2023 Goal Setting Blueprint
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    Denny van here I am a professional linguist and website accessibility consultant and we are just having some amazing changes

    happening and with the new year and setting goals you are already into the New

    Year how's that going for you do you set goals let me know in the

    comments if you set goals if you don't set goals then maybe this video is for you because

    I maybe I can convince you you that setting your goals allows you to not spread yourself so

    thin so if we're not setting goals not setting a focus then whatever is coming and

    getting our attraction on you know our focus and attention on is going to take us on

    this flying like a leaf in the wind kind of a journey but if you want to activate your

    reticular activating system tell it exactly what you want and you know do some goal settings so that you can

    reprogram yourself and your behaviors so that 20:23 can be a success for you so in this video

    we're going to be talking about the six areas of The Mastermind and yeah and I know

    Mastermind is this buzzword that's going around everybody has a different meaning but I want to get back to

    who started teaching about the Mastermind and that's Napoleon Hill so there are principles that

    are that are followed within the Mastermind construct or framework so we're going to look at six areas of

    The Mastermind in front these six areas you can begin to hone in and really

    clarify what it is you want to accomplish and you know why it's important to me also if you haven't

    been making goals I know for me when I don't make goals goals don't happen and I think it would

    be nice to do this and nice to do that nice to accomplish this and nice

    to accomplish that but my energy starts to be so spread thin that you know being so spread then it

    really sucks your energy and then nothing gets done absolutely nothing gets done so I'm wondering

    if you can relate to that and let me know know in the comments we're also going to

    get into why it's important to focus just on the first 90 days or the

    first three months of the first quarter of the year if you're using this for

    business goals because business goals are included within the six areas of The Mastermind whether it's

    your career or the steps you're taking toward your career regardless of what that is

    your business and career how money is flowing in is a very important goal and then strategize we're going

    to talk about strategizing what works what doesn't with an honest assessment of yourself what you did what

    you follow through on and actually be honest with yourself because nobody's here to grade you

    you know we're not going to give you an a b or c if your or an F

    if you don't follow through you're making a commitment to yourself and if you're not able to commit

    to yourself and maybe you're wanting a relationship or you're wanting certain things if you can't

    commit to yourself you're basically setting yourself up for failure so the very first step in setting

    goals is to commit to yourself but then what are you committing to so I want to share with you

    the six areas of The Mastermind and it kind of looks like a focus wheel so here

    in in this area we have how business finances relationships spirituality and giving so we're only going to

    be focusing on the next three months so some of the things that I wrote down and

    I like pen and paper so I like to write down and kind of paper and then I get into

    calendar which I'll share with you later and then I set them up in a gold crazy

    first start to think about in the next 90 days what health goals would you like to

    accomplish what business or career goals would you like to accomplish just in the next

    topic I work with so many who avoid the financial say oh the money will come it's Law of Attraction

    blah blah blah but what we're doing here is we're activating certain parts of your

    body so that you can make manifestation programmable and your relationships first of all your relationship

    with yourself that has to be number one and some of the things that I shared in my

    goals for relationship are my relationship and getting organized so what happens within me when I'm wanting to organize

    clean Purge whatever that is and organize my space and it's very important to do that

    that could be a goal and that'd be a perfect goal in the beginning of

    January because in January until the 18th of January we are in Mercury retrograde so

    that's a good way to to go back clean up any loopholes things that fell through the

    cracks you know things you said yes to but kind of ghosted you know those kind of

    things follow through on those things and then come back and start moving forward with Mercury in retrograde with

    your goals so with relationship I also included my hobbies because I'm a drummer and one of

    my hobbies is I like to Converse in Spanish so I want to learn some

    more Spanish in the next 90 days and I got some very specific goals for those two

    other things are my license requires so many continuing education units so I'm have to make

    sure that I get those and I schedule those in I see what's available how much it costs you know

    those kind of things so I look ahead in the next 90 days what it is I

    need to do to maintain those things and then of course my personal relationships not not only with my partner

    but with my extended Circle family so those are different areas of relationships and things

    you can do over the next 90 days such as talk advised Give opinions or judgments last

    and listen more just listen at and and acknowledge and I've had some wonderful feedback just

    with that relationship goal of talking less and listening more and my responses are I

    hear you I feel you and thank you for sharing and that's it and the response back is

    like wow I just feel like I created some space that thank you so these are

    types of things that you can do to start building your relationships and then spirituality you know obviously you're here

    maybe for some kind of spirituality and with spirituality that is intertwined with everything really

    is intertwined with giving and your how and all of these things but write down three

    to five very specific goals that you're willing to commit to over the next 90 days and that

    could be a personal care go like you're going to do certain things like skin brushing

    or wasp Gua Sha on your skin taking care of the connective tissue of your skin or education such

    as taking a class or even just observing Mercury in retrograde and taking the time out for

    that that could be in your spirituality recognizing when the full moon is coming recognizing when the new moon

    is coming as an need to release things and when the full moon comes as an opportunity for things

    to come into your experience you can allow more that could be a goal just allow you know if

    somebody's bitching about something or complaining or just just allow it doesn't mean you have

    to get involved with it just allow it and maybe even let it flow right through

    you and Let It Go without needing to give a reaction or give an opinion

    pinion a judgment or a criticism this is a really difficult place to be because

    I want to as a teacher so many years you know I want to be the teacher all the time

    but I don't need to be the teacher all the time I do need to be

    the student and The Listener and the Observer more and this actually helps me and my spiritual goals

    meditation of course is one it's what I do first thing in the morning and last thing I do before

    going to bed get into that space of unlimited expansive opening with visions of what it is I'm

    I'm driving the boat towards and one thing that our spirituality and for all of them it really is

    is you can think about one word for the whole year every year I've had a word for the

    whole year where I look at that word and it helps me member yes I have goals that

    are related to that word and that word gives me back to my goals which me gets me

    back on track because life is going to get you off track especially if you

    have routines and behaviors that get you off track so we're going to reprogram those routines and behaviors through

    setting up a strategy we're going to get into that my word for this year is actually

    three words but it's mad scientists focus and I mad scientist because I am working on a

    set up a research project so I want to have that Focus so that as it becomes

    a dissertation and I'm able to go along the track of completing a PhD goal so that is

    kind of my focus for the year is mad scientist or my word of the

    Year mad scientist Focus so you can come up with whatever you want as you look

    at your goals and we still have giving to get into and how health but all of these goals

    you can start to see like a theme that might emerge and you can give it

    a word and give it the word for the whole year and that's going to help

    you stay back on your strategy and your path every morning and every evening I

    just set up a routine I have a morning routine and an evening routine and that's my spiritual goal and

    forgiving there are many believes that say you know give 10% give 10% to yourself of everything

    you make just puts a set aside for yourself don't even look at it anymore and just

    put it away and then 10% give find ways that make your heart sing and it doesn't have

    to be a lot of money it could be your time to as giving so 10% of your

    time could be two hours a week maybe if that so so if you can commit to

    two hours a week or a certain percentage of dollar amount this is a way to fulfill this giving

    because when we give we want to make sure we're open to receive and one thing that I do is

    our local animal shelter they have a wish list on Amazon so once a month I

    have a budget but once a month of I get within that budget and I look at their wish

    list and I'm able to ship it directly to them so that is something that just when I give like

    that it makes my heart sing and so we support our local shelter we have a rescue

    from our local shelter he's just been phenomenal so we want to give and support that so whatever it

    is you want to support find out what that is try different things see what works for for

    you see what makes your heart sing so right down just one goal that you're going to do

    to give in the next 90 days you can write down a few of them but we're going to

    just pick one of those okay and then with your health again write down a three

    to five goals that you want to accomplish over the next 90 days and some ideas for that are drinking

    my water everyday so I have a goal of at least drinking one of these additional would be nice but

    I get this one down every single day so that's a goal that I've been working

    on to create that and to program that behavior to become automatic and I'm a martial artist and I've been

    studying the Eightfold Path so one of my goals is to apply the Eightfold Path I'm going to focus in

    on one of them per week and that's going to be my focus for my health on

    the Eightfold Path and daily movement what can you commit to can you commit to 10

    to 15 minutes of walking can you commit to training for a marathon or a 5K run

    whatever that means for you what is it that you can commit to over the next 90

    days and here's the thing is you don't want to have any big goals you can have

    little very strategic goals such as fill in the back blank making sure I do my 10,000 steps or doing

    my how many steps and fill in that what can you commit to what can you say yes to

    and create some of those those goals so what I would love for you to do is take some time

    and go over the six areas and start to write down some notes under each category

    or type out I prefer writing because very kinesthetic you know I want I need to write pen

    and paper and hear the paper turn and yeah all of this it just gets in my nervous

    system so you want to do whatever it is that to get that message into your nervous system

    and write down each category and a pick one thing that you're going to focus in on of each

    category for the first week so such as business I have somebody who's going to be calling the

    Health Department and getting their health license because that's the first step in getting their

    business set up in food service and then finances they have to go and look

    in another client has to go in make sure that they have their mileage and their expenses and then

    their income has to be ready for taxes because you know we're at the beginning of the year so it

    has to get all of the numbers from last year ready for taxes this year so what is one goal

    for each category that you have to focus in on an each category that you want to do this

    week to make you closer to your goal and it's very important to make these goals too

    Focus give your reticular activating system a job to do and sometimes it's really really hard because

    life comes and takes over I know so many are working a couple of jobs so when

    I looking for jobs maybe even looking for a place to live some are even looking for their next

    meal so it's very important to set your root your brain your nervous system and use it

    to LIT to its fullest capacity program it to go out and get what it is

    and bring back to you what it is you're looking for and one way we can do this is by

    asking the right questions because when we ask the right questions this programs are reticular

    activating system to go out and answer the question so over the years of myself doing

    this you know I started doing this a how can I have this body heal completely and no longer

    be cancer have cancer how can I heal my body completely and my body's healed completely

    since the diagnosis of cancer in 2001 and since then I've been really playing with how potent

    and how precise our reticular activating system as it's like a sending and receiving transmitter in our brain and there's

    actually crystals within our brain and the energy here is has so much potential so what we want

    to do is is ask the right questions so some of the questions I've asked

    over the years is how can I have fun today how can I get a contract that makes me say

    things like I can't believe I'm getting paid for this how can I travel to amazing places how can

    I meet some amazing people so these are examples of some of the questions I asked my reticular activating

    system to go out and bring back now here's the caveat the mind is going to

    want to figure out the how don't let it do that just keep focused in on those

    six areas in the things that you're moving toward next thing I know is I'm getting

    contracts from a university to go to Malaysia and born all and I'm eating some amazing people and

    I'm having so much fun and I just got a contract and it was just renewed and I'm saying

    things like I can't believe I'm getting paid for this so how we ask the questions and how we have

    our reticular activating system respond and bring back the answers to those questions depends on many many things and

    so so what we do is we strategize every single day I'm doing my morning my goal

    crazy this is my 90-day goal crazy I have my card of my 10 go crazy

    habits that I'm going to do every single day these are 10 things that I do

    now yesterday I looked and I marked off nine of the ten things so I gave myself a

    your 10 your 10 habits that you want to create and so I just go week by week but

    it has a morning prep page in this book and then it has an evening review so every

    morning and every evening I take a look at this and you know last night I was

    so tired I just went to bed and as I was going to sleep I realized oh

    my gosh I didn't do my evening review so I did it this morning and that's one

    of the things that I was supposed to do that's why I got a 90% then I have

    my calendar and I love this calendar because it shows the whole month in review and I'll

    leave links to this to Amazon you can go and check it out they have pictures and all kinds of

    stuff but it shows the month in review and in the month of Ryu I put

    my successes you know we had our first Mastermind on the first day of the month

    is past Sunday some things I was able to check off my task even today so as we're just starting

    into the year I'm already prepared and ready for through March my calendar is all set

    up and ready and the tasks I need to do every single day in order

    to attain my 90-day goal and then around the 90 day I'm going to go back we're going to

    go back and we're going to assess what worked what didn't work did we really commit is there something different

    I can do so that I can commit and one thing that I found is getting my space clear

    helps me commit and so sometimes cleaning before I actually sit down to do the thing

    and then once I sit down to do the thing it's done it is done and the

    amount of energy I I'm I'm not so spread thin I'm able to get in

    and focus on those things and then let go of those things that aren't working and being okay with that

    I had a license that I'm I've decided that I'm going to let go of and you know

    it's it's almost like a ritual to allow yourself to say okay that's served me

    but this part of what I do I no longer do and just keeping the licenses is really

    just status and paying for the license so that is something that I've let go of and then

    being okay with creating more space so that I can focus focus in on these things that I

    want to accomplish and so I'm only here so many weeks four thousand weeks and I'm probably a right around

    you let me know in the comment in the comments what do you want to accomplish how

    are you going to achieve those goals is a mastermind something that would be supportive

    for you giving structure and accountability if that's something you want to check out check out the

    description for an email so that you can apply to be in a mastermind and it's going to take commitment

    and the first commitment you must make is to you so go through these six steps and

    then create a different next 90 days that's it just focusing on the next ninety eight ninety

    days and watch what you're able to accomplish so with that said thank you so much for being

    on this journey with me with this 20:23 goal-setting blueprint this is just the blueprint you have to create the

    structure you have to create the strategy you have to create the journey and if you want support and doing

    that definitely contact us but this is how you can program and reprogram your life for success and in the

    meantime keep being amazing