Yeah so I discuss this for a moment Validation rules discusses law a good play with oh recordtype base loud combat cloud si relationship play play I love OK Um Same for my record and when Idisplay earlier day you will go with the formulas Send me the Vaid monarchy validation and er conditionsand that is the difference between validation OK OK Uh automation tool Uh We got information tools emailtemplates email templates So email templates Yes Insect of the delete Oh OK Players also do OK OK But we'lldiscuss about the email templates That means uh first me record creates a record detail recordon the details of an image Mm leather and different different schools different schools you know a aprimary school and a primary school and a law 60 Standard Law So uh AAA student namedOK And then just email ID parent phone number student email ID student name student details Mm No brobutler record record create in parent parent ma pa mhm OK The great admission is uh admissiondetail OK Lack of records lack lack lack of time and the student uh child automatic from the automation toolOK Email of automation automation automatic automation tool automatic uh automation tools and OK OKOK OK And then automation tools and and mm mm automation tools and the enemythe workout DML operations OK Well TML data HM RDML operations automatic automation automation automatic automation uh automation operationsOK OK Mm Yes So automation automation tool OK OK Email templates email templates email templates OK bro Yes Goto set up quick law classic email templates and is such a number Yes Recent lightning email templates anda new future OK Yeah Uh click on new template Yeah so me me 1000 of templates onthe show and different different different different uh at the room are two different differenttemplates uh noodle so is in a template and uh M folders download chaser milon failsdownload chaser M on the files Download chasing Mhm uh For suppose graduation chaser My graduation chaseron graduation got the less uh different ages different friends and the hm on group group mm intermediate toall the very group graduation in all the group at different different groups in differentdifferent groups different different people in um academy rangers tomorrow Miko is in a separating aplace just separating a place in the part of uh I suppose Hm Ok So I look for subjectstonight first Hm Each subject flow different different chapters on the related folder Uh subject related file relatedmake a different different file calls in a call on on bro template and OKa folder folder and make a call and folder look cars and tablets place just foryou Ok Ok cool Yeah Create new folder and number Yes Ok Mhm Read or write and number Yeah reador write but number and they based on um your situation and criteria Ok When a company OkAre we suppose standard folder on the 100 templates on the you put me one not one templates onthe I couldn't different objects in a primary secondary intermediate primary five templates on the A five templatescreate a secondary 10 tablets create secondary are 10 templates of secondary OK Go find out Mhm OK Nexttime standard templates and sales by templates sharing rei secure tailor and makeup tunnel OK OK Template Yes it couldhave of four options First one is text second one is html Third one iscustom letterhead Fourth one is visible force First one touched it text text general the emails generalemails attendance report daily attendance report uh student attendance report attendance of them will capture our attendances report every onlyjust paragraphs normal text OK Hello text text Next one is html I suppose near and and differentiatesthe TML language uh different types of tax break tag tag um header tags uh HML uh html html differentiationof differentiation template html using classic letter OK Um Yeah custom without using classic letter had done at theend uh images go to and my school logo spread called hetero body and different differentcannabis sections out different different sections of the places content OK And any OK Cool uhHDF uh anonymous You know and the bank I opened your number my the entire different logo of them Yepit's like different different sections No different different places photos or body section So images make it email emailtemplate then you will go with 2nd 3rd option OK OK Yeah Uh Monarchy Sales Force Law lightning andclassic And two different uh uh class can print visible for um complex html html using classic lettervisible for email template I email template it for OK Yeah OK First click on next Souh and yeah so one minute 10 minutes 5 to 10 minutes template template name create theFF and display out there OK No next one available for use E template availablefor use check box place just the automation tool and uh next to future OKOK Email template name and email template and the display of template unique name under unique name object Aand M at the A PM at the Atlantic template key unique name template A PNM and unique name Youname them OK OK OK Different wheel scanner Sorry A PN ma PN ma PNM Um Nameis Yeah OK OK Yeah Uh and then encoding and then description description on it UmOK I hm and then subject subject subject uh subject word Yeah our subject could alsoemail email also You name it uh uh Hyderabad Uh it is a better Hello Auh they love subject subject subject press One greetings from Branch via what I am talkingHi Sara madam Your student name on the your student admission Got confirmed number Good Yourstudent admission confirm kind of uh hu I'd look up now Mhm The student you were student togetheryou were together still electric your child space with the name you you jail Oh something ofnoon to change with the name Um Too much in with the name has been small Hitchhas been the name that the sun has been con confirmed with the standard with the six standard and buttonIt's the standard Ok Your child with the name has been confirmed was the foreignYeah admission admission has been informed for admission has been confirmed it things Oh in thebranch of Vida So e email allow our call and verify black black screens andem preview the template with the following record Honey acceptant record record contract contact with contact email contactadditional email on I I sent the preview to Kathy Kundra 97 at gmail dot com Methe number um um male selectors send send I'm there now Total refresh uh just oksorry inbox first subject greeting from via wada branch Ok madam you are trained with anadmission has been confirmed for the sixth standard in which branch and template and templateand records the standard Yeah they put the name dynamic values changes to low on thecontent Got a change of the same OK OK And and and the name nameOK OK Yeah Other dynamic Mm Yes Um Go to your email template Click on edit contact meor object object no name or contact contact Mm They might let me object there They my nameis pop up the display of display display over the contact fields An UN my name my name my nameintermediate fields are on the are in objecting The primary primary field Primary school is the main object theobject on the fields and select the fields Drop down the name and branches name MoroOh primary school name primary name or no Her branch is named on a create andto create a you know um you Yes Ok Ok Ok So primary schools names branches students student recordscreate Ok Ok Are primary schools on an object of branch one day Oh okStudent name aro oh branch name on a and then all the branch came ina branch named student named the Marta Ok Bye branch in free time Sorry and branch nameda student Yeah Ok Ok Uh Then for now got number The primary school Smell the kitchen the kitchenYeah Ok Classic email Well a number Mhm Yeah April copy field value in together are the copyI know there are as many pieces as the other place Just a moment A admission thenewspaper Yeah select a standard and a selection I know the English standard on a few days ago Ohit is funny you can have Yeah ma branch I look at the place from yeah see Ok Email templatename Ok And where where you name I'll give it all serious moment center and magical could havecontact another new object to primary primary schools and objects are just contact lead or user OkYou know No Ok Email template Ok Um html template of uh ok bro Options are tomultiple list on a multiple options So eop discuss topics discussed Mm ok And okOk then Bye bye See you see you on Monday room on Saturday Sunday Got a Saturday SundayUh 12,000 Ok Ok Uh Next Wednesday next Wednesday Next to Oh ok Bye bye