You can open up and pray for us actually OK Oh God we thank you that we can come intoyour presence because of your son We thank you that you have uh through Him madeus sons of God And we come into your presence to hear your word Holy Spirit all over tonightGuide us teach us show us and give us the application that we need to know in Jesus mightyname Amen OK Welcome to this battle class Tuesday the 27th of February Um Thisis not straight teaching this is kind of be a bit more personally Ish It'ssomething for us all to really was something that he he pointed out to me which I really needto kind of like to share with you guys So for example we've been together for I havea period of time and you can take this principle for um for anything So for example inmy in the back of my head I'm thinking to stop the battle class as you see itformat for a while while we why you digest what you already have It's a bitlike when Hugh was saying ah I've got a month I can look over thethings that I've been learning and and just to digest those things I had this this quote thatI have and it's every path has a place and every place has a path and on what it'sabout is when people speak the words lead you somewhere and it's your job to actually think actually where isthis leading So we've been I've been teaching for I don't know how long we've beendoing the teaching for but it's at the end of the day God wants us to look at I'mactually taking you somewhere And the scripture that I have is in Luke 14 andit's talking about considering um this you need to consider where is God taking meLuke 14 Luke 1428 to 29 And it's it's not just here in battle class Thisis a principle for even in church wherever you are and whatever you're doing It's actually sitting down andsaying actually go where are you taking me Because you're taking me somewhere at some particular point I need tomake a decisions Yeah So I've asked Liam to read the scripture which is uh lookit it doesn't matter just your your Bible as massive crowds followed Jesus he turned to them and said whenyou follow me as my disciple you must put aside your father your mother your wife your sistersyour brothers It will even seem as though you hate your own life This is the priceyou'll pay to be considered one of my followers Anyone who comes to me must be willing to sharemy cross and experience it as his own or he cannot be considered my disciple Sodon't follow me without considering what it will cost you for who would construct the house before first sittingdown to estimate the cost to complete it Otherwise he may lay the foundation and not be able to finishThe neighbors will ridicule him saying look at him he started to build but couldn't complete itYou have you ever heard of a commander who does who goes out to warwithout first sitting down with strategic planning to determine the strength of his army to win the waragainst a stronger opponent If he knows he doesn't stand a chance of winning the war the wise commander willsend out delegates to ask for the terms of peace Likewise unless you surrender all to me givingup all you possess You cannot be one of my disciples Salt is good for seasoning But if salt wereto lose its flavor how could it ever be restored Thank you Li most epicLuke 14 in the Passion translation which I will send to you So here is the issue What are webuilding And are we considering the cost So this is one of the things Lord spoke tome about last week which is all I want to share with you last week but I'llshare it with you now And it was are we prepared for an outbreak No In church history there hadbeen this thing called revivals and and it's been interesting I'm not really that mindedbecause at the end of the day what God wants to do in you as anindividual is take away the limitations so that between you and Him there are nolimitations in your life So nothing is impossible You can do all things through Christwho strengthens well it's not a church thing This is removing the barriers that's inside your lifeBut he gave me a question and he says are you prepared for an overflow Are you prepared forthe banks to break Are you prepared for You know I had to and Ihad to sit down and I had to think do I really want that You know I had tothink things like um because think of this Moses was in the wilderness tend in shape Godsaid to him I want you to go back to Egypt And he knew he had to think in thatmoment if I go back to Egypt I could die or in short my life will change Nowafter he went to Egypt Moses was no longer a small Moses Moses was not Moses forall the things that happened He was not Moses and this is what the Lord is speaking tome about and for us and it's about not stepping into the occasional but we'retalking about stepping into the consistent and the consistent is not the same as the occasional inany by any stretch But it's the scripture says you need to sit down and consider this you know peoplesay yeah yeah yeah But no God says no sit think about it You know it's like if Isay right now I'm going to move right now and that many people will give youand I have to turn and say a religious formula You have to do thisand this and this and this and this and then this will happen if God hasn't said that don'taim for that All right please calm down He knows Michael's coming Yeah sorry for the for theuh sell them two people OK 234 Yeah mama and son Yeah Shut up shut up shut upapologies He said so just a small recap guys What we're looking at is in Luke 1428 And it'sabout considering what God is building and it's it's really about a personal thing So we've been togetherfor X amount of months or weeks and God must be leading you somewhere Every word that you've receivedis creating a vision is creating an image is creating a thought pattern is creating a changefor something And there comes a point like with me last week where God says um do you want abreakout Now I've heard the word breakout before and I don't think he's actually talking to me aboutbreakouts That's been before What he's not referring to that cos I don't really understand that but he's just talkingabout are you prepared to allowed the banks to break and for there to be an overflowThat's just continue Yeah So he gave me he made me see that sometimes churchthe way church is built is it has borders And here the Lord is speaking abouta church without borders So and here he's talking about but more for us not having borders forget churchIt's just about speaking to us and saying I don't want borders because the borders are manmadelimits And when we have the scripture I can do all things required to strengthen me Youcan't have borders So you have to consider do I have borders And am Iwilling to let these borders be dismantled to be destroyed so that God can be God Andinstead of saying oh yeah God says actually sit down and consider this because we're talking about consistency Herewe're talking about a change something you have not experienced I'm not talking about revival stories that'sirrelevant We're talking about something that you haven't experienced for yourself and you haven't seen this before Everythingelse is ill or relevant because we're talking about you and me and he's talkingto you saying are you willing for a change to take place Complete change And I wasgiven an example about how Moses was first in the wilderness tending the sheep with Jethro andall these guys knowing God calling him back to Egypt and he's thinking to himself Icould die He was chatting to the missus Um But what he's saying is it'snot just I could die It's this could change everything if I go back And we aswe know we know the story Moses became Moses and it's the same with usnow And I also was sharing that some people can say there's a particular formulafor a particular revival and break out or whatever they want to And I'm personally saying whateverthat just throw that in the bin right now because it's not what God maybe saying to you A breakout could be I just want he may just be saying Iwant to between me and you decide make a decision that there'd be no barriers between usYeah Anything else is is not relevant We don't want to drag things in It's not relevantjust just wanna hear him and what he's saying now I want to also bringup um things like because your leaders as well It's um there's actually there's a few things whensomebody is speaking you have to say to yourself what are you committing yourself to So I'm I've beenteaching for whatever period of time and you have to come to a place which I've been listeningto people preach for years I've been in these costumes for years and I never did thisbut he brought it up today So I was just sharing it to you as just ajust as a lesson Just something that we can be aware of to recognize Where is this leadingWhere is this guy taking me It may be good information but actually is he leading me somewhereYou know and and and there are moments where you have to sit down and say Lord should Ibe going that way That is great But should I be going that way Yeah andit's something that we need to kind of like be aware of and exercise a lot It doesn'tmatter who's talking it's we need to be sensitive to who every path has a place and every placehas a path And it's like my guy is this is this is that is thisok Maybe good but is this ok for me Right right now And just tobe aware of that because God is saying listen you need to sit down concerned in building a towersit down and count the costs you know not just he's saying if you're gonna be involved in something thenyou have to consider the cost think about this And um and that's just a kindof general revelation in one sense But for us here in the school it's also something that we just wantyou to be aware of no matter what you're doing where you're going if you'reteaching other people as well it's kind of this is these are things you're looking out for thatPeople understand what they're doing and understand what's going on here This is not a we're notdoing a fly by we're not into games anymore Those things are going out thewindow we're into God is building something He has actually sat down and then what is what he's telling usto do right now count the costs He's done there He has done that He's our example counting the costAnd so we need to look at counting the cost and the implications on our on our lifeAnd you know and then you have the h the scriptures who he who doesn't lovehis wife sister mother brother more than me This is counting the cost So he's sayingyeah think about your family and when I say I'm counting the cost we're talking about all that's closer toyou Are you willing to kind of like let that be affected and changed Yeah I can't say how thingsare gonna go from from now But what I'm what I'm seeing is regardless ofthat we need to count the cost Go back to God spend that time and say Lord show mewhere do you want me to put my focus you know show me what you show mewhere are we in this thing What can I can I put a bit here and a bit here justwhatever just hear what he has to say you know and I really sense thatit's really vital that we become sensitive to where we been taken You know it could be wecould have multiple streams in our life and he may just want to get keep getting goodat risk streams until there's only two streams that you're following or do you knowit doesn't matter But he just wants you to be focused because it's your time He's building youhe is building something in you and this is our and whatever he's telling you to do youknow if you be in a position like I was put in a position whereit's like um he said well you know you have to commit to all thethings that you said to the people in your battle class You know you haveto avoid your debt and break Yeah I have to do those things you knowand I was like wow and he showed me something today He said some people will neverget your vision What do you do Um So you share your heart but they still don't getit Yeah What do you do if their covering isn't enough Yeah And there there is anexample David went to Saul and said hey this is my vision this is mylife And so said yeah let me cover you And they said no thank you That don't fitme And when the Lord show me that today I was like oh that was a covering and herejected the covering you know and they weren't like enemies at the time And I was like that'sinteresting And he went out in his testimony of what God had told him Sothere's like making the decision that I'm going to go And we know the story how many people follow Davidon that battlefield None David went to face them Goliath by himself a little thing And this is andthis and this is another issue of counting the cost if God is telling you to go alone YeahBut the issue is you're hearing that David heard them you sat down and you said tothe Lord ok Lord what should I be thinking You spent that time and this is whatwe're talking about spending that time to find out What is he saying to you Yeah I have a wayWhat's he saying to you So that whatever you do you do it with all your heartYeah She says you're not restrained you're not faint you know faint doing it faintly and you're you're committed becauseJesus we see is our example of what commitment looks like And this is yeah this issomething that I think and then the other part is whatever he's saying to youlay these plans before him Yeah because I we're at a stage right now whereI expect a little bit of turbulence and the Lord spoke to me and he showed methat this is just an area of change like with the school right now he's sayingright you've got to a place where I wanted you to get to Now I'm going to increase activity Butin order to do that things have to change you can't be going on the same way you'vebeen going and expect the same thing something has to change Now I'll be honest with youthere is not a thing in my brain right now You know he he gave me so manyrevelations and experiences on the weekend when I was in Brighton But some of that isnot relevant to today to share because I have to I should eat something And because what it's about isrecognizing recognizing when you come to a place of change If he's telling you right now to consider this momentthen you've come to a place of change Is that right If he's saying think about where youare right now then you're saying then you're gonna think you're gonna hear you can you're gonna conclude and you'regoing to act this is a change you know so he's telling you that thisis what I'm building I want to see what I'm building See where I'm takingyou and then act on that Yeah because before I came here you were you he was buildingyou and he's still building you But here we are things have been added to youSo now you wanna take stock using some of the things that's been shared here Some ofthe things that you had before or learning in between all the rest of it and sayOK where is this meeting and go with that Because one thing I've learned that's really changed my life sincethe weekend The probably most profound thing that's ever happened to me is when I realized one of the keysfor uns supernatural living probably the number one for me now is reasoning Oh because you me Iknow I could have turned around and said unbelief But this reasoning how reasoning can bealmost like a platform on which you do everything Yeah And here's good saying Iwant that to go and I want the new king to be your platform And so this reasoning thing couldbe the thing where you go This is your go too And you say that's what stops the supernaturalThink about when somebody has a miracle So for example let's pretend not pretend the lady with the whowas caught in adultery and all of a sudden she's in a situation where noone is ready to stone her but she's thinking in her head they have every right to stone meI'm an Israelite I know the law They're justified to do it I should die Ishould die And he says Jesus standing in front of her and she knows hereis God sane sin no more live And she's thinking yeah but this is unreasonable This is and she'sthere and she's stuck and this is what miracles and signs and wonders This is what thesupernatural brings it It just messes with reason completely Four or 5000 people Jesus breaking loaves and fishesIs that reasonable Mhm Yeah That whole mind is completely un like what this is why they wereamazed because he destroyed reasoning This is like uh it's like OK I turn around and say toyou Jesus loves you and you said to yourself I don't know if you've ever done this Ido all the time Why I don't get it I try hard My brain just cannotgrab a hold of something to make one and one make to it It just can't do it Myreasoning just does not cannot grip that I don't get it And it made me see Reasoning isone of the is that is the thing If you start living outside of reasoningyou start talking different thinking different acting different you know so you spend time withthat That's one of the major ones from Brighton So you got something from Brianthere But it's a major thing because if God is bringing change into our livesthen there's a strong possibility that the things that we have hung on to before he's now saying I'mgetting rid of uh maybe the big thing that's in your life is how youreason And if that's gone then now you're dependent on what the Holy Spirit is saying to you Andwhen even when you read the Bible you just gonna read it and see from a different perspective becausenow here as God is saying you have his mind and you can do all things It's you knowit's very difficult to think I can do all things and reason at the sametime Mhm It just these two are not compatible Now you can reason to get saved between youand Him because he says that it's reason together But when you come into walking intothe acts of God it's just here and do it's here and do There isno reasoning We're working it out which is what we spend most of our time trying to figure outhow we're gonna get this and how we're gonna and we're reasoning this whole thing once the reasoning isdealt with because now you're aware of reasoning is wrong It's in your spirit allof a sudden that area will start to take over So it's not a kind it's not amean that sent all right I've got to get rid of reasoning Now now once you're aware thechange will take place So it's very exciting So we ask God what is Lord what are you building Andlike David we consider this whole situation of I don't care what my brothers think I'm gonna dothis You know there is an enemy in front I need to fight the living God not on mywatch whatever God is telling you to do And it's very clear to David this uncircumcised Philistine wasdead He understood him uncircumcised Philistine He understood No not acceptable Now not before Israel not before me BoomAnd this is this whole thing about hearing how what it's got forming in you andwho you are and what year to be Yeah I was in Brighton sitting on this table It justit was really odd how I got to this place because I was trying to figure outhow to get to to leave daughters cafe and I ended up going to this place andthen I just I just walk in and just and I ended up in this cafe andI thought OK sit here and I sat there and usually I don't talk toanybody when I go to meditate But this time I was open and I was conscious I was open Iwas like that's weird I am conscious that right now either I'm going to minister to somebody orsomething's gonna come Anyway this guy came in and he sat decide and he satthere for about a few minutes and he was drinking his tea and I and I noticed he drankit very quickly Um and I was also like that weird because people just take their time when they drinkteas and coffees But he's I finished in like a minute It was like you does that that'swhat I noticed you know and then he turns around and he says do I know youAnd cos he heard me laugh at the computer I'm looking at the tablet andI'm going oh Lord no And so he turns around and looks at me andthen he's looking at my tablet then then he turns around again and he goes obviouslysomething like that And he goes do I know you And I said maybe Igo and he goes do you go to church And I says I do and he says umis it in Brighton I said no And but I knew something was going on SoI was just keeping it fresh and just keeping it Yeah And I was just like here we go Thisshould be interesting And so he said so what was so funny about that So he looked on my screenand on my screen it's written these are the words written on there Saint Apollo Constantine AndI'm like that is not funny But obviously he thinks it's funny and he goes oh maybe he'sjust trying to humble you you know and you know and or maybe he wants to bring back theold and he's going to use you to bring back the old and he says we're all saints Somaybe it's not funny maybe it's kind of serious like he's sitting in there and pondering this samerevelation I'm just thinking I'm not going around called being saying Apollo constant and that's just too closeto Brixton and I'll just get stoned and killed by everybody else So you know I'm just having this littlethis this little thing with with with him It's only later on I realized it that title isnot actually addressed to anybody This is a this is a spiritual title addressed tosomething So that's to this other room And I was like oh that's deep Butanyway so I'm talking to this guy and sometimes you know it's just a bad habitbut sometimes when people are talking and and they're new to me I'm thinking ok at some point intime they're going I'm going to go they're one of them at some point I'll give it oh they areone of them but not with this guy And I was like oh this guy isdeep I like this guy He's listening as well and we're both having a good talking about youknow he's talking about some of his experiences how he came into the prophetic and and blahblah And he and he was he was on fire He was excited He wasnearly screaming in the building van He was he was and he turned and says do you thinkthis is a coincidence And I was just like didn't say it's not is itAnd I was like not gonna ask this So so we're laughing we're having an amazingtime And I thought back to when I once said let's all go to Brighton and maybe we caninvite other brethren in Brighton But we don't know any brethren in Brighton especially brethrenthat may sink with us that we can actually gel with So it was just interestingThere was this guy who was just totally like I wanna see your people Do you knowwhat I mean I'm connected with all these other prophetic ministries as well And I can't wait totell them the things that you showed me today and and we and we're just having this this this thisamazing thing And I was thinking oh I change you know and I was thinking this is interesting He allspoke to me about this and I stood there thinking look what are you building Becausethis is what he's putting in my heart You've come to a place of change itlooked like conflict but actually it was just a place of change a different way of thinkingAnd he's saying and I can see very clearly he was building his thing wherever this thing ishe's building it and that's what I want to share with you Wherever God is building he will add toit Mhm Yeah He will add to it because he's building it and the fear ofwill I mess this up Which is what I had you can throw in a bin because when he saidto me he said one of the things he showed me was what is thereis there You can't mess it up if it's there I was like oh cos it's there it'sthere He said yeah I made it there You didn't make it there I put itthere You can't mess it up So you know how we have these thoughts aboutourselves and thinking this that um all the rest of it And again it was almost like reasoningout the window And it's and after you spent that time of recognizing reasoning is a bad guyin that context And you've considered Right Lord I want to go all out with you Then you'reon this little journey of seeing things hearing things doing things differently and it's not the samethings not the same things Yeah So this is what I'm saying today cos you know like Isaid part of my heart is at the moment is stop battle class for now and we just go overthe things you go over the things that you have learned or been learning you knowtake a period of time just to go back over those things What you've been learning and seeing whatGod wants to do cos um when he said to me one of the reasons thatyou're not seeing the supernatural unhinged is because you are not prepared for the impact onyour life Oh and he will not give you more than you can handle Yeah So it's notbecause I this guy didn't lay hands on you and it has nothing to do with that Thisis just you and him this is about him removing boundaries inside you But here is n explainingthe phone is comes when you say yes you sat down and considered and you sayyes OK And let him lead you in the process of of this change of mindYou know it's not here in the meeting Just cos you're here just let him lead you inthis process You commit yourself to hear you know to hearing what he has tosay to you how to see things and let that and let that um circulate in you andjust and just take it from there Everything else is actually not important you know it's just you're just goingback to the Lord and going wow you said Xy and Z to me before actually where am I goingWhat's I mean how do you want me to go for me He gave me this hecos he's been speaking to me in the last few weeks about evangelism He showed me a way ofdoing evangelism I was like oh this is exciting I'm not gonna share that yet because itmay be different from how he shares it with you I don't want I don'twant us to get this confused I want to give you some formula formula And do you think ah letme go and try this whereas because you're different So it's you hearing Lord um Right I'm consideringthis could impact my life You've given me all these things So you start tobelieve all these things that he has given you and the impact it will have onyour life and the consistency of it You've heard of ministries and you don't hear the consistency and youthink oh this is what ministry is like No this is what their ministry is like This isnot what God is saying to you You know if God can prove to you yes your ministry will belike that then that's different But if you're just picking up things and just guessing and just assuming andthat's a dangerous place to be Yeah God is your provider What does that mean Yeah Soit's things like this Let the Holy Spirit show you how to think at this point in time Youjust saying I want you to consider this was gonna have an impact on your life is that are youok with that Yeah So we'll stop right here because it's because it is it's not a game whenI was one of the things I really thought is you know if we'd hadthis time where we were just spending time it's not me speaking it's just we come together and we justlook over our notes and and we just spend that time We're just here together looking overwhat has he been saying And and seeing how he's picturing it and placing it andthen at some particular point in time um I don't know how he's going to change it butI know he will change it but that has to be done We can't go past thisconsideration this considering thing It's not enough to say yeah look I'll follow you wherever yougo you consider how you build consider the costs consider this and then he will tell you you've considered hewill add to that and he'll say you've considered and it'll add something to thatNobody else can tell you no book no preacher nobody they can confirm it But hewill say to you you have considered So let's go Amen Amen Ok let me stop there