Clutch Cargo 49
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    with his Pals spinner and battle foot in another exciting adventure of wonderbird our story opens in the heart of

    the Amazon jungle where the jungle Wireless is carrying a frantic message of frantic message for help

    clutch listen what's that it's a message for us better from the Amazon what is it's a clutch

    listen it says friendly Headhunters got big trouble stop come quick stop signed swappi why

    it's from our old friend schwabe G clutch does that mean we're going to the Amazon that's right spinner

    just as fast as we can the friendly Headhunters clutch they were a swell bunch of guys

    yes but they once helped us when we were in real trouble now it's our turn to

    help them should be there in a couple of hours what all I Can See For Miles and

    Miles of jungle where we going to land there's a river right near Swabbies place it's wide

    enough for our landing and will soon be there well tell him he won't have long to

    wait spinner I can see Swampy's Landing Dead Ahead I'll be waiting for us punch boy and Spinner see you

    got my message sure did schwabe got here as soon as we could come on folks I

    got my little old Jungle Buggy right over there break lat looky Swabbies animal buddy here's beaten

    battered combusted yep here and he'll not a tooth among the four of us yeah had to

    be ring with me Clutch they're afraid to be alone your animals are afraid afraid trois

    be afraid of what come on I'll tell you all about it on the way everybody in the

    jungle is scare clutch you and I are friends the friendly Headhunters have moved their Village

    three times and most all the wild animals have abandoned the jungle what on Earth is it swampy what's terrifying

    everyone our monstrous bird clutch walks through the jungle it sounds like thunder thunder have

    you tried to capture him schwabe clutch boy we couldn't even stop this big Critter with an elephant

    trap you see clutch you'll see it won't be long now the friendly Headhunters Village is

    just a couple of miles ahead go me have you ever seen this giant bird mr. swampy no stand

    there boy but I've seen what he can do I'd sure like to see us tracks

    you won't have to wait long clutch see look at their those big tracks across the road see what I

    mean the giant track what can it be be sure to tune in for the next exciting episode with front

    cargo but cargo with his Pals better and that was another exciting Adventure the pond

    immerse you remember last time clutch and Company were called To The Jungle by drum

    sound originated thousands of miles away after meeting with their old pal swappi he tells them

    of a monstrous birth who has everyone scared even the friendly Headhunters that's the biggest footprint

    I've ever seen I have been tracking an eye out of 40 years and I've never seen anything like

    it we those tracks has sunk into the ground I'd say that whatever made them weighs at least 2,000 pounds

    that's what I figured clutch golly 2,000 pounds come on everybody get on to the Village the

    next little right now it'll be good to see Chief Headley again hey The Village looks

    deserted no there's Keith Hadley now and Sasha Chief Hadley I brought Clutch Cargo spinner and

    paddle for it oh Splendid my dear swampy it is so good to see what clutching spinner we are in

    such desperate trouble we've heard Steve Hadley wow your villagers I send all my people further

    west the monster bird came again last night was anyone hurt Chief no clutch the monster bird did not

    actually enter the village but I did not wish to take any unnecessary chances I was afraid he

    would strike have you seen the monster Chief do you know what kind of a

    beast it is and if from its tax clutch come into my house I want to show you

    something I have done considerable research on these giant tracks have you seen the tracks

    clutch yes I have Chief Suave showed us the tracks on the way here does this look like the

    tracks you saw it certainly does chief that's the critters tracks all right it says

    here this is the footprint of the extinct pterodactyl a giant flying reptile of the genes-- pterodactylus characterized by

    wing-like and yeah them's know this is more serious than I thought we've got to figure

    a way to stop this creature that is why my two Warriors and I stayed behind we

    must stop him here do you have a plan Chief Hadley yes preparations are being made now but we do

    not have much time then we better go outside and see if we can help good idea clutch

    soon it will be dark and the monster will come we must be be ready you see my Warriors

    are placing big Spears in the ground to form a barricade if the monster charges into our village

    in the dark he will run into those fears is a good defense barrier Chief but

    what we need is Firepower to back it up I got my big high power rifle over in the jungle

    boogie clutch unless I miss my guess what P1 rifle won't be enough to stop

    a giant pterodactyl is it really the Monstrous bird will they see it or get it be sure to

    tune in for the next exciting episode we have put cargo and another exciting Adventure look

    wonderful you remember last time let your heart go with swampy at entered the village of the

    friendly Headhunters Keith Hadley told them about giant pterodactyls that roam the Earth timing that

    the huge tracks belong to one of them as they were about to trap the giant bird what are we

    gonna do clutch I've got a plan a lot of stopped him dead in his

    tracks got any spare inner tube schwabe washer a clutch spare inner tubes or something I always carry these

    jungle Trails ain't exactly no freeways you know what is your plan clutch but raw trees over there

    we can cut them into giant slingshots I am beginning to get the idea already

    clutch while they you and I will take the Jungle Buggy and gather some straight saplings I better hurry and

    get my animal Buddies side where they'll be safe spinner you would finally put together lots

    of firewood wow we want to be able to see what we're shooting that right right

    clutch let's get to work with good teamwork operation stop monster makes great strides towards

    completion as each person bitches end and does his part the super slingshots are two

    made ready for defense of the friendly Headhunters Village I had to be enough would paddle for so you

    were a big help well Chief Atlee how defenses are about ready right out such cargo the

    slings are all loaded now all we have to do is run the trip line into your Hut

    and wait I'm sure we won't have to wait long it will soon be dark right Chief we'll light the

    fire now and get inside I sure hope this big bird booby trap Works clutch it should

    swampy I set the spears to fire about 10 feet above the ground they should

    hit the monster dead center gosh what if we miss him and he just keeps coming don't think about in

    spinner listen I think I hear something take it easy everybody let's take a look outside clutch boy I think

    we got it oh no we didn't listen we see that Critter sure must be tough she finds US

    yeah it will be most embarrassing a pterodactyl has a terrible temper don't make a sound maybe he'll go

    away Hey listen he stopped Bobby killed now is he going away take a careful peek outside clutch

    and see what it looks like cathal the clutch oh no our fires out in its darkest pitch Creek does

    the lights Jeep he's bound to Spartacus wow with a fire out will the bird attack

    they sure to tune in for the next exciting episode with Clutch Cargo but cargo

    with his Pals spinner and battle for us in another exciting Adventure the blunder bird you remember last time clutch

    and Company with sloppy and chief Atlee figured out a way to trap a giant pterodactyl waiting breathlessly they finally

    heard the giant bird and let's go with a shower of sleep however the bird Got

    Away now what are we gonna do now clutch we can't venture out there and that dark jungle

    we better wait it out here in the until Daybreak but what of that Critter comes back keep your

    fingers crossed and hope that won't happen morning finally comes all is quiet in the little village of the friendly

    Headhunters all's clear ah my two trustee Warriors are unharmed look the monster walk right through our

    big bonfire walk through it while he stomped it all out fire stopping for pterodactyl

    and his Footprints go right through all my Village I can understand how we missed him with a

    barrage of Spears we hear miss him all right look over there look at that how

    could anything survive akshara Spears we're going after that bird we could stop him with

    one well-placed shots and better be a good unclutch boy or that open or attacked all is

    liable to have us for dinner and I don't mean as dinner type gasps neither I'll

    go in the hook and get my trusty shooting rifle Chief you and your two

    Warriors but a stay here to guard The Village while we look for this monster crotch my tiger I

    thought he was in here with battered and beaten suppose he went out during the night

    you mean the big monster bird got him 40 busted never harmed a soul in his life he's trying to

    tell us something it's something inside my desk quick open its Warfare well I'll be busted

    what are you doing in there you'll toothless tiger buddy it's hiding from the big monster

    bird schwabe to defend himself okay schwabe grab your rifle let's get started good luck gentlemen thanks Jim we well

    look out to Miami buddies till we get back you're the big Ravine I had

    I'll say and would you look at that The Ravines at least 10 feet across and he stepped right over

    like it was nothing Well that's sky black that he must have these 20 people well it's a cinch we

    can't get across like he did I'll have to go around the Ravine and pick up the trail

    on the other side after mile over rough terrain Our Heroes Clutch Cargo spinner swampy

    and paddleboard follow the tracks of a monstrous prehistoric bird of mystery oh the tracks end right

    here at the water's edge yeah they sure do but I don't see any 20-foot bird standing around wait

    a minute these tracks don't stop here see they go right out on that narrow Peninsula right out

    onto that at Jungle Island well then looks like we've reached the end of the

    trail Bobby and me the rifle get ready this is yes will this be the

    end of the trail for the giant pterodactyl be sure to tune in for the next

    exciting episode with Clutch Cargo but cargo with his parents veteran in another exciting Adventure the

    blunder bird you remember last time Pleasant company with her old friend swampy follow the tracks of

    the giant bird they let them over hill and through water until finally they came to

    a small Peninsula without a doubt this is where the pterodactyl lives that's the end of the trailer right

    all regular Didion that big gray bound to be right on that island are we going in

    after him clubs we sure are spinner this is The Showdown with mr. pterodactyl let's go

    looks like somebody had a fire clutch our bird monster seems to have stopped it out spinner

    I don't feel that he might be asleep we'll move in quietly we've come clear across the island

    and not a sign of him coming from behind us down like that narrow part of the peninsula come

    on let's take cover behind that big rock everybody as soon as he steps out I'll blast oh my

    gosh there's a whole bunch of them are behind that big tree well I'll be I never

    seen anything like it before little teeny birds with great big feet what are they I'm

    not quite sure swampy throw on that job there what are you doing what do you

    mean why those are blunder Birds known for stopping out fires I thought they were extinct

    you're kinda cute yes that's certainly explains why they were marching round in our village they were on fire

    patrol the book says and I quote the blunder bird or stomp of verb of the Genesis stepper upitis is

    a natural-born firefighter known for its peculiar trait of stomping out fires it's the greatest friends you could

    have in the forest Chief they cannot 20 feet and always travel in groups of

    four they are believed to be extinct and since Precambrian times know the story of

    crunch cargo and his Pals thinner and thinner and the Bundaberg be sure to tune in for

    the next exciting adventure with what cargo