Hello and welcome today I will teach you how to set up a sales funnel onWarrior Plus To do this you will need to have already added some products to your Warrior Plus account Thesewill be the products that you use as up cells or down cells Now let's get to it Once you'velogged into your Warrior Plus account click on the vendors tab and then select offersThis is where you will start to build your sales funnel click on this Green plus newoffer button on this page You can start filling in the details of your offer So thisis where you name your sales funnel for this one I'm just going to type in test downhere You can also add a description of your offer Again I'm just going to fill in testnow here Under category You want to select at least one category that your product or offerfalls under Just go through this list and select up to three categories that match your product best I'mjust going to select advertising for now This next field allows you to key in some key words Thisis great because it can help with your Ceo and your product will be able tobe seen by all the right people I'm just going to keon test again you alsohave the option to include an image of your product and down here You cantoggle the privacy of your offer I'm going to turn this off for now Since it's just a test thenI'll click create Now on this page you'll see our offer has been successfully created butwe still have a bit more to fill up Now What you want to do is includea sales page You are l just copy and paste your sales page You RL here I'mgoing to use a dummy U R L For now And then below that you can link your offer toan existing Ws O post If you have one you can leave this blank fornow and you can also select a checkout banner You've got some pre launch options but we can skip thatfor now And I am going to turn off this affiliate section since this is currentlyjust a test and I'll hit create again and you have successfully created your first offer page This is whereyour front end product will be If you look up here you'll see It says that this offeris not yet active This is because if you look at the page you'll see we stillhaven't added a front end product yet So let's do that now by clicking onthis over here you'll find a list of your products available on Warrior Plus So I'm just goingto select one at random and hit save Now If you scroll down here you'll notice this offermap or sales funnel This is our front end product here and now What we want to do iscreate an up sell So let's click here to create an up sell now we're going toenter in a name for our new page I'm going to type up sell one and belowthat include your sales page You are l then hit save and here you've got your Upsellpage Now what you need to do is link this up sell one to your main page and front endproduct click on this button add up sell and over here you just select Upsell one and save and thereyou've successfully created an up sell for your front end offer If you want tocreate a down sell page click this button here add down cell select new down sell pagethen type in the name of your down sell page and add in your U R L And hit savescroll down here and you'll see that our front end offer has been linked to both an upsell and a down cell But of course we haven't added products to our Upsell anddown south pages so we should do that now while select a random product from this list Butactually you can also create an up sell page for this up sell one to do that justclick on this button we can call this up sell to input R U RL Then click save and now we click on here again and we select Upsell two for this pageand we can link it to down sell one and it's safe Now if you scroll down words you'll seethat our sales funnel is more dynamic and complex We've got our front end offer which leads toone up sell and one down cell and from up sell one we've got a linkto up sell to and a link to this down sell the same down cell that's linked to our frontend offer So this is how you can go about creating your sales funnel on Warrior Plus and you cancreate it however you like you could add one or two more up sells anddown sells or leave it as it is It's completely up to you And once you're happywith how your sales funnel looks all you need to do is submit your offerfor review and you're done I hope you've enjoyed this video