VIDEO-2023-02-28-08-33-07 (1)
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    morning everyone I hope you have woken up feeling well I just want to share with

    you a little thing a little problem that I felt heaven was saying this morning outside my

    house I've got my road yeah and do you remember when you were growing up being taught well I

    remember in Scotland we got taught the Green Cross code I'm not sure what it was down

    here and it was about safety about road safety not rushing into the road not and taking that moment

    to pause to stop to think to look both ways and then cross and not sort of rush

    ahead I feel like this morning there's a bit of a prompt from Heaven to just stop and

    pause and maybe have got decisions maybe you have got things that you need to sort out and it's

    too easy to just kind of go with emotion sometimes and rush and make rash decisions so I just

    feel just going with the flow I just feel Heaven is prompting you and even

    if you haven't got a major thing going on today just take a moment to pause I'm outside today

    you can hear the traffic outside and it's in the busyness of life that often it's so

    important to step back take that pause even if it's for a moment and just

    breathe and just invite Heavens flower to bring rest into your soul to bring direction to bring

    guidance and to stop and spiritually look both ways before you take that jump across the road

    of Life Heaven wants to help you Heaven wants to bless you and wants to keep you

    safe but if we rush ahead then you know we haven't got that support sometimes

    that could be given and prevention from difficulties before they come now wouldn't that be

    good stop breathe just rest in Heaven's love thank you Jesus go with the flow of having

    listen to the spirit listen to your heart and have a really blessed day