Clearing the Clutter of the Mind Live 240104
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    Right There you go Hi Yeah So all of you those who don't know I'm Mercedes and I'm

    a manifestation and mindset coach And today we're gonna go through I'm doing it with intro So

    we get to know a little bit about you as well Cos I wanna have some

    sharing at the end cos this meditation is gonna hopefully bring up a lot of really good stuff for you

    So I'm gonna tell you a bit about me We're gonna talk a little bit about limiting beliefs and what

    to expect from this meditation So what's actually gonna happen and how you're gonna get kind

    of the reprogramming going on during the meditation and then we're gonna do the meditation which

    will be about a 30 minute um meditation So it's quite a long one but it will take you on

    quite a long journey So there will be a lot happening And then afterwards if you

    don't have any pen or paper around you try and get some before we start the meditation because then

    we can do some journal prompts and see what comes up for you Cos so I can you

    can start to really think about what's happening for you and what's come up and maybe some of

    those new beliefs that you're starting to experience and then I'll open it up to any questions

    that you have So that's the plan for today Um like I said my name is Mercedes and I'll

    tell you a bit about my journey So you know how I got here and what we're gonna do today

    So um growing up as a kid I grew up with a very abusive alcoholic father and

    I was very lucky that my mum was into personal development So she introduced me to

    it when I was very young Um And as I grew up I kind of

    followed the path that I believed I was supposed to follow So I went to university I got a

    job in banking and I was doing really well but I literally I honestly I hated it I hated every

    minute of working in that job Um I used to sit at my desk and work

    out the hours I had until it was the weekend or how many days I had until

    my next holiday I just hated it And so I carried on doing it though

    And my when I was 25 my dad committed suicide and it was like a real smack

    in the face moment like you just can't keep doing something you hate Um So I decided to quit and

    I joined a business with my mum And my brother they were running which was web

    design and development and I knew nothing about any of it really So for some

    reason I just had to learn what search engine optimization was and went through that and got the I

    actually got our website up to number one on Google for some of the search

    channels we were targeting So that was quite good I also learned sales from my mum So I was

    regularly I then started to sell the websites and was regularly um bringing in sort of 20,000 a month in

    sales So I kind of really mastered that skill but web development wasn't really didn't really um excite

    me at all So my brother who does all the development stuff he took that on himself

    and my mum and I built an ecommerce site selling knitting supplies which I I'll be honest

    with you I loved and we started from nothing and went from nothing to the single biggest store in

    the Southeast in eight months And we were turning over 25 30,000 pounds a month in sales It

    just literally went ballistic Um But the problem we had there was my mum got I was doing it

    with my mum and she got really sick And so we were at the stage where it was like

    do we scale and get warehousing and staff or do we actually look at what else we want

    to do with our lives And because my mum was ill we decided to kind of

    scale the business back down and to not not pursue it any longer Um Then I took a year out

    So I spent a year in Devon And before that I probably qualified as a

    yoga teacher So I spent a year doing yoga meditation development really learning about myself And

    this kind of took me a lot further on the journey And then I came

    back to the real world and I did a property development business which I now own

    five properties virtually mortgage free with rent tenants in So that was a a learning curve that I

    would never want to go on again It was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do

    Um So that I've taken on from that and now I'm doing this to try and kind of

    help other people achieve their goals and move forward as quickly as they can And even in this business

    I've seen really rapid growth on what I'm doing and how I've taken things forward So

    that's a bit about me before I get into what we're gonna do today I'd like to kind of

    know a little bit about you Um I know some of you a little bit some of

    you a little bit more than others Um Just you don't have to um someone in

    the waiting room here you don't have to tell us lots about yourself But I like your name where you're

    from and a piece of information that you didn't but you wouldn't normally share them It's quite interesting about you

    Um and one little thing and uh so I want to go first I'm gonna I'm gonna pick

    on someone if someone doesn't know she knows who it's going to be because I know that she's confident Um

    I'm Diana Bucko I am from the US near Chicago I um the thing that I wouldn't normally tell

    people is I'm an accountant right now and I'm planning over the next few years to retire

    from accounting and uh move into some kind of other business that helps people And that's as

    much as I can tell you because that's as much as I know It's um it it is in the

    self development industry it's coaching it's um oracles It it it involves a lot of different things

    that I never in my life would have thought I would be into And you you're

    actually good at good at that stuff now as well you know a lot about it I

    in the last so in June I had a this past June had a spiritual awakening where I suddenly

    believed everything I never believed before Now I believe it And now I interact with

    angels and um I um do intuitive animal readings Now I am studying people Reiki but

    I already do animal reiki Um all kinds of things that an accountant would not

    normally do so sometime this year I will be opening a business Brilliant Thank you Ok Who

    wants to go next Yeah I'm happy to go Um so I'm Troy Patching from

    Sydney Australia the land down under Um I guess I resonate what you said about your dad My dad

    was an alcoholic as well so I'm totally against alcohol um to a degree obviously you know years

    ago I used to drink a little bit but um yeah you know um I could resonate

    with that Um Probably another thing about my dad and my parents growing up as

    a child probably from around age of nine They did everything they could to stop

    me running businesses where they send me on a camp and spend all my money um while I'm on

    the camp So then I've got no cash to reinvest into businesses Um but I've

    managed to stay in business and uh make very very good income currently Um with what I'm doing

    brilliant Thanks for sharing that Um April If you could turn your camera on that'd be fantastic It would

    just uh help us all connect really well Um Shabina Do you want to introduce

    yourself Ok Hi My name's Shabina I'm from UK uh Cardiff Wales Um So I'm a scientist I studied

    in Cardiff Um I work for Johnson Johnson Nexus uh Clinical Diagnostics and I'm doing something that I didn't

    think I would do I created my own beauty brand uh because I could formulate So currently I just

    passed three months Um I've gone into Sephora Super Drug and boots and the only

    thing is people don't realize that I'm at a loss of money I'm not making anything yet Um

    but um I feel like I need to heal past traumas and wounds That's why I'm here and I

    was always told to go to school get a job go into science My mom was like you

    got to become a scientist and I've done I did this with um no support Like my partner was

    like no what are you doing But it is successful I'm not seeing the success yet But

    um I feel like now is where I want to transition into the next stage in my past wounds and

    traumas are holding all my you know uh my uh mind control as you say is

    holding me back from going forward So that's why I'm here All right Brilliant Thanks for sharing that

    It's exciting about your business though Yeah I'm not lost still But I you know do you know what

    most businesses are near the beginning But you're in there So you're making the progress Thank

    you Um Right So today what we're gonna do Well I'll talk to you a bit about limiting

    beliefs So most of you kind of know what limiting beliefs are They're things that you

    patterns that you think that kind of hold you back and sometimes we're not even aware of the limiting

    beliefs that we have and the kind of the way to think of it is you've got in

    your head all the things that people told you as a child they tell you as an adult criticisms that

    you get resentments the guilt that you hold on to patterns that you've actually developed just a way of

    behaving Um and they're all in there they're all in your in your brain and we don't need

    them anymore Um I kind of like it So I've recently moved house because I had to relocate to a

    different area of the UK and I'm having to rent rent my house that I

    was living in and rent at the moment Um I'm in a smaller house and I realize I have way

    too much stuff that I don't actually need So at the moment I've got a shed full of stuff

    that I need to get rid of which I think we can all sort of

    empathize with We have a space that's full of stuff we don't need and effectively that's what we're gonna

    look at Now in your brain you've got a room full of all the stuff you don't

    actually need anymore And it's kind of all sitting around there and you're not even

    aware of it It's just unconsciously kind of driving what's happening in your life So in this

    meditation we're kind of gonna go in there through a visualization and we're gonna clean up that

    room and we're gonna make it look nice as well So you're gonna create the nice thing and

    then that's gonna allow you to put the new beliefs in there And we're gonna spend

    a bit of time connecting with your higher power and your inner guidance Excuse me sorry when he

    went gone So that you come get some insights as well as to what you actually really need

    to move forward OK So it's gonna it's quite a deep journey I was taught this years

    and years and years ago by a spiritual teacher Um The one thing to be aware of is I

    don't script this meditation OK And the reason I'm getting this cough right now I have to tell

    you this I was trained in mediumship about 20 years ago So when I do

    something like this I channel spirit and I do my meditation even though I know

    I've done it loads of times before I know what I do But it's it's different every

    time because I basically just channel it And that's why I'm getting the cough Often My

    spirits come close I get um I start to cough OK So that's cos they're starting I'm starting

    to channel now So it's why it's great to come on the live experience because what will happen is

    I will sense the energies and things that might be slightly different in this I might

    say things in a different way or direct you in a slightly different way based

    on what I'm feeling is needed at that moment So that's that's kind of how the whole process is gonna

    go I mean at the end of this meditation we will I'll give you some journaling prompts and then we

    can discuss if you have any questions about what came up or how you feel

    about it and we can we can talk about that afterwards as well So if

    you haven't got a pen and paper with you get it now Um I'm going to mute you all

    and sort the music out Mm OK So just let me know how do if it's OK Can you

    hear my voice over the music or if the music's too loud Is it OK Thumbs up right

    now Um So wherever you are right now just OK get yourself comfortable and um closing the eyes

    OK So if you haven't meditated before just follow what I'm saying It's not um a

    meditation You're gonna be not guided it's gonna be guided all the way through OK So you're gonna

    have lots to think about So just starting to become aware of the breath to feel the breath

    coming in and downs The following was there and then sending your awareness down to the center

    of your chest and then feel yourself breathing in through the heart and out through the hearts and and out

    feeling the tongue relax on the floor of the mouth as she slowed the breath

    down I'm breathing be the heart for six seconds and out through the heart for six seconds Um breath hot

    and als with the heart Nothing of awareness The crown of your head feeling all

    of the sensations there Maybe you feel tingling um maybe nothing at all Whatever you feel is OK

    Sending the awareness to go ahead eyes cheeks Mhm Getting hold of this and feeling the tongue relaxed

    on the floor of the mouth turning that awareness on down into the throat putting in the throat completely relaxed

    feeling all of the sensations that are there for you right now and allow that awareness to descend

    shoulders arms hands and fingers and whatever you feel is OK is no right or wrong It just is and

    sending your awareness into your chest as you feel the breath going in and out with

    the heart like that went and stroke down down into the abdomen feeling what's there for you right now and

    allowing that awareness to go into the upper mid and lower back maybe there's tightness maybe there's tension

    with no right or wrong just is not labeling anything is good or bad It's just sensation and

    allow this awareness to drop down into the hips Feel what's there for you Feel the seat

    connect to the chair and then extend that awareness down into the thighs knees and calves Maybe you can feel

    tingling as the blood supply goes through the skin and then send your awareness into your

    ankles feet and toes I feel the feet connected with the floor be grounded It's safe I would like you

    to imagine beam of white light coming down from the center of the universe all the

    way down to the crown of your head down down through the body out through the

    feet down into the center of the earth And I'd like you to imagine another beam of light

    coming up from the center of the earth all the way up through the feet all the way up

    through the body and out through the crown of the head going all the way up

    to the center of the universe filling you with the power of the earth and

    the universe as that light expands and fills every part of you So I'd like you now to imagine

    that you're walking down a path a path might be in the countryside it might be near a

    beach might be on the edge of a forest And as you do you notice there's an entrance the driveway

    there might be a gate there might not there might be trees light in the

    driveway It might not to walk down that driveway Maybe it's difficult to get down the path maybe it's overgrown

    Maybe you're finding this challenging or maybe it's just a breeze as you walk down this path I'd like you

    to notice what's growing around you What's the light like What colors do you see And what

    sounds do you hear Maybe you can hear gravel crunching under your feet Maybe there's beds in

    the sky Maybe it's really dark if you're surrounded by trees but just continue on down And then after

    a bit these trees will open up and in front of you you can see a house Now

    look at this house Is it big Is it small How many windows are there What type of house is

    it Is it painted a light color Are the windows clean Are they dead She's taken as much detail

    of this house as she can This house represents your mind and it's showing you what you

    need to know right now When you feel ready I'd like you to walk up to the door

    of the house slowly carefully push it open and walk into the house and you walk into an

    entrance room and look around What does this room look like Is it welcoming Is

    it maybe dark and dingy Is it light and airy What can you stay in this room

    Take in as much detail as you can And as you look around this room you notice there's

    a staircase and I'd like you to begin to climb that staircase and you get halfway up on the wall

    There's a picture and this picture is just for you So there might be people in it It

    might be people you know it might be people you don't know it might be a scene

    that you need to see Notice what's in there notice the expressions on the faces of

    any people in notice the colors How does this picture make you feel What sensations are occurring I'd

    like you to with that image in mind to continue on up with notes You come to

    a hallway you just begin to walk down this hallway until you find the room that you know you

    need to be in And then I'd like you to open this ring and I'd like you to look

    around shut the door behind you And you might notice there's a lot of stuff in here you don't

    need There's a lot of clutter There's things that represent your old patterns your resentments no guilt Maybe things

    that people have said to you maybe things in your childhood things from old relationships I'd like you to

    choose an area of this room begin cleaning and clear out any of the stuff you

    no longer need And I'd like you to gradually work around this room and clear up as much as

    you can And I'm gonna give you a two or three minutes on your own Just take your time clear

    this room get rid of everything you don't need You know hopefully you've cleared out all

    the stuff you no longer need There may be some things in this room that you've kept cos you

    want to keep and they the positive things what I'd like you to do now is to redecorate

    this room make it the color that you want it to be But the furniture I want

    to have in there maybe there's some pictures on the wall and some ornaments knick knacks things that you like

    things that you treasure You want to put around the space and taking this time to really connect with But

    it is e one in there and what those things represent to you And then hopefully

    within this room there's a seat you can sit down and and now you've got your

    room looking use You can sit down in this seat and relax Krar and take

    in the beautiful sights Knowing that you have created this It's your sun tree and your special space

    This sitting here I would like you Colin your higher power or maybe spirit guide for

    your intuition or whatever needs to come to you Maybe there's gonna be several spirits that

    come forward for you right now and just cutting them for it the guidance what you need

    to know right now where you need to take things and what you need be

    the success you can be And I'm just gonna give you a few minutes to connect with these guides and

    to take the information that you need to take I would like you now to thank you It's come forward

    for you and allow them the back where they came from and I'd like you to

    get up take one last look around your room Maybe there's something you want to

    put back in place or shift around that this place really is full of all the things

    that you want to be in here of the beliefs all the desires all the knowing it's all in

    there I'd like you to leave the room shut the door and keep your sanctuary

    safe Just walk back down the hallway towards the stairs and begin going down the stairs until you get

    to halfway again And I'd like you to look at that picture that we looked

    at beforehand and see if there are any changes to this picture Maybe the colors are different maybe it's

    brighter maybe it's duller maybe it's a completely different picture to if there are people in there maybe

    their expressions have changed has really notice all of the detail and maybe it's exactly the same and that's

    ok this and today and there's no right or wrong in it There just is what there is So

    now hopefully you've got all the detail of this picture I'd like you to go back down the stairs to

    the entrance hall where you came in and I'd like you to look around again and maybe notice maybe

    it's brighter Maybe it's a completely different room Maybe it's painted a different color and think about how it feels

    for you right now Does it feel any different and go out of that door

    shutting the front door behind you and again walk away from the house turn round and look

    at this house Has anything changed for you Are the windows clean now where maybe they were dirty Is

    it completely different house Are there more windows Are there less Is it painted a different color How

    do you feel about this house Now what is this house trying to tell you Now I'd like

    you to begin walking back down the driveway Now you may notice some significant changes here You

    may notice nothing at all but maybe the path is clearer Maybe it's not so dark

    Maybe there are flowers Now can you hear on this path are the sounds more uplifting

    How do you feel as you go down this path You feel it's a path you'd

    be happy to tread more often How easy is it to walk down this path And then

    when you get to the end of the driveway again notice is there a gate here Is there not a

    gate Is that different to when you went in And I'd like you to leave the driveway and go

    back to your path that you started on and begin to walk back back back away You

    pain knowing that you can bring with you any of these feelings that you need

    to and that you can come back to this house in your room any time that you

    choose any time that you want to do a little spring cleaning or just move some things around maybe change

    a few things there in there or maybe just to connect to your higher spirit So

    I'd like you now to imagine that white light that's coming from the universe I'd like

    you to imagine it to come all the way down So it's disconnecting from the

    universe coming into the center of your chest and all in the center of your chest and the light

    the earth is coming up up up the end is connected from the earth and the earth

    emerging The light from the universe is a wall in the center of your chest that you're holding the

    energy of the earth and the universe within you you can take around with you wherever you choose

    And I'd like you just to become aware of the sensation and his feet the

    toes and the ankles fit in the feet connected to the earth getting anything that's happening for

    you right here right now and allow that awareness to come up into the calves knees guys and

    hips getting any tingling in the skin It won't any sensations at all feeling where

    you're connecting with the chair and allow the awareness to come up into your back that right med and upper

    back feeling all of the sensations that are running all the way through there and then sending

    your awareness into your abdomen Feeling what's happening for you right here Um Right now knowing there's no right or

    wrong it just is and allow this awareness to come up with the chest And maybe you feel

    your your breath coming in and out through your heart again and allow the awareness

    to traveling up into the shoulders arms hands and fingers feeling a that's happening Maybe

    there's tingling maybe there's warmth maybe there's coolness I'm just feeling what's there and allow

    that awareness to come up into the throat and the neck Maybe there's a tickle there Maybe there's nothing

    at all Maybe there's tension and then send the awareness or up into the face creating

    the tongue relaxed on the floor of the mouth creating a sensation and cheat the pilots and

    the forehead and then sending that win is so not into the crown of the head Maybe there's

    like that you maybe there's nothing just feeling what's there And then feeling that breath

    going in and out through the heart is she prepared to come back to the room

    Maybe beginning to hear noises both inside and outside the room starting to wiggle those fingers and toes

    maybe shifting the body a little bit when you feel ready you know open your eye very gently The

    line of the utter open looking around the room with soft eyes maybe be noticing

    the largest wooden object or anything blue in the rain but you're bringing yourself back to

    physical being in a physical body having a physical experience right here right now back with

    us Ok sir Welcome back everyone Troy If you're still with us you can wake

    up if you're not Um are you there Hi Um So if you've got your pen

    and paper around if you're starting to feel like you're coming back into the room I'd

    like you to journal about what you saw on this journey So starting to think

    about the driveway and the house and just writing down what you felt and what

    you saw beforehand and what the changes were So just starting to become aware of not just visually what the

    changes were but how you felt walking down the path on the way in and how you felt

    walking on the path on the way out and how you felt looking at the

    house on the way in and how you felt looking at the house on the

    way out Um Sometimes the emotional reactions if you write them down straight away you get

    really something clear and like something clear that comes forward to you from your intuition That's

    why I like to do it straight away because sometimes you go back afterwards and you

    think thinking about things you don't get the immediate intuitive response and again doing the same for the

    room that you first entered when you entered the house Um Thinking about what it was that that

    changed for you maybe nothing changed And again if nothing changed That's not necessarily the wrong answer It's

    just what was right for you right now Um it might have looked exactly the same but

    your feeling and reaction to it may have been different So that's something as well to be aware of how

    you felt through the process Then once you get a good idea of that I'd like you

    to put your mind into the picture that you saw on the stairs and think about the changes

    that you experience in that picture and what that is telling you about how you feel and maybe like what

    guidance it's trying to give you So just when we use our intuition try not to think too much

    just go with what comes up So you see the changes in the picture and just

    ask yourself what does this mean for me and just write down whatever comes into

    your mind Because often the first thing that comes in is what you really need to

    know It's one of the reasons why people struggle with intuition is they question it

    too much and they think about it and they think about is this right Is it the right answer

    And there is no right answer There's just what comes to you And then thinking about when you entered your

    special room how did you feel when you entered this room What was the first emotion that came

    up And when I was talking about all the things that could be in there What

    were some of the things that came to mind What were some of the the thoughts or beliefs

    or things that maybe you were holding on to that came to mind Just so you you just get an

    idea of maybe where you were holding on to things in the past and then you can

    look into how these things are clearing and then the big one to really think about is when

    you sat down and got guidance from either your spirit guides or your higher power What did

    they have to tell you What was the the big things that came up for you What are the

    things that you needed to be in that room that you needed to take yourself forward as well And then

    finally just thinking about how that room felt when you would you've done all your work on it

    you'd contact your higher power you had your room exactly as you wanted it You had all the

    things in there that you wanted to have in there Um How did it feel And

    were there any are there any specific beliefs or ideas that come to mind of things that you

    have put in there that are going to take you forward Positive things that are

    going to take you forward that maybe you can you can integrate into your daily life So obviously one of

    the things to be aware of because there may be things that you've cleared out that you're not even

    consciously aware of and you may not need to be consciously aware of them to clear them out And so

    looking over the next few days for any signs from your intuition or any shifts in how you

    feel and maybe you feel very different Now maybe there's you can feel it in a shift Sometimes you

    can feel it almost immediately but maybe when you start to do things and you start to

    interact with things that you task it would normally do You start to feel a shift in the

    way that you are approaching things and the way that your mindset is towards them starting to be aware of

    that Now obviously I've taken you through this whole process Um I'm gonna open the floor to

    you Anything that you came up for you that you'd like to share any um questions that you

    have from me anything you'd like more information on or guidance or direction I'm more than happy to answer any

    questions or and I'd love to hear I'd love to just hear a little bit about the experience from each

    of you as well so that we can kind of share from each other and learn from each other

    as well if anybody would like to Huh I guess Thank you Diana Um So first of all

    the the one thing that um I had a little bit of an issue with is when

    you told us to clean out the room and get rid of everything My thought was what do I do

    with it I I didn't know what to do where where to put it where to

    where I didn't know what to do So that was a little distracting until I

    realized there was a very large fireplace in the room So I just shoved it all in there

    and burned it They go you find Right Yeah Uh The whole meditation for me was

    about balance and that it So recently in the past few days I've been getting um messages I first

    of all I've been I was told to look for messages and the messages that I've been getting are

    about balance and to and duality And I I was like OK I I'm getting the messages I

    don't know what they mean Um But in this I I'm getting the idea of um going

    forward in the next few months I there does have to be balance between the spiritual work that I want

    to do in my mundane life So um I can't spend too much time in either is

    one of the messages that I got And um there there is work that I need to do in both

    of them So it's kind of like figure out what you have to do separate them into the

    two sections and then work on both of them not that they wouldn't mesh at

    some point they could but um I'm I'm trying to move away from one and into the other So I

    think the message is kind of balanced for me Ok And how did it feel Ok How do you actually

    feel about that Now um I think there's more information coming just just just a

    feeling but um cleaning the room out was um I'm glad you couldn't hear me swear Uh there was a

    lot of profanity um because I was kind of looking at all the stuff and and realizing what it

    was and really seriously it was like f you this doesn't belong in in here anymore

    So I mean um that that was that was a good feeling Fantastic I'm glad that

    sounds really great Yeah and and obviously pay attention to what you notice over the next few days

    as well in terms of how you feel about things Um you might notice some shifts

    there as well Yes Um anyone else like to share No Yeah you're muted Happy to share Um Mercedes Um

    so basically I um the the room was messy there was cobwebs it needed some

    TLC Um it had clutter in it Um and basically I seen it um with a new

    coat of paint bright orange dusted off um said goodbye to anything that's not needed anymore and

    thanked them for being in my life Um and basically the room was all clean you know and

    even the house the house had you know cobwebs and the paint was falling off and it needed

    um you know a new lease of life I guess you'd say And I have different stuff Yeah that that's

    what I um that's what I sort of seen Um and with the picture um you know basically

    it was old it was dingy It needed to be updated Now It's fun It's um you

    know um it's new age it's modern and um you know it's how it should

    be Well that's interesting that you said it's how it should be It's how you feel you feel like that

    like you're actually put it put things how they how you want them to be

    Yeah Yeah But um but yeah so that that's pretty much um you know what what I've seen in

    it Fantastic Well that's that's quite that's quite a big shift as well So how do you

    feel about it Yeah it's like a weight off my shoulders Mhm You know um that's like

    um you know um sort of a new lease of life and excited and and

    um you know ready to um you know obviously make that room look better and um make it look

    more vibrant Um and you know to to um you know basically um utilize it as a room not

    just as um clutter or not just as you know storage I guess you could say Yeah

    exactly And put it in there what you want to put in that Yeah Make it bring

    it to life I guess is probably a good wording Oh fantastic Thank you for sharing that That was

    fantastic Um Shabana how was it for you So mine was um so I went

    in and it was dark when I was going down the path it was dark when I came out it

    was sunny and there's a park in front of the house but there's a lot of butterflies A

    butterfly was following me around Um And when I went up the stairs there's a picture of a Victorian

    lady with a fan in her hand So um I've been watching too many movies I don't

    know So so I when I came back down this time the lady she she had a white dress on

    instead of Victorian dress on she had a fan she had a crown on her

    head this time And it is this blue butterfly I don't know following me I don't know So

    I'm coming out that to me what I'm what I'm getting from that is is you're going through a transformation

    at the moment I get this feeling There's a lot of changes happening for you and

    your butterfly is is signifying that you're gonna go through those changes and come out the other side And then

    when I came out of the room it was uh it was like a summer's day outside

    Now you know the park you hear Children playing but the light was shining through Um and um

    when I was cleaning up the room there's a lot of red books loads of red

    books And so I checked them out with a lot of dust on It was some books with scribbles on

    there I checked them out there shoes I checked them out clothes checked them out dishes

    I checked them out And then um I had at the end of it I had my

    candle on there was a bunk bed with my kids And then and me and I had

    my Juno and I opened the window It was no longer dusty and um it's like warm summer air coming

    through So that's lovely And how do you feel better Like summer is Kia I'm happy

    Fantastic Ok Well thank you guys all for sharing that I think they've seen Hopefully you've

    all had had a good experience with this and this will go forward with you

    cos you've actually got this now and um I will send you out a link to be able to

    access this meditation and this this workshop again So you can because what happens is we

    clear out these rooms and then stuff builds It's like in your house you have the room that you clear

    out you clear out and then sort of six months later it's got more stuff in it So

    it's always worth coming back checking in going through these things again and clearing out

    stuff on a regular basis so that it doesn't accumulate So you don't have a big lot of stuff to

    get out Maybe you go in and there's just a little bit of work to do So coming back

    to this I would say every 3 to 6 months and just clear out anything that maybe is has built

    back up there Cos thing does things do creep back in and new stuff builds

    up as well So people say things and it triggers stuff and that kind of puts

    things in there and um people take up space in your in your head and you don't really want

    them taking space up in your head So it's working on clearing that out on

    a regular basis and keeping yourself feeling what you feel right now keeping those feelings going forward Um

    If you have any questions about it feel free to ask them now Um Just

    to let you know I know I've spoke I know down you're doing it I've got my

    shadow work course starting on the 15th of January as well It's a self study course

    and I'm offering it for $17 at the moment But that's a daily You're gonna get a

    task every single day and it will be meditations and tapping sessions visualizations and a short video for

    me A lot of it will just be journaling tasks So you're starting to think about going

    in and clearing out well not clearing out you basically get to know your shadow you

    meet your shadow you talk to your shadow and you embrace it and integrate it So you

    face all the bits of you that you you hide from yourself basically So that will hopefully be fun Um

    And we'll have a private Facebook group where people can come on and discuss it So it

    will be specifically for that course if anyone's doing it Um Did you say that it was

    going to be fun It's going to be hard work It's gonna be hard work Honestly I've got

    all the content together and I'm like well this is going to be some serious hard

    stuff but it it it's I tell you what I'm I'm loving it I love I

    love doing it and creating it So I'm I'm hopefully everyone's going to love it doing it as well Um

    But yeah it will be it will be hard work but at the end of it you'll

    think Wow I'm so glad I did that Looking forward to it Will you be

    running this class again This one Um I am going to try and do it

    at other times live Yeah I don't know when Exactly Yeah I'll join you Just remember me and

    I'd like to join your shadow work one as well If you have you sent me that

    link I'm sure I'll message it to you again I'm not sure if I did but I'll message

    it To you just so you've got it all right And um again if anything comes up after

    this and anything you're not sure of and you want to ask me some questions

    just don't be shy about sending me a message and asking me anything I'm always happy to answer Do

    you know What did you what did I mean I I I don't know Just you

    tell me I like like I came out and it was sunny and when I went in it

    was dark Well a lot of that is clearing some of the heavy stuff that's

    sitting on you cos you've got this heavy stuff sitting in there and sitting on

    you and so everything feels dark and heavy and you you're seeing the Victorian woman So

    you're feeling very kind of austere and serious and you've cleared a lot of that

    stuff out that you're holding on to So it allows the sunshine through and I think

    the transformation is representing that you stepping into who you're meant to be And maybe you've

    been holding a lot of this stuff in your in your mind It's been holding you back

    and keeping you down a little bit Maybe like a like a caterpillar You haven't really

    come out of that crystal is yet and this clearing is is allowing you to come out of it

    Ok Yeah it's a good seeing butterflies and anything like that is always a really

    good thing Butterflies is always Fantastic Ok great I'm looking forward to the shadow work now

    so fantastic All right Well like I said any questions just just let me know I'm happy to answer Um

    All right Thank thanks for getting up so early in the morning Troy All right see you again soon

    Ok thank you Bye Thank you so much Bye bye