Hello Hello good evening everyone I am Stephen Jackson the chief example officer of trance Reupped it incorporatedwe are transforming disrupting the state of entrepreneurship and before I get in a lot ofthings I am here live at the 2022 power networking conference here in one ofmy favorite cities Houston texas and I'll talk a little bit more about that lateron I got my favorite co host back in the house with me number onebusiness extraordinary Natalie price what's going on Hello everybody I hope you all have been enjoyingyour summer We have a great show for you tonight while steven is in Houston atthe Power Network we're gonna bring a little bit of that to you Um we're just excitedto be here so let's get this thing going Yeah so I'm in Houston texas and what I reallylike about being back here in Houston texas this is where I first experienced entrepreneur I mean leadership traininguh I took my first leadership courses here in 2006 been part of leadership training teams Actuallywas asking is that one of my favorite restaurants we used to go and celebrate every time we've hada successful team but I'm really really excited to be here at Power networking con This isthe 21st year of power networking conference and this is this I mean seriously network goeson here seriously black money exchanges hands businesses grow were pointed to one another there's been sometremendous speakers I got one of them with me tonight was actually our first guestI'm gonna talk a little bit about more but do you know I almost did not comeOh and I'm gonna talk about it because I am releasing a new book next lateron this month called Wannabe a Preneurs I'm not gonna talk about about about the book but wetalked about in that book I talk about the conversation that you have with yourself thatprevent you from becoming an entrepreneur prevention doing other things in life So because I had Covid lastmonth I started having this conversation with myself about not coming to the conference is gonnapay for pay for airline tickets hotel all that's been paid for and my brain is still havingthis conversation with you Well because it's number one job is to keep me safeSo my brain is telling me Stephen let's not go let's be safe we wannawanna catch Covid again I literally stand in front of the mirror on monday morningand talk myself and say I am an entrepreneur this is my company I gotta getout into the networks and do what I have to do you know So Iam here I'm glad I'm here I I've seen some old friends people I lost you know I've not beenin contact with a number of years Newark new people I met with and of coursethis is actually the for first time that brother Beth and I have met face to face I methim last year at the virtual conference uh you know we was on the internet and youknow decided to work with him But this is actually our first face to face meeting was yesterday early afternoonand I'm so happy to have him on this evening So we're gonna jump right intotonight's program How you doing So great So let me explain I told I told he just did a workshopfor masterminding upstairs I told the group there exactly what I'm gonna say here tonight I met this brother atthis at this power networking conference where it's amazing stuff is going on Uh but what I really likeabout what he has done is that master Money has allowed me to create a company that Inever thought I would create and that has been such a great thing So the end of the people wehave on with us tonight who will also bring into a part of the you know part ofthe family we're all family now But what I love about having them all here iswhat they have poured into me and what I've been able to also pour back intoothers you know So Brother Bedford man is this show is going to be more about you and Natalie youknow I got this a lot I could say but I will I will stick on the sidelineand that's gonna ask all the questions but let's get the rest of the group on let's getthese other amazing women on who I get to spend every thursday and every other andlast saturday of the month with Uh so first uh we're gonna we're gonna havethe Lynette tell us about yourself Who are you what you do Hi thank you for having mesteven and alone without mala We call it master business organization here we call ourselves family andwe are So my name of my company is I care technology geeks and we are I'mthe ceo and founder And what we do is we focus on cybersecurity helping our clients witha cyber security I T Firm Thank you Lynette So the next person I want to talk aboutherself she's actually been amused to me She has given me some great ideas Uh actually sheis the co author of my about transcript first white paper entrepreneurship as a career path for peopleof color That whole concept came from me hearing the idea that she put out so I needto tell us who you are and what you do My mic don't wanna workHey everybody complain And I am I am I am the ceo of a construction management and Iprovide back office support services to our Mhm Uh Anitra went mute did I go here it againOkay okay I'm I'm back y'all I'm back I'm back that news of Yeah so anyway I provideback office support services boss services to entrepreneurs women who are in business who want tomake an impact and need help with their back office stuff Thank you Anitra And finally uh I got someonewho keeps me accountable about building trance ruptured because she's been really excited but she has a great businessas Melanie Tell us what you do Hi my name is Melanie I'm from charleston south Carolina I am theowner of Williams appraisal and a broker at the same place And I'm also now affiliate and I changedmy name to entrepreneur business zones because I am an affiliate of transfer Thank youladies and gentlemen So Natalie So um a couple of weeks ago maybe about a couple weeks ago Steviecalled me were like what do we want to discuss for our show this week What do wewant to bring to the table And he mentioned that he would be in Houston with thisgroup of phenomenal people Um go that he's in his mastermind with and I said let's talk about amastermind So what I want to talk about tonight is get clarity around what isa mastermind and I'm gonna start off with brother Bedford since you are the master ofthe mind leader feels like right so I want you know Covid has even with Covid has brought oneverybody's a coach everybody's an adviser everybody's a strategist you know those nice words Everybody wants todo a mastermind over weekend with wine Right But what really is a mastermind Sure sureThank you so much Natalie we we miss you we wish you were here with us Um We're having sucha great time Today is officially the first day of the power networking conference Um butthe bonus day was yesterday and Stephen was in yesterday and we had a chance to talkabout some things and have some fun Uh Lynette was in yesterday um Melanie and Anitra Ijust saw for the first time today for the official opening but we're really enjoying ourselvesand the whole premise of a mastermind it's really displayed first you said like I'mthe master of the master and the beautiful thing about a mastermind is that it allows everyoneto evolve and grow and work on mastering And so I'm looking at myself as a person whois in the process of working and developing on mastering this principle of masterminding which is simply when one mindcomes together with another mind Those two minds produced a third and energetic mind that produces new ideasnew thoughts new concepts and it solves a myriad of problems through questioning and discussion And so a lotof people get masterminding wrong and they think it's more like a coaching program In fact Stephen andI had a great conversation that a couple of weeks ago I actually wrote a post aboutI think Stephen shared some things through his blog about it where people confuse coaching or coaching groupswith masterminding where people come to a mastermind anticipating learning something from the person who's facilitating Butthe key word there is facilitating and as Stephen first started out in this conversationit is through the facilitation and the conversations and the dialogue within the group that allowed him to launch hisnew company that allowed him to connect with Anitra and those two came together and they co authoredsomething and then you just heard Melanie saying that she's in a affiliate and a cohort So if you noticethat whole process has nothing to do with me I'm just the facilitator and that's whata good facilitator should strive to do is create the environment where everyone can learn grow anddevelop together And that is the purest form of a mastermind Thank you thank youSo I heard for every two people in a mastermind is really three Yes Yes absolutely In factI don't know I guess you were here today because you must have heard my talk from the stagebecause it's literally scriptural there's a passage in the bible that says where two or more are gathered thereI am in the midst of you Even if you study the Quran the Quran says where thereare two God is the third where there are three God is the fourth So to yourpoint when two people come together or three or four you're literally producing or inviting another power another mindinto the equation and here's the key Natalie that's where all of the great ideas all of the greatconcepts come from because you literally have to get out of your own way and let the power ofthe mastermind do its work Natalie can I just interrupt for one quick second Iwant to give a shout out to K P Crayon who's on with us tonight Shewas supposed to yes K P Was supposed she's a member of the mastermind group She was supposed to bewith us here in Houston that in fact she was on her way here Unfortunately she was ather family reunion and she caught Covid so she can also K P We wish you to get wellvery quickly We hope hope this is not a bad thing and we look forward tomeeting with you So thank you for being on with us tonight Okay now get back to youAlright so I do have some questions and I'm gonna open it up to reflectto answer you know because I wanna I dr Bedford told me about the about about what the mastermindis but now I want a little bit of your experience in it All rightSo the question how has being a part of a master mind help me personallyand professionally I'll answer that question for you Well why me being in in the mastermind I was stuckin a position where I did not know where to go And the answers came as we metup every thursday thursday and I figured if I got around like minded people that I would followin information that I didn't necessarily would get from any place else so that's what I gotfrom being in the mastermind thank you Anitra I know you were saying something aswell I was getting ready to say I've been in the mastermind for probably almost four yearsand I was the quietest person in the very beginning of the mastermind and what it didwas it helped me to gain another level of confidence that I have lost at somepoint and then being in business I kept saying brother but for what is this language I speakenglish you keep saying the language the language I thought I spoke the language but learning the wordthat needed to be said to capture the people that are meant to work with me and that I'm meantto work with that has been phenomenal when it's coming from the mob and being able to just be openand share with my other mobsters and talk to them about the things that are going on inmy business that might not be so great we've just been able to just goaround in circles and even with Stephen I just said you know I've had a multitudeof businesses and entrepreneurship it's just a career that's what I I saw it being And sothat was just a conversation I didn't realize it was gonna take off as great as ithas with steven Great Lynette Okay so when I first came in I was too quiet aswell and everybody decided to tell me okay Lynette speak up and it made me come outfrom you So I talk now more and Melanie also was extremely quiet but now she's talkingmore as well And what we decided the other day is that when I was in office hours thatwhen we are together what goes on in the mob stays in the mob So that's one greatthing we like about it you know you have your confidentiality and we talk abouta lot we talk about you know our personal issues we talk about our businessyou know challenges and then um recently I will let y'all in on a little secret Iwas recently on the last thursday we were in office hours and everybody was telling me hey get ittogether get it together get it together we need to do that you need to dothis So I was excited about that because they push you to the next leveland being a part of a mastermind Uh if you were stuck in a certain areapersonally or professionally um in this particular time it was business wise they were telling me some suggestionsand I challenge steven the other day as well I said okay you're telling methese are the things I need to do How do I do it And he walked me througheverything piece by piece So it is actually you know a masterful mind meeting andwe we go and we try and then we come back So um it's alwaysgood to come back each week to say okay well this is I got thisaccomplished I didn't get this accomplished I need your help on this and we reach outto each other and even when we're not on office hours and help each other out So Ilove it in defense of Stephen I don't tell anyone what to do I make suggestions I ask questions butI just got to do one very quick thing uh here in Houston texas We had our guests our guestslast month with dr Stacy N C Grant She is here with us Um not here she's upstairsM C And uh this this week she is actually the emcee for the whole conference and also willlet everyone know that she's attitude her title so she's not just dr Stacy and see Grant She's also MadamInternational President uh Zeta phi beta Sorority Incorporated Okay so she is president elect and we've been celebratingthat with her all these last couple of days as as well I just want anyone know she wasa guest on the show last month she's with us today This week here in HoustonFc in And she also led a conference You'll see the Power Network power conference as well as apresenter Okay back to you Natalie She also has an event coming up in august thank you Yeahso next next week begins faith Preneurs conference So you go to faith preneurs dot com is spelled just likeit sounds Faith Preneurs dot com and go to the website If if she workswith creating faith based businesses Doctor Grant runs about 56 companies say she's truly Jamaican Uh butshe has multiple sources Well she says to herself I'm not saying anything that she doesn't say she'lllet you know that she's truly to make along with her husband and two sons Theyall run companies Everybody everybody run a company Okay That's what you got that's that's your contribution tothe household is to run a business Um but dr Grant is an amazing person We're so happy that shethat she won the election to represent 100 and 25,000 women around the world Uh Zetaphi beta Uh she has a tremendous voice and she's there to be of serviceOkay And that's the most great thing about her and we're so glad to have on last week andI would be at her conference uh next week as well I was one of her first supporters andI'm gonna I will continue to support her and everything that she does go ahead Okaythank you Daddy back to you Alright so there's another thing I want to bringup your in a mastermind full of people that look like you right How importantdo you think that is I think sometimes we say we don't we don't want to talk about color Butto me it's it's it's the top of the topic for me most especially when we're doing business andwe're building relationships Um I'm not sure about everybody else but our relationship differently especially um you know since youknow some of our elections in the United States to be relationship differently I'm not ashamedto say that So how how does it feel to be a part of a mastermind group where youhave people that look like you and we're being vulnerable with each other emotionally vulnerable That'snot something that we're always taught to do or do before Before everyone chimes in that Ibelieve that is a very not just good question I mean that is a an excellent question because thatprobably becomes the roadblock for people blowing down this road right You and you ask the questionuh and everyone answered about their experience and if you notice Melanie Lynette and a nature they all talkabout a part of their entrepreneurial journey where they weren't as confident or they weren't as shy Oh they wereshy or they weren't speaking And so a mastermind environment with like minded people people whounderstand you and have shared experiences allow allows you the time to now I don't want tosay it in a crude way but you ain't gonna shut neither one of themup now because because now they've grown into their own voices Uh so that to me assomeone who's facilitating the group that is such a proud moment for me to watch the transformation ofindividuals in the group going from not knowing what they're gonna do in business not knowing if they can geton can look at I mean look at everybody's on camera today that these are interviewsthat is a part of their development And so that leads to the next part about yourquestion about color For me I'm just like you Natalie I mean it's it's allabout our people and this literally shows us that we don't have the same experiences as othergroups by being here There's talking in today's groups or today to today's audience So many people werekind of familiar with masterminding but not so familiar with masterminding However if you talk about this concept in othercommunities where thinking grow rich is on the bookshelf of a lot of their home Yeah but butit's rare on our bookshelves right So in other communities they have these experiences where this is the fifth gradetalk right Talking about masterminding and network working and the power of thought where for us it doesn't happenuntil we get an environment like this and to have each other accountable and patient to allow usto develop in this process I think it's critically important and you won't get that type of um latitudeand longitude except from people who look like you and love you the way that you love them Sothat's why it's critically important What you said about not just the experience that they'vehad but also the race component I just want to add one thing This entire conferenceis about okay this entire conference is about raising us to the next level creatingrelationships that get us to the next level pour into each other to get us and allof this We're all this weekend the deal will do one thing get better asblack people Okay Some may not look black but we're all black We got afew light skinned people gotta keep telling them Yeah I'm black But this whole conference is reallyabout us pulling into each other and about race It's about understanding who we are as a peoplewe are a great people right We got we got a history lesson and proved that to us thismorning Uh just a lot of great things that's been going on that shows that weare really a great people We are great entrepreneurs were great business people and as long aswe keep doing and striving to be better That's what we're going to be and this is one component ofit is the mastermind Yeah can I say one more thing uh Natalie before uh Anitraand everyone else chimes in is that steven just made a very great point I made that point from thepower talk stage today Is that a mastermind is just the next extension of what we're reallydoing here but when you're masterminding instead of us just networking like this could just be a networking group butit turns into a mastermind when we're deliberately coming together to have deeper conversations and solve problems andcreate new things such as what steven has done so that's the next step up fromjust having someone's business card or I know dr fraser I know someone else when youdeliberately come into a setting like this and now you begin to have deliberate intentional conversations about what makesme better Right Stephen because Stephen is in the group it makes me better because Melanie isin the group it makes me better I'm not looking at nobody else but they forced meto go and study they forced me to do what we're doing here to kind ofbe my best representation that none of them will be proud talking about I'm in the mobif I'm right around here looking like an idiot so it forces me to be on mybest as a representative of them and I think it also uh feels that way forthem when they're doing their work as well So great point Stephen I just wanted to kind of have thatthank you Dimitra I'm gonna jump in and share Um I was born and raised in des MoinesIowa So yes I knew my skin color was black but I was raised almost white Soto me I was like I was scared of my own people Now I'm in a place and ina space over you know years that it's not like that for me and sobeing in the mob being able to say Stephen we we've been to be married for like the next 10years you know we've kind of relationship right right That's what we're doing right you know um it was itwas an empowering feeling to know that I had a safe space a safe place We all have our traumasand things that we go through but being in a place where I'm not in competition with Melanie I'mnot in competition with steven or Lynette these are my people right So I'm not afraid of themwe can be vulnerable we can talk about whatever is going on sometimes it's personal you know life changingthings but ultimately we're able to talk to each other we're able to have those conversations that arethe first thing that came to my mind was we always talk about crabs in a bucketbut that's not how it is in the mob like we're always trying to think ofhow do I help that next person that looks just like me get to the next level no matterwhere they started I love it Let's stop Melanie lynette Do you want to share Okay Couldyou repeat the question I want to I want to understand how it feels to be apart of a mastermind with people that look like and how is that How hasthat can and let me let me give you guys let me give you all the understanding I setup a lot of tables where I'm the maybe there's a few but they don't really stay long I havea longer goal I just want everybody's information So I have a longer strategy than they do But for themost part it's just me and if I didn't know that I was gonna be hosting transfer up to sittingon here with you guys and my extended network it could really bother you It could really preventyou from growing because they're like and shared experiences do not align with what you'vegone through what you know what I mean And it's not you can't it's not their fault It'sjust not their lived experience right Um and no matter how much you trying toshape it it's they're not gonna understand it And I live in a community where they make thedecisions for the community they don't live in But I live there right So being a being ina room or a table where everybody where everybody looks like you and not just looks like you butyou're able to have open audible emotional conversations right Um I like the idea that youthat language language is important The power of words right Sometimes we attach the wrongfeeling to the wrong word and we've been going around saying this word and not really really realizing you'reprojecting it and you're getting all of that So how does that feel being being able to get accessto all that Because that is not common It's definitely not common in Connecticut Okay thankyou for the clarification Well it feels awesome and that's the best word I can explain because I look forwardeach two hour meeting Um There's been times where being an I T Company on site on various projectsfor various clients and even though I may not be able to show my face I will still belistening And so it's just getting the information I want to get it at thetime when it's being delivered Yes sure we can go back to you know get the recording at any timeBut it's different when you're actually on you know the actual call when it's live because I'mI can chat but I mean can talk so that in and of itself says a lot and me beingan I T Professional um and being an owner of I T Business and it being predominantly a male dominatedindustry coming in here in our group we can understand little things that others can't writeSo for example if I say okay I need more clients everybody says that right but then if Isay I need more clients now so that I can make sure that we keep the lights onthen we can give examples and we can relate at some point because everybody here inthe group has you know with with Brother Bedford and especially Stephen we I don'tknow how many years they've been in business but I can only imagine if we calculated it has to beat least you know let's just say probably 50 to 75 years Yes yes yesI figured as much Brother Bedford I was wondering if he was gonna chime in on thatSo so with that being said you know you're able to collaborate with others wholook like us and they can relate on different levels in the aspects where we need helpmost So that has been I know words can't describe how well and how muchit's appreciated Hey J J hey april people chiming in at the bottom JJ Hernandez inapril hey and for me this has been like therapy for me this is almost likea religion for me I go to church every sunday and nothing is gonna keep me away frombeing at the mob on thursday I don't care what I have to do I'm coming to the mob Soit's just like I gotta be there because if I'm not there it's like I'm missinga beat or something because I just got to make it I just want to add to that toobecause I make a commitment to media every Thursday regardless of whatever I think I willnot do any appointments Thursday from 12-2 That that's that time is already blocked Uh andI make those appointments because I don't want to miss an opportunity to have an experience to learn somethingto help me improve what I'm doing okay It's kind of like the way that Anitra gave me her ideaI was sitting in my daughter's rental vehicle outside the hotel where we get ready to bookinto but I make sure that my flight landed just before 12 o'clock and I'm in the rental car goingto the hotel listening to the Mastermind group and we got there you know I just sat inthe car and just listen because it was just before two o'clock and it wasjust at that time that Anitra said what she said that sparked my mind and like whoa this is agreat idea you don't know what I mean The wheels just turned so it's a commitment It's notjust us showing up we all commit to this and I think that there's gotta be somereally serious work to stop us from not showing up Yeah real quick Natalie if Imay on that point again steven and I kind of like feed off of each otherwith with certain things that we talked about and what's so profound about what Stephen just sharedand actually what everyone else is shared I really want you to kind of if I can give thelisteners and those who watch the recording of visual the commitment to being a mastermindOf course we're talking about the mob because that's our experience but just think about thisNatalie you mentioned the color component So here we are we're all black we're in there we're committed we haveshared experiences we know what it's like and and we are willing to give that type of advice or orsharing of knowledge but then what Stephen just said the commitment to be in theroom to be on something like this I want you to think about this thishas fostered the commitment all of us are at the PNC in Houston So you see so that commitmenton thursday led to us saying well let's be at so we took the mastermindnow we're at the power networking conference and we have the likes of dr Julianne Malveaux upstairsTavis smiley doctor Boyce Watkins all types of professional high level black people going back to yourpoint about race but now for the next two days my mission is to think about Okay who elsecan I introduce Stephen to here We have 500 to 1000 black professionals and every profession here right upstairs rightnow we're down in the lobby but there's somebody up there who needs uh I t I'vegot to go through my mental rolodex and meeting and say you know what I need you to meetLynette So we've taken the commitment from thursday's the mastermind and now we're out in the field were working whennetworking and masterminding all the way down in Houston and the rewards that can comefrom this the relationships even though I can't wait I still don't know if Lynette andthen got a chance to take pictures with George so I'm a guy corral him theseare shared experiences that add to our entrepreneurial experience that makes us better that makes ussmarter and so now the Net can go into all the places based upon the experiences that she's havingright now in the mob and here at the power network I love this I'm like thismuch jealous so I'm not gonna lie I'm trying I'm trying to I'm trying to make youjealous because you said it was yeah a little bit jealous but there's something there's a couple of thingsthat I want to bring to the attention to those that are viewing and if you want to be anentrepreneur if you if you are an entrepreneur everybody here made a commitment to be somewhere that they're not fromright And they invested in a plane ticket The Uber ride food to get there ahotel plus the admission to get inside Right I'm gonna put that over here Numbertwo they meet on Thursdays from 12 to 2 This is their full time work right I really want usto think about where we are as an entrepreneur and where we want to be as an entrepreneur rightBecause to steven's point um black businesses need to start becoming more entrepreneurial so they can start hiringmore black people study show we hire within each other Right So I think those are two big bigpoints to bring up because you guys are full fledged businesses You're not going to work mondaythrough friday leaving than doing this on the side this is the business There's athere's a difference You love it hug it sleep with it differently Right Right Catchplanes in the middle of the week to come to it right That's what we're doing right And you madeyou made that investment so I cannot find it But the other day I was listening to T D Jakesas I do I'm get ready get ready get ready One of his one of his sermons he talkedabout we have to move forward We got to keep investing in ourselves and hebrought up you have to keep educating yourself you cannot not know how to use the computer right You haveto keep putting investing in in your professional development as entrepreneurs as professionals right Becauseit is your career career roadmap no matter which direction you go So I think I brought t djakes in so that there's some there's a spiritual proof that it should be done right thereHe signed sealed delivered it for me on that one right So I think it's really important thatour audience realizes that there's a commitment that you've made as entrepreneurs and that you are full timeentrepreneurs right And there there was a goal to become that Um so I just want to point thatout and I think it's also important to add for the listening orders and I'd love to everybody else chimein on this but it's it's different levels of entrepreneurship and business to that that's the key to tocome together We're not in the mob to judge each other to criticize each other we're in the mob toto kind of meet each other where we are and what can we do to help again The biggestbenefit that I see for myself from the mastermind or let's just say the proud momentsthat I receive is to be able to see the transformation of the other members where I really havenothing to do with it and I mean I can't wait to see Anitra shining this weekend right She'sgoing to meet people and do deals right I mean we're here taking a break and having this conversation butafter this Melanie gotta go and do a deal She got to go meet some people the neck gotta gomeet some people And then what we're gonna do next thursday we're gonna talk about all of this Who didyou what happened What did you learn What workshops did you attend How did it benefit you Did you getthis picture Right so we're able to help hold each other accountable But more importantlylike I said we're out here implementing the same things that you talked about because without that actionwe're really just talking entrepreneurship we don't begin to take these steps to develop ourselves I justgot I just got to jump in and say this because yesterday won the powerspeakers from yesterday actually owned a black title company and brother and I said theexact same thing he need to meet that he needed to meet Melody We both said at the sametime to each other So we were both on the same track to understand that this iswhat we're here to do you know And I got my photo with dr Frasieralready I yeah I was I just want I just want to just add one more thingI said I want I want to talk a lot but what I really have enjoyedabout this is this group created trance rup Ting when I joined the mastermind group my focus was not aboutstarting a company it was about creating a mastermind group for WebO graduates but listening and meeting everyweek with this group sparked new ideas and showed me that I was coming up short on what Iwas doing I wasn't playing the game full out and that is what led me to launching transfer upSo they are these young ladies here actually was a catalyst in me saying that I don't want you allto be a part of Weibo I'm gonna build something different and new that I knowthe way it should be done and that would not have happened if I didn't attend this mastermindgroup I could have learned about starting to mastermind and you know implemented that with the workshop which was myoriginal plan but a lot more of it came out and once I actually started actually participating and made acommitment to show up every week and got feedback and hear all this other stuff so what the mastermindgroup can do is show you your path so the path that you really should be on because the paththat I was on was not my path I had to learn to help me learn about where where wegoing to the next step Natalie you and I've been on this journey for a while you knowwe know what we did with the workshop but think about the path we're going on nowthink about what you're also able to do when we got something that you can nowcustomize and make fit your audience We couldn't have done that with the past here we aretoday because of these young ladies here and we got something really special I just had toadd good stuff good stuff so you are part of this mastermind what what I wanna know is weknow that mastermind is a part of the networking from the net from being in the mastermind what elsehave you joined as a way to leverage your work Like has it influenced youto say maybe I do need to invest in this organization of this professional group orget this certification or maybe that's not the mind frame you had before Oh man that's next I need Ineed to copy that the great shape round is over here taking pictures of me that that's thething about all types of celebrities walking around and people doing things with the obvious he's taking picturesof me here while I'm on the computer showing great pictures by the way Umbut that's what this type of environment does and something that you just asked Natalieabout that investment you literally can't get away from investing either your time or your resourcesinto developing yourself Again the bottleneck for our people as it relates to entrepreneurship isnot realizing that you have to expose yourself to this type of process whether it's whether it'sin a mastermind or whether it's going to conferences or whether it's just saying you know what I'm gonna startmy business you're gonna have to learn a lot of these things that you can learn from the community eitheryou do it on your own you know that rugged individualist mindset but you have to go through but here'sthe thing that we've discovered you literally hurt yourself more doing it that way instead of just submitting toa process to where you can there's not a question that we can't ask each other in the groupand if I don't know that steven don't know if we go and find people again I'll pour Shayover here there Trevor axes over there I mean there's all types of people herethat we can invite two masterminds and so I think it's critically important Natalie for people toengage in these types of things that it doesn't have to be the mob but youhave to get into this process of connecting and masterminding with like minded people So that just like what happenedwith steven is not to think about it it's not like Stephen didn't know whatto do it's not like he didn't have experience but it was the environment where seedswere planted that allowed him to take a whole new approach and I think that's happening with allof us even myself the mastermind is growing and evolving daily a nitro do something She created a phenomenalinfographic off of something that I shared really some months ago and she's created an infographicoff of it that she now use and we share on social media but goesback to a language a common language that we're beginning to use in the group about building confidence butnow this becomes a tool and a resource not just for me this is Melanie's resource this is a necessarysource this is Stephen So now we're creating uh intellectual property that we can use So again whether you doit in this environment or not this is a process you have to go through So you want to doit willingly instead of being forced into you know the story of most of us entrepreneurs you know wego into bankruptcy we're home you know you hear all of the stories about youknow what we've done to get to a level of success but there is away to do it better we can learn and you know kind of network with some peopleso that they can shortcut are learning girl sometimes we Yeah absolutely yeah and thestruggle struggle is gonna be there Either way it's really about heightening and that's why it's called amastermind right You literally you know I learned this language from other masterminds and I'veshared it in this group and and it's become one of the nature's favorite things butit's so true entrepreneurs in the business of thinking about our thinking and when we're doing business outside ofthis type of environment we never really give ourselves a chance to think or communicate like this and whenyou don't think about what your motives are why you're doing something you know what's uh compelling you todo this instead of this why you don't want to learn that in this environment AndI believe Lynette said it so beautifully earlier it allows you to share your flaws and now it'snot a condemnation of you it's not a death sentence It's an environment that allows you to begin to growand develop So I would recommend everybody even if it's you know if you don't have to join the mobbut you should start a and we use the term mastermind because it's easier to wrap your mind around Icould easily just say you need to get a group of people together but we dowant to add some structure to it so that you can grow and develop So you should join a mastermindor even just start your own and start having these types of meetings These types of conversation These types oftrips together to engage with other people because that's going to be uh your self education in termsof you developing as an entrepreneur and the key thing that you said to was facilitated onequick second So come here company this is one of the power speakers you're not gonna really talk thisis Shane Shane Shane brown and he teaches how to make how to build a seven figuresales team Okay this is the type of talent that we have and what he's actually been doing for thelast 15 minutes and walk around uh amateur photography taking 40 starts pleasure meeting you man I love whatyou're doing man keep doing you're doing taking this information as entrepreneurs We always wantto get better and we never stop learning Thanks a lot You got the oneand only brother Bedford and the building I don't know how you got him out of here but he'shere He's like my brother now okay brother and other family members and they are not theones that borrow money These are good good ones You want to have a rap Okay thank you brother Thatis just real quick Something that that she just said about that again just the environment to be ableto take pictures He's an entrepreneur to teachers sales but as steven was just joking with him he'sliterally around here practicing his hobby because he's an entrepreneur that does sales and doesit well but he's around here taking pictures and that's what a good entrepreneur eventually grows to where you'reable to master your business but now you've got all of these other interesting things that you can doto me That's a great lesson because Stephen is right you've been walking around here taking pictures of every followingThe official photographer taking pictures of everybody but he can afford to do that You wantto hang around people like that and you know what else So Natalie what Ilove about this mob we started to funnel our money We don't take our money outside andgive it to other people will use the people in the mob that got toknow how in the skill set that can help us grow our business And that's a plus because a lotof people don't like to do that I like that That's a part of that That's that'sabout keeping the dollar in the community 1.5 cycles right We wanted to stay at least seven cycles ina community So that's important No this is great this is this is good You'vegiven me really good insight on a on a mastermind until your point Better BrotherBedford You said anybody can start a group and meet consistently and create structure around it right Andthen all of a sudden and all of a sudden next year meet up with you guys atthe power conference right I'm just saying anybody can do that right No the challenge for us Natalie you makea very valid point and I'll say this because one of the principles we we talkedabout it in the mob but we haven't had a need for me to kind of address it towhere it's an issue But you make a very valid point The reason some people don'tdo that And the reason a lot of people get into their silos is because they're constantly comparing andcompeting with each other when you come into the mob One of the first things that we're notcompeting with each other but more importantly we want to make sure that we set the standardthat that's not even our issue So we're here with the power network conference with people whodo similar things who have I mean we had a networking conference George has anetwork So you have networks of networks and they're all coming assistance for sisters now They haveabout 20 they have amassed So they got about 25 women It's here I could probably name about 4-5 othergroups But the point now is that that's the objective If we can build thesegroups and then we can come together not as competitors but using collaboration as a wayto take all of us to the next level There won't be anything that we can't do nowlike this Good work So what are your plans for the rest of the what doyou guys have plans I know you're three hours for three hours behind us So it's like what is itlike We just think we're just too I think we just central time All the way goWhere did go She Yeah she's working to get back on Hmm Okay So before we go fiveminutes No no let's go Let's go No no no If you got some more good questions to getthem out of the program upstairs is running behind time The congresswoman hasn't arrived yet So we gotcongresswoman Sheila Jackson gonna be part of the town hall We have a conversation about what'sup the democrats and remember Malcolm X speech the bullet or the ballot That's what they're going to have thediscussion the town hall meeting tonight So but they're actually running behind So we got a few more minutesYou got some good questions now let's go So I didn't know any other anyother joined since being a part of this Has there been anything that you realized being a part of theassociation as a joke as a joke My clan my clan nomination was rejected AnywayI can say I I stopped going to some groups because it was a waste oftime and I started attending this more and then obviously there was some I T Groups thatI'm a part of and I'm still a part of those as well because you get somedifferent uh different nuggets but they are not they do not look like us either So I understand this ishome Yes yes yes It's actually a family We we we we joke and you know I'm hoping that everybodyknow we say mob we're not really a mob meaning we are business mob okaybut what we want you know everyone to know is that we really you know you cansay you know feel like family but then truly when you show up for each otherlike Anita and I late at night you know we awake working on business cards trying to getready for the conference you know you know we're just doing what we need to do with eachother to get ready for what we need to do you know So it's just like justlike about those business cards obviously but but see but think about this though now wethink about what they just see that's the process right to to get prepared for theconference and have people who can help you and you know you may have to run theI mean we've been at conferences like this I've been here you know years ago you'dhave to run to Kinko's to get your order form printed up just before you run into yourwork I mean that's just the nature of entrepreneurship and it's wonderful to be ableto have people in it with you that can kind of help you go ahead andI know you want to say something on that for for me this is home right The mobis home but I have joined um other let me say facebook groups not mastermind becausethis is it for me like this is where I come to I send in some other JustinI've been here and listening and everything and I'm like yep I'm staying in the mobI'm good Um this is where home is and some of the other groups that Ihave joined on the social media platforms from being in the mob it's allowed me to share with themin ways of how to grow and I've been able to facilitate Brother Bedford I've been to BrotherBedford for a few minutes been able to facilitate some changes even in those groups by the waypeople think and how we're revealing ourselves and they're predominantly black groups black women that look like me um thatI know have had those moments of fear frustration and just not meaningfully into whothey are and what they bring to the table and being able to be in thosegroups because I have the mob mentality and the mob knowledge and the love makes mebe very open with them and showing them how they can have that kind of relationship build relationships morethan just the transaction the money will come But the relationship is the most important to meCan I add something to that real quick Natalie uh because we encourage if there's away for you to go out and help others whatever we're doing Um that's the whole design not to thinkof competition and so I've never uh once talked to anybody that's in the mob about being competitorswith some other groups or anything like that we want How do we work with themIn fact you can think of what Stephen is doing what trans reupped it nowwith a silly mentality Some of us to think well that's competition Stephen teaching entrepreneurship and we talkabout entrepreneurs it is the perfect marriage and collaboration and I would tell people who are comingin and I ready if they're not ready for the commit for this mastermind you needto go to transfer uptick we need more places to refer people to And it's it should neverbe this or that for us It should be both Why not If you're ready to study upunder dr George C fraser and you're ready to join Les Brown why not You don't have to chooseAnd I think that's a challenge with us Our community were always forced to choose Have youjust decided to do more Right Because I feel that often we were forced to choose Don'tRight So you know being in this group it's it's this is home right at home you learn whatyou need to do to survive outside So you might learn at home that you needto join your local chamber because there's a A R P One coming down there and only members get accessto that that's what we learned at home So that could be an extension of what youdecided to do which is what I learned from the group We don't join enough chambers or networking or thingslike that And then that leaves that First of all we don't join enough and then wewish you wash you off the board so that when we do get on the board and we're notalways taken seriously we're not there long enough And I understand that we don't always ourneeds are always served But there's a key that those networks have that we need to figure outhow we can and real quick on that Stephen before you say something before you say something becauseI want you to kind of answer this too because to your point Natalie I wantyou to think about that's really what we want to do is kind of helpeach other to develop the skill right Cause it takes skill to be a part of multiplegroups and support people and navigate things And so I wanted to think about Stephenis an excellent example So he didn't get on here and just talk about the mob He's talked aboutdr Stacy and grant how he supported her how he's going to be a part ofthat next week And so learning the skill from someone like us Stephen again uh this situation should prepare usto be able to go into other organizations not with a competitive spirit but howdo I come in here and help this growing So steven I want you to speak tothat because again steven kind of displayed that at the very beginning talking about Doctor CNC Brandt we broughtover Shea just a network of people to collaborate with but it takes a skillwhere you're not intimidated you don't feel bad about joining another group or trying to be apart of something else And I think Stephen kind of exemplifies that Yeah So what Ireally want to say this power network confidence unlike any other conference in the world because thisnumber one job is about collaboration Okay so every these speakers don't compete against one another they collaborate So acouple years ago I was introduced to Dr Cheryl Woods and Dr Cheryl Woods do speakshe does a speaker con conference and bring other speakers who get paid to speakon her conference She shares her stage with what you would call her competitors But she also understands the valueof what comes out of that And I've been a sponsor speaker Con as well and one of thereason I became a sponsor keeps because I met her right here at the PNC networkand got the opportunity to work with her I got the opportunity to do a presentation and Iwould really like what she's doing and I decided well we're gonna sponsor you as well So this isnot about competition I think too often Yes we always think we gotta compete and that's what Italk about in my book that scarcity mentality there's abundance in this world And I will tellyou that if you think that you've got to fight for a piece of a pieyou have been setting misled There's no such thing as a fighting for a piece of pie Youhave a whole pie multiple pie have some cake Eat it too as well I put thatin my book as well I'm quoting my book now because it's so much a part ofme but the whole thing you don't have to be a part of the mastermind to choose something tobe part of the master making part of the Chamber of Commerce part of Faith Preneurs could be partof Speaker Connie Frazier net we could be part of all these different entities and know thatwe're not competing against one another This is all about collaboration This is all about helping usget to the next step because we're going to learn something from each one of theseindividuals that take us to the next step My involvement with Face Preneurs opens up some doors that I didn'tactually don't see it gives me opportunity to meet some people I would not have metbeing a part of Speaker Con gives me an entire also different audience and knowing thatwhen I had 10 Speaker Con I'm gonna have not just from dr Cheryl Woods as anexpert in the field but other experts She brings on Delano She brings on people He bringsshe brings on some some some heavy hitters speakers who are charging 25 grand to speakfor five minutes and you want to do the same thing And she don't mind you sharingit because she also realized what she do is not for everybody if what she does not withthen here's something else and that's what makes this work So if you have this mentalityof sharing and don't feel it has to be either or you can really go farin life Okay And that's what I that's what we get through the mastermind groups and that's what we getfrom being here at P N P N C Networking conference That's all that's that's allwe're talking about Every speaker comes up It's talking about collaboration They ain't talking about you gotta do my programNo they say find what fits for you and think about this Natalie just real quick now just Justice stevenspoint real quick Dr Stacy and see Grant and Dr Cheryl would have come and spoken insideof the masters of business That's the type So they come in and speak and wego out and support them It just opens up so many opportunities for you to stevens point thepoint about fast food restaurants are so true Mcdonald's burger king chick fil a talkabout they're all the same same road right And they all they all actually when they'relooking for space want to be near each other right Because it draws people and somebodydoesn't like Mcdonald's once talked about So they all all evens out and they all win in the end RightSo if they can do it we can too All right I want to know what whatdo you guys do What I'm not there So I feel left out Your background suggeststhat you're there This is just home to me What do you what's what's going on next Ohit's the town This right This is a fortunate part for us Stephen's show actuallyfailed right after the workshops and before the town hall meeting And so we've had this window wherepeople were upstairs you know this is really like a dinner break and then goinginto the town hall meeting Okay And that time whole topic seems really intense Oh it's goingto be because even the speakers are going to be intense who are gonna really uh presenting this topic It'sa it's a seriously important black topic for these elections coming up We've just seen some of the midterm Republicanuh results that's coming out And I'll be honest with you if you're an entrepreneuryou need to be in the politics You know you need to be supporting the politicians thatyou feel is gonna be best for your community because I believe there's a group of individualssimilar to the clan that really would want to see us back on the plantation Okay they think that wedon't got too uppity Well we got we had lunch today and I was actually telling howradical my mother was a militant basically and she I told him the story Mymother would not let me watch the old Tarzan movie with johnny Weissmuller because she said thatif you believe that this one white man control all these so called tribes in africa She said you're reallystupid and I was like 89 years old So uh you know I do have thatability background in me and you know I have been involved as entre doing politics not just voting butsupporting with my dollars Those individual I think on the best represent our community and my goal is to tellevery black person who starts a business who has run your business you need to grow to thepoint where you can really impact your community and turn some things around hire some people and that's whattranscript is all about We're here to help you learn how to hire create a staff build and scaleof growing a business that's gonna support your community because if you don't support your community right Wegot a group of people that was going to give us some support but itain't gonna look like what we look like You know they already were in thestate right now where they have ready to limit the word slavery and replace it with someuh no first they said we came over here or like something like a cruise ship But theyare they they want to rewrite the history that we experience to fit their narrative This is what so youknow they say the easiest way to to really cripple a person if you take away All right andthey don't complain you take away another right And they don't complain And another one and another one The nextthing you find out you don't know and you don't have any rights It beganwhen they took civics out of classrooms So civics is no longer So you don't even knowyour rights as a citizen here because they took it out of the classroom Sowe're at this point now So this town hall meeting is about Malcolm X speech which was thebullet or the ballot that he delivered talking to these democrats because sometimes they don't do the right They they'renot doing some of the right things either But it was very clear you show up every fouryears while vote but for the three years in between we don't see or hear from youBut here you are again wanting our vote and what's gonna happen So we had avery important crossroad in this country and here we are at this conference fighting to go tothe next level to be excellence right Watching okay K P We hear you You'regonna be here next year with us Okay we're gonna we're gonna isolate you So you don't bearound No family member to catch Covid okay Or anything else But this conference is really aboutdespite the systemic racism despite the history of what's been done to us we can still rise become successfulas entrepreneurs and give back and help our communities because what we're here to do is to learnright to implement and to also give back dr George fraser is telling us that we're here of service We'rehere to be of service and being of service means that we should be here to give back to themto one another Not just take and take and take so and that's what we we've alllearned the mob So that's where we had the opportunity to really love and experience those things as well That'swhy I'm glad to be a part That's why I'm so glad that this worked out that wecould all be here tonight and do this show like this You know I have my family here with meI'm deeply indebted to all of you all I really enjoyed the thursday Yes I do write someof y'all I'm a jokester I'm always prank I would always tell jokes but in all seriousness Uh I wouldnot be where I'm at today without all of you all Okay thank you for that Go ahead NatalieSo I think no I I wanted to share with you It's just been a pleasure just being able becauseI know we met um in Harlem that day when we went up there we were all togetherthat day for the right um and I'm glad that I was able to hear more aboutyour business just right Um because in Connecticut I you know you know working with steven between transerupted I'm building out a nonprofit arm to my co work space that I own Uh and then that spaceis going to be my fiduciary for money to be able to because listen the rule says you'vegot to be a nonprofit we will be a non profit right So you know starting the board andthen led by us which is my partner organization which you know my partner is hispanicon black So it's led by us we feel like that's really important and we're always gonna be lookingfor affiliates people that it looks like us that have certain products and services And I just met threepeople that got products and services So I'm excited to add that to my um led led by US affiliatenetwork because what we're really trying to do is my biggest concern is there's no consulting firms that doa lot of economic development work in urban and if there is the representation ofa black or brown person is very very little very small and and and theirrole is not very big to make a decision I know this because I wrote my city plan Iwas on that team So I know how that selection process is Um we need a consortium of black consultantsthat when big projects come come we can like a Hollywood movie set come togetherdo the work get paid go back Right And I think being able to have access to that allowsfor anybody that makes you look at our FPs differently if you feel that you have the capacity umto be able to meet the needs of the client So I'm excited to be able to addyou onto my neck work in that capacity as we are starting to open back up my collabexchange in Connecticut and doing some workshops So definitely will be reaching out to you Well I mean first ofall you're going to be meeting them on a regular basis They're also transfer uptick affiliate partners as wellThere we go We're gonna we're gonna be getting together on a on a monthly basis anddoing our version affiliate version of the think tank as well Uh there's no you know we want no waywe're going to do that So uh I want to give a big thanks to you Brother Bedford for everythingIf you have done bringing us all together Um and your years of service Uh there's no onehere at this conference will not speak highly of you Brother Bedford I mean we saw we sawdr Wendy Mohammed in your room testimonial You right off the bat you know Yeah she's built multimillion dollar companies were going to the list goes on everything you have done forall of us and continue to do I'm I'm honored that you was our one of our first guestsI'm honored to uh to to know you and have your part of this Uhit's an honor to have these women with us here tonight who have been very instrumental in whereI'm at today which would not have been possible if I was in a group with themyou know there's a lot to to go and I just want to say for anyone who's on the showtonight I may be doing something that's not allowed but I'm gonna do it anywayUh if you want to be a part of the 2023 powered networking conference right I would say uhdefinitely get in touch with me because dr George fraser always has a special a special price that noone that you would not normally get that price I think only last until augustI would say that would be one of the best investment you can make business wise I'll tell youthe level the level of people that are here that's gonna present can give you million dollar ideas amillion dollar ways to implement Not just give you an idea but give you apath to implementation It's like I just told Shay Shay Brown who is he helps peoplebuild seven I mean build multi million dollar sales team he's been doing this for a numberof years he has a track record he has a lot of success Everyone in that We'vegot a gentleman who's been doing teaching brandy for 37 years he has done you know once again majorcorporate clients a good friend of mine Reginald Davis who has been teaching supply diversityHe was my first mentor when I first joined my first got my company certified I learned from himhow to go after corporate contracts He's here tonight I was actually shocked to see him I lookedat him like I know this guy and then I realized who he is I actually got to goover and how come and thank him once again for everything he had pointed to me uhand everything that he said on that screen is true about how corporations will take our money but don'twant to do business with us right So we giving you 40% of our for youyou're making 40% margins off of us right But then when you come to uswhen we want to provide services to you saying no we want to provide raw goods yousay no and that's so true You know I've I've seen it So he has told usthat if the supply if the corporation doesn't buy from the C suite don't join theirsupply diversity network don't waste your time If it's if it's if supply diversity is brought in fromthe corporate C suite then you have an opportunity to work That billion dollar round table isalso real coke And Pepsi are part of that along with along with ERnst andYoung and some other corporations So they all corporations are doing more than a billion dollars worth ofbusiness with me businesses and that's what I learned from from Reginald Davis many yearsago But that's the type of talent that dr fred this is Dr Frasier has saidthis is that's his mastermind group Those are the people he hang with that's those his homies he's bringing thattalent to you every year So here's an opportunity for you those who are listening tothe show If you're really serious about 1 to 10 this conference and you put your nameon that list you need to be ready to pay whatever a couple $100 it's going to be when drfraser contacts you then contact me uh a curse through my email address up thereone more time for the for the people to see get my email address they can send me an emailand I'll make sure they get the link to to tell and I'll go tell dr GeorgeFrazier that I promoted his conference next year on my show So he won't beatup on you brother Bedford I'm gonna take I'm gonna take that one on my own I thankyou all for tuning in tonight I hope that this girl was beneficial to you all This is what wedo every month We're all about and power and helping entrepreneurs get to the next level tranceReupped ID Our cohort will be launching next our first cohort will be launching nextmonth We have a 12 week program uh in which we're gonna help you scale andoperate a corporate your own small business or help you grow an existing business We also have atrack that's gonna be doing financial literacy So you understand how budgeting works how creditworks our business credit works as well And then on top of that you get tojoin once you graduate you get to join that's it Yeah there you go steven dotJackson transcript dot com But once you graduate the 12 week program you get to join our one year mastermindgroup Do exactly what I do with these women on a monthly basis as well So there'll bea lot there'll be more information about that as well Information about my new book and my five day challengefor those people have an issue and are having problems making it come on We're gonnawork with you on that as well I thank you all for joining tonight Thank you tomy guest I'm humbled humbled by your presence this evening I really really appreciate this that youdecided to spend some time with me tonight Uh you know and Natalie you got any finalwords for us Yes go master your mindset Yeah mindset I got I got one finalthing to say y'all need to come and get some of this fire Stephen on fire boy he's gonna lightsomebody up just to be close to steven is enough Well it's coming because of whereI happen to be at you know it's been a number of years and I actuallyhaven't physically been at a fraser net since 2016 Uh so I missed you know he started hehas started happening on some weekends just weeks where I really couldn't be available Uh actually remember being at thefirst one you know that's how I met Dr George fraser in 1990 for around 94 95at a symposium called marketing opportunities for black Entertainment in black entrepreneurs Moby is called Mobyfor short and Allison was a sponsor of at one time and that's where I met dr fraserwe did a panel together as well over time and then I remember we came up withthe success uh directory that we had to success director and other things So itfeels I feel like I returned home you know for the last the last two years wasvirtual which was not the same but to be here this year with my good my good friend drStacy instagram and other friends who have not seen like Dr Cheryl would so good tosee her again I feel like I'm at home and me being me being home especially in aspecial city like Houston where I begin a pivotal part of my career and leadership trainingbrings this all together It's like I'm really blessed to be here in this moment and I'm yes I'mall right I'm on fire and I'm on fire because of what I experienced and well look at lookat look at this way the fire that's burning now makes trance reupped it even better And Natalie westill got two more days of Stephen is like that Imagine how it's gonna feel on side Wegot two more days of this Actually actually I actually fly out tomorrow night I'm actually flying out I won'tbe here for the end of it And I just I so the good newsis that we are starting the team project I'm gonna have 20 younger 2020 teenagers between 16 and 20 thatwe're gonna be taking to this whole trans rustic experience as well Uh that isgoing to begin very soon So I need to get back and start to prepare for thatI'm excited about that as well And uh you know just all the other things thatwe're all doing together So everyone I have a great amazing evening I will leaveyou with this do something every day to best your best no matter how small it is just dosomething every day read another book listen to listen to an inspirational message do something for yourself Thank you allhave a great night