RS7 submission - how it works-20230131_111343-Meeting Recording
Show Transcripts

Okay great So the recording has started Okay And are you able to see my screen Okay So

remember I told you j that there are two income sources for any child care center one

is the funding that they receive from Ministry of Education and another is the fees that they charge

to parents Okay now you have kind of covered the fi module a little bit So you understand that

we'll cover that a little bit more but currently it's the RS seven season Okay

What do we mean by RS seven season And how do our centers receive their funding Okay so

that's what we are going to cover today So this is the calendar I'll send you

a link to this Uh this is the yearly calendar So the beginning of every

year or before each new year um Rolls over Ministry publishes these dates Okay pretty much they have the

same For example if you look at february So we are in january Now February which is tomorrow

Okay Our our RS seven submission period opens what it means And when does it close

And it closes Here Wednesday eight March So it will run from Wednesday to Wednesday Why Usually it's five

days only But because of these public holidays that are coming in between what will happen is that

uh it's the last day is eight Usually it's five working days Oh so monday is another

holiday So um I assume I don't have any work again You don't have to log in on monday

Okay Okay so so from tomorrow our centers will submit their RS seven return and on the eighth

of March it will end now will that be the last last day No If they wish to

have their if they wish to have their payment received on um 1st of March So If they want

the payment from the Ministry of Education on one March then the last date is

nine February Okay Okay They can also submit it after nine February but their payment will only happen on

file within those five days initial five days then they will receive the payment All of them will

receive the payment on first of March Okay Okay So it is it is safe to say

that 99% of all our centers that we have we will submit it within the first

five days because who wants to wait for a payment for another 15 days Okay So that's why we

will experience a heavy traffic which is fine Uh there's no problem with that and hence we will also

we will also have a lot more support calls Okay what what is that exercise How does it

look like Okay so for any center it looks something like this So they go

under M O Okay now I'm going to go to this check prerequisite check but it is as as good

as clicking on here So tomorrow they will click on here So when I click on it

today you will see that begin button is not there So it will only become active tomorrow because the return

opens from tomorrow Okay Okay So but but I'm going to exactly show you what they're

going to do So I'm going to go under prerequisite So currently um a month

before their submission our prerequisite check opens up What it allows them to do is it allows them

to perform three important checks Okay so when you go begin um this this is just

standard it tells the cycle so october to january So our centers are submitting their

data for october to january Simple Okay next please ensure you have entered holidays funded Okay

what we are asking them to do is holidays and temporary closures They need to

check because the day when they were closed that day when they were not open they

are not supposed to be receiving the funding or depending on the type they may receive the funding What is

an example An example is if a center chose to keep closed during the christmas holidays and

they were closed for let's say three weeks That was the center decision to be

closed and hence no funding is supposed to be received Okay so this is what we call as

a holiday period Yeah but if there are national holidays yeah national holidays are also called holidays

which we enter our support team enters in the system Okay Yes correct And Waitangi Day which is

coming up next monday Yeah so Waitangi Day or um ANZAC Day those are the holidays

that we enter in the system christmas holidays easter holidays and so on Okay then

we have anniversary days anniversary days meaning that we have different regions Um and so if

Auckland anniversary nelson anniversary you know Canterbury So so so there are different regions and again

there is an uh common new Zealand calendar holidays calendar you can easily find out

all these holidays from there as well Okay so no payments for these Okay However however

as I told you we had a flood situation in Auckland Okay then in the past we've

had Covid Okay then suddenly something happens and let's say there is an electricity outage Okay okay what happens

is either the ministry will send a bulletin or the centers can call up the ministry office and they can

get it approved as a temporary closure Okay When we had Covid sometimes all the teachers were

sick Yeah so the Children are there but there are no teachers you cannot keep the

center open Okay so someone from the center will call the ministry office and they'll

say look this is the situation one of the staff would have to approve that temporary closure So either it

will get mass approved must approve meaning everyone in Auckland so now now we know you know in Auckland

everyone has been given um has been given the approval to keep their centers closed for a week Okay

so so in the same way the ministry will give approval or the center can ask for

approval but that is called a temporary closure Why why is it different Because here this day is funded although

they kept it close It is funded Okay So that's why you see holiday temporary closures temporary

closures are usually funded Yeah but it it really depends I mean it's it's it's not

fair to say they are funded It depends on what code you enter So I'll

just show you very quickly you know digressing from here I will show you this temporary

closures under attendance That is a temporary closure This center this center is based in the

South Island of New Zealand Here you will see that their temporary closure being funded The last temporary closure they

had was the Queen's Memorial So the day on which the Queen's Memorial was held in

London it was declared as a public holiday in New Zealand 26th of september So

that's why ministry approved that It will be funded Yeah yeah Now the center chose to

be closed So they were not closed last year but the year before that they chose to be closed

holiday period Okay so what they did was they said from the christmas Eve to ninth of january They were

closed but is this funded No it is called holiday period they were closed Okay Okay So

anyway you'll hear a lot about these but this is what the centers are supposed to check

because it matters right funding directly matters on the number of Children Number of days A center will

yeah Yeah Yeah exactly exactly yep you got it Okay now next now this is our

check number one what it says in this check number one is that is all your attendance marked for

the days that you were open And here if they have not marked the attendance or if

something has happened then they will see alerts like this You click on it It says attendance for

all book Children is not marked and surely when you go to the attendance marking page for

are marked these ones are all marked Okay but some are remaining that's why there is an alert there's

a little little flag saying look check this date The other days are all good so you can see all

of them are white Same thing with 28 29th and 30th and same thing with 4th 5th and 6th Of

January Okay so a center is supposed to take a note of it and they're

supposed to finalize all the attendants that's check number one second check number to check

number two is what we call as the F C H Hours And I'm going to I'm going to show

you a little bit more about it but as soon as you marked the attendance

so I'm marking the attendance here How many Children have I got today attending Let's

say 36 You multiply this into number of hours that a child is attending and those are

the hours that you are supposed to get the funding Simple Okay So so system is saying that it

may not have calculated F Ch And you need to click on this button sync F

C H And I will tell you the reason why this happens It happens when

the system has still not calculated the F CHR center has gone back and change something Okay

Okay So check number to check number three Check number three is you are supposed to enter the contact hours

for the teachers Okay So so teachers there is a contact our page So under staff records there is

a roster and the next to the roster is a contact our space wherever They have not saved the

hours How many teachers worked and and how many hours they have worked It will

come up with an alert Simple Okay Now why this is important any idea because

based on on our discussion and also on the reviews As I checked this uh funding Um

the ministry will uh provide funds funds to the centers based on the number of hours the

child um attended the classes and also um the teachers who were able to to teach somehow I think Yeah

So basic basically um it needs to be aligned on the number of hours the Children attended because apart from

the r because R seven is like the ministry is giving funds to the center three

months previously and then three months in advance so that they could check um if it's tally or something

Yeah You are you are you are on the on the right track but not entirely correct Okay

so so so but that's good So let's say funding depends on as you mentioned F

C H Which is called funded child hours Okay So that is one calculation let's say

I got 1000 hours as as a center Now these 1000 hours the ministry is going to

pay you funding for Sure Yes definitely They're going to pay you funding But what is the funding rate that

they're going to pay You depend on the teacher ratios Okay The higher the ratio the higher your funding

rate The higher the ratio the higher the funding rate Now what is the ratio So let's say if I

have got 50 Children and my ratio says that in order to be 100% When

we say 100% what is that 100 100% qualified teachers Okay Qualified Meaning that all my

teachers hold current registration Yeah So let's say out of 50 Children If I am supposed to have five

fully registered or what is called as fully qualified teachers Five Okay And if my center says on the

contact hours they have recorded five What is my ratio My ratio is 100% Right But let's say my depending

on my Children I was supposed to have five fully qualified teachers but I'm really really struggling I could

only get more Then my ratio will be 80% So I have five I have

got five teachers but only four of them are fully qualified Okay Right So so that rate

depends on so when you go very quickly when you go ECE funding rates so

this is as simple as it gets So if you are 100% and this is again there are a few

more layers to it But just as a general knowledge if you are at your 100%

ratio you get for a child let's say roughly $13 If the ratio drops down

then your hourly rate also drops down Simple Okay Most of the teachers most of the centers in New

Zealand are between these two bands Yeah they never fall below that band Okay just

so you know just so you know so they're always trying in other words they're always trying to be 100%

Okay Okay now now so so that's why we have got this check This check

says this check is not saying that you are 100% or you are on 80% No this check is simply

checking whether you have saved your contact hours or not Okay Because if you don't say

how how is the system going to calculate or how are we going to submit those hours to

the ministry Okay Right And how does it look like So if I say let's

say if I go to the first month where I can see this alert 20th of december If I go

under roster Let's bring up 28th of December And the trick is we are not

checking the roster page we are checking the contact hours page and I'm I'm I will

explain to you what the difference is but not right now So 28th of December we go here see

it's blank But but if you go to a week before that lets 20 December

you will see they had saved it on two January and these are the hours that

they have saved for the staff And our contact our stage is saying what ratio they were on

on that day So it's automatically detected by the system that once they say they have to save it they

have to save then our system will run the calculations Okay I mean the qualified

teachers this is a qualified teachers the green they are c can you see practicing certificate details

Yeah so linley surely they are in green but Chloe is not in green So

Chloe is not a qualified teacher not a certificated teacher Yeah but kim is and then a man days

Yeah Okay Um and then there's also some calculations on the roster So here on the left when you

mouse over it tells you based on the number of Children that are attending during

that hour what how many teachers they need to qualify for maximum funding and you can

see that last line for qualified staff required for maximum funding is funding as so if they have four

there will be 100% Mm Okay Yeah 4 4 fully qualified stuff Yes Okay Okay let's

move because there's a lot more to cover but but let's let's say so as as a center I'm walking

through my rss rss submission right now Okay now what what is this screen This screen is telling you

your hours that you that has The system is calculated simple Okay This screen is telling you

the hours that the system has calculated Okay now so you will have under 2/2 20 hours

plus 10 Why are these done separately Because the funding rate for these hours is calculated

separately Okay maybe for this child it is $13 This child it drops back to $11 Then

this again $13 So depending on the age depending on its the hours of the funding rate is calculated

its age dependent Okay Okay Yeah and the last two columns they tell us what are the total hours for

registered and how many for not registered Yeah Okay This tells me that this center

is at 100% ratio Okay Yes Okay good Now um now go So here it stops over RS seven

prerequisite does not have any further steps Okay but when you go to the actual RS seven submission and

I'll show it to you tomorrow you do have a few more steps where there is a declaration

part there is an attestation part and then the submit the return is submitted Okay Now when an RS seven

return is submitted along with that the centers are supposed to send a discretionary hours report What

is a discretionary hours report this report you are supposed to submit it to the ministry

and this report says out of the total discretionary hours that are available to you How many of them have

you used Mhm Okay What are the discretionary hours that you can use within a funding period What is

the funding period October to january is a funding period These four months is a funding period So

currently what is the total number of hours you can use 80 what are discretionary hours discretionary hours

mean that as a center I had I had rostered linley who is a fully qualified

registered teacher on 12th of december but something happened lindley fell sick She got covid positive or the

son fell ill Whatever happened linley is not able to come today Okay Now you know

this affect the ratios right If I were to remove linley and if I were

to add Luana Luana is not a fully qualified teacher then my ratio will drop

down Okay But ministry gives me the provision of using the discretionary hours So then I will call

a relieving agency first of all Okay second I will check if any other teachers fully qualified

teachers are available If no one is available then I can use either Luana um

Nicole any of the non qualified teacher hours I can use them as discretionary hours Okay Okay And when

I do that my ratio doesn't fall just the same correct It is as if you are

using a qualified teacher Yeah But how many can you use that The maximum 80 80

in four months Okay Okay And every time you use this you must keep documentation

Yes Yes Yeah So there's a whole lot of so with anything with regards to M

O E There is a whole lot of documentation so you have to prove that you got in touch

with the relieving agency You have to prove there was an email you have to prove there was a

text message from lindley that she's sick today and she cannot make it today and you had

rostered her today Okay So all sorts of things But anyway when they file this

because these are the hours let's say 57.5 plus 22 plus 0.5 So how many total hours we

can say 57.5 plus 0.5 plus 20 to 80 Look they try using maximum Yeah So

so the if you give it the centers are going to use it So then the centers will also

try to make the use of it and hence keeping their ratios So sometimes some people do do something

um but that's not our lookout Okay so so in a nutshell when they submit

their R seven returns they must also submit the discretionary hours report And how do

they do it They will check it from here They will click on this right hand side

shortcut button email and they will email it from here itself Okay Okay so that

completes my RS seven return If I do this much tomorrow and and everything looks good I will receive

a bulk payment on first of match When I submit my RS seven return Or each time I submit

because if someone makes a mistake you can also resubmit it every time you do

it it gets saved under your RS seven history Okay So if you want to see what did Dunstan

submit last year same time then you can go to your first of february submission date Go

view And you can see this is the submission they made to the ministry Okay Now remember I told you

are a seven submission has a few additional parts Okay in the few additional parts that

they have um there is something called advanced is so right exactly like you said j that the ministry

will now pay our centers for March april May and june for the upcoming months four

months Okay they will pay our centers 75% in advance Okay So what they will

pay this is called wash up So for October to January what we call as

wash up Why wash up Because the minister would have paid them advance in the last

time already Now the centers are supposed to send the full numbers and the ministry will

work out whether they paid more or whether they need a top up So that is

called washing Yes Okay so there are there are a few terms that you need

to be aware of term number one wash up worship meaning that we paid you 75% according to

your booking You are now eligible for 25% top up and that is your worship funding Yeah so that is

called the positive topper Yeah Then there is another world which is called clawback clawback meaning that we paid

you 75% but now you're telling us that you had a drop in the number of Children less Children

attended Your ratio also went down and we actually overpaid you So the ministry win Then it's called

a negative washer and that claw back will be taken away by the ministry So they did that from the

next funding Yeah Yeah What I what I understand about this wash up and then yeah the negative wash up

is that um R S seven submission and then the some centers didn't provide their closures their

holidays So the ministry gave them a full amount of funding Now on the next submission of

RS seven and then these centers did they just submit that they are close on that month which supposedly it

should happen before the submission That is the time that the ministry will ask them is it

literally ask them back to give them the money Very good question Yeah you're on the right track

Yeah So now I will I will Now now you see how this works Okay let me give

you an example This is one of our centers and again this is very confidential information

So we don't share it with anyone Okay But this is this is how on first of March or

on when whenever the ministry will make the payment It happens overnight in their bank account And so here

you will see here you will see that and they will receive what this is called a funding

notice Okay They receive their funding notice in their education portal They all have an educational portal log in Okay

now the ministry will deposit this money and they will give the funding notice Now

what this notices saying that look for your center and and look actually it's good because I

told you none of the center drops But this center has dropped down to the

rate to 50 to 79% Yeah Instead of 80 or 90 or 100 Okay Now so what they're saying

is wash up It's resulted in 2000 worship This is negative minus eight K Okay advances 28 K Advance for

further break it down so they will break it down exactly what they submitted in There are

S7 so they would have submitted this past four months Past four months And the advanced

four months Okay The whatever they have submitted exactly the same numbers Ministry said that Look we

have also calculated based on this Okay then these are the teacher hours Okay And how does

it work How does the ministry calculate the ratio So they calculate the ratio So what they do is we

looked at this Rs seven history here So we looked at this So what they do is

they total this up So this plus this this plus this this plus this and this plus this So all

four months So they will go here So total hours So and and this is how

they calculate so the total how many total qualified teacher I was 1696 How many total not certificated teacher hours

is plus 4 +96 What is the total to +192 And how is the ratio calculated The ratio is calculated

+1696 divided by +2192 So it is divided by column number one divided by column

number three Okay your ratio is 77% And this is what they said Yeah this is what Okay Okay

And the rates are calculated based on the 77% 77% bracket Okay so now they will say

okay look hello center you actually submitted this based on that This is what we have calculated for you Okay

so they will then put that hourly rate hourly rate Blah Blah Blah Blah total And then

so this is just the washer Okay page #3 is just washer then page number

four is just advance Okay Yeah and then um if there are there were any

errors I will not go into any errors right now But then this is so that's

ministry deduct yes Before they make the next payment they will now deduct that negative wash

Okay Still they are given a chance They are given a chance If they have

made any errors or anything they can resubmit there are S seven but you can imagine that in order they

will pick it up They will ask for a whole lot of documentation Yeah for them Okay so

so far does this sound all good You understand this Okay Now thankfully in our system

we also calculate this not just for the sentence under if you go to funding if you go to

funding projection we also calculate the same thing So if you select whatever period you are supposed

to select depending on the ratio here The ratios are all listed here We will also

be able to tell our centers the same thing that you saw on the funding notice Yeah Okay Yeah because

we will project we will project for them This is this is what we call as the actual

Okay this is what they have received as actually but we will project certain amount for them based on

some calculations and for that the centers have to plug in some numbers I'll cover that

later under the funding projection But this is how even the centers can get an idea before hand on

what they're their overall amount looks like Yeah Yeah there is always a plus or minus

Yeah because we don't know the ministry formula Okay But we are pretty close to it

Yes Yes It looks like actually almost same Yeah Okay so I'm going to finish this recording one second Okay

Ah Oh God did I not record stop


Okay great So the recording has started Okay And are you able to see my screen Okay So

remember I told you j that there are two income sources for any child care center one

is the funding that they receive from Ministry of Education and another is the fees that they charge

to parents Okay now you have kind of covered the fi module a little bit So you understand that

we'll cover that a little bit more but currently it's the RS seven season Okay

What do we mean by RS seven season And how do our centers receive their funding Okay so

that's what we are going to cover today So this is the calendar I'll send you

a link to this Uh this is the yearly calendar So the beginning of every

year or before each new year um Rolls over Ministry publishes these dates Okay pretty much they have the

same For example if you look at february So we are in january Now February which is tomorrow

Okay Our our RS seven submission period opens what it means And when does it close

And it closes Here Wednesday eight March So it will run from Wednesday to Wednesday Why Usually it's five

days only But because of these public holidays that are coming in between what will happen is that

uh it's the last day is eight Usually it's five working days Oh so monday is another

holiday So um I assume I don't have any work again You don't have to log in on monday

Okay Okay so so from tomorrow our centers will submit their RS seven return and on the eighth

of March it will end now will that be the last last day No If they wish to

have their if they wish to have their payment received on um 1st of March So If they want

the payment from the Ministry of Education on one March then the last date is

nine February Okay Okay They can also submit it after nine February but their payment will only happen on

file within those five days initial five days then they will receive the payment All of them will

receive the payment on first of March Okay Okay So it is it is safe to say

that 99% of all our centers that we have we will submit it within the first

five days because who wants to wait for a payment for another 15 days Okay So that's why we

will experience a heavy traffic which is fine Uh there's no problem with that and hence we will also

we will also have a lot more support calls Okay what what is that exercise How does it

look like Okay so for any center it looks something like this So they go

under M O Okay now I'm going to go to this check prerequisite check but it is as as good

as clicking on here So tomorrow they will click on here So when I click on it

today you will see that begin button is not there So it will only become active tomorrow because the return

opens from tomorrow Okay Okay So but but I'm going to exactly show you what they're

going to do So I'm going to go under prerequisite So currently um a month

before their submission our prerequisite check opens up What it allows them to do is it allows them

to perform three important checks Okay so when you go begin um this this is just

standard it tells the cycle so october to january So our centers are submitting their

data for october to january Simple Okay next please ensure you have entered holidays funded Okay

what we are asking them to do is holidays and temporary closures They need to

check because the day when they were closed that day when they were not open they

are not supposed to be receiving the funding or depending on the type they may receive the funding What is

an example An example is if a center chose to keep closed during the christmas holidays and

they were closed for let's say three weeks That was the center decision to be

closed and hence no funding is supposed to be received Okay so this is what we call as

a holiday period Yeah but if there are national holidays yeah national holidays are also called holidays

which we enter our support team enters in the system Okay Yes correct And Waitangi Day which is

coming up next monday Yeah so Waitangi Day or um ANZAC Day those are the holidays

that we enter in the system christmas holidays easter holidays and so on Okay then

we have anniversary days anniversary days meaning that we have different regions Um and so if

Auckland anniversary nelson anniversary you know Canterbury So so so there are different regions and again

there is an uh common new Zealand calendar holidays calendar you can easily find out

all these holidays from there as well Okay so no payments for these Okay However however

as I told you we had a flood situation in Auckland Okay then in the past we've

had Covid Okay then suddenly something happens and let's say there is an electricity outage Okay okay what happens

is either the ministry will send a bulletin or the centers can call up the ministry office and they can

get it approved as a temporary closure Okay When we had Covid sometimes all the teachers were

sick Yeah so the Children are there but there are no teachers you cannot keep the

center open Okay so someone from the center will call the ministry office and they'll

say look this is the situation one of the staff would have to approve that temporary closure So either it

will get mass approved must approve meaning everyone in Auckland so now now we know you know in Auckland

everyone has been given um has been given the approval to keep their centers closed for a week Okay

so so in the same way the ministry will give approval or the center can ask for

approval but that is called a temporary closure Why why is it different Because here this day is funded although

they kept it close It is funded Okay So that's why you see holiday temporary closures temporary

closures are usually funded Yeah but it it really depends I mean it's it's it's not

fair to say they are funded It depends on what code you enter So I'll

just show you very quickly you know digressing from here I will show you this temporary

closures under attendance That is a temporary closure This center this center is based in the

South Island of New Zealand Here you will see that their temporary closure being funded The last temporary closure they

had was the Queen's Memorial So the day on which the Queen's Memorial was held in

London it was declared as a public holiday in New Zealand 26th of september So

that's why ministry approved that It will be funded Yeah yeah Now the center chose to

be closed So they were not closed last year but the year before that they chose to be closed

holiday period Okay so what they did was they said from the christmas Eve to ninth of january They were

closed but is this funded No it is called holiday period they were closed Okay Okay So

anyway you'll hear a lot about these but this is what the centers are supposed to check

because it matters right funding directly matters on the number of Children Number of days A center will

yeah Yeah Yeah exactly exactly yep you got it Okay now next now this is our

check number one what it says in this check number one is that is all your attendance marked for

the days that you were open And here if they have not marked the attendance or if

something has happened then they will see alerts like this You click on it It says attendance for

all book Children is not marked and surely when you go to the attendance marking page for

are marked these ones are all marked Okay but some are remaining that's why there is an alert there's

a little little flag saying look check this date The other days are all good so you can see all

of them are white Same thing with 28 29th and 30th and same thing with 4th 5th and 6th Of

January Okay so a center is supposed to take a note of it and they're

supposed to finalize all the attendants that's check number one second check number to check

number two is what we call as the F C H Hours And I'm going to I'm going to show

you a little bit more about it but as soon as you marked the attendance

so I'm marking the attendance here How many Children have I got today attending Let's

say 36 You multiply this into number of hours that a child is attending and those are

the hours that you are supposed to get the funding Simple Okay So so system is saying that it

may not have calculated F Ch And you need to click on this button sync F

C H And I will tell you the reason why this happens It happens when

the system has still not calculated the F CHR center has gone back and change something Okay

Okay So check number to check number three Check number three is you are supposed to enter the contact hours

for the teachers Okay So so teachers there is a contact our page So under staff records there is

a roster and the next to the roster is a contact our space wherever They have not saved the

hours How many teachers worked and and how many hours they have worked It will

come up with an alert Simple Okay Now why this is important any idea because

based on on our discussion and also on the reviews As I checked this uh funding Um

the ministry will uh provide funds funds to the centers based on the number of hours the

child um attended the classes and also um the teachers who were able to to teach somehow I think Yeah

So basic basically um it needs to be aligned on the number of hours the Children attended because apart from

the r because R seven is like the ministry is giving funds to the center three

months previously and then three months in advance so that they could check um if it's tally or something

Yeah You are you are you are on the on the right track but not entirely correct Okay

so so so but that's good So let's say funding depends on as you mentioned F

C H Which is called funded child hours Okay So that is one calculation let's say

I got 1000 hours as as a center Now these 1000 hours the ministry is going to

pay you funding for Sure Yes definitely They're going to pay you funding But what is the funding rate that

they're going to pay You depend on the teacher ratios Okay The higher the ratio the higher your funding

rate The higher the ratio the higher the funding rate Now what is the ratio So let's say if I

have got 50 Children and my ratio says that in order to be 100% When

we say 100% what is that 100 100% qualified teachers Okay Qualified Meaning that all my

teachers hold current registration Yeah So let's say out of 50 Children If I am supposed to have five

fully registered or what is called as fully qualified teachers Five Okay And if my center says on the

contact hours they have recorded five What is my ratio My ratio is 100% Right But let's say my depending

on my Children I was supposed to have five fully qualified teachers but I'm really really struggling I could

only get more Then my ratio will be 80% So I have five I have

got five teachers but only four of them are fully qualified Okay Right So so that rate

depends on so when you go very quickly when you go ECE funding rates so

this is as simple as it gets So if you are 100% and this is again there are a few

more layers to it But just as a general knowledge if you are at your 100%

ratio you get for a child let's say roughly $13 If the ratio drops down

then your hourly rate also drops down Simple Okay Most of the teachers most of the centers in New

Zealand are between these two bands Yeah they never fall below that band Okay just

so you know just so you know so they're always trying in other words they're always trying to be 100%

Okay Okay now now so so that's why we have got this check This check

says this check is not saying that you are 100% or you are on 80% No this check is simply

checking whether you have saved your contact hours or not Okay Because if you don't say

how how is the system going to calculate or how are we going to submit those hours to

the ministry Okay Right And how does it look like So if I say let's

say if I go to the first month where I can see this alert 20th of december If I go

under roster Let's bring up 28th of December And the trick is we are not

checking the roster page we are checking the contact hours page and I'm I'm I will

explain to you what the difference is but not right now So 28th of December we go here see

it's blank But but if you go to a week before that lets 20 December

you will see they had saved it on two January and these are the hours that

they have saved for the staff And our contact our stage is saying what ratio they were on

on that day So it's automatically detected by the system that once they say they have to save it they

have to save then our system will run the calculations Okay I mean the qualified

teachers this is a qualified teachers the green they are c can you see practicing certificate details

Yeah so linley surely they are in green but Chloe is not in green So

Chloe is not a qualified teacher not a certificated teacher Yeah but kim is and then a man days

Yeah Okay Um and then there's also some calculations on the roster So here on the left when you

mouse over it tells you based on the number of Children that are attending during

that hour what how many teachers they need to qualify for maximum funding and you can

see that last line for qualified staff required for maximum funding is funding as so if they have four

there will be 100% Mm Okay Yeah 4 4 fully qualified stuff Yes Okay Okay let's

move because there's a lot more to cover but but let's let's say so as as a center I'm walking

through my rss rss submission right now Okay now what what is this screen This screen is telling you

your hours that you that has The system is calculated simple Okay This screen is telling you

the hours that the system has calculated Okay now so you will have under 2/2 20 hours

plus 10 Why are these done separately Because the funding rate for these hours is calculated

separately Okay maybe for this child it is $13 This child it drops back to $11 Then

this again $13 So depending on the age depending on its the hours of the funding rate is calculated

its age dependent Okay Okay Yeah and the last two columns they tell us what are the total hours for

registered and how many for not registered Yeah Okay This tells me that this center

is at 100% ratio Okay Yes Okay good Now um now go So here it stops over RS seven

prerequisite does not have any further steps Okay but when you go to the actual RS seven submission and

I'll show it to you tomorrow you do have a few more steps where there is a declaration

part there is an attestation part and then the submit the return is submitted Okay Now when an RS seven

return is submitted along with that the centers are supposed to send a discretionary hours report What

is a discretionary hours report this report you are supposed to submit it to the ministry

and this report says out of the total discretionary hours that are available to you How many of them have

you used Mhm Okay What are the discretionary hours that you can use within a funding period What is

the funding period October to january is a funding period These four months is a funding period So

currently what is the total number of hours you can use 80 what are discretionary hours discretionary hours

mean that as a center I had I had rostered linley who is a fully qualified

registered teacher on 12th of december but something happened lindley fell sick She got covid positive or the

son fell ill Whatever happened linley is not able to come today Okay Now you know

this affect the ratios right If I were to remove linley and if I were

to add Luana Luana is not a fully qualified teacher then my ratio will drop

down Okay But ministry gives me the provision of using the discretionary hours So then I will call

a relieving agency first of all Okay second I will check if any other teachers fully qualified

teachers are available If no one is available then I can use either Luana um

Nicole any of the non qualified teacher hours I can use them as discretionary hours Okay Okay And when

I do that my ratio doesn't fall just the same correct It is as if you are

using a qualified teacher Yeah But how many can you use that The maximum 80 80

in four months Okay Okay And every time you use this you must keep documentation

Yes Yes Yeah So there's a whole lot of so with anything with regards to M

O E There is a whole lot of documentation so you have to prove that you got in touch

with the relieving agency You have to prove there was an email you have to prove there was a

text message from lindley that she's sick today and she cannot make it today and you had

rostered her today Okay So all sorts of things But anyway when they file this

because these are the hours let's say 57.5 plus 22 plus 0.5 So how many total hours we

can say 57.5 plus 0.5 plus 20 to 80 Look they try using maximum Yeah So

so the if you give it the centers are going to use it So then the centers will also

try to make the use of it and hence keeping their ratios So sometimes some people do do something

um but that's not our lookout Okay so so in a nutshell when they submit

their R seven returns they must also submit the discretionary hours report And how do

they do it They will check it from here They will click on this right hand side

shortcut button email and they will email it from here itself Okay Okay so that

completes my RS seven return If I do this much tomorrow and and everything looks good I will receive

a bulk payment on first of match When I submit my RS seven return Or each time I submit

because if someone makes a mistake you can also resubmit it every time you do

it it gets saved under your RS seven history Okay So if you want to see what did Dunstan

submit last year same time then you can go to your first of february submission date Go

view And you can see this is the submission they made to the ministry Okay Now remember I told you

are a seven submission has a few additional parts Okay in the few additional parts that

they have um there is something called advanced is so right exactly like you said j that the ministry

will now pay our centers for March april May and june for the upcoming months four

months Okay they will pay our centers 75% in advance Okay So what they will

pay this is called wash up So for October to January what we call as

wash up Why wash up Because the minister would have paid them advance in the last

time already Now the centers are supposed to send the full numbers and the ministry will

work out whether they paid more or whether they need a top up So that is

called washing Yes Okay so there are there are a few terms that you need

to be aware of term number one wash up worship meaning that we paid you 75% according to

your booking You are now eligible for 25% top up and that is your worship funding Yeah so that is

called the positive topper Yeah Then there is another world which is called clawback clawback meaning that we paid

you 75% but now you're telling us that you had a drop in the number of Children less Children

attended Your ratio also went down and we actually overpaid you So the ministry win Then it's called

a negative washer and that claw back will be taken away by the ministry So they did that from the

next funding Yeah Yeah What I what I understand about this wash up and then yeah the negative wash up

is that um R S seven submission and then the some centers didn't provide their closures their

holidays So the ministry gave them a full amount of funding Now on the next submission of

RS seven and then these centers did they just submit that they are close on that month which supposedly it

should happen before the submission That is the time that the ministry will ask them is it

literally ask them back to give them the money Very good question Yeah you're on the right track

Yeah So now I will I will Now now you see how this works Okay let me give

you an example This is one of our centers and again this is very confidential information

So we don't share it with anyone Okay But this is this is how on first of March or

on when whenever the ministry will make the payment It happens overnight in their bank account And so here

you will see here you will see that and they will receive what this is called a funding

notice Okay They receive their funding notice in their education portal They all have an educational portal log in Okay

now the ministry will deposit this money and they will give the funding notice Now

what this notices saying that look for your center and and look actually it's good because I

told you none of the center drops But this center has dropped down to the

rate to 50 to 79% Yeah Instead of 80 or 90 or 100 Okay Now so what they're saying

is wash up It's resulted in 2000 worship This is negative minus eight K Okay advances 28 K Advance for

further break it down so they will break it down exactly what they submitted in There are

S7 so they would have submitted this past four months Past four months And the advanced

four months Okay The whatever they have submitted exactly the same numbers Ministry said that Look we

have also calculated based on this Okay then these are the teacher hours Okay And how does

it work How does the ministry calculate the ratio So they calculate the ratio So what they do is we

looked at this Rs seven history here So we looked at this So what they do is

they total this up So this plus this this plus this this plus this and this plus this So all

four months So they will go here So total hours So and and this is how

they calculate so the total how many total qualified teacher I was 1696 How many total not certificated teacher hours

is plus 4 +96 What is the total to +192 And how is the ratio calculated The ratio is calculated

+1696 divided by +2192 So it is divided by column number one divided by column

number three Okay your ratio is 77% And this is what they said Yeah this is what Okay Okay

And the rates are calculated based on the 77% 77% bracket Okay so now they will say

okay look hello center you actually submitted this based on that This is what we have calculated for you Okay

so they will then put that hourly rate hourly rate Blah Blah Blah Blah total And then

so this is just the washer Okay page #3 is just washer then page number

four is just advance Okay Yeah and then um if there are there were any

errors I will not go into any errors right now But then this is so that's

ministry deduct yes Before they make the next payment they will now deduct that negative wash

Okay Still they are given a chance They are given a chance If they have

made any errors or anything they can resubmit there are S seven but you can imagine that in order they

will pick it up They will ask for a whole lot of documentation Yeah for them Okay so

so far does this sound all good You understand this Okay Now thankfully in our system

we also calculate this not just for the sentence under if you go to funding if you go to

funding projection we also calculate the same thing So if you select whatever period you are supposed

to select depending on the ratio here The ratios are all listed here We will also

be able to tell our centers the same thing that you saw on the funding notice Yeah Okay Yeah because

we will project we will project for them This is this is what we call as the actual

Okay this is what they have received as actually but we will project certain amount for them based on

some calculations and for that the centers have to plug in some numbers I'll cover that

later under the funding projection But this is how even the centers can get an idea before hand on

what they're their overall amount looks like Yeah Yeah there is always a plus or minus

Yeah because we don't know the ministry formula Okay But we are pretty close to it

Yes Yes It looks like actually almost same Yeah Okay so I'm going to finish this recording one second Okay

Ah Oh God did I not record stop