Hello That's true Yeah html templates or letterhead templates are in practices around um Voice LonelyMalay Ok Jason bro Ok So uh confusion our topic OK Html and let Ok Ok bro Yeah Noyou're in a screen share and not uh this number Ok bro Yeah Uh student and namethe convinced and that's it The email templates law absence Yes No no object number object object manager project managerof bye now Student I don't know Are they are they gonna be checked Contact the objective of HelloSo I'm on the side I'm just not object feel So and object a under the name of fields ofa student name contact is as the place Hello Uh serious primary school Yeah Ok Kitchen the screen lagoon atthe party A cleaner to the Ok The primary school he pioneered edited like aname is recently viewed recently viewed uh on the on the primary school now Ok Student name uhstudent name primary school teacher select you recently recently standard to develop Yeah he calls thename come up and New Castle Center Council is you my uh Dan And the student name Ok Oh becausefilms to display and films Place called films to display Yes Nico's nameless his brotherOk Primary school and the lectures only top Ok Yeah Ok Hm Ok I thinkthe normal initial by the standard list change in the view on the on on the recently viewed honey Irecently the under primary school Ok Ok Ok Hm Ok Good No Is are thea field and a object create or a what number on named Ok No yeahnext one email alerts for chapter email alerts and I email template and I just yeah yeah Arehuman templates an area email email Uh sorry Ok Ok Yeah Uh go to set up uh inquick search for uh search for email alert new email address Uh best email alert name memoir chapter alertfor me and alert for attendance and a memo Ok cool I'll get phone number email alert email email emailalerts Ok Email alert bro email template and on the bro template that shape on another it's email template emailtemplate another screens surely have a problem uh and records Ok Ok Are they folder orchange a amount No Cres folder places are very folder I can see to email template Nos in a folder on the primary school primary school Uh I wanna control control Oh sorry questions Ok Blackblack they got options folder I unified templates I mean unified public classic email template and yeah the noOh no maybe I do so a drip of dip previous year No no I and the otheroption so available for use later available for use tail music boxing refresh the fuck Ok Users usercenter of us can and my organization and at the same time email email meemail related you together Yeah primary school Oh bro Um and then they put a newrecord law new record on my email Every email I just I email it today OK OKAddress in the static the occupy members keep on which email OK OK OK I supposeemail email email a template and email email to the email OK Email a letter Andthey put out the end automation tools one of the automation tools for process builder EdmundLaw OK OK Question Oh yeah For we basically four different operations and every one istask OK Task and sales force basic like task been protective the name of new tasks new task newtask So it could create just the amount of the uh so task is basically theuh a user work organization OK OK So we have secondary school primary school organization primary school astudent in his fellow faculty assign faculty user OK OK Yeah Not started pending completed andbased on your uh status and OK For OK Automatic OK OK Yeah Second one fieldupdate update end end May the grown up feel slow in a field update of volley and dateautomatic or fail and any update hypotheses principles Primary school of student a student automatic automaticautomatic update update update Ok Third one email alert email alerts email alerts email email email email template OkNow Ok bro Yeah we not out another No in the or name is a workflow A process Ok Maybeyear June or August rep link are no more workflows in the sales force but at thetwo them Ok Ok This is yeah option and OK OK OK Uh So our uh our conditions butexecute a valley and put the execute the update update Put a a written culture culture OhOK Automation tools automation tools automation tools record to me the DML operations Jain Nauru automation tools and AOK OK Yeah DML operations E automation tools and automation tools Work flow process builders flows Ionline ad OK OK OK Yeah E automation tools and a based on the DML operations OKOK In or I may not out another Yeah quite close and go to task field or else emailemail fourth option option or outbound messages out messages Uh OK Not notifications piler notificationpau orals third party data notifications it outbound messages and uses the only salesforce have us Yes OK OK OKYeah man Not out another Yeah OK Valid email address email gmail and email and a Yahoo and outlookBut email address and yeah so click continue with work click close and with automation tool are theupdated one a a second option chip a process builders could replicate maybe at the December of next yearJanuary Ok Yeah everything is going on DM Operation made comma primary school Ok Thennext a rolling rolling uh-huh uh assigned to OK Is an evolution criteria evolution criteria OkUpdate Ok Yeah Is the third option and created and any time it's edited subsequently meet criteria for emailUh 1st 1st semester second semester and update Ok Ok You put the you put the email Yeah for supportare record phone number and an update Ok Phone number and then update Is there What willI do on a p email The oh what is the phone number What emails already in the uh phonenumber The phone number is created and every time it's yeah I think our secondoption Mm Ok Yeah What kind of line number Ok Ok Next one Ok Ifit is Yeah Hm bro Yeah Mhm Yeah you're at Denver Hm NL 15 Mm commaoperator Less than any conditions etcetera Less than less than 15 something they got multiple conditions multiple multiple yeah multipleconditions um multiple conditions or an coach Ok Ok Time trigger Yeah they could have the action madea change new task Ok Yeah So uh right from ok mail from KKL email template and theOk Ok Ok Mhm Yeah Uh ok Ok Template on the primary school out on this phone Youmust enter the real value broke mandatory on Nero Ok They refined in then I across another monkey email addressUh ok Yeah Yeah One day one week after time after one month later than one year less than onehour trigger uh emails and everything Ok Ok Ok Click on uh ok Uh ok Which is less than 15Ok Record a record The EDML operations may record DM operations the enemy records Ok New newnew new now Hm Mandatory email valid ID one Yes it uh small capital I have valid email address Kubro you you you yum Ma R Edd A 914 Ku Ma Singular Rama singleK singular OK 914 Anna Yeah exactly Same activity Logic chain So logic and me in just the next timeyou interpret what just look OK OK Mm We got a uh take this spam spam spam I knowthat your social I know that and what's the of course And uh OK OK YeahUm OK OK Hm Yeah I know class of process will OK Uh Process builder Ship in the north ofand OK OK Uh um process builders are in the third automation tools important automation tool flow flow and developmentchip nap development concepts and so development of water flow process builder Thursday security start securityYes Data management discusses a mama play the order Taylor OK OK Oh no OK The data management discuss securityMm monarchy uh mono two values are the two options over them A global aglobal pick pick values Sorry global value system normal value produce normal values values Exactly global different differentdifferent multiple times OK Yeah our concept global value global value value OK Set up local number pick valuecertain important pick um new new places options OK Ok Ok Ok Yeah automatic YesIn bro branch field day branch address Um branch address play with normal texting I thinkso Ok Sorry Double click bro I'll send you the text Uh continue with your work flow One of validationrules discusses how about yeah age and more 15 greater than next should be Umbro condition conditions is satisfy does condition satisfy our two automatic branch address Ok Seven next Yeah Ifill up fill up fill up our previous Yeah Yeah With a water branch nameof day and right They feel a bit of an a exactly um play warriorof the field The Yes the tolerance use a formula uh which I uh the aimof directing Jordan said liver So text off which ever done patenting what I do doublecola double and double cos double quotes or international law Double they in the block So 15 act Ok Totalk at they don't they they record the age 15 update Chair refresh create an update Parefresh refresh 16 Yeah same Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Yeah Uh hm