All right you got your offers you got the bundles you got everything ready to go They they are theygot traffic and they are checking out and they're gonna click and they're gonna buy from you in Black Fridayand Cyber Monday and all the way through to the end of the year And if the checkout processis jacked up guess what they are not gonna buy from you In fact theywill go someplace else They will pay more studies have shown people will pay more to go someplace elsewhere they can actually check out Your checkout process has to be slicker than snot ona doorknob as we used to say back home All right So here's what you got to keep inmind You're gonna get more traffic Make sure your website can handle it make sure it's optimized for mobileMore people buying stuff on mobile uh every day then uh we can shake a stickout So just make sure your stuff is ready to roll and it can handle that kind of trafficNow when it comes to actually checking out if there are glitches they will go elsewhereit doesn't matter how good your offer is and they and and actually this hurts you inthe future too because people will be reluctant to buy from you going forward That isno good if you have buttons when or actually the buttons you have on your website makesure that they are not red and it's gotta be in as few tabs or clicks aspossible Just like my product called the QR market which you can check out at QR the QRmarket dot com but no red checkout buttons ever Why Because red equals stop And the last thing we wantto do is stop the checkout process Second thing you wanna do is make sure that youminimize cart abandonment because you know how it is We've all we've all put stuffin the cart online and then we said well yeah I don't think so Um There are some things youcan do to minimize cart abandonment Uh The biggest one is the thing called a trust signal and thisis transparency and reassurance Basically full price taxes shipping all that stuff Um Unexpected costs will causepeople to bail out I've done it Um Make sure that you have all of the meansthat people can pay listed on your website paypal visa all that stuff doesn't matter Um Trust badgesyou know what a trust badge is where it says it's it's basically an emblem Itsays a money back guarantee or 100% guaranteed or hassle free returns whatever make sure you havethe little lock on your website that it is secure Those if you don't have those things itwill cause people to to bail on the sale and they will do it very veryquickly Third thing offer multiple payment options and shipping uh options you know everything Now golly isthere anything now that you can't get on a subscription I mean really Uh isthere anything now you can't get paying for I've seen people trying to buy stufffrom like tacos and it says pay in for you pay for a taco for four months and comeon Uh make sure especially depending on the price of your item or items that you have multiple paymentoptions Paypal credit affirm uh Klarna there's a bunch of those out there So just make sure you have youutilize them all to your advantage and finally customer service readiness The last thing you want isto be you know running this We we we spend all this time effort energy and moneygetting trafficking eyeballs on our website for Black Friday Cyber Monday Q five and your customer servicegoes in the toilet Here's the good news with A I there are A I chatbots that you can employ now Um And it's it's getting scary how good thesethings really are My suggestion is if you don't have people that can uh that can man youruh the the the help desk for you I would look into some A Ibots A I chat bots I hate to say it but it is the future and it ishere So there are some things that you gotta do to make sure that your checkout process is as smoothas silk And one other thing that's not listed on the screen have somebody else uh buy from youuse a promo code like you know 100 off or something like that to make surethat they can test it and make sure that it works for you because the last thing you wantis surprises on Black Friday Cyber Monday all that stuff OK I hope this all makes sense Andin our final video I'm gonna show you that all of this stuff that I've done that we'vetalked about here actually works and people are doing it for real I will show youin the next video