American Made Heavy Duty 20 Foot Phoenix Telescoping Flag Pole Demonstration
Heavy Duty American Made Phoenix 20 Ft Telescoping Flagpole Demonstration with Bethany. Made in USA. American Aluminum, American Engineering, American Family Business. Telescopic Flag Pole, Aircraft Grade Aluminum Telescoping Flag Pole. Atlantic Flagpole
Show Transcripts

we're here in Upstate New York demonstrating our telescoping flagpole I'd like to start by making

sure you understand exactly why ours is the best in the industry let's take a

closer look at the poll itself it is made of aircraft-grade aluminum 6005 T6 aluminum alloy the base

of our 20 and 25 foot flag pole is 3 inches in diameter and it's been extruded to 80,000 it's

making Thirty to forty percent stronger than our competitors which is also why we can

boast a 95 mph wind rating that's fully extended with two flags attached so why don't

we go ahead and take a look at how exactly we are going to extend our flagpole

obviously if you look close enough you're going to see that we've eliminated the need to use a rope and

pulley system so let's start by raising the first section you simply pull up on it and wait for

it to catch on the second section like so put your left hand on the second section lift

with your right twist to the right side about a quarter inch turn and lock

it into place then go ahead with the next section and so on to the Third this

particular flagpole is 20 feet tall and it is being demonstrated in our brand new dark bronze which

replaces our old bronze color it's already become a huge fan favorite so just like

we lifted it up easily by pulling up on each section and locking it into place you're going

to do the exact same thing but swap it to lower the sections so you're going

to lift up on it twist it to the left and go ahead and let it drop like so an

important thing to keep in mind with this particular Locking System because it is an interlocking sleeve design

there's no way that the wind can shake it in such a way that's going

to unlock the gauge and drop it that's not going to cause any damage to a flagpole

but go ahead and take a look at this even if when you are lowering

it yourself you can happen to flip and drop the pole we have installed a polyethylene buffer

on the inside which is going to keep the parts from hitting together don't have

to worry about there being any kind of cracking or damage on the inside another beautiful thing

about this buffer is it actually seals at each section when you lock it into

place so that's going to keep all of the elements out of the inside of the pool keeping

it nice and dry you're not going to see any rain or or snow or anything going on

the inside of the pole let's take a look now at our Super Bowl rings this little rings are made

of lexan a very strong plaques plastic that will not dry Rock crack or brittle

they do have a UV protection in in them and each of our Clips are made of stainless

steel the beautiful thing about this design is our flagpole is attached to this little Rings giving it

the ability to fly freely see 360 Degrees around the flagpole so you're not going to see it

getting caught or or stuck on anything it's also going to help preserve the life

of the flag let's take a closer look at the flag now you'll notice that

it is made in the USA very important to us is a four by six

premium nylon flag it's a solar Max so it is fade-resistant each star is is the Stitch star

and you'll notice on the edges here that it is a quadruple stitching with an Xbox

in the corner which is going to help reduce any type of frame this is included in our flagpole

kit in addition to the flag you'll notice that there is an anodized aluminum goal

ball ornament on the top of the flagpole this is a beautiful addition and really just finalizes

the overall look this particular poll because of the bronze I think is a very

Colonial look it's very Regal it's become very popular and it's the kind of thing that you

have the ability to change and really alter to whatever particular style that you have at your home in addition

to our anodized aluminum goalball we have different attachments we have a Gold Eagle we

have a natural color eagle and if there is anything in particular that you want to do to

replace it it's just a basic half inch screw on top so it's very easy to to remove let me

go ahead and show you that actually quickly like I said a basic half inch screw

while the end days aluminum goalball is actually off I'd like to go ahead and show you something

there's a very important addition to our flagpole we actually have a solar lighting kit and this is

very important because many people may not realize this but your flag is actually supposed to stay lit

at night there's a lot of flag etiquette actually out there and is important to us that people are educated

on this so why don't we go ahead and try using that solar kit right now so here we

have our solar-powered 20 LED orbital light system this is an accessory that I highly recommend

for your flagpole kit on the top of our accessory we have the solar panels and on

the bottom you'll notice that there is the orbital 20 LED lighting Circle I'm going to go

ahead and show you exactly how to install this new flagpole going to take your gold

ball ornament and just unscrew the bolt insert it into the top of your lighting kit place it on

top of the flagpole simply screw it in place extremely easy installation and absolute must for every flagpole

this is going to give you the ability to keep your flag lit at night which is a

very important part of flag etiquette if you were not aware it's very important to make sure that

the flag never stays in the dark but even in the evening it is lit up so that all

conceived Beauty let's go ahead and show you how this raises easily on top of

the flagpole next I'd like to show you exactly how you can fly the American flag at half staff this

is a really important thing also to keep in mind if you're going to follow proper flag etiquette so

right now we have our flagpole completely lowered and what you're going to do is remove the top of

the the top your flag on the top and the bottom and you're simply going to lower

both both Loops of it so you're going to put the top of the flag into the

click on the center the center swivel ring and then you're going to put the bottom and

your lowest swivel ring and then you can go right ahead and lower and raise the

flag pole next I'd like to show you how you can fly two flags on your telescoping flagpole let's go

ahead and take a look at this right here you'll notice that the American flag is

already situated with the top being on the top swivel ring and then the bottom of

it being on the top of this the center civil ring so simply to add a second flag all

you're going to do is find the top loop we're using our patriotic Eagle flag

which is one of my personal favorites and also a huge fan Everett you're going to see why

in just a moment so go ahead and take the top and attach it to

the bottom of the middle swivel ring then you're going to take the bottom ring and simply attach it the

third swivel ring and then you just go right ahead and raise your flag pole one section

at a time and there you have it two beautiful flag Blowing in the Wind on our telescoping

flagpole one last feature that I would like to share with you I'm sure you're going to love

this entire flagpole is only about 20 pounds in weight and it is not permanently installed

into the ground only a ground sleeve is so in the event that you would like

to remove your flagpole for any reason whether you want to put it in a different

location in your yard you're moving to a new home you don't want to test our wind

rating anything that you can think of if you would like to remove it you

simply bring the flagpole to its lowest position and you go ahead and you lift it out of the ground

just be sure to remember to install the Red Cap and the top so that nothing gets inside your

ground flee there you have it the telescoping flagpole thank you so much for taking

the time to listen about our product we are certain that you're going to love

it just as much as we do