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I'm going to show you how you can use Paypal to create a subscription button

This button can be placed on your own personal website so that people can easily subscribe to your newsletter mailing

list or premium content to get started log into your Paypal account Once you've logged in

go to the profile tab and select my selling tools which will bring up this page that we're

on Now look for manage my payment buttons and then select update on this my saved buttons page You

want to click on create new button Now we can start creating your button firstly Go

to this Drop down menu and select subscriptions over here You want to insert the name of

the item or in this case subscription which you're offering For example sake I'm going to type in wellness

tips This field is for you to create your own optional unique subscription I D This is useful if

you have to manage several different subscriptions how you choose to word Your subscription ID

is completely up to you down here You need to also select your preferred currency

for building and payment This section here is for you to customize your button You

can choose to add a drop down menu with prices and options It will look something

like this If you tick this box you then need to fill up the information

for your dropdown menu First insert a description I'm just going to use the suggested payment options for options I'm

going to offer options for one month subscriptions Three months and six months though these options are

completely up to you Next set the frequency of how often your customers will be charged I'm going to leave

it at monthly for now Then insert the amount they will be charged So for

now I'm going to say that a one month subscription will cost $10 3 months

will go at $9 monthly and maybe seven U S Dollars monthly for six months

of subscription Once you're done with this click this button here and this is how your button

will look on your website You can even choose to have that same dropdown menu but without the price So

the drop down menu would only show options You can even choose to add a

text field which will look something like this one This isn't too important for subscriptions

so I would not recommend including this text field When you click on this blue drop down

menu you'll be given the option to customize the appearance of your Paypal button if

you have your own button image which you'd like to use You can select this option

down here or you can make edits to the default Paypal button You can also choose

to use a smaller button which will look like this Or you can use the default size

button and choose to either display the credit card logos or remove them It's up to

you down here select the country and language for your button I'll select United States English

You can also choose to change the button text from subscribed to by now I'm going to

leave it at subscribe depending on how your subscription works You may or may not

want to have Paypal create user names and passwords for your subscribers If your customers

need to access premium members only content on your website this could come in handy However if

your customers are subscribing to a mailing list where you send them information via email then you

don't need to tick this box You can also specify after how many cycles you would like

the billing to stop seeing as you've given options You may want to leave this at the default never You

can also let Paypal know if you allow subscriptions for a trial period If you tick this box you

will need to fill up this information here Specify how much the trial subscription costs and how long the

trial period lasts You can also offer a second trial period Once you've customized all this information scroll to the

bottom and click on step two Something really important which you should take note of is this save

button at Paypal option checking this box will make it much easier for you to create

similar buttons in the future through Paypal So I heavily recommend that you check this box you

can also choose to track your inventory with Paypal to ensure that you don't oversell subscriptions However if your subscription

is solely digital content then this option isn't necessary unless you want to limit the amount of

people who can subscribe to you You can also check this box here if you want

to enable the tracking of your profits and losses So if we take this box here you can

choose to track profits and losses by items or per the options you have previously listed in

your dropdown menu Just key in your item ID and price After you've completed step two click

on the step three bar at the bottom of the page This is where you can customize your checkout

pages The first thing you can customize is whether you need your customer shipping address again If your subscription

deals mainly with digital content and emails you do not need to check this box because

their shipping address is irrelevant And down here you can specify which page that your customers will be directed to

in the event that they cancel their checkout You can also specify which page your customers will

be directed to once they have completed their checkout Maybe you want to send them to a

thank you page or a squeeze page Even just make sure you take these two boxes and insert

the relevant U R L S in both fields And once you're done with this go ahead and

hit the create button and that's it Your button is now ready on this page you'll find your subscription buttons

unique Html code What you need to do is just hit select code right click the

highlighted text and select copy All you have to do now is go on to your own

personal web page and paste your button code into the html Once you publish the changes your button should work

fine but be sure to test it anyway to ensure it links to the Paypal payment page