Clutch Cargo 51
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    watch cargo with his Pals spinner and battle bus in another exciting Adventure the fortune cookie gave her glad to

    see you again mr. cargo I hope you enjoy your dinner thank you Ang it was most

    enjoyable how to put nice fortune cookies fine I will get you some more it's

    fun to read The Fortunes inside the cookies are clutch it serious better listen to this one Adventure will

    soon find you it usually does hey clutch this one has a message in it for you oh no it

    couldn't be you're right spinner it says Clutch Cargo I am being held prisoner in a cookie factory your

    friend chinchou Chow who is Jin shootout lunch Jim is an old friend of my

    spinner he Imports things from the Orient and all over the world oh yes I remember him

    mock okay mr. cargo thanks long and by the way where did you get these Chinese cookies are my cookies

    are imported special for me by mr. Qin qiu Chow please I see I'd like to buy all

    you have on hand Harlem is the cargo but this is all I have left if

    you wish you can get more for mr. chair thanks Wong would you mind putting these cookies in a

    bag for us we'll stop by chinju Charles and pick up some more okie dokie Mister cargo

    you want to have a good keep opening those cookies bitter we might find another clue here

    we are chinju Chows but let's not appear too anxious we don't know what this is all

    about yet you never know who's listening good afternoon is mr. chin here so kind to on a humble house

    my master be sad he not here to greet you it's not important we just came for

    cookies I'll take these oh no no no no those sold don't take this box that'll

    be fine and please tell mr. Chen I was in certain very honorable sir when he returns come

    again please start opening those cookies spinner there must be another message gross call Curt's cargo the nosy

    one almost took Bray crabill cookies could be he suspect something you follow them if noses get too warm you

    know what to do finally things better nothing yet hey guys would think he's found something see

    what it is better it says we're Emerald streams meet the Southern Sea please come and ask for tea

    at the Lotus tree what does it mean claunch emeralds dreams meet the Southern Sea that's Hong Kong what's the

    rest ask for tea at the Lotus tree Lotus tree that's the name of a tea

    house owned by a friend of jinns good boy Battleford we've hit Pay Dirt we'll

    pick up our plane and off to Hong Kong some Fantastic Adventures await clutch and Company in

    Hong Kong be sure to tune in for the next exciting Adventure we have Clutch Cargo but

    cargo with his pal spinner and battle for it in another exciting Adventure the fortune cookie Caper

    you remember last time Clutch Cargo and Company were eating at a Chinese restaurant when a waiter

    brought them their fortune cookies in one was an Urgent Message from chin chow chow who was

    being held prisoner in a cookie factory after a short search clutch said good boy battle foot we've hit

    Pay Dirt Peter will pick up our plane and off to Hong Kong at the rest of the cookies

    might be another message okay be careful not to eat the method inside I already clutch I've

    eaten so many cooking I feel like I'm gonna pop you haven't found one single

    message from chinchou know but we're here got are fortunate or plenty of time look at that

    but he could need another cookie be a cup of tea and the tea house it's right

    close to the airport all right here comes a motorized Rickshaw taxi taxi the Lotus treaty

    house please how many cookies do we have left spinner no more than a dozen will finish

    those at the Teahouse here we are wait for his driver a pot of tea please this is

    a place kids message told us to come to her clutch what do we do now we'll just

    sit here and wait spinner the Chinese have their own way of doing things one is

    if you're seeing gross there's no one there he's probably had too many cookies you your

    tea please and a cookie for you mr. cargo but we brought our own cookies

    but this is very special cookie thank you very much oh I get it it's our message

    open it clutch what does it say it says where the seven dragons come to drink it is

    there you will find a clue I think seven dragons gee you mean there are

    really dragons knows better the seven dragons is a street but what does he mean comes to

    drink I know the road of seven dragons ends at the water that's what he means comes to

    drink let's go well touch and Company be safe on the street of the seven dragons they showed it

    to an end for the next exciting episode with Clutch Cargo but our goal with his Pals spinner

    and paddle foot in another exciting Adventure the fortune cookie Caper you remember last time clutch

    and Company after finding an Urgent Message in a Chinese fortune cookie started for Hong

    Kong in search of Kim chiu Chow who was being held prisoner their objective to find the Lotus treaty

    house on the street of the seven dragons give us three to seven dragons driver what we

    look for when we get there clutch I don't know spinner let's wait and see gee maybe we'll find

    a place where mr. chin is held prisoner maybe he's been here but we've got

    be careful whoever is holding chin prisoners playing for very big Stakes a factory what

    is a cookie have to do with it it occurs to me spinner that if my

    friend chin can conceal a message in the cookie other things can be concealed in a cookie things

    of Great Value like a diamond maybe could be spent could be there's the end of the street there's

    a crook no Factory okay it looks deserted doesn't it yes it does spinner let's go in and

    have a look around be careful keep your eyes open looks like they moved out in a

    hurry gosh I guess we're too late maybe not spinner chin hasn't steered us wrong yet look

    around for Clues looks better this empty box has the same label on it as the one we saw

    in chin store yeah that clerk was sure upset when you started to take one that's

    right spinner and I have a feeling we're getting awful close to what to put found another cookie

    opening up spinner and see what the message says the Secret Door to success does not

    always lead up be aware of the step without a stair strange now what would that

    mean what the step without us there I don't know spinner but it must it must have something to

    do with a secret door happened that was a step without a stair the message referred to but

    who trip the Trap I don't know spinner but if we can get out of here

    I intend to find out Clutch Cargo and Spinner white jinju ciao are you all right yes clutch

    I see you got my message we sure did Jin but I'm afraid we deciphered the last one too late

    what's this all about Smuggler's clutch their smuggling black pearls in my fortune cookies gee mr. Chan they left

    you in this dungeon that's right spinner and there's no way out wow clutch and Company with Gen 2

    Tau in a dungeon and no way to escape what will happen be sure to tune in for the next

    exciting episode we have Clutch Cargo watch cargo with his pal spinner and paddle foot in another exciting adventure of

    Fortune Cookie Caper you remember last time clutch and Company flew to Hong Kong in

    search of an old friend Kim chiu Chow suddenly paddle foot found another message which

    finished with Beware of the step without a stair it didn't take long to find the meaning

    because suddenly wow what happened that was a step without a stair the message referred to but

    who trip the Trap I don't know spinner but if we can get out of here

    I intend to find out Clutch Cargo and Spinner like jinju ciao are you all right yes clutch

    I see you got my message we sure did Jim but I'm afraid we deciphered the last one

    too late what's this all about Smuggler's clutch their smuggling black pearls are my four

    cookies gee mr. Chan and they left you in this dungeon that's right spinner and there's

    no way out you mean we're trapped down here till someone finds it for we

    could starve to death oh no we won't starve in the storeroom where I've been sleeping there are over

    boxes that's right clutch that's enough to last us for months it's also enough to get us out

    of here what do you mean clutch 300 cookie boxes will build a Stairway up to that trap

    door everything okay clutch come on up it's all clear whoever spring that trap is gone it

    must have been one of the pearls Smugglers now that we're free we can go after

    him you mean you know where he's going yes he's taking the fortune cookies with the black

    pearls inside back to my shop let's get a rickshaw and get out to the airport that's the guy that

    brought us here he must have dripped a trap why that's Hank the hatchet he's the

    one who locked me up he's one of the pearls mughals Rickshaw Rickshaw follow another rickshaw heading for the airport

    we'll catch him hey what's that ticking noise take a look well this person the real criminal get

    away and what's that ticking noise they showed it to an end for the next

    exciting episode we had Clutch Cargo but Fargo with his Pals spinner and paddle put in another exciting

    Adventure fortune cookie Caper you remember last time touch him company arrived in Hong Kong and located their old friend

    clutch used cookie boxes to get them out of the dungeon once more they began their

    search this time for valuables and the man responsible for all the trouble what's that ticking noise I hear

    to spinner take a look around it's a box of cookies but it can't I never heard of taking

    cookies ticking cookies that's a bob get rid of a quick blood how clutch the cockpit is filled numbered

    on the flare hatch all right we bitch that thing just in time wow we sure did hatchets

    plane is out of sight he has a good lead on us you can see

    we are dealing with most ruthless people do you know who's behind this gang Jin yes clutch I

    believe it's my store clerk mr. Fang this is beginning to make sense yes yeah and

    remember how strange he acted when you start to take that box of cookies with

    a black label I sure do spinner we've got to stop them before those cookies are delivered I

    see hatchets play now he's just a head and below us we're going up to 40,000 feet

    will make much better speed up in the jet stream behind we have a 200 not Tailwind we'll

    beat them easily baby here for for lunch here we are back where we started from looks

    like the store is closed mr. Fang has probably gone to meet Hank the hatchet

    we'll go inside wait for them they should be here any minute why will they be surprised clutch there was

    a motorcycle coming it could be them that's them all right quiet everyone hold it right there it's car

    go get him no more tricks boys your little game is over that's the end of your

    cookie Caper boys better start opening the rest of these fortune cookies the authorities want all

    the smuggled pearls well that's the way the cookie crumbles and so ends the story of

    Clutch Cargo and his Pals spinner and paddle foot and the cookie caper be sure to

    tune in for the next exciting adventure with Clutch Cargo