Now come back So you've created the seed you have created a powerful intention you've made sure youdreamed real big And you even started to look at what you already have in place Now it's time toprep the soil Pardon the analogy But it is the most powerful analogy It's beautiful hownature just leads the way and shows us where to go prepping the soil is all about recreatingyour reality with realism So this is bringing reality into the fold of dreams and fantasies Whywould we do that Because if you wanna manifest in reality you wanna manifest a new reality you have tobe realistic There are essential building blocks to whatever it is that you dream of but they mustbe put in place in order for your dream to exist and grow Are there skills that you're missing thatyou're gonna need to to work on Is their infrastructure regulations zoning What about your inner voice your identityyour shadow self are they in alignment Do you have a plan to manage them tocultivate them to get into alignment Remember that everything within you will shift as you shift overtime Sustained and with sustained embodiment practices all of those things will start to get into alignmentthrough your action so that can be taken care of If you do this four step processand stick to it you want to at least be aware of it and readyto use your tools when needed to do the self regulation the nervous system regulation keepyour daily pleasure doubled down you know make sure that you're focusing on what feels good Youhave to be on top of that celebrating your small wins Now learning to trustis essential If you want to manifest a thriving business obviously you're gonna have to learn how to haveyour product in place that you have to know how to market You're gonna haveto have sales skills Those are just some key essential elements You can't have a business without them Andso whatever this might be that you're looking to create you have to make sure that you havethose essential elements in place So if you dream on living off the land doyou know how to wild craft Do you know how to farm Do you knowhow to plant um permaculture Whatever it might be there are always conditions that must be met both internally andexternally Now this is the stage where you might have to do some research or do some personal developmentwork But this is your dream right This is your passion So really immersing yourself intothe reality of it is actually powerful as fuck It sounds like oh I gotta do someboring work And you know this isn't this is the most exciting part of manifesting Like Idon't want to deal with reality I wanna magically manifest But the thing is isthat this is how you bring it into your 3D reality Really When you get to start learning about thesethings and immersing yourself in them and practicing and trying out the things that you need to do to getit to to get your manifestation into the 3D you're participating in the 3D manifestation of the reality thatyou're living in so that you wanna be living in So there is clarity in the detailsWe can get confused about whether or not we know what to do next Weget frustrated because nothing seems to be happening But when you focus on just three simple aspects of your dreambecoming a reality it just helps to stay in the know it helps you to know what to do ona daily basis What to focus on internal alignment As I mentioned brainstorming just a quick brainstorm about how youhave historically approached different aspects of your life Um How have I been approaching this ingeneral Just brainstorming does my identity need to shift Are there patterns in place that are working againstme or have I put patterns in place that are supporting me Um Are there longterm struggles that I've been having that I need to look at It's not hard work wherever you wouldlike to be able to manifest specific changes in your life Just doing a quick brainstorm quick momentof introspection a journaling exercise on the internal internal part And then also you wanna doit on the the external and you have the skills now to help you dothis How do you currently show up in those areas that you want manifested How are you currently showing upnow in these areas of your life Are there power dynamics that need to be shifted Doyou end up getting lost or getting in your way or holding back from doingthe things that you need to be doing Dive in deeper Find out why And thenthe third one is the external elements the operational structure of it all how it's all gonna worktogether So what are the basic building blocks of your dream life What are the things thatneed to be put in place in order for that to happen in your life wanting to have uha home based business means that you can't just go out and buy whatever property isfor sale you'd have to look at zoning requirements make sure that you're allowed to do the building on thatproperty that you're allowed to or that it's zoned for the bi the kind of business that you want whereyou won't be able to create what you want to create once you buy that land OK Here's another exampleif you want to take a trip to another country vaccination requirements passports up todate Um Are there different currency currency exchanges make sure that you can spend the money Do you havea place to stay It's just the same as that you basically are becoming the travel planner ofyour dreams and it's not hard work it just helps you get clarity it helps you in orderto focus So I'm going to give you a simple brainstorm to great brainstorm the core elements for youto describe of the of the the reality that you want You'll be describing your future self the coreidentities what she thinks about herself Um Just a couple questions in there just brainstorm them youhave your vision and then we'll work with it And this is evolutionary too As youevolve your dreams will evolve describe your future self and how she shows up the regularaction she takes how she meets herself And then just a quick map out a mapof the core elements of your dream the skills needed the regulations and the infrastructure operational pillars neededfor it to exist So if you were doing a business you need an offer you need tomarket it You need to identify who you're marketing it to and where and then you haveto have a sales process in place four elements for simple things in a relationship manifesting a healthy relationshiplove friendship sex and general life approach Make sure that you're living with in alignment Those are four things thatyou'll need So you need to write out the core elements and get to knowthem get to know what they are the things that are gonna be essential and then we just weaveit all together So once you've got your core elements in place there is just a four checklistthing in in the sheet I'm giving you uh in your email that will help you to break it downinto the three categories And it helps to have everything written down so that you're not scattered scattered and allover the place then you prioritize them What comes first what comes second what comes lastthis way It's not overwhelming for you and it's not 10,000 things that you feellike you have to do at once and your priorities can change But stick to thepoint Just remembering that your internal elements can be woven into your daily practices So that whenyou do start flipping the script with your inner narrative you can be flipping the script intentionallyto match what it is that you wanna be manifesting in your life Because remember you're notmanifesting one thing you're manifesting a vision it's everything it's all the parts of your life Um Thelength of time that you spend on reprogramming is not as important as doing it regularly You don't have toovercomplicate this Keep it simple Try your best to be regular at these practices and paying attentionto them on a regular basis I think that's it I'll see you in the next lesson