more records will be broken here today Ladies

    and gentlemen 20 in the last Marvel has a strong lead followed by a huh old man

    of the skies I'm Clark Van We gone I'm warning you clutch Billy Watch out for that side Winding marshal

    right about here He starts pulling one of his sneaky tricks Thanks Rip We'll be on

    the watch out What's he talking about Clutch I don't see anything to be worried about Just the same spinner

    Keep your eyes peeled Old Rip Court usually knows what he's talking about God There's the second pylon

    spinner Marcel just passed it Much can clutch and company escape running into that falling pylon Be sure

    to tune in for the next exciting episode with clutch cargo cargo with his pal spinner and paddle

    foot in another exciting adventure The case of Rip Van Waco You remember last time Clutch and company had entered

    the air race Marcel when he was in the lead as they approached the turning pylon Oh is I've seen

    it clutch I've seen the whole thing that was Marcel Twitty's trick forever seeing one He must have sneaked

    out during intermission and saw the legs of that pylon in half Now be careful clutch He's probably got

    another tick up his dirty sleeve My next Marcel pretty dirty trick will stop them Cool That good

    Gey gushy cloud ahead is just the thing I'll see it with my instant quickie

    sets of end Perfect By the time they get here this cloud will be solid

    concrete then it'll be kaal much Look myself disappeared in that What are you looking ahead That is

    a strange looking clock It seems to be getting thicker by the second Gotta shave him I

    know what's in that cloud with a sudden burst of speed Rip cord plunges ahead of clutch Look

    clutch Ripcord is diving into that cloud ahead of us Why He poked a hole right through

    it Spinner We'll follow it right on through Look he's falling And so is that cloud crotch

    It's falling like a rock It is a rock spinner Proud with solid cement No under the rip courts

    di he's covered with quickie set instant cement We've got to save it Rep open your hatch clutch boy I'm

    shield in here like a sardine park You two go all about me You park take over the

    control spinner I'm gonna get him out of there Be careful clad be careful I told you

    not to bother Crutch It's dangerous out there Now you can go on and finish

    the race We're gonna finish this race together Rip honey Catch Marcel Twitty He's getting ahead It's OK Spinner We

    got rip Go Move over boys on good and tight for court We still have a chance Let her put

    my seems the competition has fallen behind Hey clutch Luo just plowed into the last part But you

    of food finish Ladies court man we win How can I ever thank you Clutch and spinner for proving my

    case I now have concrete proof of what Marcel Twitty did to me last time Glad to help rip Say

    clutch What happened to paddle foot I haven't seen him since the race started Well look

    at what's been in the race all the time and so ends the story of clutch cargo

    and his pal spinner and padfoot and the case of rip Court Van Winkle Be

    sure to tune in for the next exciting adventure With clutch cargo