Healthy through the Holidays - 2023
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    Hello everyone I am Doctor Lisa Rosenberger here with East West Integrative Health Clinic and

    I'm gonna talk to you about how you can stay healthy through the holidays Now the whole point of

    staying healthy through the holidays is so we don't feel like this right? How many of you

    have struggled with feeling like you can't button up your pants like you overate . you know

    having a food coma you're exhausted or fatigued you feel bloated you feel fat you're

    uncomfortable and then you feel just darn right Miserable Right This is what we don't want the holidays The

    holidays are supposed about uh be uplifting and fun and enjoyable So we're gonna try

    and work really hard on avoiding this outcome and really getting better in our healthy habits and feeling

    awesome through the holidays even through the hustle and the bustle Ok So what we're gonna cover in this

    talk today we are gonna go over just an overview of what we're gonna uh uh a overview of healthy

    habits and how you can overcome the holiday challenges We're gonna talk about why the holidays can be so

    challen the three fundamentals that you need to do to help you stay healthy over the holidays the benefits of

    having these healthy habits and setting yourself up for success the common mistakes or things that set us

    back and and how to avoid them and the tips for being healthy are having healthy eating

    habits healthy snacking eating out wisely and sustainability Ok And lastly we're gonna pull it all together and talk about

    how you can continue to support yourself at the very end All right So let's just dive

    right on In overview my goal for this presentation is to help you set yourself

    up for success and be healthy through the holidays right Just like the title says healthy through the holidays

    It's my goal for you And I'm gonna try and pull all the pieces together to

    help you know what hurts you and helps you so you can make the best

    choices for you your family and your lifestyle over the holidays This is not the

    season to fall off but rather the season to be strong and um even stronger come

    the new year come January OK And this is all about you So we're gonna talk about

    the essential aspects of leading a healthy and fulfilling life the challenges that set you back or or

    that you have to overcome how you can empower how we can empower you with some knowledge and

    some practical strategy to make you make informed decisions and prioritize your self care and embark

    on a journey that is going to lead you to your mo most holistic self and

    well being And we're gonna go over the pillars of health that we use here at our office that

    has helped all of our practice members reach their health and wellness goals But it's really about bringing all the

    pieces together give you some key tips and things that you can do right now to to be healthier And

    then if you need help we'll talk about that later Ok let me introduce you to our

    team because our team here at East West Degree of Health Clinic has you know our mission

    is really strong and that we want to help as many people in their health journey as possible And

    that we know that um sometimes we struggle and we're here to help you get over the struggles and

    get further along in your health journey So I am there on the left My assistant Joanne is next to

    me Our our my firm baby Jackson is our therapy dog in training here and he's part of the team

    as well as our coaching staff So we have a whole team of health coaches that are here to

    help support you And so we realize that it's been no better time than right now I mean

    if after the last couple of years we haven't learned anything We know that right now before the holidays

    get into full swing That it is best to help ourselves be healthier and keep that front of mine

    Not back of mind this holiday season Ok So why do so many people struggle

    with the holidays Right We know what's good for us We know what we should be doing and yet

    we fall on the track of having so many things that are not so good

    for us and we know what the things are Right It's not it's not hidden

    so much but we do have some villains or things that set are set against us or stacked against

    us I should say And these are these four things the holidays in general the marketing our

    schedules and habits and our current health status So let's go through each of these So what what

    do I mean that the holidays in general are stacked against us Well we have a whole

    holiday Halloween that is targeted to us eating more candy which we know is not healthy right

    now There has been studies that shows that chocolate can have health benefits but the sugar

    that's in them does not right So we also have this idea of the holidays being the time where

    we can slack off and let go and have you know party hard right But here's

    the thing is depending on where your health status is you may not have that luxury

    right And we want to make sure that we are living a healthy and happy

    holiday Season not setting ourselves back our culture We know that we wanna be healthier but we don't always

    we don't always do it Let's take action on that Ok Friends and families and even traditions

    tend to set us back too because they don't have the same things that they're

    working on Right And the traditions may not be in alignment with our health and

    wellness goals So the other part to this is is knowing that our mindset is that

    we may need to do things differently especially during the holidays that we used to

    before because what we used to do before is not serving us in the holidays

    So coming up with new holiday traditions or new ways to do the holidays so that they are healthier

    and more beneficial for you and keeping you on track and reaching your health and honest goals is

    where I want you to get to Now the marketing we are inundated with ads and advertisements and they are

    just bombarding us right And so I want you to start being more aware of

    what is being put right in front of you and keeping in mind in forefront the ways that you need

    to be healthier to help yourselves Because there is gonna be tons of things you're gonna

    see whether it be TV ads billboards um your Facebook streams or your news feeds and

    all that stuff There's gonna be a lot of things that are thrown in front of you But remembering that

    they are not necessarily serving you and your goals our schedules and habits It's a big

    one I'm guilty of this one This one is a big one I work a lot Can't help

    myself Right And the work schedule or working too much plays into some unhealthier habits in terms of

    what foods I choose what exercise I manage or get to do If you have kids

    their schedules usually become before yours kind of thing or they compound your schedules So the holiday season I know

    schedule wise is pretty busy for a lot of people So I want you to

    start thinking about that and scheduling in your healthy habits Right How you're eating what you're

    eating whether it's meal planning or making sure you got the recipes and you're cooking the

    right foods um and exercise on your schedule That's really important Your current health status Now

    I hear this a lot for some people It's it's you know well I'm already tired

    Why why should I try and change things right now Or I already have wait what's

    a few more months of eating poorly Adding you know waiting till the new year to to to get better

    to start to lose the weight Well the thing is is that when we're already in

    a place of deficiency or not in the best of health it's easy to not want to do

    things to help improve it because it takes time for things to improve right And if we keep kind

    of getting further away from being healthy it takes more time to get healthy right So

    I want you not to set yourselves back So you have to take more energy and effort to undo

    two months of of being unhealthy when you can just maintain a better healthiness right

    now and keep it going So that when you do start the new Year you're already

    you know at a place where you can start to even make more changes and more benefits OK Pillars of

    health these are the five pillars of health that we know that is a is core to

    your foundation to getting to your health and monos schools We need to make sure that our detox pathways are

    optimized and that our liver our kidney our digestive health are all optimized to function at

    their best because it helps support so many other areas of our being Our second pillar of health is nutrition

    and making sure we're having the right foods in the right quantities and the right things to help support

    us in our hormonal goals And we're gonna talk more in depth about this in a in

    a moment for your health during the holidays But a third pillar of health is fitness and activity

    levels exercise This is all something that we're gonna talk about in just a few minutes

    with the holidays and how you're gonna focus in on that our fourth pillar is our hormones And I

    could spend hours a whole another lecture on just our hormones But really we need

    to work on balancing our hormones and making sure we have these other pillars in place

    or working on them in tandem Really does help us reach further in our goals because they they

    compound with one another So once we get our nutrition or fitness good we actually have

    to make sure that our our detox pathways are optimized and our hormones are balancing Our

    fifth pillar of health is mentorship and mindset Now this is the thing I think

    is probably the most important for our foundational health Um We need to have someone who

    can help coach us and guide us and educate and teach us be that mentor that's going

    to help you shift pivot here when you need a pivot but also pull back when you when things are

    not working the way that we ever anticipated or we needed to work on more things

    like that So mentorship really helps with you working on your mindset but also helping you come up

    with the best plan for you to reach your health and wellness goals And so

    these are the five pillars that we use here in our office And like I mentioned I was

    like I could spend hours on each one of these pillars but we're gonna really focus on the fundamentals that

    I want you to focus on and there are three for this holiday season Now I believe

    all five of these are very important You should be working on these already but it's ok for

    right now to focus on these three And the three I want you to focus on is balanced nutrition regular

    exercise and adequate rest and sleep Now if you are struggling any one of these you

    need to focus in on them So let's talk about nutrition You need to focus in on your

    nutrition And what does that mean This plate My comes from the FDA and I love

    it as a starting place for people Now everyone says that they know they're eating healthy but do they

    really Because sometimes yeah they know that they're eating fruits and vegetables but then they're not getting enough protein

    or they have the tendency to skip meals And so this is one of the things I want

    you to be aware of We should be having three meals per day three square meals a day and

    it should be falling this plate And I do know that some people have problems with

    dairy So I'm not saying that you have to have dairy You could use a non dairy substitute instead

    here But the dairy is there because we do need some protein and fats that

    dairy does provide right So if you cannot have dairy because you're you're sensitive to it you have

    an allergy to it whatever the reason don't think that you are missing out You just have to make

    sure that you're getting the protein and fats associated with dairy in another form to

    add to your plate Ok And when we have three salad meals a day it

    helps us to to cut back on snacking because we also have the trap of overeating

    throughout the day or eating not the best things for us because we haven't eaten enough at that

    meal breakfast lunch or dinner I also like to point out too is that protein right here The is

    one of the things that we think we're getting enough of but often is not the case when we

    break it down in terms of grams or how much we're supposed to have And it can vary from person

    to person age height weight exercise routine their their health set their physical fitness actually can vary this amount So

    the RD A recommendations is that you need 0.36 g per pound of body weight And

    let me give you an example So if you have 100 and £50 person you should that

    person should be getting a minimum of 54 g per day of protein And that's the minimum to

    prevent disease but that's not taking into account for building muscle for the digestive function that the

    person has their age and their general fitness levels So if you do not have

    a lot of uh you're you're not exercising a lot or you're aging the older you get

    the less you're able to break down protein your digestive function goes down Um You're also likely to have not

    built up as much muscle or it's takes more energy to build muscle as we age Right

    So the demand for more protein actually goes up because it takes more energy to build it Ok

    So there's a lot of things that influences and 54 g for 100 and £50

    person is the minimum to prevent disease It's not necessarily to reach their goals right And so you

    have to start thinking about that part of it and seeing if you are getting

    adequate protein I say that for most people 0.5 g per pound of body weight is what you should

    be trying to reach And if you're trying to build muscle it may be more but that's a

    good starting place Um So that's around for that £150 person 75 g of protein OK per

    day So start looking at that and analyzing it for yourself and see if where you're at on your intake

    and if you can increase it and making sure that you have a balanced plate and having three

    meals a day looking like this having all of these components in it All right The

    second fundamental that I want you to focus in on for this holiday season is exercise OK

    Regular exercise Now we all know exercise is good for us both physically and mentally and yet we still don't

    do it It's not just about walking anymore Although if walking is where you're at in

    terms of what you can do a you know activity wise start there Right It's a it's a good

    starting point but don't stop there because walking is a function of daily living Its

    an activity you should be able to do and do well and consistently Ok It should not be the thing

    that wears you out And so that's why I would say if that's where you're at that's ok

    But I want you to start to get beyond just walking as you only form exercise because it is something

    you should be able to do Because if you can't walk the next step is a wheelchair We don't want

    that Most people don't want to be in a wheelchair right If you can't walk you're in

    a wheelchair potentially And that's not what we're looking for that's what we wanna prevent

    So and the other thing is building muscle as we age is so important in so many ways Muscle

    research is now showing that building skeletal muscle muscle in our extremities can not only

    help with our cardiovascular health and help improve our bone density which both decline as we age but also

    help reduce our risk for Alzheimer's and cognitive decline as we age it's gonna help with our fall prevention

    and our activities of daily living If we exercise regularly and increase our muscle mass regularly

    keep working on building muscle All right That third fundamental I want you to work on through this holiday season

    is sleep and rest Ok When we sleep and rest we can handle stress so much better we

    can digest and gain more nutrients We improve our energy levels and optimize our immune system

    and our immune function We it getting enough sleep and rest aids in our recovery from

    exercise life stressors all the things that are coming our way It's that time of day that our

    body is healing and repairing is so important Now following these three fundamentals for this

    holiday season is part of living healthy and having a healthy living or living healthy is

    going to contribute to so much better physical wellness and well being mental health and well

    being It's gonna reduce your risk for chronic diseases such as heart disease diabetes hypertension

    But overall it improves your your your body's functioning and it's gonna improve your mood and your mental

    health and enhances your overall quality of life Right and down the road it's gonna

    enhance your ability to do and enjoy everyday activities Now what are the things that set us back

    or common mistakes people make when they're trying to do a healthy lifestyle One is skipping

    meals which can lead to overeating especially later in the day erratic blood sugar levels

    which affects our physical and mental uh stress basically can affect our energy levels It makes our

    energy levels lower and even can bring our moods down Ok Um When and the second mistake a lot of

    people do is that they start to follow these fad diets and I'm not saying that

    their fad diets are or bad or good The thing is is that you're looking

    for a quick fix but oftentimes it's an unsustainable diet or approach and you may be lacking in

    certain nutrients that your body and essential nutrients that your body needs And so that's one

    of the things that sets you back right The third common mistake is pretty simple It's hydration ok People

    are not hydrating enough So they it leads to dehydration and that can lead to fatigue headaches poor physical and

    mental performance And so that can set you back and that can set you up for

    overeating or doing other unhealthy habits right And taking you away from your goals So make sure you're staying

    hydrated making sure that you're drinking enough water through the day Um The last mistake people

    make is our sedentary lifestyle in the US We a lot of us work at a

    desk and we sit a lot during the day and that is sending us back for

    um one our physical activity but two it's gonna set us back in terms of our

    metabolism and just overall how we're feeling So if we can add more activity in our throughout

    our days That helps like so a standing desk a little treadmill on the desk that you can

    do while you're doing your meetings or working on the computer um taking 15 minute

    breaks to go for a short walk or stretching um or just making sure you're scheduling your gym time in

    and not rescheduling it or taking off from it Like it always stays on your schedule

    it's on your schedule it's going to happen and you can't reschedule it set a reminder to do it

    Don't let yourself reschedule it And if you do reschedule it don't keep rescheduling it

    Make sure that you do do it Ok tips for the healthy holidays So here are

    some tips to help you through these holidays to focus in on I said the diet exercise and sleep

    and rest Right Well having a diet rich in fruits and vegetables whole grains lean proteins healthy fats You

    wanna practice portion control and avoid overeating so that you can maintain a healthy weight If

    you're trying to work on your weight it's gonna be one of the things that's

    gonna help you lose the weight without even trying just eating diet rich in all of those

    things and and watching your portions is gonna help Second you're gonna wanna make sure that you're

    getting enough exercise So 100 and 50 minutes of moderate to intense aerobic exercise or 75 minutes of

    vigorous um intensity exercise per week So you can break it up in different ways But 100

    and 50 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic exercise for most people you can spread out five times over the week

    in 30 minute intervals You do 2 75 minute intervals whatever works for you But like I said

    put it on your schedule so that you're not not doing it right So that

    you're you you have the intention if it's on my schedule it's going to happen like

    a meeting for work You don't reschedule the meeting unless you really have to right Your gym time is

    for you and it actually helps you with your work All right Um Practicing stress reduction techniques

    So this comes in with the rest and and helping your body uh recover but helping

    to stress less doing mindfulness meditation or deep breathing exercise is gonna help reduce your stress and getting that

    adequate sleep at night as well Is gonna also help with your stress reduction healthy

    snacking if snacking is something that you need to do or necessary Um Yeah I want you to do it

    in the best way possible I know that snacking has become a common part of our daily lives and

    when done right it can definitely be a valuable addition to your healthy lifestyle and healthy diet Um We

    wanna make sure one that they're the right kind of snacks but we also wanna make sure

    that they're helping supporting us like by providing us better energy levels making sure that we're not overeating at our

    main meals um enhancing our mood and cognit our cognitive function as well These are all reasons

    why we do snack but sometimes the reason we're snacking is not because we need extra food is that

    we didn't have enough food at breakfast lunch and or dinner And that could be because

    we're missing the macronutrients And so I was I mentioned earlier it's those proteins and fats that typically

    fall off and it's you know our diet our plate is heavier with carbohydrates grains um sometimes

    vegetables but oftentimes not enough vegetables And so we need to increase those We wanna have

    three main meals focused on the plate that I showed you before and really making sure that if

    we're eating snacks that we're not having any food after 8 p.m. so we're not snacking late

    into the night we're making sure that we've had adequate water through the day And if we haven't to try

    drinking a glass of water before we have a snack to see if that's part of

    why we're we're getting hungry Um And also making sure we're getting enough protein at each meal and

    if need be we we can have some as a snack as well Again to help with our appetites

    or to help satiate us um and keep us from overeating too much So when you're out eating at

    restaurants because I know that happens a lot during this this holiday season I want you to do

    these four things So you want one make sure you plan ahead look at the

    restaurant's menu before you go A lot of restaurants put their menus online and so you can choose healthier options

    and avoid impulsive choices looking at the menu ahead of time and picking out two two things

    that you would like to do or try when you eat there and make sure

    that they have the healthier version And this way when you get there by all the senses and smells

    and you're it was like by probably you're going out there because you're hungry as well that you're you're

    picking the healthier choices and not um having hunger brain right You want everything in sight So

    do that 1st 2nd you wanna look at portion control and so ask for a smaller portion split split

    an entree or take the leftovers home to avoid overeating third You wanna make smart ordering What that

    means is opting for the healthier choice right So you can have grilled or steamed dishes You

    can over the fried versions You can choose a lean protein and plenty of vegetables right Last you

    wanna focus on mindful eating and that means eating slowly savoring your food and stop when you're satisfied to prevent

    overindulging Now a lot of people who tend to um eat overeat or um eat quickly part of it comes

    from not chewing or eating mindfully chewing their food Um and eating mindfully those are the two areas

    So I want you to try this out for yourself is take a bite of food whether it's

    your next meal or tomorrow But sometime soon I want you to take a bite of your food whatever

    meal you're having and I want you to count to 30 before you swallow So I want

    you to chew your food and counting to 30 before you swallow And you're gonna see

    a complete difference in terms of the quality of your food right It should be liquefied by that point

    And it doesn't mean that you have to count to 30 every time you take

    a bite of food and chewing But you're gonna see the difference between of like when

    you normally would wanna swallow you're you're gonna catch yourself as you're counting to 30

    to wanna swallow before that 30 is up You're not alone everyone kind of does

    it but it's to give you a time frame that is longer than most people chew And to

    help you understand that chewing is the first step to digestion And when we s we swallow our food

    whole we create more work for our digestive system further down and it doesn't help

    with our satiation So if we're always feeling hungry or that we eat so much food

    until we're like literally physically stuffed we've we've overeaten and so by chewing and chewing slowly

    and and swallowing food that is already more than partially digested It really does take off the

    burden of um energy expenditure for our digestive system and gets us better A you know gets our whole

    body the nutrients it needs from a better a better right Ok Next we're gonna look at sustainability I

    mentioned earlier that that's one of the things that we wanna do when we're changing

    our our lifestyle changing how we're doing things We want to make sure the changes we're making

    are sustainable and healthy living is really focused on sustainability It's about integrating those healthy habits into your daily life

    rather than relying on short term diets or extreme exercise routines because those are not sustainable And we

    wanna make we want you making choices that you can realistically maintain over time and even over time

    and that you can build on that We are creating lasting and positive impact on

    your health It's a more balanced approach Um a balanced approach to your nutrition your fitness but

    bring all those pieces together right Um We don't wanna do the extremes because the extremes are not sustainable

    and they lead to burn out So then it's like an all or nothing thing and when you're

    all in it's it's hard and you're going and you're motivated But the thing is is you lose

    steam and you're exhausted and you didn't get the results that you were looking for So we wanna make it

    sure that it's sustainable and balanced for you and we want you to enjoy it because it's not about

    having extreme restrictions and feeling like you're missing out all the time because now you're you're eating healthy Um So

    we wanna make sure that we're prioritizing more nutritious foods and regular activity But understanding

    that you can have the occasional treats go with the 8020 rule right But during this

    holiday season I really want you to to make an effort to focus on the nutritious foods and

    the regular exercise and that rest and sleep Last aspect of sustainability is how we live our lives our

    lifestyle the healthy lifestyle needs to be beyond just our personal well being but also

    how it affects our homes and our planet Um because we do live on this planet as well

    as in our homes So you if you have loved ones that live with you you

    want them to be part of your healthy lifestyle you don't want them to be resentful of you

    living healthier and they're missing out You want to incorporate them You also want to be aware

    of your surroundings in your home and the things that you're adding to it So

    we you know the cleaners that we use the um you know like if you're burning you know smoke you

    know like I have a wood burning stove the smoke in your home These are

    all things that are going to add to your health burden your toxin burden That basically is going

    to slow down your your healing capacity How well you detox how well you eliminate things um where

    you're sourcing your foods and things like from you know whether it's organic versus non organic those are

    all things you have to take in consideration but also how you you utilize them

    So if we're getting organic foods from South America they have to travel to get

    to us here in New England we're quite far away from South America So it is better to buy seasonally

    and local when we can That's why we're minimizing our carbon footprint by not having to import all

    these other things and um and actually supporting our local uh businesses and and farms and

    things like that is also helpful and eco friendly Um also reducing your carbon footprint with

    your car So rather than driving you walk or bike to where you want to get to right

    And that saves on the pocketbook too because you're spending less money on gas All right So those are some

    sustainability recommendations for your environment your home and for living a healthier lifestyle So overall in conclusion today

    I want to pull this all together that healthy living is not a destination but a continuous journey

    Your health is a continuous journey and we need to keep working on it even through the holidays

    so that you are getting to where you wanna be sooner investors So you're up leveling every you know quarter

    if you will so that you're getting to where you want to live and living your

    best life Right Because um making those and so with the healthy practices that we just talked about today these

    are daily practices daily things that you can do they're prioritizing your well being and you can do them

    every day And that is going to add to improving your physical and mental health

    over time And I just want you know keeping in mind that yeah you're gonna have setbacks life

    happens but it's really I want you to focus on getting back up right So that's why I

    say these these everyday habits So even if one day you're off the next day you're

    right back on again that's what we're focusing on So these are not like major

    falloffs these are just little ones that you're gonna get back on and tweak tomorrow right So keep

    at it and keep with it because these small changes do add up And by in adopting these

    healthy habits you are empowering yourself to take control of your life and improve your all overall quality of

    life And it's not just about living longer it's about living better right We know that in this day and

    age we are living longer we have modern medicine that is helping us We have so many things that

    you know prevent acute illnesses and even when we do have chronic illnesses how to

    manage those different conditions But we wanna get away from only relying on that for us to live

    longer but also that we get away from just living or being fine and not

    really having the best quality of life doing it right So we wanna live our best lives our best and

    healthiest lives and living better with resilience is one of our main focuses here We want you to

    have that grit and gumption to get back up again and keep going and and

    and actually enjoying life to its fullest capacity and it is living doing a healthy living living a healthy

    life is a precious gift you can give to yourself and your loved ones It's

    an investment in your future and it is going to um enable you or allow you

    to enjoy a vibrant life a fulfilling life that has a lot of vitality which is what

    we want for you All right So if you need support either now or in

    the future or you're just not sure where to go to next you can reach

    out to us and schedule a free 15 minute discovery call it will be with

    me And that's why I'm gonna just a you know ask you where you're currently at what you've tried

    what you're looking for and what our next steps would be So if we're a good fit to work together

    then we'll talk about scheduling an initial concept where I can really dive in to your health history

    The things that you've tried um that consult is about an hour of time where I

    really go into deep with you on your health goals and the things that you want to achieve

    And if I can accept your case and whether um what that would look like for you to reach

    your health and wellness goals But before we do the initial consult we do this 15 minute discovery

    call to see if we would be a good fit to work together And of course

    to answer your questions about how we do things And if the initial consult is the right next step for

    you for your health and wellness goals OK So if you're ready to do that

    or you need support or you you you wanna just learn more about us you

    can definitely um reach out to us here at the office But if you're ready to have a conversation

    and move forward with some help and support let's schedule that 15 minute discovery call So

    I can really get to know you a bit better and see if the complete wellness evaluation

    is good for you So this is the link down here at the bottom here You can go ahead

    and write that down screenshot it or you can take a picture of this QR code and go ahead and

    schedule your free 15 minute discovery call now as a thank you for joining or watching this video Joining

    us here watching this video Um You can download our free healthy holidays recipe ebook and this recipe

    book has a lot of your classics from the holidays but the healthier spin of them So you can

    go ahead and grab it by go ahead and scanning the QR code with your phone Um I know

    the link is there but it's really small on my screen It's probably really small on your

    screen so you can screenshot it and blow it up there Um But the QR code

    is gonna be the best way for you to get that that link to go ahead and

    grab your healthy holidays recipe ebook and that is all I had to share with you today Thank

    you for watching this video I hope it's giving you some helpful tips and guidance on how

    you can be healthy through the holidays and we are here to support you at East West in degree of

    health clinic and I look forward to talking to you in the future Thank you

    for joining us and have a healthy and happy holiday season Bye for now