If you Start Writing too Soon You Could Damage Your Brand
Show Transcripts

So you're just starting your brand online you want to get content out on the platforms but what are

you going to talk about What are you going to put out there Let's say you want to talk

about cars but you really don't know much about them other than the basics you decide to get

started and you realize quickly this is difficult it's difficult to create consistently on because I know little about

this Not only have you hit a roadblock but you have set yourself back probably a solid

two weeks of regrouping with the added stress of wondering what you are going to do

at this point If this sounds familiar to you this episode will relate to you We're going to discuss how

to not only save you weeks of frustration when you start too soon but how you can gain

months of progress by implementing some simple strategies What it's really costing you when you start too

soon in a subject that you know very little about what your audience is thinking

at the initial meet and greet with you online how quickly that can go good or bad how

to avoid your audience leaving in a couple of simple ways by changing topics or taking 90 days and an

analysis of the time you'll be gaining by going at this the right way and not

rushing through it What happens when you start posting content too soon without having the right experience OK posting

content on a subject that you know little about can have a big negative impact

on your brand overall and the impression that you're giving to your viewers there you wanna

think about misinformation and inaccuracy There's a high risk of spreading misinformation to your audience when

you start too soon This is fixable but it's something you want to avoid at all costs The way to

spread false information If you start too early on a subject that you're not very well informed about it's

OK to not be an expert but it is not ok to have little to no experience People are coming

to you to learn things whether on social media your newsletter or on a website and they expect

that information to be accurate and you wanna make sure it's accurate to avoid having this happen to

you Take your time and practice before going live posting a video that video may

be seen by 10 people 10,000 people And you want it to give a great impression If you give

off the wrong impression then those people will most likely never return and they'll let

someone else know to avoid your content people tend to talk about bad experiences more than good ones

So you wanna keep that in mind and you wanna do your research before you

start posting Now this is how you will lose your audience's trust When you post misinformation when your audience

discovers that you're not knowledgeable about the topics you're discussing it starts to eat away at their trust in

you as a credible source of information trust is a crucial factor When it comes to your online brand

you are your brand So if they don't trust you then no matter how good the product

you're selling is it will never really matter to them Ultimately once that trust is gone it's

very difficult to get back and it takes a good amount of time if you are going to get

it back at all Now how do you avoid losing trust in your content creation

by taking your time and doing research It's ok to spend some time creating a

blog post or a video make sure it is accurate and correct This will be great

for your customer as well as for their trust in you which is the brand Now how long do

you have to make an impression with a viewer You have five seconds to make a good first

impression or the viewer is moving on from your content The first impression it's literally everything Think about the last

time you were scrolling on social media swiping through videos or reading on a website even

on your television scrolling through the programs that are on there moving through the pages to find what

you wanted to find quickly How fast were you skipping over things videos articles posts probably pretty fast This is

how information moves and our minds are programmed and it will continue on this way It's

only getting faster every year It's important to make that good first impression You can make a good first

impression by remembering my viewers my viewers time is valuable How can I give value in the

use this checklist when you're crafting your own content and remember the first impression role you have

that five seconds to hook them in about 15 to 20 seconds to keep them engaged before they

decide to move on There is a risk of losing people if you start too

soon before you're ready So how can you avoid losing your audience when you are posting content You're

not super knowledgeable about this can happen to anyone at any time You get excited to start

a new business or to sell a product and want to start posting about it

You wanna tell everyone about it It's important You remember that if you blow it in the first five

seconds then the audience is going to leave You can and should avoid this in two

simple ways make sure you've taken enough time to properly research the content you're creating on and

do not create on content that you have not researched properly and you have not studied properly and given

yourself adequate time to learn So both of these techniques will help ensure you do

not create anything that gives off a bad impression or that waste a potential viewers time

and gives you a bad reputation Knowing when to start is different for everyone So when is

the right time to start creating content to post for your digital brand or product

There is not one simple answer for this but there is a good rule of

thumb that you can go by And if you follow this role you will be able to protect yourself

and protect the end viewer If you know more than the average person and you can carry on a

natural conversation about the topic that you are discussing then you are probably ready to start creating on

it This is not always 100% accurate but it's a good baseline to go by before you

jump into making videos or articles on your product or on your brand Waiting until

you're an expert is not a great idea either No one is really a 100% expert And there

is always more stuff to learn for anyone on any subject You wanna make sure you know your subject matter

you can present it in a way that is factual and clear So your viewer gets the right

value for that time and does not end up being misled This is a key component to creating a successful

brand in anything you do Whether online or offline you will know if you're ready to create or if you're

not ready to get started you're either going to realize that the information is flowing nicely from your

mind to the paper or you will feel stuck you'll feel frustrated I recommend pushing through

the frustration but only to a point before analyzing if you're really ready to keep going or if

you should stop hold off for a little bit and do some research push back

is a good thing as it can challenge you But too much pushback is sometimes an indicator that you

just need to slow down Take a step back look at what you're doing and ask yourself Is this

too soon Am I ready for this or should I take some time to study I made this

mistake too early when I was creating videos on how to create videos When I

started years ago I did not realize that I needed to not just give information

out but also give examples showcase equipment do a lot of things that I was

personally not ready to do to make the experience what it needed to be for the end

viewer without sacrificing their time when you take the time to create valuable content You are

gaining months of progress and here's how it all works How long should it take you

to write five small blog posts for your brand If we were to write five small

blog posts would probably take about three hours to do it correctly This is to say that you know

your stuff and you do not need to be jumping around jumping into chat GP T

going on the web to find everything that you need throughout the process you're just

writing the majority of what you're writing is coming from your own experiences and you're able to transfer

that relatively quickly while maintaining the quality and keeping the end viewer in mind So what happens when you try

to force writing something that you know very little about just to get the content out

there This is where the problems arise and you can do some more serious damage to

your brand If you're trying to actually write the posts without copy and paste then you can expect to

spend 2 to 3 times that amount of time as if you had the proper knowledge to share

it on This could be 10 hours versus three hours which is still OK if you're doing the

correct research and you're not copying everything that you're putting out there Word for word When you

take those articles and you want to create videos you will need to set up scripts most likely as

you don't really know what you're talking about which can add another 10 plus hours

into the mix from scripting to recording all the different things that go with that Now add

another 10 plus hours extra into the mix of video editing as you will most likely have been jumping around

scattered in the videos and have made probably 25 to 40% more mistakes than you normally would if

you were well versed and could carry on that conversation So the total added time invested into these

five blog posts could be anywhere from 10 to 30 extra hours that you could have avoided if you had

done the research prior and prepared prior If you take that extra 10 to 30

hours every month you can see how this can quickly add up month to month

to month especially if you had planned to spend 10 hours on content creation total You are adding an

additional 1 to 2 months worth of work to yourself Each time you go into creating when you're

unprepared you can see how the ripple effect goes here what it can have I

think it's a good idea to do some research learn new things but it's a fine line when you

are brand new to a subject If you have prior knowledge and experience then the new research

will add right into what you're doing But if you do not take that extra time before starting

to save yourself all that frustration on the back end So you have to weigh these options and there's

no exact answer to this Remember these key points though when it comes to writing your content

start when you're ready Not because you feel you have to There's plenty of time Ask yourself if you would

consume the content you're writing about Remember time for value Is this worth it to the person

watching Think about the 90 days role Do I wanna add months of extra tasks onto

my plate if I don't have to or do I wanna take an extra few months and study and

learn First impression is important You spent time creating you don't want it to go to waste keep your

viewers properly informed which benefits them and you you are the brand If they lose trust in

you your great product will have no value again Thank you for being here As always

you can find links in the description for what we talked about in the video and

I'll see you in the next one