Hello Hello welcome back So we just learned kind of what you can achieve with Seo And bynow you're probably wondering well how do I get started What do I need to do Let's goahead and jump into it because in this lesson I'm gonna be walking you through alittle bit more the power of Seo But we're also going to start to see how exactlywe can employ some of these strategies So here we are lesson one Welcome to the powerof Seo And the first thing I want to talk about with you is goal setting Goal setting for anythingin life is super important and failing to set a goal for Seo is not gonna work outin your favor You're just gonna be creating a bunch of information aimlessly and it's not gonna help youreach your goal of getting clients getting found online whatever your individual goal may be So before I wejump into some of the strategies here's how you can set a good goal So what is a good goalA good goal is a smart goal that means specific measurable attainable relevant time based if you are not settingup a goal that has every single one of these elements you're setting yourself up for failure So you needto use a smart goal A bad example of a goal would be I wanna increasemy website traffic by 30% and that's it But that is really missing some of thesecore needs First of all it's not time bound It doesn't say how you're gonna measure it Itdoesn't allow you to confirm if these are attainable because mainly there's not a time around itSo we could modify this And here's an example of what a good smart goal would look like increase organictraffic to my website by 30% within the next three months by optimizing five key blog posts using targetit low competition keywords relevant to my audience's search intent So as you can see here it's specificit tells me exactly how many blog posts I'm gonna optimize It Gives me a time frame It's measurablebecause I can see the percentage in Google search console it's attainable because you can totallyincrease website traffic in 30% within three months And uh it's also relevant to what your goal R which isto get more traffic to your site otherwise you wouldn't be taking this seo master class right Andthen the last thing is it is time bound As you can see here this isan example of a good goal And in the lesson one workbook I want you to list what your goalis and I want you to move step by step through S MA RT and make it extremely extremely actionableThat is one of your you know tasks for lesson one once you have your goal defined whatyou need to do is you need to choose your target That means in the contextof this course choose the pages that you want to write or choose the pagesyou have already written And I want you to optimize those pages So if you don'thave anything choose what you want to write about choose a service choose a product it doesn't really matterwhat you choose as long as you are moving through with the goal of making it better We're gonna dothis with Google Search Console If you've already written something because I would like for youto go to Google Search console and look at the pages that have low impressions as youcan see here in the bottom right hand of the screen Uh it says queries pages Whenyou're logged into Google search console click pages from the home screen you should be ableto see it and then you will click on the page and it'll tell you how manyclicks how many impressions I want you to choose a page that has low impressions becauseit means you're not reaching search intent or it means that people are not compelled enough by that contentto wanna click on it So if you're getting low impressions make sure you choose one of those pagesNow how can we do that You can choose a home page for your website I don'trecommend it but you could you could choose X blog post whatever blog post you wantThis is what I would recommend choosing or you could choose a service page The blog post is gonna beyour best bet for this specific course However what I'm teaching you is totally applicable to ahome page and to a service page So keep that in mind as we move forward pick somethingyou've already written to optimize or choose something that you have not yet written but you want towrite about So either a topic or a tangible page because that's what we're gonnabe focusing on Now once you do that you need to start to understand how keywords work and how Googleunderstands this and the best way to do this is by brainstorming and creating amind map So as you can see I've already got one here and I also gave you something inthe lesson one workbook that's gonna help you move and better understand this on a deeper level So here wehave guitar lessons These are all of the different articles that I could potentially write for people who are interestedin guitar lessons So as you can see here I've made the idea how to learn to playthe guitar If somebody is looking for guitar lessons this is something they might read They mightwant to understand how to learn to play the guitar or they might want to learn How long does ittake to to learn the guitar Does take three months six months nine months whatever that may bethat is something that could be relevant to people searching for this They might also look for online versusin person guitar lessons This is a little bit of a different keyword because it'snot really targeting the how to but that's irrelevant because we're gonna get to that a bit laterI also have best guitar lessons for beginners then electric guitar lessons same as the regular guitar Sohere my assumption is if somebody is learning to play the electric guitar are they goingto be able to transfer this to a regular guitar And then the last one is how tochoose a guitar lesson teacher as you can see for somebody trying to learn the guitar Thisis gonna be pretty targeted pretty relevant I want you to choose your topic for your blog post or ifyou have not yet written a blog post choose a topic that you want to write about and makea map just like this Think about what could go in the center and everything else people might besearching for around that topic That is it for today We are gonna work on goal setting weare gonna work on coming up with ideas That is it for lesson one And itmight sound a little simple However if you come back to lesson two tomorrow I guaranteeyou we're gonna get a lot deeper with this But if we don't have these foundational conceptsand foundational ideas you're never gonna grow because you're not gonna know where you're starting and where you're ending Sodon't skip out on this lesson today Go complete the workbook Think about what you would search for ifyou are looking for a specific topic and then again ask questions in the group andplease don't give up come back tomorrow I guarantee you we're gonna go a lot more in depth with thisbut we're still gonna keep it light easy to digest because I don't want you to feel overwhelmed So that'sit for today and I'll see you guys in lesson three Thanks for coming Bye bye