that's how we applied what we're learning to little bit of gold kicking I think something we've spoken about beforeso we'll get you to have a few shots without the harness with a coupleof little other add-ons that we're going to bring in once you start using the harness with theso let's see the shots without don't feel like you're moving around a bit that'sinteresting isn't it you've gotten used to having it locked in place better listen goodpenetrating flight on that one one more one more don't feel pressure lazy without it okayokay see holding a couple of things in your hands these are what we call therunway strips very important to run directly at your target when you're kicking what we're going todo is get you to line your kick up where you want to kick from put your Runwaydown about shoulder-width apart and then we're good to go all right clip in all you've got atler mystruggle with that one all right so this is going to give you direction as you'regoing into kick I don't expect any mrs. Al there's one nice oh nice verygood tell good look at that nice last kick of the day Sirens gone I can't miss that Miss Rightwe've spoken about run-ups before so how did you find the runway strips I liked it because itgives you a reference point so you know that you're not stepping either way one less thing to think aboutisn't it while you're trying to kick rather than focusing on that point that we've spoken about previously now youjust want why does it keep it straight keep the where I was each other rather laughter onebecause you said It felt really good yeah thank you everything's you Lon everything's inline feeling natural now the more you use it yeah yeah and when I put it on beforealmost felt like it's meant to be on now so the brains gone yeah so then next time you facinga goal no problems never just about to do well back very different group Thearound the corner so so you're holding a lot of that hold it like that so try holding itlike that so I imagine imagine you can your left foot torpedo that she gripyeah that looks a lot more natural he's starting to like that I don't you ever look at youhey guys that's the sort of thing we're looking for nice perfect perfect brilliant oh yeahhaving fun we're having fun there egg is that he went to pump with yourother dishes so that was really interesting because we just did a couple of kicks thatyou probably wouldn't do very often the gates at the screw kick around the cornerand the banana people form them both perfectly ad in that field because it shows thatthe harness can actually do all different types of kicks yeah and I think that that's probably whereI've benefited the most because it's apart from being shown how to hold the ball clearly but it's keptmy arm in the right spot and sign up it in the right spot okay and I've kicked goal aftergoal so if it's that small and I saw you kick it for that if he going aroundthe corner go hey this is good isn't it yeah love it perfect