Your digital distribution Your network is your income Learning how to properly distribute your digital assets is really critical foryour short and long term success as a creator as a content creator If you're looking toearn if you're looking to earn a living creating then you are going to want to pay attention towhat we're going to discuss The problem is most people do not know how to set this up properly becauseof that you end up losing thousands of sales and you end up losing those sales in the longrun Th this discussion we're going to go over some of the importance of digital distribution settingup your networks how they can be leveraged to maximize your business profitability and your reach Wewill discuss this in a few parts We're going to go over powerful networking uh channelselection leveraging data for best results and we're going to tie all of these things togetherSo let's start with the potential Hey what is the power potential of your digitaldistribution network Distribution networks have really revolutionized the way businesses connect with their customers These networks can include everything fromecommerce platforms to social media your channels your email marketing systems and even the content platforms thesharing platforms that you're on When you break everything down you can get into geographical barriersyou can get into time constraints You can allow your business to reach a more globalaudience You can do this 24 7 unlike traditional brick and mortar where in traditional brick and mortar you donot have that capability and you do not have those capabilities to be able to connect with your customers withtraditional brick and mortar Those offerings are not available you're not able to do that So once you'reestablished you can serve an infinite amount of growing clients You can serve a globalcustomer base with minimal additional investment This can lead to bigger profits it can lead to biggerbusiness expansion So what is the true strength of digital distribution networks This comes down to your abilityto provide valuable real time data about customer behavior and customer preferences Every click every view everypurchase all of these things can be tracked and analyzed offering you insights that were beforenot imaginable before the digital era So when you have this information this allows you to build yourbusiness to refine the strategies to do this on the fly How do you dothis You personalize offerings you personalize marketing efforts to meet the exact needs and desireof your target audience The keyword is exact needs Moreover when when you look into this deeperthese your digital network it requires less upfront investment compared to a traditional distribution This makes things much moreaccessible to anyone One person businesses small businesses maybe you're creating courses maybe you're selling ebooks maybeyou're selling physical products you're doing it all online Anyone can get into this Anyone can start to earnanyone can start to build and grow You do not need to be a big corporation in order to dothis when it comes to selection hey how do you select and optimize the rightchannels for your business for your digital business The key when it comes to leveraging digital distributionbuilding this network really effectively lies in choosing the right channels for your specific business and your target audience Notall digital platforms are going to give you equal results Talk about this often for every type ofproduct or service that you're selling Sometimes a different channel works best The process of selection This requires a deepunderstanding of your audience's behaviors their preferences and their purchasing habits This also it really does sort of callfor a clear grasp on your own products characteristics How do your products align with different platform strengthsand how will your products align with your target customers Once you've identified the mostpromising channels for your business The next step is to optimize those channels This involves tailoring downyour approach to fit the unique language the best practices of each individual platform thiscan mean taking full advantage of platform specific features whether that is on social media and shopping tags youcan add storefronts whether it is adding enhanced branded content there are many different avenuesyou can go but you want to be consistent with those avenues How do you dothat You post regularly You keep your engagement high If someone comments on something you reply tothat If someone likes something you can reciprocate that it's very crucial to leverage thesemetrics to analyze these metrics to analyze these tools that you have available when you're building out these platforms Nowlet's talk a little bit about leverage How do you leverage data for personalization and a better enduser experience One of the most powerful aspects of digital distribution building your network is the wealthof data that you have available The analytics you have available these are built into all social media This datais key to creating that personalized experience This is where you can boost and customer engagementYou can boost loyalty Ultimately you can boost your income by providing value to that exactaudience Every interaction with a customer has your digital platform at the forefront That is your businesscard Every interaction should be catering to three things target markets preference their behaviors and their needsThese are the three most important things you want to focus on the art of leveraging Reallyutilizing this data It begins with collecting and analyzing it It's the first most important thing this may involve usingAC RM using AC RM system depending on your type of business or just simple analytics tools simpleanalytics tools that are built into your social media may be built into your blog Dependingon what you use for your website You wanna take these numbers you wanna get goodat going into your analytics and understand where are people clicking Why are they clicking whatare they clicking on and then create a view from those clicks that your target market is going to seeSo if you have someone who is interested in getting healthy getting in shape then you want to gointo your analytics see what videos or what posts they're clicking on or what articlesthey're clicking on that you've created and as you see patterns start to form maybe they're clicking on an articleyou have that says you know 10 minute ads and they're focusing on that and you're the majority ofyour clicks are coming in from that Then you want to take that You want totarget that and you want to build out campaigns around that that can lead intothose targeted products and can lead into those trends The only way to know what's working and what's notworking is to look at your analytics You can do this on youtube you cando this on Instagram you can do this on all most social medias You cansee where you're getting the most likes the most clicks why you're getting the most of thoseAnd then you can make adjustments This works the same way on your website depending on what website you useyour blog You can see where the interactions are coming from and you just simplytake those interactions where you're getting the most and you start to build out micro campaignswithin those campaigns in conclusion to all of this your digital dis distribution network it's far more thanjust a set of channels that are reaching customers It is think of it as the lifeblood ofyour modern business When you understand the importance and you start to carefully select andoptimize your channels you create an integrated customer experience you can take the data thatyou're getting from your analytics from what you're putting out there You can prepare it better for the future Youcan continue to refine those campaigns really transform your business You can earn more money providemore value and get your products in the hands of the right people the right peoplethat are going to benefit from what you're putting out there and all the efforts that you're putting outthere And I'll see you in the next one