Video #6 -How to add blog articles
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alright now we're going to learn how to set up a Blog and add blog articles to our website this

is going to get fun so check it out okay good stuff now you have your website up and running

I'm going to show you how to add blogs to your website or how to add articles to

your website okay so let's go ahead and go to our dashboard and right now we have Pages we have

our homepage okay and we have a Blog Page now the way that you you add

blog articles to your website if you want to go to post Okay click add new okay and then

you want to think of a title for your blog let's call this one a church near me

okay let's just say we're writing about a church near me and then we'll go ahead and start typing hello

everybody Welcome to our cool blog today we are going to say we're going to talk about how to

find a church near you I'm just making up something okay hello everybody Welcome to our Kuba all

right so let's go ahead and copy this and act like I wrote a lot of stuff

I'm just going to paste what we have here okay boom taste it taste it

again paste it again and paste it one more time and then I'm going to click

publish can I click publish again you now now have a brand new blog article

so let's go ahead and view it there it is church near me And there's the text

that we wrote Of course you'd probably write an actual blog but I just wrote this text

for the sake of the course alright so now when we go to our cool

Church website let's go ahead and visit it here's our we're going to visit our homepage so let's go

ahead and do that here's our home page and once we click blog it takes us to our

blog and this is the one we just wrote and you can add as many

blogs as you want now we're going to get into how to add an SEO tool to

your blog and this is going to get fun so keep it locked