all right family now that you have the powerful tool of Google analytics installed I want to show you howto read the data I'm not going to get too much into it but I just want to show yousome good stuff okay keep it locked Okay cool so as you can see we have oneperson on our website and that's me so I'm going to go ahead and refresh it andthat's pretty cool so in that cool thing about this it will even tell you where theperson is at so if I click real time I click overview it's got to showup you got one person visiting and they're in Cape Town tell me that's not powerful just that alone ispowerful here's some good stuff you got audience you can click overview and we'll giveyou information on your users new users how many sessions let me go to a website that I'm alreadygetting information from okay so let me just go ahead and let me see if I can maybe useI'll use our Church's website okay so I'm going to go ahead and go to the data of my church'swebsite and let's just go ahead and go to real time and will go over view okay so if Ivisit my church's website the okay Town dotnet it should show up that is going to be one personthat's on the website so it should change right here showing that I'm on the website there it isokay now let's look at some stuff you got audience acquisition behavior and conversions audiencelet's go overview Google analytics tells me how many users and this is what them from December 7th toDecember 13th we've had 165 users 130 were new users there was two hundred and twenty four sessionsnumber of sessions per user 1.36 pageviews forms and seventy three pages per session to average sessionduration was 2 minutes and 23 seconds this is powerful stuff it tells you the country you can goto Country there's so much you can do South Africa 121 users United States 27users this is powerful so we're reaching people throughout the world this is all theinformation Google analytics can give you there's so much more like I said I don't want toget too much into it but I do want to show you this if you go to behavior and saynew versus returning it tells you new visitor you could click on that okay and you've had 130 new visitorsfrom our we've had 130 new visitors from December 7 to December 13 that's like 130new people visiting your church come on somebody and check this out you can go to behavioror not Behavior you can go to yeah behavior on this one not this Behavior but this one it'll showyou their flow so I could click on that and it'll tell me what pages they'revisiting our home page is here we've had 166 page views are impact podcast byone of our pastors 55 page views and just the weak people you call Family Placeyou call home or recovery homepage got 30 visitors that's powerful now let's check outtheir flow you can even see how they float on your website where they came in at the pagethey went to and after they went to that page they went to this page soyou can see here people went to are giving page after they visit our homepagethey went to our radio page and it shows you where the visitors are goingthis is powerful like I said I don't want to spend too much time but you can geta lot of good information that'll help you with your SEO and one more thing I dowant to show you is audience here right and check this out you can go to Geo you cango to interests find out what your audience is interested in come on somebody so you canstart writing blogs around these topics isn't that powerful you can find out their technology just like youcan in Google search console I think this was a little bit more detailed it tells youthe browser they use so you can get a lot of good information you know it's powerful andanother thing it tells you is how much time each person spent on each page so that's good information toobecause let me tell you why hey let me tell you why this is powerful so you I'm goingto go to behavior and I click all pages okay this tells me all the pages that theyvisited and it tells me how many page views unique pageviews average time on page so twominutes 26 seconds two minutes 41 seconds why is that powerful because the people are leaving say this pagethat 56 seconds you can go to this page and find out where you're at on the page andabout 56 seconds okay add something to keep someone's attention because it says people are only spending around 56seconds on that page so if I go to this page and I started reading itmay be a 56 seconds okay they're probably done reading it because it's short you see butif it was a longer blog you can say okay people are leaving around here so let's add somethingto catch the reader's attention that's why that's powerful let me try to do another page time on page gota lot of good time on page even the givings you got your your blog here which is E5 sso let's go ahead and click that and then once again you can read it find out where 55 secondstakes you okay so say I'm here at 55 seconds it takes me there just say that I can adda nice video there that's why that's powerful and let me show you one morething before I let you go if you go to let's see be acquisition and then yousay all channels where's it at all traffic from sorry and then you go to channels ETA tell you whatchannels people are coming from you got organic search which is being searched in Google which is powerfulright and then you also check this out let me just show you one more thingI said I want to get too much into it you got referrals so this totell you where people are coming from if people are referring your website that's powerful you can even find outfrom social media what pages are they coming from on social media okay so yougo to social right and then let's say Network referrals okay so people are comingfrom Facebook Instagram and YouTube so you can start doing advertising on Instagram with some flyerswhich I'm going to get into social media little bit later but it'll tell you howyour advertising is working or how your promotion is working that's powerful and that's what you can get fromGoogle analytics there's so much more but I just wanted to show you the basics alright family keep itlocked let's get to the next lesson