Serenity Salon: Boards App
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    all right we're going to jump into a tutorial review on boards so I'm going

    to show you this app basically in the App Store it is simply boards and

    here's the visual for what that looks like the website is alright so here's a

    review of boards I'm just going to show you how this works so this tool allows you to create a

    keyboard business keyboard for all of your regular link so I've created one for business terms we use

    what you can't really see me touching but my top thing at the very thing I can create another board

    here and I'm just going to call this so now I have two boards right so I

    have that one and I have my biz me as one so now I can go in here and I

    can add my first item I have all these options so I can create a folder I

    can do page I can do text I can do image video all the things right so I'm going to

    do a link because that's the one I tend to want to I have a different app here

    that I'm actually have all these links saved to so I'm going to go in here and I'm

    going to save this link so now I have that and then okay so now

    I'm going to hook up the two links on there and I'm going to add a photo

    all right now I'm going to go over my other one if I have text for my

    actual course that is just stuff that I've kept I can bring it in to a text document all right

    so now I have earlier attacks that are and I could actually add a bunch of

    other assets this area I have some when you create another board here because I have at work and text

    all right now I have my content setup so I have stuff here I have some

    stuff here and links I haven't even tapped into all the things that you can do here because

    there is I can create folders within my boards I could rearrange my boards I could just

    have a business board with all the different levels I can do text video voice

    recording so I've had audio notes that I can put it here YouTube and Vimeo

    links right so maybe I can actually pull the full video from the URL right I haven't even tried

    that and a PDF so if I had some kind of like business collateral or whatever I wanted I

    could put all this stuff in the different things right so now let's look at the

    beauty is I'm going to get out of this app right and I'm going to go into any of the

    apps right so I could do this in messenger I could do it and Facebook that's my group

    there because I don't want to actually do this live but this is a mighty networks group right so if

    I wanted a reply here I could go in to do that I actually hit the globe icon down

    here at the bottom of my keyboard right so I'm going to do that and look

    I have that I can click on that you can click on that now I'm not going

    to actually tap on these things in here because this is live so let me go over here I'm

    going to get out of that one we're going to go into my group here I'm going to

    do a reply so I have the same stuff and I could just pull in I'm going to pull

    on a graphic just because I can't write so and paste there it is like that and then what

    if I want to also tap into the comment and go and get the link to it it's

    right in there and then I can paste that that's gonna comment in my group right there Bambam

    didn't have to go look up the address didn't have to do any of the

    things so I'll right there okay so now we can go into a different tool I could do this in

    messenger the same thing so if I had a PDF or an audio file or

    whatever this is just a group I have I'm just going to play with this I hit the

    globe come in here and I could this is my text tap look at just paste it all

    that text in there I didn't have to stay here and type it on my phone which

    I suck at spelling as you I'm going to speed up all the videos from where I was

    doing stuff but I miss type I misspell this just solves a lot of issues for me getting links wrong

    and then you have to like re put the link in and we all know how embarrassing

    that is if you just get one little thing off they can't get to it and

    you feel like like you know so much for being a stellar entrepreneur and especially in

    my vein because I'm more techie you'd think I'd get it right but we all

    make typos so this is a beautiful thing go try it all right I have switched over

    to my desktop so that you can see how this actually works so once you've

    created your account on your phone or your tablet or whatever you know mobile device you're using you have the

    ability to send yourself a link to get into the desktop version of it on a Mac this worked

    pretty well I did have to reset my password of course because that is the bane of

    my existence okay so this is the website right so you can come in here

    and you can take a look at all the features I didn't could barely hit on a few while I

    was making my brief tutorial there but as you can see everything that I created

    on my phone has come over here so like if I tap over here I have

    those assets right there those two links these two images and I can obviously now add in

    all the things that I want this is Sara Lee now that I'm on desktop I can

    do all that but then when I need to do this on the fly from my phone

    I'm not having to type and or go to another tool which the other tool I was using which

    I don't think I've done a tutorial on but I was using pendo and pendo has the ability to

    give me Big Blocks of text and I can sort my stuff by tag so that

    is helpful I'll probably do a tutorial on pain do in the near future this

    is a great app but copying and pasting is the bane of my existence I don't want to

    have to do it and this pretty much solves on my phone the ability just to tap on the thing

    that I want and it paste it in for me already formatted no chance that I'm making I

    posed for just text itself and or length so if I wanted to create a all righty

    righty I went away for a bit and I actually typed in this whole text bit and then

    I realized hey I can bring in an image and I brought in my image

    and drag it up above it and so here's my image that I created it was

    a graphic but that's really tiny text but it's not super bad I mean like granted I can't control

    the colors here oh look I can add a button to add a button oh this is

    my link see I should have this as my you should've already had a thing

    I add my button link to my link to my leg okay so now she's my button

    but I don't really have any control over that's way down here and I actually put

    that link in there in my text right here so it must have recognized my link but even so

    like it's black I don't love black but you know hey if it's for free why the

    heck so this one looks like it might be a bonus thing that you only get to try

    once or twice obviously if you have a video that is on YouTube whether its private or not

    or Vimeo you could probably get in here and then I'm guessing I could pull this in with one Fell

    Swoop so I'm going to hit done on there that is pretty sweet okay people I did not realize

    this was this cool so give this to all a spin and see how it works for you

    if anything I bet it's going to make doing things on mobile so much smoother and easy so I got

    some text here the way this works is what I need to go paste these and thanks

    right so I can go into here I have this on my desktop sorry