Do you want to be famous or great? — Jimmy Iovine, Cofounder of Interscope Records
For many years, there has been a scientific theory that one side of the human brain is in charge of all things related to creativity, art and expression, while the other side is focused on analytical thinking, mathematics and logic. Though still being explored, this theory seems to reinforce the trend we see with aspiring musicians; many of them spend a tremendous amount of time working on their music but can’t seem to wrap their heads around the business side of their careers. Conversely, we see business-minded individuals struggling to understand the creative process and how it works, often confusing laziness with the output cycles of the creative mind. Let’s be clear from the start. Your music may be of the highest quality, but your listenership won’t grow without the creation and development of your music business. The art can exist without the business ... but it will not flourish, at least in terms of exposure, without the business.
RIGHT-BRAIN THINKING is reflected in the tasks that are creative in spirit such as songwriting and composing. The term describes how the functions located in the right side of the brain are dominant in the areas of creativity, imagination, and visualization. When you do something creative, you are using the right side of your brain.
LEFT-BRAIN THINKING is called upon when tackling projects that require logic and analysis. We call it Left-Brain Thinking because the left side of the brain governs things like mathematics, language, and linear thinking. When an artist analyzes information or attempts to make logical decisions, they are using the left side of their brain.
WHOLE-BRAIN THINKING is when an individual is able to effectively juggle both the analytics and logic found in the left side of the brain with the creative and artistic aspects housed in the right. The end result is an ability to balance the creation of art with good business decision-making.
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