In the corner of the internet you make yours It's very important to get goodat thinking like a maker like the stuff that you're creating Where is that going Meaning isgoing behind that This thinking is more than just being positive It's a plan for makingstuff your own brand talking with people who watch what you're putting out there by getting someideas you can change not just your work but also your chances of being successful You can hire those chanceswe will look into how to grow a maker creator mindset how it can bethe key to your success in the busy creator economy Before we do that Iencourage you to sign up for the part time digital business sponsor of this episodeAnd the newsletter newsletter is made for creators made If you're looking to grow digital products builda digital brand online you can find links in the description for that Let's start with getting thechange you need going from Watcher to a maker going from consumer to creator You must start to lookat yourself as a person who comes up with ideas not just someone who takes ideas thismeans that you have to believe in yourself and you always need to be learningalways need to be growing Start by taking time every day for thinking for brainstorming putting things down on paperhave a diary or an app for notes ready to write down thoughts no matter how big or small insteadof thinking I don't have a good thought I can't come up with an idea I can't come up withcontent Every thought is a seed that will grow bigger and bigger Try different toolsfor making different things and learn a new ability or feature every single week This keeps your creating freshThis keeps your skills sharp You can start with content How do I write articles How do I post themon a blog How do I create a newsletter How do I create videos How doI create short videos There's so many different things If you focus on one a day you can reallystart to build this really start to grow this Now how do we go forsteady regularity How do we be more consistent It's important to create often It's also importantto make sure it sounds like you and the people watching are liking it findthe main topics or areas you focus on that show off your brand make a plan for thoseareas where you plan to post ahead of time You also want to leave some spacefor different changes different thoughts that may come in Maybe trends different things in the newsdepending on your brand always leave that extra space to stay steady pick quality over quantity Ask yourself will thisthing I post make my watchers happy make my audience want to come back before you put itout there You also want to look at social media to see what kind of stuff getslike the most and then change your plan as needed It's important to track these metrics and trackthese analytics If you are creating a brand on fitness and you start posting onhow to be a better writer there's nothing wrong with branching out But if itwas me watching your content I was coming there to get fitness specific content and you started creating onthings that were not fitness or semi related in a sub niche or a sub niche down Youwould lose me watching your content because I didn't come there for that You may know otherthings you may be skilled in other things but I highly recommend you niche downespecially in the beginning If you don't it's just going to take that much longer to findthat core audience and build that core audience Let's talk about creating a community and not just peoplewatching talking think of it as currency of the creator economy try to make a community and not justpeople watching What does this mean You're making relationships with your audience through maybe chat youcan put out polls Q and A with the easiest way is in the comments pay attentionto what's in your comments on your articles on your videos on your posts reply to those andlike those even if it's one or two that's absolutely fine Everybody starts off there Nobodyhas hundreds of comments right away But this is where you start to interact and this is where you startto build that community Understand that every comment is a person trying to make that connection So spendtime each week to talk with other creators other makers in your field This can lead to collaboratingto sharing swapping ideas use messages smartly to connect with active watchers your active audience You can do thison a more personal level which will make them more loyal and more interested in your brand Let's talk abouttrying to find new things and being more flexible When you go to the online world it's changing all thetime Creators who do well long term are those that really know how to adapt and really try new thingsDon't be afraid to try new things Look out for new things You can share changes inhow you're sharing them and how your audience is consuming Instead of being scared ofchanging things you could see it as a new opportunity you can try new waysto make video maybe you're making long form video like this you can learn how to chop that up postthat out into shorts This is giving people another option to watch another option that may fit betterfor that target audience It's all about reaching your audience everywhere they are at and getting goodat that and doing that in a very manageable chunk of time that doesn't consume all ofyour time Ask yourself what's new that I can put into my content that I don't already have inthere or how can I reward the message How can I represent the message once you getgood at what you're doing the message should become mundane on some level because you'retalking about it so often remember though it might be mundane to you but it's not mundaneto that watcher Your audience coming in wanting to learn ask your audience what they think to stay closeto their needs and likes you can do this with simple surveys You you cando this with some cold outreach as you build a core Don't be scared to change a certain kind ofcontent or a certain way you're presenting is not working your ability to change can andshould lead to more creativity and growth So in the end of all of this taking onand making a better creator mindset better maker mindset is a journey It will make youronline presence stronger If you just stick with it it's about liking the process you're going through itselfeven though it might be frustrating Sometimes get deep into your creation get deep into your audience what youraudience wants to see and stay up on the online world and how it's changing It willcontinue to change You can continue to present your message in a way where everybody wants to watchwhere your audience is continually engaged and that can accelerate your content and accelerate the process Justremember every thing you make is a step towards reaching your personal goal your work goals So keepcreating you want to keep connecting and keep changing your content up by doing these things by following these rolesand by sticking to that yourself you're going to attract a wider more broad audience You can target thataudience even better which will ultimately lead to more growth more follows and more sales If you would liketo learn more about this if you would like to take a step by stepprogram check the description check the channel links and I'll see you in the next week