Video #18 - Adding Keyword in Social Meta Title
Show Transcripts

okay step number 10 what we're going to do now is Step number 10 is we want to put

the keyword in our social meta title so keep it locked I'll show you how to do that okay the

way you want to add your keyword to your social meta title is you want to scroll down

right now in the plug-in were in general we've got our meta title meta description you

want to click where it says social okay now see where it says open graph

title Twitter title social image URL what I like to do is I like to put

the same information that I used for my meta title right I like to use that same

information and put it in my social title so here it is Twitter title I'm going to place

it there and I'm going to paste it there so you got your open graph

title and you got your Twitter title okay now if you notice it's only 41 characters because we're missing

Michael church so let's go ahead and add that my crew Church my my who Church go and we're

going to put that in the next title here going to put it in there my cool Church okay so

now you've put your keyword in your social meta title because this is social and

there's your titles and I put it in both of them case your Twitter title okay and

you're open graph title now the cool thing about this is someone shares your blog

on Twitter this is what shows up describing your blog that's pretty cool all right family so that's

step number 10 put in your keyword in your social matter title let's move on to

the next lesson oh we gotta save it almost forgot now that it's saved let's move on to

the next lesson keep it locked