Uh F L A S H Welcome to my world It's not said the videos baby is flash wfor counts Care What's up You are so beautiful to me Can't you see Ohit's been a while since I sang at the beginning of a podcast This podcast isum being videoed I'm doing a video doing trying to change things up a little bit Hi everybody out therefor those of you listening You can check out this live video podcast on my youtube channel atCounts Care C O UN S C A R E altogether Um You could alsodo a search and I have a lot of interesting videos on there Some things makesense Some things don't but I'm not doing these things to please everybody or anybody I'm doing this asa form of expression self-care I just feel free and I come up with ideas and Ilay out those ideas and what it is it is with my podcast I like to do thingsvery raw I mean I could sit here and I could practice what I'm gonnasay have it on paper but I don't do that See when I'm working during the dayMy life is so organized There's chaos mass confusion sometimes and I love my job But when I comehome I just want to relax So instead of getting overly organized and shifting through papers anddoing heavy heavy research I just turn on uh my equipment and I just goand the result is what you hear every week on Fridays there's a new episode you could hear aboutmy adventures Um I actually traveled to some places Um I see different things throughsocial media I my personal life when I walk out the door something stick with me and I just bringit up and I talk about those things and when I talk about these things it's my perspectiveMy perspective is what I experience is from what I based on what I see it is about you knowhow I process things and what it means for me and it's not gonna be the same for everyone I'mtotally open to that but I was in a interesting spot last year when I one ofmy uh first like five episodes I did something on a body image and I gotinto this mode where I wanted to be healthy I I said that I'm gonna exercise I found somethingthat work I'm gonna stick with it for about a week I'm gonna give myself aweek and I have my mindset on doing this and I did and I stopped See if you go backto my podcast Um It exercise Tuesday I talk about a uh a process that I went through inthat process I found something that was comfortable No problem I went for walks I would fast walkI would do pace walking And there's even video footage of my routine that I that I didYou can check it out on youtube people youtube at counts care So I did a video Ishowed different things that I was doing I showed myself actually walking and I did thatfor one day after after I I initially did it I did that exercise routine for one dayThen I missed a day I got a little bit lazy but then I got back onboard and I exercised again I did a 30 30 minute workout I walked around my neighborhood and Iwas doing different exercises the exercises that you see in the video and stuff Andthen another day I went and I didn't do it and then I didn't do it for another day ThenI ended up doing it again I was my own worst enemy because in my headI didn't want to do anything but I would force myself to do it Just do it I thought aboutit after that week and I I I used the words that a lot of people use I failedI felt like a failure but in evaluating that it wasn't a failure to me because I lived the fightagain There's other times that I can get back up and that I can try againand I did try again But the struggle to exercise was there I struggled with my weightand I try to eat healthy and I feel like I'm lying to myself because yesI'm aware that I must eat healthy But then I don't eat healthy I get into this spacewhere I'll eat some cake and then I'll say oh ok I just eat some cake tonight and then I'mnot gonna eat anything tomorrow any sugar tomorrow And then I get carried away I like the sugarAnd then I the next day come there's something else sugary that's in the house or Ithink about eating something I think about going to the store and then I put my I get myselfin a trap because then it's in my head I start to have these urgesthese cravings and I end up uh eating things that I shouldn't be eating andit's not just sugar it's protein it's carbs even my water intake I gotta watchhow much water I drink I need to I mean everybody need to drink water but drinkingtoo much uh water Yeah that could that could be detrimental to mess with your sleep Andof course if you don't get a lot of sleep then it messes with your daily routine Uh andyour overall health So there's a big old it's like Domino's you know one thing's affectedit'll affect another since that podcast I've I've I've had my ups and downs mystruggles I've been in denial I've uh tried to justify my behaviors my attitude andmy weight fluctuates It just it it fluctuates between anywhere between three I will say three and £10 whenI get when I see that I've lost about £10 or so My body stops It feels likeit gets tired and it and I'm in this low I my my I cannot loseany more weight I exercise I eat you know I it doesn't matter It it it I getto that point and I I mean it's like a stalemate Nothing happened They feellike nothing works in terms of losing weight So I get frustrated and eventually I went back toeating unhealthy and it's a cycle Ok I'm gonna eat healthy then um well then I'mgonna exercise then I stop exercising Then I start to eat unhealthy And it's a bigcycle How many of you deal with this Probably a majority of you because I talked to many peopleabout this and it is a big struggle Some people uh resort to surgery um uh different eating plans Peopledo keto people fast Ah there's just so many different things My body is different I'm trying tofigure out my body I'm working with a doc doctor to figure out my body and what my bodycan take and can't take as it relates to my general health Just recently I started exercisingagain I started eating better better I still fall into the trap of eating unhealthy If there's something unhealthyin the house sugar or if there is uh for example a lot of chickensomething cary I stay away from breads I don't care for it too much But Istill struggle with that eating things that I that I shouldn't be eating Sometimes I'm stilljustifying But I feel like there is more of a purpose that go into my thinking whenI am deciding what I'm gonna eat when I'm not gonna eat when I'm gonna eat howI'm gonna eat even how much uh water I'm gonna drink And it's motivated meto a point where I am going to try it again People Yes I am going to exercise fora week I am gonna do at least 30 minutes of exercise a day It is what Wednesday right nowI prerecord this uh episodes go out on Friday So what I'm gonna do I am going to I've beenworking I've been exercising for three or four days straight I go for my walks 30 minute walks Thisis what I shared with everyone before on my on my podcast Um What I do on my 30 minutewalk and it's a loop So I leave from my house I come back to my house but I goin a circle is that I do a gauntlet and that gauntlet consists of a variety of exercises as Iwalk sometimes I would stop I would do push ups Sometimes I would um go umjog up and down on the curves or I would be punching again You can uh check out some ofthis footage on my youtube channel at counts care So I would do different things as I'm walkingfast walking I monitor my breathing inhale exhale breathing from from a diaphragm I stilllike doing that I really like doing that because it's not just going to a gym andlifting weights Um there's just something about that that just gets to me that I just it justacts as a hindrance I think part of this is when I was younger I playeduh a variety of different sports I was a four a four letter varsity varsity athlete fortwo years My junior senior year I like being physical I played football back umfootball cross country track and field and football cross country track and field soccer Yes Um so Istayed I stayed busy but with being in those sports you have to work out lifting weights jogging conditioningUh it's it it it really I believe it took a toll on my body Icame out of high school in good shape and when I came out of when I um came outof college Hm Yeah Yeah My weight was compromised and it started to blow up and being withmy wife having kids I mean time just just wasn't my friend when it came to myweight So I found a routine that makes me feel comfortable so that I don't feel likeI'm in a gym that I feel that pressure of feel the pain you know OhGod Yeah Yeah Push that weight I mean I'm not into all that kind of stuff Oh I mean oneday possibly But no I want to enjoy myself So this gauntlet allows me to do a varietyof different things I do anything that comes into my mind I work my upper body Iwork my lower body my upper body I typically do um do pushups at different points inmy walk Uh my I I put my hands on the ground and I dopush ups on the ground I do it off of benches I do it offof railing and I make sure that I put my chest all the way down and all the wayup and sometimes I don't I'm just like whatever Let me just go ahead and do itas best the best I can And I go in out in out you know I douh in my chest my upper body Um I punch in the air Sometimes I uhspread my uh my arms out and I move my arms I rotate my my uh myarms forward about 10 20 times Or actually I go 30 40 50 depends on howI feel And then I go backwards uh backwards uh 10 2030 40 50 times or soUm and then I uh do lower body work Of course I'm walking But um at points as I'm walkingI do high knee action So I would high knee up up up Of course you can't seethis uh if you're listening to a podcast But uh in track and field we woulddo high knees where we would we would uh walk and we would um pickup our knees and then put our foot down knees up knees down and we rotate I do I douh some of that In addition I uh tighten my glutes my butt muscles Yes I didsay that my butt muscles and I uh squeeze my butt muscles I work on my core So I'm tuckingin my stomach when I'm doing these exercises and I am breathing I'm doing upper body lower body work AndI um and I change up the exercises I've been experimenting with that for a very long time even thoughI stopped doing it and I found excuses to stop I don't know there's something different So me inthis podcast making his pledge to do a week of 30 more 30 minutes or miaof exercising I feel I can be successful this time And I said before I'mgonna keep you updated on what happened I felt so bad that it didn't work outbut this time I am going to keep you updated a lot sooner The nextpodcast my goal is to give you an update Let you know what worked what didn't workUh I'm not a journaling kind of person I'll keep some notes in and kind of you know seewhat that does for me in terms of my psyche my comfort Um my wife she she works outwhen she eats healthy I eat healthy My diet I try to stay away from unhealthy things I'vementioned carbs I try to stay away from bread but if I was to get aburger OK that's bread with the with the protein You got the meat the thebeef or the chicken I do my best to eat to eat Um the the best way I can Anduh I gotta say that through this process I've been forgiving myself I have toforgive myself I'm not gonna be perfect and eat healthy all the time If I do eat unhealthy I gotto take responsibility and I have to get back on board and eat healthy again and hope that there thatI could make adjustments where the temptations or um whatever whatever happened that led to me uh eating or doingsomething unhealthy try to learn from it to make adjustments and that is so hard I'm notI I'm this is it's not easy It's really not easy I'm preaching to the choir for alot of people and I'm just sharing uh sharing my struggle Is it possible to makebetter choices and decisions and be healthy Yes I do believe that it is possible but it takesmore energy than what people uh think I work with with um a lot of people with substance abuseissues When I work with these individuals a lot of people think that oh I haveit under control I it's no problem I can stop any time Well the problemis that they say that they can stop but at some point they end uppicking it up and picking up the substance and using it again they relapse relapse isa part of the overall process when you're talking about addiction or uh substance using behavior we all uh they'realways in a point where where they go through uh denial and compromise the same things that I'm talking aboutwith food I cannot help but to think of them similarly I'm not gonna say that it is exactlythe same But sometimes I feel like I I have an addiction to food I needed to live handsdown Not understandable We all need food to live But when your body body and mind reacts uh tofood when you hear or see it in a certain way That's when you know things come come into questionThat's when you know exercise start to get compromised It's like ok why should I exercise Oh I'm eating souh eating so eating will help me lose weight Then I'm not gonna uh exercise It can't it but itdoes but it can't work that way You know there are certain things that is neededthat we have to go through to live that healthy life and that comes with makingbetter choices and decisions So similar to a person that struggles with addiction they're in a placewhere at any given point there's things that they see here their senses interact with the with theenvironment in such a way where it makes it makes for me losing weight difficult itmakes eating the right foods very very difficult And I have to be realistic aboutabout um my issues and I feel like I'm coming I'm coming to grips with with what's goingon for my body The reality is that I do have I I have issues and Igot to um be more vigilant about what I eat and stay physically active The great thingabout this uh 30 30 minute 30 workout 30 minutes a day is at my work I like to workwalk with the students I I take the kids for a walk and we talk you knowit's a different It's a therapeutic walk where they when they're as they're walking they're breathing they'reshifting the energy in their body in a different way and it helped it it's notonly helpful for them but it's helpful for me because I get outdoors and Iget to exercise when I talk about 30 working out 30 minutes a day I am thinking when I gethome working walking or working out doing something for 30 minutes when I'm home Um I could count workBut see that's a that's that's a lazy way out I think I'll count work But my goalmy big goal is to work out when I get home at some point for 30 minutes itwould be a plus if I could work out at work if I could go for a walkuh go up and down stairs I I like going up and downstairs uh in my workoutI do mostly lower body stuff Uh we have steep stairs in one of our buildingsSo I like going up and down and I gotta say since I've been working outmy breathing have been better So I'm thinking about endurance Um uh putting some morespeed behind my work I have to share this with you It's important for me to do this andif you're struggling with your weight eating uh exercising I'd like to hear from you I know I'm not aloneUm but it it makes me happy to be able to communicate this to relate to relateThis is a part of my mental health and my quest to live a healthier lifestyle I putthe challenge out to myself I put the challenge out to you Um I think I did I've I'vebeen doing this straight for 34 days and I'm talking about a week It is Wednesday So next Wednesday I'mlooking at uh and not ending it I'm looking at continuing it but to give anupdate on how how it worked out again keep your eye out for youtube Uh atScare C O un S C A R E There's some other videos on there too Um I'll shareI'll I'll I'll share uh one of them with you Actually I got I gotta put somemore uh out there tonight Um I went I've been to Disneyland and Disney Worldand going to an amusement park and walking around all day long for 12 plus hours That is ahell of a workout in itself So yeah you get to take a look at someof the things that I've seen and done But in in um taking those pictures and video footageman I tell you it wore it wore me out my legs my feet um Enjoyed it I so enjoyedit but I got one hell of a workout out of that Um The next podcast uhwith my update I like to uh talk about uh different exercises different activities that can be done to helpyou live live healthier What kind of foods Take a look at my youtube I have one called saladuh that I stumbled on that by accident and I just had to had to show thatSo check out salad as well as some other stuff I'm ready to take a showerdrink a little bit of water which I shouldn't be doing because it is said that before bed drinking waterum 2.5 to 3 hours before you go to bed is highly advisable so that thewater can process to your body and that you don't have to stay up Right So thatdoesn't affect your sleep The older you get though um the harder it is uh on onyour body your body is adjusting So how the body takes in the water is differentNobody wants to talk about getting older and some of the changes in um in appetite andall different things And I'm looking forward to uh having another a podcast about about youth and aboutnot so youth and I'm in a not so youth area I'd say it with prideI'm not tripping any but everybody take care of yourselves Thank you for your time And um this isflash w for accounts care take care of yourself and each other Hm That soundsvery Hm Where did I hear that Jerry Springer by everybody testing 12 testing 12 Thisis flash W host of Council
Uh F L A S H Welcome to my world It's not said the videos baby is flash wfor counts Care What's up You are so beautiful to me Can't you see Ohit's been a while since I sang at the beginning of a podcast This podcast isum being videoed I'm doing a video doing trying to change things up a little bit Hi everybody out therefor those of you listening You can check out this live video podcast on my youtube channel atCounts Care C O UN S C A R E altogether Um You could alsodo a search and I have a lot of interesting videos on there Some things makesense Some things don't but I'm not doing these things to please everybody or anybody I'm doing this asa form of expression self-care I just feel free and I come up with ideas and Ilay out those ideas and what it is it is with my podcast I like to do thingsvery raw I mean I could sit here and I could practice what I'm gonnasay have it on paper but I don't do that See when I'm working during the dayMy life is so organized There's chaos mass confusion sometimes and I love my job But when I comehome I just want to relax So instead of getting overly organized and shifting through papers anddoing heavy heavy research I just turn on uh my equipment and I just goand the result is what you hear every week on Fridays there's a new episode you could hear aboutmy adventures Um I actually traveled to some places Um I see different things throughsocial media I my personal life when I walk out the door something stick with me and I just bringit up and I talk about those things and when I talk about these things it's my perspectiveMy perspective is what I experience is from what I based on what I see it is about you knowhow I process things and what it means for me and it's not gonna be the same for everyone I'mtotally open to that but I was in a interesting spot last year when I one ofmy uh first like five episodes I did something on a body image and I gotinto this mode where I wanted to be healthy I I said that I'm gonna exercise I found somethingthat work I'm gonna stick with it for about a week I'm gonna give myself aweek and I have my mindset on doing this and I did and I stopped See if you go backto my podcast Um It exercise Tuesday I talk about a uh a process that I went through inthat process I found something that was comfortable No problem I went for walks I would fast walkI would do pace walking And there's even video footage of my routine that I that I didYou can check it out on youtube people youtube at counts care So I did a video Ishowed different things that I was doing I showed myself actually walking and I did thatfor one day after after I I initially did it I did that exercise routine for one dayThen I missed a day I got a little bit lazy but then I got back onboard and I exercised again I did a 30 30 minute workout I walked around my neighborhood and Iwas doing different exercises the exercises that you see in the video and stuff Andthen another day I went and I didn't do it and then I didn't do it for another day ThenI ended up doing it again I was my own worst enemy because in my headI didn't want to do anything but I would force myself to do it Just do it I thought aboutit after that week and I I I used the words that a lot of people use I failedI felt like a failure but in evaluating that it wasn't a failure to me because I lived the fightagain There's other times that I can get back up and that I can try againand I did try again But the struggle to exercise was there I struggled with my weightand I try to eat healthy and I feel like I'm lying to myself because yesI'm aware that I must eat healthy But then I don't eat healthy I get into this spacewhere I'll eat some cake and then I'll say oh ok I just eat some cake tonight and then I'mnot gonna eat anything tomorrow any sugar tomorrow And then I get carried away I like the sugarAnd then I the next day come there's something else sugary that's in the house or Ithink about eating something I think about going to the store and then I put my I get myselfin a trap because then it's in my head I start to have these urgesthese cravings and I end up uh eating things that I shouldn't be eating andit's not just sugar it's protein it's carbs even my water intake I gotta watchhow much water I drink I need to I mean everybody need to drink water but drinkingtoo much uh water Yeah that could that could be detrimental to mess with your sleep Andof course if you don't get a lot of sleep then it messes with your daily routine Uh andyour overall health So there's a big old it's like Domino's you know one thing's affectedit'll affect another since that podcast I've I've I've had my ups and downs mystruggles I've been in denial I've uh tried to justify my behaviors my attitude andmy weight fluctuates It just it it fluctuates between anywhere between three I will say three and £10 whenI get when I see that I've lost about £10 or so My body stops It feels likeit gets tired and it and I'm in this low I my my I cannot loseany more weight I exercise I eat you know I it doesn't matter It it it I getto that point and I I mean it's like a stalemate Nothing happened They feellike nothing works in terms of losing weight So I get frustrated and eventually I went back toeating unhealthy and it's a cycle Ok I'm gonna eat healthy then um well then I'mgonna exercise then I stop exercising Then I start to eat unhealthy And it's a bigcycle How many of you deal with this Probably a majority of you because I talked to many peopleabout this and it is a big struggle Some people uh resort to surgery um uh different eating plans Peopledo keto people fast Ah there's just so many different things My body is different I'm trying tofigure out my body I'm working with a doc doctor to figure out my body and what my bodycan take and can't take as it relates to my general health Just recently I started exercisingagain I started eating better better I still fall into the trap of eating unhealthy If there's something unhealthyin the house sugar or if there is uh for example a lot of chickensomething cary I stay away from breads I don't care for it too much But Istill struggle with that eating things that I that I shouldn't be eating Sometimes I'm stilljustifying But I feel like there is more of a purpose that go into my thinking whenI am deciding what I'm gonna eat when I'm not gonna eat when I'm gonna eat howI'm gonna eat even how much uh water I'm gonna drink And it's motivated meto a point where I am going to try it again People Yes I am going to exercise fora week I am gonna do at least 30 minutes of exercise a day It is what Wednesday right nowI prerecord this uh episodes go out on Friday So what I'm gonna do I am going to I've beenworking I've been exercising for three or four days straight I go for my walks 30 minute walks Thisis what I shared with everyone before on my on my podcast Um What I do on my 30 minutewalk and it's a loop So I leave from my house I come back to my house but I goin a circle is that I do a gauntlet and that gauntlet consists of a variety of exercises as Iwalk sometimes I would stop I would do push ups Sometimes I would um go umjog up and down on the curves or I would be punching again You can uh check out some ofthis footage on my youtube channel at counts care So I would do different things as I'm walkingfast walking I monitor my breathing inhale exhale breathing from from a diaphragm I stilllike doing that I really like doing that because it's not just going to a gym andlifting weights Um there's just something about that that just gets to me that I just it justacts as a hindrance I think part of this is when I was younger I playeduh a variety of different sports I was a four a four letter varsity varsity athlete fortwo years My junior senior year I like being physical I played football back umfootball cross country track and field and football cross country track and field soccer Yes Um so Istayed I stayed busy but with being in those sports you have to work out lifting weights jogging conditioningUh it's it it it really I believe it took a toll on my body Icame out of high school in good shape and when I came out of when I um came outof college Hm Yeah Yeah My weight was compromised and it started to blow up and being withmy wife having kids I mean time just just wasn't my friend when it came to myweight So I found a routine that makes me feel comfortable so that I don't feel likeI'm in a gym that I feel that pressure of feel the pain you know OhGod Yeah Yeah Push that weight I mean I'm not into all that kind of stuff Oh I mean oneday possibly But no I want to enjoy myself So this gauntlet allows me to do a varietyof different things I do anything that comes into my mind I work my upper body Iwork my lower body my upper body I typically do um do pushups at different points inmy walk Uh my I I put my hands on the ground and I dopush ups on the ground I do it off of benches I do it offof railing and I make sure that I put my chest all the way down and all the wayup and sometimes I don't I'm just like whatever Let me just go ahead and do itas best the best I can And I go in out in out you know I douh in my chest my upper body Um I punch in the air Sometimes I uhspread my uh my arms out and I move my arms I rotate my my uh myarms forward about 10 20 times Or actually I go 30 40 50 depends on howI feel And then I go backwards uh backwards uh 10 2030 40 50 times or soUm and then I uh do lower body work Of course I'm walking But um at points as I'm walkingI do high knee action So I would high knee up up up Of course you can't seethis uh if you're listening to a podcast But uh in track and field we woulddo high knees where we would we would uh walk and we would um pickup our knees and then put our foot down knees up knees down and we rotate I do I douh some of that In addition I uh tighten my glutes my butt muscles Yes I didsay that my butt muscles and I uh squeeze my butt muscles I work on my core So I'm tuckingin my stomach when I'm doing these exercises and I am breathing I'm doing upper body lower body work AndI um and I change up the exercises I've been experimenting with that for a very long time even thoughI stopped doing it and I found excuses to stop I don't know there's something different So me inthis podcast making his pledge to do a week of 30 more 30 minutes or miaof exercising I feel I can be successful this time And I said before I'mgonna keep you updated on what happened I felt so bad that it didn't work outbut this time I am going to keep you updated a lot sooner The nextpodcast my goal is to give you an update Let you know what worked what didn't workUh I'm not a journaling kind of person I'll keep some notes in and kind of you know seewhat that does for me in terms of my psyche my comfort Um my wife she she works outwhen she eats healthy I eat healthy My diet I try to stay away from unhealthy things I'vementioned carbs I try to stay away from bread but if I was to get aburger OK that's bread with the with the protein You got the meat the thebeef or the chicken I do my best to eat to eat Um the the best way I can Anduh I gotta say that through this process I've been forgiving myself I have toforgive myself I'm not gonna be perfect and eat healthy all the time If I do eat unhealthy I gotto take responsibility and I have to get back on board and eat healthy again and hope that there thatI could make adjustments where the temptations or um whatever whatever happened that led to me uh eating or doingsomething unhealthy try to learn from it to make adjustments and that is so hard I'm notI I'm this is it's not easy It's really not easy I'm preaching to the choir for alot of people and I'm just sharing uh sharing my struggle Is it possible to makebetter choices and decisions and be healthy Yes I do believe that it is possible but it takesmore energy than what people uh think I work with with um a lot of people with substance abuseissues When I work with these individuals a lot of people think that oh I haveit under control I it's no problem I can stop any time Well the problemis that they say that they can stop but at some point they end uppicking it up and picking up the substance and using it again they relapse relapse isa part of the overall process when you're talking about addiction or uh substance using behavior we all uh they'realways in a point where where they go through uh denial and compromise the same things that I'm talking aboutwith food I cannot help but to think of them similarly I'm not gonna say that it is exactlythe same But sometimes I feel like I I have an addiction to food I needed to live handsdown Not understandable We all need food to live But when your body body and mind reacts uh tofood when you hear or see it in a certain way That's when you know things come come into questionThat's when you know exercise start to get compromised It's like ok why should I exercise Oh I'm eating souh eating so eating will help me lose weight Then I'm not gonna uh exercise It can't it but itdoes but it can't work that way You know there are certain things that is neededthat we have to go through to live that healthy life and that comes with makingbetter choices and decisions So similar to a person that struggles with addiction they're in a placewhere at any given point there's things that they see here their senses interact with the with theenvironment in such a way where it makes it makes for me losing weight difficult itmakes eating the right foods very very difficult And I have to be realistic aboutabout um my issues and I feel like I'm coming I'm coming to grips with with what's goingon for my body The reality is that I do have I I have issues and Igot to um be more vigilant about what I eat and stay physically active The great thingabout this uh 30 30 minute 30 workout 30 minutes a day is at my work I like to workwalk with the students I I take the kids for a walk and we talk you knowit's a different It's a therapeutic walk where they when they're as they're walking they're breathing they'reshifting the energy in their body in a different way and it helped it it's notonly helpful for them but it's helpful for me because I get outdoors and Iget to exercise when I talk about 30 working out 30 minutes a day I am thinking when I gethome working walking or working out doing something for 30 minutes when I'm home Um I could count workBut see that's a that's that's a lazy way out I think I'll count work But my goalmy big goal is to work out when I get home at some point for 30 minutes itwould be a plus if I could work out at work if I could go for a walkuh go up and down stairs I I like going up and downstairs uh in my workoutI do mostly lower body stuff Uh we have steep stairs in one of our buildingsSo I like going up and down and I gotta say since I've been working outmy breathing have been better So I'm thinking about endurance Um uh putting some morespeed behind my work I have to share this with you It's important for me to do this andif you're struggling with your weight eating uh exercising I'd like to hear from you I know I'm not aloneUm but it it makes me happy to be able to communicate this to relate to relateThis is a part of my mental health and my quest to live a healthier lifestyle I putthe challenge out to myself I put the challenge out to you Um I think I did I've I'vebeen doing this straight for 34 days and I'm talking about a week It is Wednesday So next Wednesday I'mlooking at uh and not ending it I'm looking at continuing it but to give anupdate on how how it worked out again keep your eye out for youtube Uh atScare C O un S C A R E There's some other videos on there too Um I'll shareI'll I'll I'll share uh one of them with you Actually I got I gotta put somemore uh out there tonight Um I went I've been to Disneyland and Disney Worldand going to an amusement park and walking around all day long for 12 plus hours That is ahell of a workout in itself So yeah you get to take a look at someof the things that I've seen and done But in in um taking those pictures and video footageman I tell you it wore it wore me out my legs my feet um Enjoyed it I so enjoyedit but I got one hell of a workout out of that Um The next podcast uhwith my update I like to uh talk about uh different exercises different activities that can be done to helpyou live live healthier What kind of foods Take a look at my youtube I have one called saladuh that I stumbled on that by accident and I just had to had to show thatSo check out salad as well as some other stuff I'm ready to take a showerdrink a little bit of water which I shouldn't be doing because it is said that before bed drinking waterum 2.5 to 3 hours before you go to bed is highly advisable so that thewater can process to your body and that you don't have to stay up Right So thatdoesn't affect your sleep The older you get though um the harder it is uh on onyour body your body is adjusting So how the body takes in the water is differentNobody wants to talk about getting older and some of the changes in um in appetite andall different things And I'm looking forward to uh having another a podcast about about youth and aboutnot so youth and I'm in a not so youth area I'd say it with prideI'm not tripping any but everybody take care of yourselves Thank you for your time And um this isflash w for accounts care take care of yourself and each other Hm That soundsvery Hm Where did I hear that Jerry Springer by everybody testing 12 testing 12 Thisis flash W host of Council