Game rules choose one person as the judge and the judge decides which cases the teams will deliberate or playImportant note the judge should be someone that has an open and humorous personality to guide the questionsand add personality to each question The judge makes the final verdict of which team is awarded points First teamto 200 points wins The judge can pick a brand new question in a new category for each round orpick a multiple questions scenario to speed game play from the remaining players choose teams from 1 tomust only award points based on the winning team's oral arguments or cases stated Each judge's verdict is worth variouspoints based on the complexity of the question stated The judge's role is to listento decide all the stated cases from the team's own viewpoint The judge must remain neutraland never base the winners or losers on his or her own belief system or what wouldbe her or his own personal value decision But by the hilarity or creativity of a statedcase or answer in the first round The judge decides who goes first and therotation of the team or teams the winning team gets to pick who will answer first or laston the next question and or scenario and preceding cases the judge must read each question out loud then mustsay state your case and read off how many points the question is worth and the amount of time theteams have to debate the question then start the timer Each team will have fromup each team will have one minute to state their case to the judge The judgeis encouraged to speak to each team during discussion periods to help the flow of the game and to letthem know how much time is left on the clock each team will state their case after the allotted discussionperiod When instructed by the judge or the judge can elect to penalize the teamby taking 20 points from the team for stalling If no answer is given after the allotted debatetime the same time allowance will be given to each team during the oral argument Ateam can answer a question with multiple team members speaking in turn or they can choose ateam captain to speak for the team group acting or performances by a team are highlyencouraged and required in some scenarios No at least one member of each team must have thejudge's cell phone number Since some scenarios require each team to text an answer or information to thejudge to keep the other team from stealing their answer or to get awarded bonus pointsAgain before the debate timer is started the judge must always verbalize the fact thatshe or he is starting the timer by saying out loud state your case You will need todownload our POM app with the game timer plus bonus features available free in the App storeor Google Play Store or use a watch or Stopwatch to keep time