Acts Chapter 16
Paul wanted Timothy to join him and Silas, so he circumcised him in order not to alienate the Jews. Wherever they went, they took the opportunity to strengthen the churches in the faith. As they were traveling, God stopped them from going into certain areas, but rather sent them into Macedonia and preach the gospel to them. During this time on a Sabbath day, a woman named Lydia opened her heart and was saved. They then met another lady, who was a slave and a fortune teller who brought huge profits to her owners. Paul, being annoyed, cast the spirit out of her. This caused her owners to have Paul and Silas arrested for preaching a different religion, which was illegal in Rome. They were beaten with rods and thrown into prison. There they prayed and praised God, and all the other prisoners listened to them. An earthquake occured which opened all the doors and broke the chains off all the prisoners. When the jailer heard this, he tried to kill himself, but Paul told him not to, and the Jailer became saved, along with his entire household.
Paul wanted Timothy to join him and Silas, so he circumcised him in order not to alienate the Jews. Wherever they went, they took the opportunity to strengthen the churches in the faith. As they were traveling, God stopped them from going into certain areas, but rather sent them into Macedonia and preach the gospel to them. During this time on a Sabbath day, a woman named Lydia opened her heart and was saved. They then met another lady, who was a slave and a fortune teller who brought huge profits to her owners. Paul, being annoyed, cast the spirit out of her. This caused her owners to have Paul and Silas arrested for preaching a different religion, which was illegal in Rome. They were beaten with rods and thrown into prison. There they prayed and praised God, and all the other prisoners listened to them. An earthquake occured which opened all the doors and broke the chains off all the prisoners. When the jailer heard this, he tried to kill himself, but Paul told him not to, and the Jailer became saved, along with his entire household.
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