Many years ago I read where Napoleon Hill pointed out that the imagination is the most marvelous miraculous inconceivably powerfulforce that the world has ever known And you know the average individual uses the imagination if theyuse it at all against themselves They imagine what they don't want They imagine problems coming Let's beginto use our imagination the way God meant it to be used It's the greatest creativefaculty that we possess And we can build anything we want with I want you towander around your home or possibly your office and take a look at all of the conveniences thatyou have there That you didn't have let's say 2 years 5 years 10 years agoof one individual with their imagination Do you know you can use your imagination to gointo the future and bring it into the present That's what all highly successful peopledo They see where they want to go and then they act like the person they want to becomeIt was William James from Harvard's of Vice He says it's the actor's technique Act like the personyou want to become How do you do that Well you use your imagination ofcourse You see it's a strange phenomenon But the greatest gift we've got I usedVery well Up to the ages of 4 or possibly 5 The little child We always wonderwhat's going on in their mind They're using their imagination They're filming wonderful pictures in their mindbut then they get to school and wham like that it comes to an abrupthalt It's called not paying attention Daydreaming Well What they were really doing was exercising a phenomenalmental faculty You see we can see here smell taste touch They're for our physical benefit As long aswe're living in a physical body and corresponding with the material world we will use our sensory factors But youknow I have a couple of little dogs at home that can hear see smelltaste and touch We've got higher faculties You have perception the will Memory intuition reason And imagination Thesemarvelous tools We can take our imagination and build an image in our mind of how wewant to live Block out what's going now Don't let your present results have anything todo with this Just what you want And it's with your imagination that you willbuild Everything that we have the camera that I'm speaking to right now was first created in the mindof one individual Think of how our world's changed You see we were gifted with these higherfaculties We're God's highest form of creation We were created in God's image We were given creative faculties to useAnd you know they're only used by 2 or 3% of the population It's almost inconceivablethat people would wander around with so much power and potential and squander it See the averageperson literally tiptoes through life hoping they make it safely to death It's such a shame and itdoesn't have to be that way I think we have giant corporations and little we creative departments The primaryreason for that is the average individual really does not believe that they're Everyone's creative and no oneis more creative than another It's just that some have chosen to use their creative faculties to a greater degreethan others Imagination your imagination What do you want How do you really want tolive Build the picture in your mind There's a power that is flowing to and throughyou A creative unadulterated power It can be photographed leaving your body Way back in the 30s Semyon Kurlin theRussian photographer perfected a form of photography where you can actually photograph a person's body and you willsee the energy glowing from them Well that energy flows into your mind And it's the images you buildin your mind that's going to dictate the vibration that this instrument you're living in isin And the vibration on a conscious level is called feeling Make certain that you exercise your imagination dailybuild beautiful images in your mind of how you want to live and then hold thosepictures there and live that way The imagination The greatest nation in the world the imagination You've gotone It's a marvelous creative tool It deals with the invisible side of your personalityYou see no one will ever really see you They'll only see your body and they'll see youthe great work that you do Make certain that your work is great work And ifyou keep your imagination alive keep it active You're gonna have a phenomenal life You know lifecan get better every day and it will get better every day Through the proper use Ofyour imagination What a wonderful idea This is Bob Proctor