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Heavens unconditional love is the source of well-being but how do we stay in that flow how do we

learn to align with that flow of Heavens love it unfortunately it's something that has to be worked

out every day I meet a lot of people and they'll come for a reading or they'll

come for healing and cleansed and off they go but and that's great because is it lasts

for a while but if we want to really stay in the flow of Heaven we've got to keep

coming you have to eat every day you have to drink every day you can't have a dinner and

then it lasts you a week it doesn't work like that so this morning here I

am up rather Mountain there we are very nice when North Wales for any of you in

Manchester or around that area maybe one day you can come up and see the Cafe

and the food bank and all these things that we've got but for this morning

where you are we just going to pause find a place just to stop to breathe and just to say

heaven I want to just flow with your unconditional love I just want to align with

the atmosphere of Heaven too often we are aligned with the negativity so if you just close your

eyes for a moment yeah yeah and I'm just going to ask Jesus I'm going

to ask the angels to bless you so just take a deep breath and I want you

to open up your journey and to just picture a waterfall of heavenly love just flowing out

a heaven and we just breathe and we go into that flow of Heavens love and I want you just

to breathe and lean in and as you do you're leaning out of the darkness

and into his the light of Heavens love you're leaning out of stress and you're leaning into unconditional

love and literally in your mind's eye see yourself leaning into that love leaning into that flow

picture Jesus angels light the flow of Heavens love like a waterfall whatever's coming to you easily but

keep it with Heavenly love because it's the the highest Spiritual Authority and just breathe and rest and lean

out of all that negativity now yeah just pause pause and as you do that you might begin

to see some pictures you might find things happening in you that are changing I

want to hear about it you can put it on the feed or you can just message me privately but

I want to build a relationship with each one of you and help Mentor you I'm committed to you and

it's my passion there is nothing Aang more life-changing than the atmosphere of heaven so I'm going to

just keep posting and give me feedback so I can help and adjust it because

some of you have been through trauma some of you have been through really difficult situations and it's

not going to happen in a couple of moments so just before I go very quickly

close your eyes wreaths picture the light and Love Of Heaven and just flowing all

over you and step out of the darkness step out of the negativity breathe and step into Heavens

light okay make it short and sweet and yeah looking forward to see what starts to

emerge over the days and weeks have a lovely Saturday and we'll talk soon bye