Most aspiring creators they abandon their efforts generally within the first year this creates both challenges It can createopportunities for you If you stay in the market the high turnover rate is often called thecreator churn and this comes from several factors Number one is unrealistic expectations Number twois inconsistent Income Number three creative burnout Number four is the changes in the algorithm and numberfive is just competition This churn it can be leveraged by persistent creators before we get into howto beat creator churn This video is sponsored by my newsletter the part time digital business This is valuable toyou as it is free Each week I send out an informative training guide to help youmonetize your knowledge and understand the creator mindset Understand the creator economy you can find links tothis in the description So here's my advice for you If you are looking to startor looking to quit in your creative journey maybe you've gotten to the end you're tired and you're readyto throw in the towel before you do that Let's talk about going into a less saturated nicheI do not recommend just abandoning your current niche but maybe you are working in a broad category such asproductivity or mindset What you can do if you are struggling to gain traction is to niche down untilyou get a foothold then you can go broad again later What are some good examples ofhow you niche down start with productivity as the example and go deeper into productivity by targetingdifferent areas in productivity Some examples of this are creator productivity or study productivity Asmore creators abandon what they are doing you can really keep building into your niche Onceyou feel you have gained enough of a following you can add another sub niche or you canjust go broad again with a bigger voice So the longer you stay in the more sub niches you canbuild and develop the bigger you can grow overall the trick is figuring out how to geta foothold with your first sub niche versus talking on a very big and broad topic that is overrun withbigger creators This is how you grow You start small you niche down and then you step step stepas you build that foundation your topics can broaden out and broaden out so you can continue to reachbigger audiences Number two is audience acquisition engage followers of departed creators with similar content as youcreate and you get familiar with everyone on the platforms you are going to find there are three different typesof creators with three different types of followings There are the big voices the medium voices and the small voicesAll of these can really help you in your growth If you know how to utilize them properly youcan interact with the big voices and you can focus on the small to medium voices The longer you stayin the more people will quit naturally and the more you can gain by marketing totheir following And before we move on to the next step make sure to follow makesure you hit subscribe This really helps us push the content out and it gives other people the opportunity tolearn how to build and monetize their own income online which is very important Andnumber three is collaboration opportunities partner with successful creators who have already gone through it They have alreadygone through what you are looking to do They have built a big successful followingThey continue to monetize that following This is something I struggled with at first butthere are many ways to go about doing this successfully You can feature someone onyour podcast you can write an article with another creator or simply offer to link to a bigger creator'scontent that will tie your names together There are many ways you can set up these micropartnerships and each one it can have a significant impact on your overall brand growth Number four learningfrom others learning from their mistakes study why others quit and adjust your strategy accordinglyI recommend creating a list today if you have not already done so of yourtop 10 creators This is the list of creators you are modeling your brand afterbecause you like their style you like their message and they are marketing to a similar audience that you aretrying to build Now you can go back to their profiles And what I recommend youdo is look how they model their brand look how they're creating content How arethey writing their posts on social media How are they creating videos What is workingfor them and what is not working for them when you figure this out and you go through differentcreators who are having success you can pull different pieces of their strategy that you likeand you can utilize that strategy The best way to learn how to be successful isto mimic what other successful people are doing This does not mean we are copying exactly what someone elseis doing but there's nothing wrong with looking at the framework of someone successful and utilizingthat to make yourself successful copying the framework the times of the day that are being posted out howlong the posts are and what is seeming to resonate the most with that targeted audienceThis is the best way to not just get data on what to do but how tonot find yourself stuck in a creator rut Now number five this is long term credibilityConsistency builds trust with your audience and potential sponsors There is nothing that can substitutefor time What I can tell you is things will not be easy at first and they may notget easier midway through But if you stick with it you will have success on the other side Theones who make it through are the ones who find ways to keep it exciting Keep thingsfresh when they are not motivated by understanding and capitalizing on the creator churn you can position yourself and youshould position yourself for long term success in the digital content space If you are looking to gofurther with this if you're looking to take a structured program build a digital product business foryourself or create a successful content production system that I encourage you to check the links in the descriptionand I will see you in the next one