Acts Chapter 2
The Holy Spirit comes down, and those in the upper room are baptized in the Holy Spirit, as God had promised. What is this Baptism of the Holy Spirit and what is the effect on those who receive it? There were various gifts given to them, which we will discuss and make clear as to what they were. We discuss these gifts, how they were manifested, and how the Jewish leadership responded. And we discuss the major benefits to the Church then and today of this baptism.
The Holy Spirit comes down, and those in the upper room are baptized in the Holy Spirit, as God had promised. What is this Baptism of the Holy Spirit and what is the effect on those who receive it? There were various gifts given to them, which we will discuss and make clear as to what they were. We discuss these gifts, how they were manifested, and how the Jewish leadership responded. And we discuss the major benefits to the Church then and today of this baptism.
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