Ok Yes Yeah One of my discussion yesterday uh yesterday the relations relationship currently relationships Never in adultsNo bro everything Look our practices and relationships A herro look up to master master to uh Pota AroAre you facing a for Egypt Uh roll up summaries created structures around my flower Our rollup summaries Uh um It accounts for address sir Ok I see So share itYes Yeah Are you following the classes Which I am teaching Yeah I mean like I did my lastclass so I did go into the recordings But um mostly yes but like I didn't know thelast one So I'll go to the recording and I'll get back if I have any problemsThank you for checking with me Ok Uh Do you have any doubts regarding the preception ofin the recording Uh so far I didn't face any problem with the recorded videosUm um Yeah it's it's pleasant for now Um If I've got any active problemsI'll let you know that's so true after the between uh semifinished products Key A master finish child daddyparent account parent account both uh account parent then uh uh semifinished K master master recordation That one game Uhok I can tell you Ok Manage to ironic vanilla Of course sorry Uh youknow yes in the airport go roll up some and um the account the account Singapore account account tuitionS two records counter number of records Four to April Hm On the training details and displayof it Ok Did you go to a or Ok Yeah but you on theyou can't edit this film Ok Well because it is automa it the formula but automaticallycontent is already displeasure today Ok Ok For account a director in the semi partnership productat automatically it will increase the account to three from two Ok Auto numbers arm offields roll of summaries un un order read on the field You can't edit them readonly and only should and counter edit it and Ok Ok Uh in Japan and Japan relationships uh relationshipsthroughout um uh Oh yeah Ok Then validation to serve them Ok First of all validation ruleswrong values and are are wrong values and rules That means um for ok ifon a more than 10 numbers and catch save less than 10 numbers and a catchsave at le city around 10 numbers north from my place about an hour below 10number record and edit phone and edit and number Ok Ok Otherwise I suppose finishing productYeah Uh ok Contact number This screening car recently listed the gra deployment you then open yourlocker Yeah So uh weight of the product 124 day Ok It from ok 10%contact is the weight of the product are near 90 contact point less than 100 contactOk A validation form CIA rule criteria Ok Ok Conditions These are conditions satisfy chepo run messages Ok Ok OkI suppose simple validation and the weight of the product and the validation uh contact number is yeah sureGo to your uh object manager and then go to finish your product and click on edit object inthe office here Go to violation rules laws clone the Children Yes I'll let youtake on you uh contact number Not less than 10 digits in time Phone number contact number anything isfine Pick it up Oh right Sorry Yes Any war Yeah So condition of field local ownervalue tendt context perform the field owner OK Yes you put in all function categories Length Anyoccupant Yes Does it Yes Insect selected function I double click in the double click that the function is YeahThe and in click your number set fields play among the end Me object on noel and mecould display Ok Uh Our customer contact number selected is only in bra you seeless than 10 and 20 minutes Uh Let us no operator less than somebody Insect operator then selectOk Checks in tax lion syntax Text text me yesterday Ok Ok Please enter direct phone number Yeah it topof the page you two options on top of the page Enter enter uh mepage mcdonald's top on um no no no no the study Ok Yeah Uh top of thepage better Feel better Ok Ok I add two checkbox evaluation rule were reported at two checkbox fix Like awork of Ok Yes Ok Uh ok Less than 10 numbers only one day Mandate mandate repeat Yeahchanging Ok Top of the page and take survey Are they fill places contact customer contactnumber our customer contact number filled the er and display today Ok Ok Validation and validation orseven violation rules This to put rules form a club in Ok Ok Ok Object uh violation togo to the machine A hard win bro violation Open at wild and bye No get achair Hello sir Is it understandable for you Yeah I'm trying to get it because the line is thelast session So kind of the last session Rules are not link up with the lastsession Ok All right Yeah this I'm following it but I thought like there's somethingrelated to the last one yeah this is uh pretty clear This is exactly a new one Ok Uhso yeah so which is green and and a twenties formula playground formula Playground an anti Mform built chase area Ok Ok Playground Ok That is 10 E space E area area Playground ontop a playground Ok He put a controller in the MC Villa MVC Ok Yeah So uh playgroundOK Only for the validations only for the validations we call the criteria Ok Ok Ok YesSyntax in formula chita er any displeasure Ok Ok Yes Then insect field in field afield select the fields uh order after a dis OK Ok Yeah Click on insert three so that uh youcan recollect again Got it Um Sure what the screen sharing of host in will click outletscreen sharing and OK You and the Yeah finally on you put on yeah Uh He didn't meanmiss Yeah OK And along with the the parent objective anniversary are parent object greater than symbol can parent objectsparent object lone values but 98812 plus 9199 Hello Hello Yes got you Hello Hello How are you Uh Sothe with the cliches in entered the of aar object alone and it will put a displayof it OK Parent account OK Hello OK Hook at the mine up the cross the form of Amandacross abject form of it Yes The object object on the cross form of OK OK YeahClick on close The parent The only parent who go to miss selects culture OK Rosie click on insertoperator what this one in internet operator and operations OK And you put a plan Isuppose if you want to we take two number fields E two number fields at justless than 100 rai at like often more than 100 additional two fields in a additional two fieldsat large as a in the same way subtraction multiplication division exponential exponential and powers OKOpen parenthesis close parenthesis open parentis close Are they open parenthesis there then Are they closed OK OK And andOK Uh render aly follow pathetic OK OK You put ravo OK I suppose 10 orand on the not equally less than greater than less than equal to greater than equal to and and orconcept with and the condition or condition for system and practices in the same wayhere Also you have to power and condition and or condition OK Ok Yes then functions were inThank you Bye Yes E all function categories look means a grade different different functions inare different different function use OK Some of the important functions have regular practice We functionthe use of the each and everything clears the practice whatever the things that we areusing regularly I will discuss about those OK Yes Add months The ad so nameis Deni Date date Oh ok I suppose near date field 93 23 and this 93 2023 andis not unfunded OK The ad month of three and Peter and Ok Yeah I opened ademo 39th 6th 2023 or 30 three months at chess Ok Only one at Ok Exactly And andthe condition yes Yeah Can you turn down brand only the important functions Chapter begins uh starting letter um beginwith I suppose only rakesh only with R and R for number of letters andbegin Ok Ok Yeah Plant value blank value and empty value value Ok Ok Ok Ma not contra uhotherwise can you share your screen instead of a show it interview Uh you know is itlike a plastic and the end line manager supports a violation rule Every object contains validation rules Ok Object astandard object custom object a violation to we find the select number may object a scale Wefind the objects validation Yeah Mm blank Yeah Blank value point next to kindergarten number contents contains supposeif it contains then you have to throw there Ok Ok Yes Next one data data is important to uhfor regular holidays and Oh ok Ok A date and and if we if if we looklike was there Ok Ok That is about the date date time value and Dand T along with that date time cos it just got you Ok Ok OkOk And then date value date value and only date month and year only date of Ok Andthen Monday Tuesday Wednesday Yeah a day of the year and give me the card number I was gotbaking If if if uh for if one day one day uh number of digits in the phone numberthe include Ok Yeah Is black on your biking Yeah Is is of the of functionis blank Is null He speak well he speak well he speak well and violations andif it is the value then OK Yeah Number of a number of uh characters contest OKOK 10 to value minimum and 10th or value not um that not another Yeah not not uh notfor not OK No no one at the NTN date time related minute and one day currentcurrent time and apply The one No one is the OK OK No one day date and timeboth OK OK Yeah the number only today or prayer value prayer value previous value and I supposeweight and 50 K OK Uh Wait and it is 60 key updates OK It put 61 60 OKOK Under 80 of the prior value 50 current value 60 OK Prior value and the previous valueand OK OK OK OK Second text it Raston text format text us OK OK No numbercenter OK Number center text a function Basically two users fields and relationship of form of feels and isn'ta formula is no affection is a system Yeah time now only in the car No one date and timetime now and only time only can the Celtic today and today and only date OkOk Ok Now time now today Ok Ok Yeah next one time value time value for uh date andtime time value of date and time and time and ok Ok Yes Today today I needto check now today Ok Ok Yeah and then last one is here here and ok Yes you put aval validation rules on it to be only standard custom you put on the customer Ok validation process not thestandard by default to all standard Ok bro Ok So for suppose standard and area less than fiverating on any hot pata do Ok Writing an identity quick list Ok Ok Standard less thanfive standard one edit Object up to context practices bro Last three days of living in practiceA a uh 23 topics um honor Hanson or chasing the practice in the inthe end holiday at the full practice Ok Your number standard and standard at Stanford less than fiveI'm reading Should not be her art What the limited words Ok Ok Good on stand itA description like the length a number of words number of words Ok Number ofcharacters together a number of characters Um The number is 51 day Ok In thatfield like bro standard uh less than less than or equal to even I OK equalto T number Jacky takes a hello Hello bro In standard energy Uh a number a numberso number of 100 Ok Nur is fond of chiro Less than 500 rating on ahot on the po and no more Ok Eating cool or Oh no bro No Um I don'tknow you know and the bro as in general is no sorry And they got to pick in awhile Uh put them on and 1000 uh uh I would uh hello hello Insect operator NDIis speak well mula and then be Nama and the pot and every single pole Ok Ok OkOperator for the standard less than five rating should not be hot and patter are the most It's a problemThe condition or condition happy You put a parent parent object uh fy chi objectfilk with a validation to creator He recorded an essay A cross coach is standard for the Ok Awesome UmYes end condition functionality is gonna allow What is your edit edit court ship less thancops funding later One day stand in two times You put a end selection funding functionslot set selected function Yeah Uh logic one logic two comma dot dot dot And a bracket onlybracket empty bracket cars track it local on the dot Zoological to commas Yeah I standard underscore underscore C lessthen comma he two condition and what or could a function refresh that's true in number Hello validation rules Dodo you have any doubts regarding this validation Ros No it was clear right Ok Then um undera if we practice and D Vaid rules practice and a and a complex rules law also will uh realtime law a stupid channel And the and the condition or condition is speak values date time length themaximum of the time there the real time If it is gonna practice real time and the conditionand then different different rule practice I'm an adult so sad Ok now Ok seeyou tomorrow then Bye bye Ok thank you bro Thank you Thank you