Clutch Cargo 47
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    watch cargo with his Pals better and that'll put in another exciting Adventure Pilot is crystals that we

    don't work indeed this is what happens when I move around a little tune and wire it got

    a cat's whisker listen hey I think we picked up a distress message listen paddle for it I

    know that voice it's my old friend Pete Moss the bush pilot I am down in the video I

    cannot receive the northern Wilds plaque what do we do we're going up there and finding spinner

    as soon as we can outfit our plane and get underway but I do know Pete fly supplies into the

    Big Moose Lake Region there's a post Johnson now spinner just ahead there's the General Store at the

    gas stuck we're all the pilots gas up cargo as I live and breathe what brings

    you up to this neck of the woods howdy Smokey I'm looking of a peat moss the

    bush pilot has he been through here lately he gassed up here last week didn't

    say where he was heading you might talk to pack right over there maybe he

    can tell you why yes mr. cargo I talked to Pete Moss it was only

    last week he flew off on that away did he mention any places where he intended

    stopovers well now he did say he was going to pick up some papers from Trapper

    Jack but from there on he didn't say Trapper Jack I know him how do you

    get there from here well now closest way is over Moose Lake but it's a

    my kreski no of us safer route mr. pack rat well now you could head Due

    West but you got to travel at 10,000 feet 10,000 feet why 10,000 feet because

    if you go higher your wings lights up that figures but why not lower than 10,000 feet

    oh you can't do that the mosquitoes will eat you up alive yes they could have that this is mosquito

    season all right come on spinner and final foot let's go wow good luck boys but

    remember fly at 10,000 feet I hope they can find that your peat moss before it's too late they do

    spinner there's a dense overcast for me maybe it'll be clear at 10,000 feet we'd

    better go up and see but quick a up here there's ability 0 the can't go any higher because

    of icing conditions but how can we see if there are any mountains ahead go stays

    at 10,000 feet like I told him he runs smack dab into 12,000-foot mob Sawtooth and it's just as I

    planned some companies may be sure to tune in for the next exciting episode with Clutch Cargo our

    goal with his pal spin around battle for it in another exciting Adventure violence you remember last time spinner

    and paddleboard picked up a distress signal from peat moss a bush pilot lost in the northern Wilds Bhajan company

    arrived to help locate beat they meet slick pak-rat he tells them how to find Pete but

    it's a trick if Clutch Cargo stays at 10,000 feet like I told him he runs

    smack dab into 12,000-foot mounts Autos that guy must have known that modern was there

    I wonder if he deliberately tried to wreck us according to the Chart Caribou lake is just

    ahead good that's where people supposed to meet Trevor Jack coming up at the South End of

    the lake maybe that's our man will enter the lake to take a look your seatbelts your goals

    I'd recognize old Trevor anywhere you live and breathe Clutch Cargo sure good to see you but

    I was expecting peat moss the bush pilot that's why we're here Trapper we were hoping

    you could tell us where he is why no clutch I'm waiting for all Pete for three days he's

    supposed to bring me surprise and pick up the fur trapping that's why we're here mr.

    Trapper we heard his SOS message on our Crystal set he's done in a wild someplace you don't say sure

    hope nothing happened to good old people are gross why there must be 50 Trappers and miners dependent

    on Pete and his plane are there any other Bush Pilots working this territory oh sure they're

    slick pak-rat but he's a hurry binder why Nexus 6 times the whole infield picture is most of us

    can't afford him I see this is beginning to make sense anything happens to Pete pack rat would benefit the

    most we'd have to pay his rates or give up we just gotta find mr. Pete do you

    know any of his stops before he gets here y-yes clutch I do know he stopped at most murder or

    trickle Creek and Moonlight for it gets to me and we better check those places

    he's down someplace and needs help maybe we better send my Park Rapids and by that high binder slick

    packrat course he's do today don't do it Jack will be back by here on our way out taxi

    after the far end of the lake turn around and head into the wind we want to make sure

    we clear those trees we should make it from here so there's Keiko he made it over the

    mountain get him this time I think I heard another play injure him the air pack rat trying to force

    clutch and Company down will he succeed be sure to tune in for the next

    exciting episode with but cargo punch cargo with his pal spinner and paddleboards in another exciting Adventure violence you remember

    last time clutch and Company narrowly escaped hitting sought to stop at Caribou Lake they need

    proper Jack he tells them Patrick is a crook they start out by arrogant to

    find peat moss he's recovering rough Landing wow that cargo can fly but I'll get him yet you sure

    got it by crikey we'll take care of him later right now we've got to keep searching for peat

    moss I'm going to make a pass at Treetop level spinner you and panels or even sharp Lookout through the

    trees that could be what we're looking for we'll set it on take a better look what's that I hear

    a motor hello there hey clutch did you hear that skirt it sounded like peat peat

    moss boy am I ever glad to see you fellas I didn't know if I call for help cut through

    spinner and paddle foot picked up your SOS on their homemade crystal set are you hurt bad mr. p

    no nothing but a busted leg only bothers me when I stand on it and with a busted

    airplane I really got myself hung up heard the crash happened Pete it was that sneaky guy

    slick pak-rat he wrote me into these pine trees when I was trying to take

    off gosh he tried to do the same thing to us something I hear it it's a plane that's

    packrats plane I'd know the sound of his engine anywhere come on we must get back to our

    plane fast it's like cargos plane down there you must have on peat moss or

    I like better do something about that controls and level flight to the plane will fly

    at South End right trying to wreck clutches plane without all the oil drop what will happen be sure to

    tune in for the next exciting episode with Clutch Cargo gargle with his house for dinner

    and paddleboards and another exciting Adventure was pilot you remember last time clutch and Company had found the proper

    Jack and took off out of the air by Slick packrat find peat moss they did as they

    prepared to fly him out that was close the tried to smash our plane clutch we better get out

    of here before he comes back you're right Peter that guy comes back I want

    to meet him in the air it's better go get the gear from each plate okay here

    we go Trevor Jack there's a lot of people depending on me to bring them

    supplies pick up their stuff I'm afraid I'm out of business Lane busted leg westergaard worry piece will fill

    in for you for a few days till we got your plane fixed excited about something what's the matter traveler

    wires you mean he's stolen that right I wouldn't make a hole on deal with him so he

    grabbed my fires and he took off without leaving me any surprise will get your first back for you Pete

    perata supplies and let's get going here we are Jack I get by please see you next month hello

    well Pete Moore Show they found you huh you okay just need a little patching up

    from a plane and myself and we'll be back in the air have you seen anything of that

    pack rat character sure have he just fueled up and flew out of here going

    south he's the one that knocked me down he tried to get us to and he stole mr.

    Trappers first hmm so it seems funny he had quite a few Furs and some

    Goldust aboard better filled us up smokey we're going after him you've got to get

    him he knows the jig's up he's running off of all the loot the territory don't worry Pete will

    get them you better be careful clutch he had a machine gun with you obviously oh God what am

    I gonna do I don't know what's better we've got to stop it well but still attempting

    a pack rat even though he knows Rick has a machine gun be sure to tune in

    for the next exciting episode we have plus cargo another exciting Adventure Bush pilot you

    remember last time slick pak-rat barely missed hitting clutches plane without this didn't stop clutch he for peat moss back

    to the settlement and was determined to get pak-rat you better be careful clutch he had

    a machine gun with him her machine gun what are we gonna do I don't know

    we've got to stop it he did mr. pack rat left about 10 minutes ahead

    of us we can catch him spinner our plane is much faster you sure we want

    to remember he has a machine gun I know it's better we don't want to be surprised I

    wanted to know we're here Mega fast rising pass it'll be tough for him to hit us

    still fly that thing where is my gun didn't hit us we better get back in detail now but

    I'll be ready for him next time as long as we stay just behind and above it

    we could sure worry him he's right on my tail I got to lose him only started and

    I can't show him what he wants better we could fly without pontoons but he can't fly without

    a tail this is much cargo back right have you had enough okay guy go anymore the

    gun and head back to our post okay cargo oh do what you say I'll turn

    around and head back and don't try any funny business I'll be right on top of you I'll

    take care of pack rat to the money's get here clutch I sure want to thank you clutching spinner

    for all the people in the territory our place our feet glad we could help Brian Bush pilot for

    a few days will be fun huh cattle foot story of what's cargo and his Pals spinner

    and 50 foot and the bush pilot they should have told him for the next exciting adventure with

    clots cargo go