So navigating through some contemporary issues we find in systematic theology there are many challenges thatwe come across So before we start I want to first congratulate you for making it to this section formaking it here And let's begin as the world evolves So too do the challenges faced by systematic theology Soin this lesson we will explore some of the more modern issues within this framework we will considerhow the Bible offers insights and provides guidance for us in addressing these challenges So let's start with pluralism andreligious diversity So in our world it's increasing with diversity One challenge is navigating pluralismSo what is pluralism It's a state where people of different faiths live together inpeace and have the freedom to worship or choose to not worship So it also means that allreligions are considered equal and there is no one superior religion So how does Christianity engage withother belief systems without compromising its core We see this in John 14 6 Jesus said to him I amthe way I am the truth and I am the life No one comes to the father except throughme So we see here Christianity It holds firm to the belief that Jesus is the exclusive path toGod is the only path It really highlights that salvation can be attained only through HimSo the faith recognizes Jesus as that doorway to God to eternity This conviction it does not diminish ourChristian obligation to engage with people of different beliefs in a spirit It's more characterized by that love and respectSo despite affirming Jesus is unique and central role Christianity it fosters an attitude of acceptance and more understandingtowards those who hold diverse different spiritual perspectives So we as Christians are called to build thosebridges rather than putting up walls seeking that common ground while still and most importantly upholding those strong convictions bygenuinely listening to others engaging in that thoughtful dialogue We as followers of Christ can cultivatemore meaningful connections and build a spirit of genuine compassion It is within this context ofbeing open more empathetic that we can coexist in harmony with people of various faiths strivingto have a mutual understanding and a peaceful coexistence that we can build on and we can grow with Andnumber two is ethical dilemmas So theological discussions in the context of contemporary really grapple with somemore complicated ethical issues such as bioethics technological advancements things like social justice So how does systematic theologyprovide a framework for more ethical decision making Let's go to scripture first Micah 68 Hehas told you Oh man what is good and what does the Lord require of you But you dojustice and to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God So this verse itreally is showing us the fundamental principles of justice of kindness and humility These can serve as those compassesright Guiding us in our ethics and our decisions in those situations These principles they'reessential for guiding us through those moral dilemmas making those more informed decisions which isimportant So firstly justice stands as a cornerstone of that ethical conduct It requires fairness impartiality and really upholdingof rights for all individuals So in any circumstance we want to prioritize justice ensuring that every personis treated equally regardless of their background or their circumstances So by sticking to thisprinciple by following this principle of justice we are contributing to creating a more equitableand just society overall So with justice we have kindness This plays another very important role in ethical considerations callingfor more empathy compassion and really a genuine care for others How do you genuinelycare for others Do you feel that way We demonstrate kindness We're not only uplifting someone but we're promotingan understanding with harmony within communities So when we embrace kindness and justice we are building and growing aculture of goodwill that is contributing to more compassion and a more compassionate world should really humble ouregos and should really encourage us to listen to different perspectives and recognize our own limitations People willnot always agree that is ok Humility allows us to acknowledge when we have made mistakes we canlearn from them and we can really grow as individuals overall So when we embrace humility fully this should enableus to approach these decisions with a more open mind and a greater willingness to understand and adaptNow number three is gender and sexuality So as societal pressures perspectives on gender and sexuality evolved theological discussions onthese topics they become more relevant they will continue to become more relevant So how does systematictheology address these issues while sticking to the biblical principles that are most important Let's goto Genesis 127 So God created man in his own image the image of God he created himmale and female He created them So what does this passage tell us in Genesis Thishas been a source of inspiration sorts of thought more deep thought and studying for many yearsthroughout history This holds a deep philosophical implication regarding the nature and the purpose of our human existenceWhy are we here on earth Why were we created being created in the image of God has oftenbeen understood as conveying the worth and dignity of every individual regardless of their gender their raceany other characteristic This is also suggesting that humans possess qualities that reflect different aspects of God different Godly aspectssuch as things like reason creativity Capacity for love and compassion That's what separates us from the animals This versealso acknowledges the importance of equality and interconnectedness of men and women Really highlighting and showing us theirshared origin and importance in the eyes of God Now number four is environmental stewardship Theecological crisis possesses a theological challenge This should prompt us on discussions of humanity responsibility for the environment Sohow does systematic theology contribute to a biblical perspective on environmental stewardship Let's go to Genesis 215 the Lord Godtook the man put him in the garden of Eden to work it and to keepit So what do we see here in placing Adam in the garden He was meantto work He was meant to keep he was meant to take care of the animals take care of ofthe life in the garden This shows us God's intention for mankind which is to actively participate in thecultivation preservation of the natural world that we live in This act of stewardship is signifies and is really highlightingthe importance of taking care of the earth and its resources is showing us the harmonybetween mankind and the environment Also showing us the responsibility that we have to nurture and to safeguard the gardenearth by extension the planet So this verse it serves as a reminder that humans we hold a significantrole in maintaining the balance and the beauty that we see around us We are meant to take careof it and should give us that deep sense of respect for our surroundings andthe creatures that inhabit it So in conclusion contemporary issues systematic theology this invites us to engage inthought OK think about the challenges of the modern world think of the Bible foundational sourceThe principles in the Bible are what we always go back to what we alwaysstick to to navigate through those issues There will be diversity in religion there will beethical dilemmas gender and sexuality dilemmas As Christians we are meant to grapple with these challenges notshy away from them not turn them off not turn somebody away because they disagree but sharethe word share scripture guided by love with humility focusing on justice This really becomesthe central part of what we should do of how we should go about sharingthat message how we should go about guiding others in that message when these questionswhen these issues when these problems come up which they always will systematic theology and social issues how dowe go about navigating through challenges modern challenges with biblical wisdom today So in this lecture we willexamine how systematic theology approaches these social issues and how it draws inspiration and wisdom from the Bible Wealways keep the Bible as the core So let's start with social justice and equality thepursuit of social justice and equality This is a constant concern especially in today's world Systematic theologyseeks to oh understand it apply biblical principles to address the issues we find with inequality with injustice Wego to Proverbs 3189 speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves for the rights ofall who are destitute So what is this first telling us here speak up and judge fairly Wewant to defend the rights of the poor of the needy This message powerful message from scriptureshould serve as a reminder of our responsibility to advocate for the marginalized and seek justice forthe oppressed This also causes us to use our voices to speak out against that injusticewhen it's right the right way to be fair in those judgments and to really activelydefend the rights of those who are less fortunate So in today's world where poverty and equality arepersistent this look at this like a biblical mandate and a challenge to go take action urging us tolook beyond our own privilege and reach out to those in need whether it's big or small regardless of theirstatus regardless of what they have So by standing up for the rights of the poor of theneedy what can we do We can contribute to the creation and help create a more just and equitable societySo through acts through compassion through empathy we can and we should try to be the voice ofthose who are often neglected This should really help focus on their cause Ensuring their rightsare protected just like ours So number two is migration and refugees So the global movement of people drivenby factors such as conflict of a lot of economic hardship This raises a lot of theologicalquestions about hospitality compassion What should we be doing is this right The Christian responseto refugees Let's look at Matthew 2535 for I was hungry and you gave me something to eat Iwas thirsty and you gave me something to drink I was a stranger and you invitedme in So Jesus words here they really are highlighting the importance of showing hospitality and providing care for thosein need including strangers including refugees So it's important that we remember that now number threetechnology and ethics So advances in technology present dilemmas right Challenges and demand theological reflection We reallywant to look at this systematic theology explores these implications of technological innovations OK Such as what artificial intelligencewe have genetic engineering to name a few Let's look at first Corinthians 619 toin you who you have received from God You are not your own you were bought at aprice Therefore honor God with your bodies So what is this verse Telling us this verse is promptingus to consider the ethical boundaries and responsibility in the use of technology that is impactingour human lives what is going on with genetic engineering What is going on with AI it's not all bad but we want to be careful and we want todiscern and sift through what is good what are the good parts and what isbad And more importantly we want to make sure we are sharing that message with our sphere ofinfluence with our people around us in the proper way So we can have the correct impact on those aroundus from that biblical perspective which is always the goal and always what we're looking to do And number fouris racial recognition So in a world that's again really marked by racial tensions Systematic theology helps us engagewith those biblical principles unity and love in the context of diverse cultural background So we seein Galatians 328 there is neither Jew nor gentile neither slave nor free nor is there any male andfemale for you are all one in Christ So this verse telling us and showing us givingus the biblical wisdom of that unity in Christ going beyond the racial and social distinctionsand seeing everyone as people created from God not focusing on color not focusing on gender as muchWe are all created from God we are all God's Children So we want totry to get past those initial judgments that we all probably have at some point and move beyond thatremembering we are all Children of God Remembering to share the message of the Lord share scripture the correctway when these issues come up when these issues arise The most important thing iswe are always going back to scripture using that as our foundation as our referencepoint to then talk on to then share on to then move forward on helping others and alsoin our own lives That's what we're being shown and being taught here So in conclusionit's systematic theology it's really grapples with some of these issues Some of these more socialissues also showing us the wisdom that can be found in the scriptures Going back to scripture Anytime wehave a question not seeking opinions or seeking things that may or may not be factual whenwe go back to the Bible those are the facts that we need to use Why it's God's word Itwas written by God That is what we use to move forward with offering guidance on these issues on justicefocusing on compassion focusing on hospitality and really taking the technological advancements into consideration what's coming whatis going on in the world and how can we better prepare for that better prepare othersfor that by using the Bible in the context of these issues So thank youfor completing this lesson We'll see you in the next lecture Let's talk about ecumenism and someinterfaith dialogue So how do we embrace unity and systematic theology combined with the contemporary context of ecumenism andinterfaith dialogue So this lecture we will explore how theology rooted in biblical principles contributes to a deeperunderstanding among people of different faiths So let's start with ecumenism seeking unity among Christian traditions What isecumenism is the theological effort to promote unity among different Christian traditions So in systematic theology how does this engagehere with this issue by focusing on the shared beliefs fostering more collaboration we see in Ephesians 43make every effort to keep the unity of the spirit through the bond of peace So thisverse is encouraging Christians to actively pursue and maintain the unity of the spirit This is promoting co-operationand understanding among diverse believers which is important now interfaith dialogue Uh beyond bridges beyondChristianity interfaith dialogue really involves conversations and more mutual understanding between members of different faith traditions of different religions Howdo we find common ground How do we find talking points Systematic theology contributes to thisby identifying common ground and really promoting that those more respectful discussions Let's look at first Peter 315 But inyour hearts revere Christ as Lord always be prepared to give an answer to everyonewho asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have but do this with gentleness and respectSo this verse is really telling us showing us the importance of engaging in dialogue but doingit in a humble gentle way with respect providing a more Biblical foundation for those deeper conversations Now recognizingshared values OK And systematic theology this really acknowledges these values and ethical principles amongdifferent faiths as well while recognizing their differences OK That's the important part It seeks common groundfor collaboration and addressing the more societal challenges we see this in Micah 68 he has shown you ohMortal what is good and what does the Lord require of you to act justly and to lovemercy and to walk humbly with your God So this is a very important versereally giving us the universal call to justice to mercy and humility Now when we use these we usethese as points of connection to connect across those different fades to connect with people through these different waysThere are two ways to do things we can shut down because we don't agree withsomething that we think is not correct or we know is not correct or we can find ways to bridgethat gap to get in to have those discussions have those conversations That's what we're seeinghere And and these are some great examples of how to do that Number four istheological humility So engaging in ecumenism gauging in interfaith dialogue really requires a more deeper humility OKA recognition that no one tradition holds a monopoly on divine truth necessarily systematic theology encourages an open minded approachto learning from others There's always things we can learn from others as long as weare sticking with the Bible first in Proverbs 26 for the Lord gives wisdom from his mouthcome knowledge and understanding So acknowledging that God is the source of all wisdom this gives us that attitudeof humility that we should all have and that we can all work on Recognizethat theological insight can be found diversely can be found across different traditions If we are looking for differentthings we can learn This does not mean that we believe in all the differentreligions We focus on the Bible We know the Bible is correct We stick with the Bible as our foundationbut you can always learn different things from different people and different religions Take those different thingsuse them as ways to bridge the gap use them as ways to speak usethem as good talking points and then move forward from there So in conclusion the contemporary issues that wesee this modern world ecumenism taking that to talking with other religions which is interfaith dialogue through systematic theology OKThis should help us build a stronger unity have better collaboration by grounding those reflections in biblical principles What arethose biblical principles Focus on focus on respect shared values humility So believers can engagein more co better conversations deeper conversations contributing to creating more harmony contributing to finding ways tobridge the gap finding ways to bring someone over to see things from a biblical perspective that maybe they're notseeing from that biblical perspective There are ways to do that to not turn off to notshy away but share finding that inner connection finding those things we can connect with we canagree on and then moving forward from there So thank you for completing this lecture I'll seeyou in the next one So what are some practical applications Right Of the theological insights we've discussed inthis section study of theology is not meant to be combined to academic discussions oreven doctrinal debates It's meant to shape the way that believers that we shape our livesSo that in this lecture we will explore how these insights can be practically applied in everyday situationsGoing back to relevant Bible verses to use as that core So let's talk about love and action Solove is at the heart of Christian theology encompassing both God's love for humanity and thecommand to love one another We see the practical application of this in verse John 47 beloved letus love one another For love is from God and whoever loves has been bornof God and knows God So what is this telling us here What is the application that thatwe want to start to utilize in our own lives This involves actively demonstrating love throughkindness OK Finding those ways to show someone how you feel to show someone that you'redifferent to why you're behaving differently when we deal with situations in life There are there is the generalway that the general reactions that generally occur anger getting mad at someone getting upset orwhen you see those rare occurrences where someone is acting differently people tend to notice that likewow that person handled that well or that person is dealing with that well so it'sgood to focus on different ways to be kind how you're being kind and then doingthat from biblical principles doing that from a biblical way So when we're actively demonstratingthis love and kindness this also comes with a compassion and most importantly a serviceto others This should reflect the love that God has shown for us All that is what we aretrying to do trying to be salt and light for this world show that reflectionSo when someone sees those things they're seeing someone Godly they're seeing someone who is acting as theBible would tell them to act We are a reflection of God We are God's Children Let's talk aboutforgiveness and reconciliation So the insight here that we get from from theology the Bible emphasizes forgiveness reconciliation reflectingGod's forgiveness through Christ So the practical application here Colossians 313 bear with each other forgive oneanother If any of you has a grievance against someone forgive as the Lord forgave you So the obviousimplication here the obvious guide the obvious instruction is we are to forgive as God forgaveus This is not always as easy as it sounds to do Think of someone who's hurt youmaybe recently or in the past Have you forgiven them Are you able to forgivethem Was it something very bad that maybe seems unforgivable or was it something not so bad But youjust weren't able to get over it and you weren't able to forgive them Weneed to remember no matter what happens and what occurs we are meant to forgiveThis takes practice So some practical application of this means we should be actively seeking reconciliation so actively lettinggo of the grudges that we have of the things that have been holding usback of the people we have not forgiven because why Because it's not the Christian thingto do It's not what the Bible says to do It's a challenge for us and it can be achallenge to get past those things to forgive that person to let them know hey Iunderstand what happened I forgive you And that's the bridge that's the gap that you canmove forward from until that occurs It's hard to move forward from that and you endup holding on to a lot of that resentment that resentment builds So we want to extend thatforgiveness Remember that we are a reflection of God's grace OK Number number three seeking justice What isthe insight here God is just believe are called to pursue justice in the worldSo we that is our calling What we are called to do practical application in Micah 68 He hastold you oh man what is good and what does the Lord require of you Butto do justice and to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God So this insightprompts us to actively engage in what promoting justice standing against depression and advocating for the vulnerable advocating forthe less fortunate when we have those opportunities we should take them This does not mean we haveto be standing in the middle of the road smearing you know blood across the road and holding up bigsigns and causing major disturbances Not that there's maybe not a time for that But this more means the personalsituations the small things that we see that are easy to walk by that are easy to kindof brush off and get on with our busy days It's important that we tryto practice taking time to step out to help someone to listen to someone allimportant things Now number four is hospitality and generosity So what's the insight here The Bibleis telling us the importance of both of these things So practical application we can see here in Hebrews 13something people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it So it is important to understand herethat when we apply this this involves welcoming others sharing resources and really extending a helpinghand to people in need Most of the time this could be people we don't know which canmake it a little bit harder But we should get in the habit of that Try to practice that Evenif it's something small donating a couple dollars donating your time maybe something bigger It's a good habit anda good practice to take Now number five is discipleship and transformation So what isthe insight here that we're getting The Christian journey involves continuous transformation continuous discipleship It is a lifelongprocess It is never a mastered process We will continually get better at it We will make mistakes until weend up leaving this earth So we see in Romans 12 2 we are not to conform to thepattern of this world but we are to be transformed How by the renewing of our minds how byreading scripture by prayer by studying scripture then we will be able to test and approve what God's willis His good pleasing and perfect will So when we go to apply this this meanswe should be actively seeking personal growth renewing of our minds through the Bible through scripture And we wantto live in accordance with God's word It's very important back to salt and light We want to be saltand white How do we do that We live in accordance with God's Word How do we dothat We have to know the word and study the word and continually refresh ourminds with it Why Because the world is strong and powerful and we have a lotof things coming in TV internet phone all the messages If we're not continually renewingthen it gets very tough And those messages can bog us down and they will bog us downSo in conclusion theological insights that we've gone over in this lesson when applied in practicalways really do have the power to transform lives to build communities as believers We shouldlive out this love this forgiveness and discipleship that we see in scripture that is taught inscripture These can become the agents of change in the world Positive change whether it's big or smallpositive change is still a positive change So the application of theology it's not just anintellectual exercise but it's more a call for us to embody the principles of faithin our everyday actions How do we do this by remembering We are reflecting thepower of God's truth