Class I think it's OK It's interesting you being up we've been here six months today TheLord showed me something interesting and it was we should roughly all be as a particularplace where um where where we are discovering more what we are called to do SoGod will be troubling you about you and what he's calling you to do atthis point in time So it's about being aware of that and there are things thereis a particular mind I sense again that God is um foreman inside us And I think I'd have togo back to David in a second Um because he's he's a good example IfI was to say to you we've heard this in church about a million times when the preacher standsup and says who is the Goliath in your life Yeah some one of thosekind of illustrations and for me they usually they're nice illustrations and nice stories and blah blah But umand you kind of take it personally but I didn't take it as it's onlyrecently this really hit me how significant that battle is and was and what itmeans for us today So in for example there's a scripture that says about we come against every knowledgethat exalts itself against the knowledge of God or everything that exalts itself against the knowledgeof God Do you remember that scripture Um A second Corinthians 10 5 And what's interesting is that's a classicpicture of Goliath There he is standing before the armies of Israel saying bring it on bring outyour best Yeah And here's us Ben No So what was interesting was they were theIsraelites the Children of God were more conscious of the presence of the enemy than they were of GodOnly David spoke about God the whole breed The whole thing you've realized only David spoke about God only Davidwas conscious of God and that is huge Only David was conscious of God So herewe are in the world and the Lord revealed to me yesterday his presence is the dominantpresence but we are not conscious of it So I'll give you an example So I'm gonna breakthis down It's all about um being a people who are tuned to his presence So when Jesus saysI only do what the father does He was tuned to the presence he was acting on the presenceThis is where we are being called to act on the presence This is not anevent Here is somebody who said the Father's present Everything I do is based on thatwhatever the Father does this is what I did So the question is are we moreconscious of the world's presence or God's presence So there is this again a detox thereis this again an acknowledgement a knowledge Lord in all your ways and you be successful There is thisthing of well Lord do you mean your presence is the dominant presence over everything he said YesAnd when you see it you see it you stayed everywhere not just slightly seeit when you're calling down my presence That doesn't that doesn't mean anything to him Yeah ifthe word is present he is present Yeah Jesus says I am a father one The father is here withme The word is present He is present There's no separation If the word is presenthe is present Yeah So right now here's here's an issue that we've been going through in church Cheers aroundthe world And it's this the scripture says in one John 12 to as many who's received himthey hear this from this translation and this is Lady Epic Listen to the scripture to as manyas received him to them He gave power to become sons of God Now before you just ah justChildren just brush over it But you know the Bible says the whole world iswaiting for who Yeah And we're excited about the sons when they come But here's a scripture What does thescripture say to as many as received him to them He gave power to becomethem This I didn't see and that's what was disturbing He just revealed that scripture tome making me go wow you gave us power to become them Yes Right there Johnby God as it says in second Timothy all scripture is God breathed Yeah I'm sureyou know the rest of it Now here's a question We just read one scripture Itsays to as many as received him to them gave he power to become sons ofGod Now here's where I'm gonna sound a little bit critical and it's not being critical It's just an observationBut what we have is a world especially a Christian world that's telling you how toget this power I'm telling you you don't have it What you have is not thepower You need to get that power you got power to become this but youhave to get that power Now here the question is scripture says take care before captive Mythinking was actually who are the people who propagate you have power But the power isjust scripture It's just words that you know there is there's a difference it's not scripture it's not God becausehe says you have power Someone's telling you you need to get more power ButGod is saying I've given you power when he said to you go heal thesecret casa demons Did he send you on an errand to find more or less Didn't sendyou anyway He says this is what I've given to you It's a grace thing It's a gift thing Igave you this But there's more behind it when you think about the communion orthere's more behind it when you think about to be born again in the household of God you become ason of God So it's not something that is an add on It's a full packageThis is why the scripture says and you are complete and him So somebody's saying to usyou're not complete for you to pray Lord give me more What are you saying They don't believe you ExactlySo here's the whole Israelite standing before Goliath Why are they standing before Goliath Because they didn't believewhen David slew Goliath then they started to believe that's the only time when theysaw the champion was dead the the Judah and Israel chased the Philistines and then David ran after them tooI mean I do You know what I mean So it's like is this mind ofit's a single mind again the scripture talks about a double minded man is unstable So we don't havetwo powers We just have one power Anything else has to be questioned Now I'mthrowing it out there You can weigh it for yourself Yeah So I'll just I'll just throw it outthere Um You know but there are people who teach who do not walk into powerbut they talk about the power of God You know like the some you've gotBaptist people there talk about Yeah And but I don't walk in it They have a form of Godlinessbut deny the power they're in And here's a scripture telling us to walk in both In fact we've madean event out of it I was having a conversation with the Lord and he says and we wastalking about miracles He goes yeah that's what you call it Yeah you call it miracles That'show you see it He says I'm a good shepherd I don't see me givingyou food as a miracle Have a good shepherd I love you If my if my kid says lookdaddy thank you for feeding us That's a miracle I'd slap them Do you knowwhat I mean We got the wrong end of the stick some teaching as nonsense about uh family Yeah Makecut it up into events and making it things That's Ashley undermines his love undermines his work undermines hispresence undermines his care undermines what he has done for us and why he's doing why he'sdone it for us He's a good daddy apparently Is that true You know So if God's given me amiracle that's a bit faceted you know now don't get me wrong I believe in all the miracles Butthere's a perspective here that Lord's getting me to go Don't see it like that This isit's kind of rude Yeah weird to walk in miracles and signs and wonders But Isuppose that's mainly for the benefit of other people You know you have the old Testament stuff and you gotthe New Testament stuff and we need to make sure we get this this picture right This imageright And the reason for that is because we're struggling because people are teaching us you haveto do And God is saying when you need to scratch yourself do you thinkabout the mechanics of it or do you just scratch yourself Yes there's no thinkingIt's just so why is everything else so complicated Why are we thinking everything through who told us tothink everything through You know and then come into this this strange guessing world and working it out like Sherlockcomes and God just wants us to be understand what he has done to us and how this is justnatural And when you think about the communion the bible says very clearly that we died to the worldAnd when we rose again we rose to another Dominion another law that this thing thatwe died to has no power over has no say concerning and God's focus Godwants our focus to be on this new resurrected life There is not two powers there is onethere is not two resurrects in lies There is just one we just have one life to live There's nottwo you know you know how I've got my work life and then I've got my spirituallife now There's just one life God wants to be God in that Yeah this partof the thing of this was um in the last week I suppose there wason Sunday I was coming to church and I met this lady at the busstop and she saw me with this hat and she said I hope you don't mindBut he is risen His little old lady The bus though so sweet What did the h it cos itwas just so sweet and I had to laugh And I said I said welldone I said gone are the days where we are afraid to speak out andspeak the truth And this is what the Lord was showing me He was showing me for the last weekabout uh about this confidence about being bold again about speaking things as they are about not hiding andre and recognizing where we're hiding and what the purpose of us hiding and being restrained and withdrawnis now think about it If you are withdrawn something's wrong with you as an individual If a saintall the saints are withdrawn don't tell me that's right There is the reason why we are withdrawn or somebodywants us to be withdrawn is so that we can't let our light shine Howcan you let your light shine if you are withdrawn And if God is telling you I'm going to changeyour life overnight your mind has to go into a different mode because now you you're here to doyou're here to act publicly Yeah When I was meditating and praying about this this wholeaspect of nobody can tell me anymore I don't have power just because I haven't seen it myself or Ihaven't experienced it myself Yeah nobody can tell me out there there is no power you know especiallyin the last couple of days because I felt it you know and I didn't andI and I was saying to Lord I can't believe that I in a funnyway I exchanged that crappy power for your power that's present And you know the wonderful thing about God'spresence He doesn't care about anybody else or anything else God will be good regardless of how muchwe pray or how much we do He will be good He just wants us to realize hey I'mdoing my thing join the party Yeah And this is his power is present all the time You knowsometimes when you read in the scriptures how his power is present to heal and people havepreached it almost like oh it's a moment that's taking place But if God is good then he's Godall the time any small amounts of power that we supposedly get That is omnipotent allknowing all powerful all everything just that little bit it's explosive it's just that's how it is That's thelife So I will carry them You can pick you can pick it up Um So we're just talkingabout having power This is nothing to do with how we feel This is the thisis this is the terrible thing about the power issue for us as saints that people are telling uswe don't have it and not just that but because of what they have said we demean it Youknow I really want to get God's power but he said as many as received him tothem and gave He power So you have that power But now someone's trying to get you to seeit through the flesh Mhm Not the spirit and to act in the flesh to getwhat is spirit you know and this is and this is the whole thing ofif we don't get that right then no wonder I've been struggling for years Somebody'sput in our head We don't have his power and we need to get it and we need to prayfor it You know that's borderline blasphemy God said I gave you power Do you know who gave usthe power The alpha and the Amiga this guy gave us power What more can you ask forHe gave it to you Yeah There there isn't there isn't a part two to it Itisn't just oh it was just that you become a Christian What are you talking aboutYou are part of the household of God You are son of God You now have the power asa family member You have the same life And we see that in the resurrection we died to the worldSo whatever power we had before or what we call power we now saw asgarbage So we died to that crucified dead buried Then we rose with him into anew Dominion into a new life governed by new laws We have new ways We havea singular mind We're not double minded We have born into purpose We are clothed differently and we can seethose who are not like us and see those who are and this is the thing we need to noticethat there is a difference We are not the same and never will be the same Ithappened You can't change it But to sense that for years we have made the world'sgarbage like in our minds a power when there is another one present that made that one look like andand it's and it's it is the dominant power In fact the world doesn't really havepower It just has this focus It's and it's on yourself and on how you feel andit's strong because you're just feeling this But once you sense it's almost like um thenthe only way I can put it is like this For me it's like I sense and feel the breathof God across the globe fill in the whole planet He is The Lord covers everything everywhereand there is nothing else So sometimes you know for example when you say here's here'sa thing that we need to focus on If you say therefore I have the power ofGod you must have a vision too of this power You can't just say oh I have the power ofGod This is what we've been doing And oh we're just quite in scripture Butlet a revelation of when I say I have the power of God what that means Yeah because when Godsays I'm God and my power is everywhere We know we have this picture And when we say we havethe power of God we should have exactly the same picture because it's only one power So we see theworld where we are not just where we are just filled with the power of God That'show we see the power of God If we say we have it that's how we seethe world change because we have the power of God and it's a very generous or encompassing affecting everythingeverywhere Now people will turn and say oh the power of God isn't XY andZ because of flesh not because of spirit because of what they see of the flesh That's nothow you judge the power of God that doesn't change the power of God All it does isseparate you to act in the flesh concerning things So you've got off in your own little planet Meanwhilethe power of God is doing what the power of God does regardless of where you wantto focus on He's not waiting He's going to be good So what he wantsus to do is recognize his power like Jesus did and act on the power So in it Soyou have we had a situation where Jesus was in agreement with the father the father wasn't inagreement with Jesus Jesus and whatever the father does I do now it's kind of changed And we needto look at these little changes and we need to recognize that hang on a second somebody's putting ourheads that we need more Therefore that what we have is not good enough Youyou can't escape it If you say to yourself I have the scripture says I have powerand that some minister stands up and he says look what I just did I did these miracles on overthese people Then you're thinking to and he says and this is the power and in yourhead you're thinking well he's got the power and I I what do I have I have smartiesYeah scripture doesn't say it says the power of God you have the power of God So hereagain is our focuses on les yeah our focus was on And the reason why wehad that focus is because we didn't believe in what we had You know if you believeyou have the power you don't look at anybody else They don't mean anything to you Ifyou know it's like if you have a particular skill and another friend has a particular skillyou're not worried about them All you're thinking about is you can do this too Do youknow what I mean You just what about them And this is the thing looking at what he hasdone for you and and we see this again in the communion and we're taken upon his lifeand there is just one life that we're taking on Yeah and we get this blood and thisblood is his grace for us enabling us to walk as the sons think aboutit if you know it can give you power But if there is no grace if thereis if that blood is not there then we will fail and we will beand the sin will be working against us So the fact that he's dealt withthe sin means we can be successful in what we're doing by the grace of GodCan I show you a really horrible scripture just to rub it in Second Corinthians 10 5 You gottasee this ah wait we gotta read it again because this is just and goto this It's it's really quite wild really really really just yeah OK So let me read read itfrom this translation for although we live in a natural realm we do not wage a military campaign inemploying human weapons using manipulation to achieve our aims Did you just imply that we use a man toachieve our aims and alternative or kind of you know anyway instead our spiritual weaponsare energized with divine power to effectively dismantle the defenses behind which people hide Solet me just go further on It says we can demolish every deceptive fantasy thatopposes God and break through every arrogant attitude that is raised up in the defiance of the true knowledgeof God Just a note here this is defiance against the knowledge of God not yourknowledge but against the knowledge of God We capture that prisoners of war every thought and insistthat a bow in obedience to the anointed one So on this another translation it says for the weapons ofwarfare are not of the flesh that have divine power to destroy strongholds We destroyarguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God and take every foot captive to obey ChristAnother translation says and having in readiness verse six to revenge all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled So imaginein the scripture these verses you look at it for yourself When you spend time you realizethere is a mentality here of um utter destruction and anything that doesn't line upwith what God has said you take a hold of it until it's in agreement Yeah Is being readyto punish every disobedience when your obedience is complete This is a whole mind herewhich is so like it's not the world's wars where there is no solutions This is complete demolish Yeahthere was a there was a joke It's not really a joke but there's a therewas a situation in America where the Americans were somewhere and the Russians were somewhereand the Russians were attacking they attacked some American base and Americans called them up andsaid to them um you got guys messing with our guys and they said there's noRussians in this in the area So they were like they were being correcting what they were saying but therewere soldiers Russian soldiers and there was Hamas and all these people there So the Americans went ok putthe phone down and they said therefore this completely demolished The whole region ran back tothe Russians said you are right there is nobody there in that region completely just and Ilaugh for days with that because it's just like this is in a funny wayThis scripture talks about demolishing when they talk about demolishing I mean you're not talkingabout tit for tat I think demolishing Now this is a mind I don't thinkit is pushed for us as saints but this speaks of God's power It doesn't it it doesn't argueHe just goes bing And right now the work of God is to remove wickedness from this planet because duringthe New Jerusalem is coming the saints are here to do a job So all wickednessis on the run because God is coming to wipe out everything and he's not playing games He's not emotionalIt's just like this is wickedness and we he wants us to have the same mind as see this youknow I don't know if I said it to you last week I had this vision Iwas sharing it with um and it was these we got these people they had been theywere wicked people there like I don't know if they were terrorists or whatever elsebrought them back to the town and there was and we brought them to aplace of judgment in front of all the peoples And we said to the peopleshould these people live and carry on in their wickedness The choice is up to you And they said yeslet them live let them live and fire came from heaven and burn up Everybody destroyed everybody not justthe wicked people everybody who said let them live let them live And I'm sitting againuh huh What was that justified is the question Yeah So here's the answer If you accept thewicked then you're wicked Mm Yeah If you accept I'll let them get away with it You arewicked bum And that's when I realized don't accept the wicked don't accept wickedness God isnot playing here you know and but it was the it was a hard filmthat they would accept wickedness Mm It's not emotional It's just black and white truth HereThe truth is black and white Yeah And here is God saying I want you to take captive thewicked You know how many you know how long we've been saints and there's been a fear againststuff And God's saying so many times and we've got books written 365 days God says do not fear andall this stuff and I'm still freaking out you know so we need more books but now we're doneYeah But the mind is you are light this is darkness you are righteous this is wicked Your jobis to as his his job is to end all wickedness That's your job So when yousee people suffering and all the rest they understand God does not accept that Yeah And it's don't getme wrong It's just not a kind of there's not a condemnation of what I'm sayingIt's it's set in our minds as to let's think how God thinks because it then we begin to realizehow we can help these people because they're realizing He is the only way we can dothis is if we have the power to do it But there's a scripture it says you have the powerto do it You don't need more you don't need all this new sprang of faithor some growth and you have to have more wisdom and no he gave it toyou before you could click in how much wisdom you needed before any leadership could tellyou or anybody could tell you Well you're not really there yet and blah blah blah and giveyou a whole list of things to do or not do or all the rest of it God gaveyou power believes in you And he says heal the sick raise the dead cast out things tellit to your Children make disciples So they said and we've turned it into a circus We've turned itinto a complicated theological discussion and and while we're doing that nothing's getting done kids are dying in trafficand this and this and this and this and the people who have the power a come theological imagine ifwe all realize we have the power we just all we should just turn nuts and just changed the wholeplanet But it's getting into that zone First of realizing hang on a second This is something we needto surrender to Yeah Think about it When you take the communion When you take the bread and winethere is an element there of surrendering to a new life You're talking about anew life that you've received and it's surrendering to that life This life does not surrenderto wickedness doesn't surrender to darkness it doesn't surrender to yourself it doesn't surrender toanything that goes against God Mhm mhm No So initially I said what was yoga lifeand your life can be like in this case of Israel when they so alive they froze Theydidn't move forward As I said with David David wasn't like that because David did not see Goliathas Goliath wanted him to be you know as Goliath was pres presenting himself David only sensed God onlysaw God rest of Israel never mentioned God one time Yeah only David mentioned God only David talked about GodGod was with me with this Uh Nobody else said that Saul couldn't say that Yeah So here wehave there's a there's an expression the character of the kingdom eliminates from the character of the king Soall the people that was under Saul were like Saul he could not say how God waswith me because he knew God wasn't David was separate from that We are separate from thatespecially when we hear God say to us come and do XY and Z anythingcan I really do all this Don't think about that Understand the fundamentals first You're a sonyou have power He's commanded you to do this that and the other And so it'slike you said OK and you just don't work it out in your head just spend the time andlet it sink in you dwell in you richly And then the spirit of God is gonna beginto lead you And the reason why I say is because I really sense that things aregoing to kick off And if we're thinking oh I don't really need to do anything at all Isay something then we might be shocked into getting ready and God doesn't want us to be shocked Hewants us to have a full understanding of how to do what we need to do and the waywe need to do it he's going to show us as we spend the time He will show ushow to do those things There was something I saw just uh just on my per peripheral as itwere You remember you know the Americans have defcon one Defcon two actually starts from defcon five andgoes all the way down to Defcon one And when it gets defcon one we'retalking nuclear war and all the rest of it Yeah But I saw a Defconand we was round about in the school It was almost like we were justfree bars down So it was like at one point the Defcon was we were training andthe second was we were ready for deployment And this is where I think God is leading us into asecond stage of recognizing what our deployment is about before he sends us out So insome cases it seems like oh you have so much to learn first before you go outAnd I realize he's not saying that he said I've given you stuff already NowI'm gonna show you where I'm sending you your targets and what you need todress out and think blah blah Then you're gonna go boom And I was likewow And it was kind of you don't need to see something to trigger you to do it Justunderstand where have you set yourself to hear what God wants you to do period It'slike when I shared once before about the churches when I stood outside the church and when thepeople came into the church I asked them what they were going to do after theservice and everybody had said well I'm gonna go to mcdonald's I'm gonna go do the cooking I'm gonnado this this this this and when I was in the service and I saidto them all this list just shows me that whatever God's going to say to you in theservice is completely irrelevant because of what you have to do after or completely irrelevant So you're not reallylistening to God You just come in here to go to church and then afterwardsdo your thing Yeah you can say yeah I was at church Yeah Um Soit's again we're in a situation where guys is you know battle class is aresource for you to kind of like say hang on a second Lord what areyou saying to me right now and push it push it because you know when I said toyou I sense the power outside It wasn't just local I just I can feel his poweracross the planet and he gave me visions of it before But suddenly now Ibegan to realize when you look at the scripture you understand Anglo second there is only one power you knowand the demonic cringes and fears it and it fears us who have the nameand who are sons you know and it's realizing hang on a second I'm ason of God according to you know the ones that the whole world is drowning in eager expectationswaiting on Yes you're one of them You're like well and then you begin to see thepicture of how to see the world through the eyes of the sun You're tuned to the father and you'reseeing you know seeing the world through the eyes of a son of God And that'swhat you're committing to act on to surrender to everything cares Let the Lord deal with that All thoseother little things focus on the fundamentals which is you are freaking awesome and thedevil is in trouble because you are awake Yeah Yeah And all those things thatwe thought were like problems we realized for the resurrected That's not a problem not for the resurrectedbecause we think differently now we're not gonna copy anybody else we're gonna hear forourselves And once we hear and realize hang on a second we're doing what the father's doingWe're acting with him where then you'll see what was to be used to bea problem was it's not even a question because you're at peace And you realize now these are things thatare to be moved Amen Amen So check out who your Goliath is and dowhat Dave David is Epic David's story is in two bits He says he says toDave he says to Goliath you come against me with sword spear and shield but I come againstyou in the name of the Lord of hosts doesn't end there This is this isthe amazing part directional power He then tells him now without this bit it wouldn't work Soyou have to understand this bit He then tells him what he's going to do So he's acknowledged thepower He's acknowledged God He's acknowledged what God wants to do and he's spoken it out I'm gonna killyou and cut off your head When you switch on the light you have in your mindI will see there directional power You understand this is this is the whole A to B Ais I need to switch it on so that I can cab you come againstme your sword and a spear I'm gonna cut off your head A B notice it when God starts tospeak to you about power and how to do things You'll see this A B thing going thisA this this 12 thing going and David is there and he's got this you come against me likethis but I come against you like this And this is what I'm going to doYou and you see the bee and the bee was I'm gonna cut off you I'm gonna kill youcut off your head I'll feed you to this and that David was amazing becauseeven Tarana says and I will feed the Philistines to the birds of the air So he wasjust like I'm already done with Dave I'm already done with Goliath I'm gonna kill all yourfriends too I'm like what And then he starts to running towards the dude the dustI was like oh this guy is dead So when you read it for yourselves just seewhat the Lord reveals to you in it because this is wild and whatever it is asyou see yoga life your giant um and you hear his boss and you and you recognize it's sayingall this stuff to me and then you then you'll realize just tell this thing to shut its mouth Doyou know what I mean And let the Lord lead you into this completely demolishing this thing Hm YeahI just end this with this Uh this is just you know you just give a side thing I'lljust give you this side thing because I just find it epic When I heard it I nearly I wascringing because it was just like really I didn't notice it before and he was talking from theperspective of going going out into battle as it were And he says every fear will now fearsomething greater Isn't that not epic Every word will now face a greater word Nothingshall exalt itself anymore because of the sons of God So we are coming to teardown We're not coming to reason We were coming to put it all down YeahI thought you got that good good good Yeah I need that sinking Hallelujah have power andyou know the way and when you say Lord but I can't see the way It's only because you'relooking at the wrong thing God has made the way Take your eyes off what you're looking atto what He is made visible for you That means you may have to turnchange direction to see what he has made for you Mm And if something says this is hardand this is difficult then you're not saying what you should be saying Turn from that yes Turnfrom what is seemingly difficult God is giving you peace is giving you the victory So it's not abattle for her son and Yes Yeah Yes yes Second So thank you father for helping us tosee right now through the eyes of the sun And so all our fears will just go away forever andthat we will see things rightly We would judge things rightly I know things are youknow and so that we can walk and do the exploits the amazing things that you want usto do as ones who are free in spirit and tune to you Father God Turnto the purposes that's left to us by Jesus Yes And we will listen to all thehelp you've given us and walk in not confidence but that supernatural boldness Lord did Yes sir Andin a sense we set ourselves free from our own restraints in Jesus name oneI sent a law suit I sit down I must sit down Yes and we forgive ourselves too Um Ilove daughter Thank you Lord That because you have forgiven us we cannot um be unforgiving to ourselvesLook down on ourselves We're not justified We choose to walk in the peace that you've given usThe life that you've given us That A I must I must Yeah Hallelujah Father scripture makesit so clear flesh cannot overcome You cannot resist your will So shall your word be andany fear that we have that we may lapse or this and that we thank you that your presence whichis present right now has already changed our life changed our future and help us to see these changes andsee the power that works and the awesomeness of this power and how you're bringing usinto the place As Psalms 23 says into the into the green pastures into a placeof rest You are bringing us into those places because you have dealt with theflesh you have dealt with the old and just and you're bringing us into the fullness of all the newand we pray this for ourselves not just for ourselves but for the whole body Yeah thewhole body will begin to see you father see your power universal see your power present and that theywill see their sonship they will see their relationship They will see that miracles is different inyour eyes than it is to us They will see how much you love us in that youknow and they will not insult you anymore by using terminologies that make you look like a a badfather just giving us a miracle But I will see you as a good father You acceptthe son then we are your sons as you accepted Jesus You accept us the same Thank you Lord HallelujahHallelujah holiday And I thank you father that as we um spend time and take the spreadon the wine that we will remember the new life that you have given to us thegrace that you have given to us that we have and that we will surrenderit is life and disgrace and live an exciting life and live a life that will glorify youin the name of Jesus a man