When it comes to digital content there is much advice out there post more post less saythis say that none of this advice is bad necessarily But is it the right advice for you Theissue arises from seeing big social media accounts with millions of followers or when youstart taking advice from someone who is possibly using bots pump up their following it iseasy to mask anything when you can show big numbers and you can fool mostpeople but that won't happen to you You do not need to follow these roles If you knowa few simple things about posting about content creation and how to really set up the proper flowfor your brand You do not need a huge following to be profitable You donot need a huge following to earn Well some accounts with m many less followers will earn much moremoney because they have real engagement because they put out valuable content So in this episodewe will discuss a few simple parts to this Why do we feel the need to overdo itAnd what effect that has How can we set up a relaxed schedule that works for you and yourbrand and how do we maximize efficiency in your schedule because you wanna get the most results forwhat you're doing So what are some simple strategies that we can start start doing today OkThe first part of this is why do we feel the need to post so much in today's worldand how do we fix it We live in a very fast paced world There's a lot goingon for all of us in our daily lives Everything is fast Information is fast howwe consume that information is fast Even if you want to be seen you have tobe everywhere You have to be everywhere at all times seems to be the new normal Yeahthis feeling can it can be overwhelming but it is not the new normal does not haveto be it is your perceived ideas of the new normal from what you are consuming inmass Take a look at your social feeds How much are you scrolling How much are youconsuming on a daily basis How much social media now times that number by 10 just to give a roundnumber consider how much information you are taking in just by scrolling If you're comparing yourself to this rateof posting and consumption you'll drive yourself crazy That's where you can start to get these mixedmessages A good formula is to set a base schedule for yourself of one post three times a week onthe networks you are most active on This does not have to be a set thinglong term But I recommend this starting out and then you can build from there andgradually increase this over time while you maintain your quality of life So try this for 30days and then make adjustments and see how it goes So what happens when you overdo it on social mediaMost of you watching this are one person creator businesses like myself You are probably doing it all by yourselfYou're writing you're creating your posting running the day to day while also working your regular jobs running yourbusinesses as well It's like I do So if you put too much time into posting content too frequently therest of your life will start to suffer Why do you think only a small percentage of people who startonline actually finish and actually have success Most of them give up give up too soon butgiving up is not the main reason Look at why are you giving up Why are they givingup They either lost interest in the topic they started on did not want to tryagain or they went too hard too fast which was not sustainable long term Cause that burnoutsustainability It's a big factor If you can sustain your pace while providing value and growslightly over time you're doing things right before we get to part two If this type of content interests Youplease make sure to subscribe make sure to follow Hit the like button really helps push thecontent out further how to set the right schedule for your content This works a couple differentways but it's very simple It's not a one size fits all discussion but there aresome basics to look at for anyone wanting to start posting content How much time canyou afford to spend in your weeks Can you do that every week Can you committo that every week I recommend setting this weekly and not daily and I'll tell you why there is noset time limit to have success online Some people spend 10 hours some people's five hours Some people justone or two hours don't base your time on what someone else is doing You don't know whatthey have You don't know what they're working with You don't know how long they've been doingit base your time online your content creation on what quality you can get out there in that time frameWhen you get the quality out there and the value out there that's when youraccounts start to grow now that you have the number you can commit to commit to settingyour schedule So let's say you can commit three hours a week start writing out days and times you cando that work that work best for you I recommend picking three days a week where you can do onehour a day This is an easy starter schedule is can be the daytime afternoon theevening time whatever you choose will probably shift around maybe multiple times and and it should as you'regetting comfortable But this is a great place for you to start When I first startedputting out content I was posting way too much 10 times a day I was really hurting myself I startedmultiple brands over the years canceled some of them out kept going with certain thingslearned a lot of lessons along the way but I was working on too many projects at onceand I it was affecting my life my quality of life which just wasn't working out wasn't sustainable So overthat time I settled on what you see me doing now the level you see me puttingout now I stopped each time over the years for the two reasons we talked about I lost interest inwhat I was doing but I mainly lost interest because I was burning myself outAnd what was happening was I would spend so much time analyzing everything everyone else wasdoing that I did not get to create as much content as I wanted to andactually do what I enjoyed doing which is putting the content out because I was soworried about what everyone else was doing about what everyone else was accomplishing I did not have theproper amount of time to write to make videos the important things I was rushing through it just to getback to being done So I could go back to analyzing this is a terrible systemwithin a year I would end up burning out So you can avoid this just by taking itslow by going steady when you're starting out Even as you get established even asyou have success which you will you don't wanna quit I would recommend maintaining a levelof posting business work that allows for quality of life This is a great way to ensure that you're stickingit out for the long run Now let's talk about efficiency How do you maximizeefficiency in your weekly content posting time How can you be the most efficient in your scheduleweek to week if you only have a little bit of time to spare which Ibelieve most of us do So the first thing you wanna do is take the amountof time you can spend Let's say you use three hours a week So youare able to commit to posting content to grow your business or brand in that three hours a weekWithin that time you want to set specific tasks to complete This should not be onlyfollowing unfollowing or numbers based on audience but rather on what you will produce yourself So in mythree hours a week I will produce one long blog post one youtube video two short videos and threetweets and one Twitter thread If you complete it all and it gives good value you will startto see those results incrementally over time If you find that you have more time to spare inthat three hours then you can gradually add to it as you go You don't wanna overdo it This ishow you maximize your effort to grow faster with the same amount of time spent weekly on what you're puttingout when it becomes difficult is when you're trying to pack in too much work intothat same time frame you say I can do three times the amount that you just saidand you possibly can But how much would the quality suffer It's always important to look atthe quality of what you are putting out If you are just doing it to go through the motionsthen you're really wasting your time You're wasting the time of the consumer as well the end viewer becauseyou're not putting out the best quality you can The best thing to do isset up some simple practices to follow for your content flow Four of the thingsyou can start doing today when it comes to posting better content I believe in just taking small practicalsteps This is how you can save time Follow your weekly schedule Don't go overit Stay within your limits especially at first you wanna get better at your output in a set amountof time rather than just creating and posting at any given time This is asure way to prevent burning out Remember burning out We don't wanna go there Second thing maximize efficiency andthat a lot of time if you set three hours a week to work oncontent then figure out how you can produce the best content in that three hours as you learn findways to reuse a post or break a long form piece of content into short form There aremany possibilities here but stick within that time frame It's very helpful Third thing here keep a log ofwhat works and what doesn't this is overlooked a lot of the time I believe you don't haveto go crazy with this But this is how you can identify gaps in your posting process areas tomake small improvements which can lead to big improvements as your network grows Start with these strategies and youcan expect to increase your audience increase your engagements and your overall brand recognition Everything we've discussed inthis episode it will work If you're willing to put in the work there's no simple magicformula Remember it doesn't matter if you have 10 followers or a million you wanna follow thesesame strategies and these same principles If you want to just copy and paste anduse A I then you don't need to worry about any of this because you probably won't growthe way you are expecting to grow A I is great to get you started to go to getthe process moving but you wanna make it your own and you wanna make it authentic It'simportant to remember everything you put out there It's a reflection of your brand Ultimately you asthe one person creator or the business you're promoting If the content is bad no one will give you asecond look they will simply move on to something better that relates to them in a moredirect way Do not think this will come together overnight It does not it is a constant refining process Nomatter how good you get you always wanna get better and you wanna keep working towards those bigger goals Sothank you for being here as always check the description find links for things we talked aboutfind links to uh the current programs that I am offering If you're looking toaccelerate your growth if you're looking to set up your digital brand and your business system see you inthe next one