Acts Chapter 19
Paul here is in Ephesus, and he asks some disciples if they received the Holy Spirit. The answered they never heard of this, so Paul lays hands on them and they receive the Holy Spirit. Some Jewish exorcists attempted to use Jesus' name to cast out demons. However, a demon said they heard of Paul and Jesus, but not them. They were then pounced on them and injured them. Then a riot occurred on Ephesus. They held back Paul from going to them, but several of hi friends did go. But when the croud brought them before the town clerk, but since they did not do anything illegal, he let them go.
Paul here is in Ephesus, and he asks some disciples if they received the Holy Spirit. The answered they never heard of this, so Paul lays hands on them and they receive the Holy Spirit. Some Jewish exorcists attempted to use Jesus' name to cast out demons. However, a demon said they heard of Paul and Jesus, but not them. They were then pounced on them and injured them. Then a riot occurred on Ephesus. They held back Paul from going to them, but several of hi friends did go. But when the croud brought them before the town clerk, but since they did not do anything illegal, he let them go.
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