Video #27 - How to set up a twitter account
Show Transcripts

all right family we're in church growth 2.0 and now I want to show you how

to set up social media accounts basically when you set up one they're all pretty much similar I'm going

to show you how to set up Twitter and Pinterest you also have Facebook Instagram there's

a lot of social media accounts but I'm just going to focus on two but like I

said if you could do these two you could probably set up the rest of them okay you should be

able to set up the rest of them and I'm going to show you how to do Twitter

and Pinterest so keep it locked all right so I'm going to I show you how to set up Twitter

so I'm going to go ahead and go to OK let's close these things here and then you

want to type in Twitter once you load up I typed in Twitter then

you want to click Twitter it's what's happening Twitter click there okay now it's going to ask

you how do you want to set up your new Twitter account with Google sign up with apple

or you want to sign up with phone or email I'm going to choose phone or email you can choose

whatever is best for you and I'm going to click not now and my name is going to

be my crew Church of course you could put your church name or business name or

your ministry name I'm going to use email instead and the email I'm going to

use this SEO at Pastor I'll put my birthday December 29th come on somebody case

you want to send a birthday gift and I'm just kidding all right there's my birthday let's go ahead

and click next customize your experience Twitter users okay I'm okay with that I'm going to click next okay

everything looks good let's go ahead and sign up here we go now let's sit you

a code enter below enter it below to verify as co-pastor so now I'm going

to go to my email address and find that code okay SEO I pressured I should have

my Twitter code which is right here so I'm going to copy that code 1665 one to go

back to my Twitter account that's asking for that code paste it there and click next you'll

need a password okay let me just make up any password let's see let me just make up

one okay so I just made any password you could put whatever you want for

your password I'm going to click next and then it's going to ask you for a profile picture

you I'll skip that for now what should we call you I'm just going to say cool

church I like that that's cool this is just for the sample for the class but you can put

whatever you want I'm going to say Kuchar all that name is taken cool church that's not taken okay

let's do that let's go next set preferences let's go ahead and click that what do

you want to see on Twitter let's just say we want to see say music you can choose

whatever you want technology and business okay we click next boom what do you want

to see on Twitter let's just say business is say small business marketing music let's just say I

don't know if they have gospel they have gospel let's see once again this is just for

the class let me see let me just choose anything let's just say drums okay technology let's

just say cloud computing and they were good I'm just choosing anything for now you

want to follow let's just follow few people click next and there you go you have a fiercely set

up your Twitter account if you want to tweet something you just you can go to your profile right

and you just click tweet and you can just say maybe later you can say hello everybody we are now

we're now on Twitter boom you click tweet there you go you have just sent your first tweet

so if you go to your profile here's your tweet hello everybody we are now on Twitter that's how

you set up a Twitter account now the cool thing about Twitter is you could tweet like when you set

up your blob let me just show you this real quick so we go to our churches are my cool

Church website right let's just go there by who Church website so whenever you write a blog you

write something new you could post it on Twitter so here I am my couch Church website

right and say we wrote A Blog say this is our blog I could go to this

blog okay I can copy the URL okay then I go back to Twitter and I

could go to profile and I go to tweet like to say hello everybody check out our

latest blog and you want to do this for every blog you right because that

helps you with your SEO you're setting up back links to your blog then I hit tweet there

you go you got your your blog on your Twitter account and I encourage you to do

that you'll build up followers and every time you ride a blob you just go ahead and

tweet it and you know you get the link and you tweet it it's going to help you with

backlinks and it's powerful stuff okay so that's how you set up a Twitter account let's go to the

next lesson