What is Systematic Theology
Welcome to Lesson 1: Congratulations on getting started. We will have fun as we move through these lessons. Remember each lesson is a short video lecture . Each Section has multiple lectures with a small quiz and worksheet to use for note taking (find these in the course introduction) In this session, we will delve into the essence of systematic theology Breaking down the term into comprehensible components. Understanding the Basic Purpose Learning what the Core Doctrines are By the end of this lesson, you will grasp a clear definition of systematic theology comprehend its purpose the structure of its components the fundamental doctrines it encompasses.
Welcome to Lesson 1: Congratulations on getting started. We will have fun as we move through these lessons. Remember each lesson is a short video lecture . Each Section has multiple lectures with a small quiz and worksheet to use for note taking (find these in the course introduction) In this session, we will delve into the essence of systematic theology Breaking down the term into comprehensible components. Understanding the Basic Purpose Learning what the Core Doctrines are By the end of this lesson, you will grasp a clear definition of systematic theology comprehend its purpose the structure of its components the fundamental doctrines it encompasses.
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    Lesson one What is Systematic Theology and its makeup So welcome to this lesson Congratulations on getting started in

    the course We will have fun as we move through out these lessons Remember each

    lesson it's a short video lecture Each section has multiple lectures with a small quiz and worksheet to use for

    note taking you can find these in the course introduction So in this session we will delve into the essence

    of systematic theology will break this down into comprehensible smaller components that are easy to digest and

    understand So understanding the basic purpose learning what the core doctrines are By the end of this

    lesson you will grasp a clear definition of systematic theology comprehend its purpose the structure

    of its components the fundamental doctrines of its makeup So systematic theology it may sound intimidating but

    fundamentally it serves as a tool to help us unravel comprehend our faith and beliefs Think of it like

    assembling pieces of a puzzle allowing us to discern the broader picture of what we believe and the reasons

    behind those beliefs grasping how these elements connect this can really enhance our understanding and it does

    enhance our understanding of our faith Now let's talk about breaking down the term into a couple of simpler

    smaller components So one systematic we can start in Proverbs 26 for the Lord gives wisdom from his

    mouth come knowledge and understanding So when we see systematic this term emphasizes organization and logic in

    studying systematic theology we systematically organize our beliefs about God and religion like arranging books on a bookshelf Learning how

    to organize our beliefs is very important as we grow and develop in our understanding We

    want to be able to put our beliefs organize them and discuss them which we'll

    talk about later Number two is theology Start with second Timothy 3 16 to 17 All

    scripture is breathed out by God profitable for teaching for reproof for correction and for training

    and righteousness that the man of God may be complete equipped for every good work So theology here this pertains

    to the study of God and religious beliefs in systematic theology When we put these terms

    together we explore our beliefs concerning God Jesus the Bible and other pivotal aspects of our faith Now let's

    talk about the purpose Why do we engage in systematic theology It serves a couple crucial purposes Number

    one is clarity A I DS and comprehending and articulating our beliefs This offers us a clear path to understanding

    our faith just like a road map is guiding us to our destination We see this in First Corinthians

    have a clear understanding paint a clear picture of our beliefs for ourselves and use this when we talk to

    others Number two is coherence The Bible contains many sections that might appear to country predict themselves at times

    Systematic theology bridges these gaps connecting those parts to form a more comprehensive and intelligible

    picture again much like solving a puzzle In Proverbs 35 to 6 it says trust in the Lord with all

    your heart do not lean on your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make straight

    your paths So we want to take this first and we want to take the confusing parts and

    make them much easier to understand and put together Now what are some of the core doctrines

    the core doctrines of theology serve as the foundation elements of your faith These are principles that

    are essential to understanding our faith We will be learning about these doctrines all throughout

    the course right now we just want to list them out So you have a good understanding of them as

    we go So the nature of God how God reveals himself to us the nature of

    humanity salvation the role of Jesus Christ the Holy Spirit the church the last things What will happen in

    the end understanding these core doctrines provide important insight into what we believe and the rationale the why behind our

    beliefs So in conclusion less one we covered the essence and the purpose of systematic theology a tool

    to understand and organize our beliefs the breakdown of systematic and theology What do they both mean What do

    they mean Put together an organized study of God the significance of clarity and coherence

    and understanding our faith We want to be able to put this together to organize this to

    give someone a picture to give ourselves a picture that we may speak on So the eight core doctrine shaping

    our theological foundation we will discuss more of these in the following lessons Systematic theology acts as a guide This

    should aid us in exploring those more significant questions we have about life about God about our purpose

    about our existence Overall whether you're a novice seasoned student of theology Systematic Theology serves as

    a valuable tool to really help deepen your comprehension of faith So again congratulations on completing this

    lesson Please utilize the worksheet as needed In lesson two we will delve into the role and purpose of systematic

    theology with greater depth