Video #29 - How to use Pinterest to get more traffic to your website
Show Transcripts

all right family you are in church growth 2.0 and in this video I'm going to show

you how to use Pinterest to get traffic to your website it's important to get

traffic to your website because Google likes that and the more traffic you get the

higher Google ranks you in the search engine so keep it locked all right now this is

powerful I want to show you something what you want to do in order to

create a pin you just want to go right here where it says create click right

there and click create pain okay notice where it says save from um site I'm not

going to use our existing blog because we don't have a lot of blogs on the website that we built

but I am going to go to my church's website okay I'm going to grab a

go to one of the blocks there this is a Blog and it has a

picture it needs to have a picture because Pinterest is picture oriented okay so what I'm going

to do I'm on the blog okay I'm going to get this URL up here

I'm going to go back to Pinterest and see where it says save from site I'm going

to click there I'm going to enter that URL and I'm going to put select now watch what it

does this is powerful it chooses the picture for me so I can select the picture and put

add one pin and it's got an odd if I don't mess with this it's automatically going to put

the title and everything so I could save it so now I need to create a board

okay once I choose to save it I'm going to need to create a board so

let's just put testimonies you can put whatever you want for your Church's board test

I'm going put testimonies you could put church services you can put outings you could put whatever you want

to do revivals disciple ships so I'm just going to put testimonies okay this is going to

be this board and you can make as many boards as you want so I'll click create okay and

if I leave this alone being that I put it in from a link it's

automatically going to put it everything in for me so I click save watch out cool this

is save your favorite I'll maybe later so now when I go to my board check this

out here it is here's my pens testimonies watch what I click on it I click on here look

what it does testimony of Darren and it input all the information so is it that powerful so this is

a powerful picture right see a young man chilling styling and then if I click on the

picture it takes me to his testimony now the cool thing about this is being that

are inserted it from our website I could click right here via Cape Town dotnet and

it takes me straight to the testimony that's a powerful way to get traffic to your website

and let me tell you this you could create as many boards as you want

and whenever you write a blog remember how powerful blobs are you could post it to Twitter you can post

it to Pinterest and people see the picture and maybe you could give it a

good title powerful testimony or testimony of a young man changed from drug addiction or gangsterism whatever it

maybe the party lifestyle you can use it as an Outreach all I'm telling you is

powerful and let me just share this you can use Pinterest and Twitter as an Outreach

tool and I see you know many churches posting what's happening in their church and that's cool but you

can also keep in mind that you could post testimonies how our lives are being changed and you can

use your pen to Pinterest and Twitter as an Outreach that's powerful and I just showed

you how to create a Pinterest account and how to put a Blog on your Pinterest account and the

cool thing is when they click it it it takes them to your website and here's the

deal Google likes when people visit your website because they they rank you higher in Google so that's how

you set up a Pinterest account and that's how you can use it to get more traffic

to your website so you want to put a picture when you write a blog keep

it locked