Is your digital business card broken How can you tell How can you tell if you have a gooddigital business card Your online presence it serves as your virtual handshake Essentially your introductionthis business card it's often the first impression you make on potential clients on employers or even collaborators UhWhat if your card isn't working as effectively as it should be And how canyou fix that How can you adjust that in this discussion We will guide youthrough the process of evaluating your card helping you identify potential issues and really understand how tofix them how to fix them to increase sales to increase loyalty to to increase engagement inthis discussion We're going to break this down into a few parts functionality completeness and visual appealSo let's talk about the importance What is the importance of a functional digital business card Yourbusiness card is more than just a collection of contact information It is a powerful toolyou can use to network and you should it can really open doors and it can create opportunity inan age where first impressions they're often made online This digital card it needs to be not just functional butimpressive It should clearly communicate who you are what you do and why someone should connect with youat all Why someone should care a well crafted business card can be the difference between making thesale making the valuable connection or completely missing the opportunity that's in front of you Many professionals unknowingly operate witha broken digital business card This could mean you have outdated information maybe it's a poor design maybe it's lackof essential elements or you're not leveraging the full potential of the platforms when this is broken whenit's not unified cross platform when you're not saying the same message cross platform it can really becosting you many sales it could be costing you in value and really in networking andgrowing that network It's crucial that you regularly assess an update this image that isout there You want to ensure it's working hard for your business Remember your digitalcard isn't limited to a single platform So this should you should think of this in terms of your entireprofessional presence online social media pages website pages link and bios all of these act as your digital businesscard So all of these should essentially look generally the same the same tag linesthe same messages that point back to your offers that point back to your business weaknesses in thisarea can come when you start to promote multiple things on multiple pages and people get confused and people aren'tsure What exactly are you trying to convey to me Why are you conveying thisto me It's a good practice to always go back and say how simple is this If Iknew nothing about my business and I came on to this business would I know exactly what they dowithin a few seconds So before we get into assessing your digital business make sure you follow make sure youlike really does help to push the content out further push the message out further which is important Nowwhen it comes to assessing how do you assess the clarity and completeness of yourdigital business card and your information The first step in this is to determine if this card isworking properly If there is clarity within this card Does someone know that it is coming to my websiteto my social media What I do and do they know that without needing to searchfor it and dig down for it Because most people aren't going to do that If it'snot a simple process why would I waste time on your website if it's not clearlydisplayed If I don't know exactly what you do I don't know exactly what you'regetting across Don't be broad be very direct in what you do direct in what you offer and direct inwhat you can solve for that person The next thing you wanna do is check thecompleteness of your information This goes just beyond your normal phone number or an email Have you included linksto relevant profiles to your offers Are those links updated Is your website updated This might seem likecommon sense but there's many times I've gone to profiles active profiles profiles with big followings and their links areoutdated and things don't lead where they should That's just a big sign of a competence not being putinto those products into that brand And you're putting a lot of work into it So you wanna makesure your links are right You wanna make sure your information's right Don't forget to assess the consistencyacross platforms Can you simplify things Should you simplify things If someone finds you on linkedin and then visityour personal website do things align or is one thing talking about One thing is your website talkingabout something completely different when you're inconsistent you have to step into the shoes of the viewerIt's creating confusion and it may give the impression that you're not detail oriented and someone coming to you foradvice may not want to seek that advice if you're all over the place So taketime to ensure that your professional information is uniform across all of your digital platforms Now let's talk aboutrelevance Hey consider the relevance of the information that you're sharing your digital business card It should highlight your mostcurrent and relevant skills and experiences that can directly benefit me The viewer coming into your worldonline If you're still showcasing products from years ago that you that are not relevant to your work anymoreget rid of them or move them to another area Update things keep things fresh Your card shouldevolve as your career progresses always presenting the most compelling version of your professional self Andwhen it comes to evaluation how do you evaluate the visual appeal and user experience with your digitalbusiness card The content of your card It's really crucial The way it's presented is equally important Rememberany digital world you have just a few seconds to really make that good first impression Soyour card the the layout the simplicity needs to be very visually appealing and easy tonavigate Start by looking at the overall design of the platforms Is the layout clean Is it professionalAm I using consistent colors Am I using consistent fonts that align with my brand if you have apersonal website or an online portfolio Is it mobile responsive to these things Work on mobile withmore people than ever accessing the internet on mobile devices being mobilely responsive is critical for your success Having thingsformatted for smaller screens critical for your success Next you wanna consider the user experienceHow easy is it for someone to find information they're looking for on my websiteon my social media page If you have a personal website is the navigation intuitiveit doesn't have to be fancy Is it simple Can someone click the hamburger Pull down your navigation see what'sgoing on You wanna allow for easy sharing you wanna allow for ease of moving through your pagesthe easier it is the more effective it will be and the more likely that personwill be to subscribe to follow to buy Remember that your card it's not necessarily a static entity butit's a reflection of your business when you regularly go back and assess it Make sureit's clear make sure it's complete make sure it's visually appealing engaging relevant and you hit all ofthese marks You can ensure that you are setting yourself up for the most engagement for themost growth and setting up your viewers and your potential customers for the most benefit that they canget from coming and consuming your content So thank you for being here and being apart of the channels If you would like to take a structured program if you're looking to build yourdigital business create digital products or you're looking to just simply increase your content production create a better systemplease check the channel links check the description for available programs that I offer and I'llsee you in the next one