Good morning everybody Hey welcome to Domino Beliefs Uh If you're new here Domino Beliefs are is a quickMonday series We do 10 minutes I uh where we take a slice out of the larger hacking musictraining and we unpack it within the group here So these mental dominoes when they're stacked together end toend act like physical dominoes do right If you've seen videos of how they work with dominoesthere are no accidents They always work they always fall into the next domino they work everytime So that's how we want to kind of think of our domino beliefs These are their mentaldominoes They build momentum automatically once our beliefs some people call it mindset or mentalmodels or strategic frameworks whatever you call them But when they're lined up they strengthen what we do theystrengthen how we work And maybe most importantly they strengthen and define where we will go or destinationBut here's the trick with Domino's Uh you have to set up your dominoes They don't come out ofthe box that way they're a mess right So we have to line them up Sothat's what we're doing Every Monday we're lining up the way we think and that affects where we willarrive our destination So each Monday what we wanna do here we wanna audit our habits to matchthe destination we want whether we know it or not our habits are compounding either favorably orunfavorably So we want to get those right We want to pay attention to our beliefs our dominoes ourworldview as an artist and entrepreneur So that's quick a little bit about domino beliefs Let's jumpinto the training All right So let's jump in give a couple of examples here ofred and blue oceans on the left You can see the red ocean right You see the the blue oceanand what we wanna do is back up one step and understand how this affects artists Soup here we have dominating artists right They're kind of at the top of their game thoroughbred artistsThey've made it through the weeds and now they're enjoying success and competing nationally and internationally RightThen we have down here we have deploying artists These are the three gears that all artists gothrough Deploying artists are doing it regionally Maybe they're doing it in the Southeast ormaybe they're touring Texas and Oklahoma to figure some things out right They're not just focused on theirmusic they're they're kind of building out their their scaffolding of their career Uh Andthen we have down here the bottom we have developing artists these artists are primarily focused ontheir music they're getting their stuff together figuring out who they are and who they're not they they'refiguring out their writing their production their show right Um They're not 100% developed but they're you knowthey they realize that they want to win and they want to kind of compete at higherlevels up here OK So what we want to take away from this is howthese artists think right These artists think very differently how they think about team how they think about planning andproduction and projects how they think about music and their staging of their show their experienceshow they think about products e-commerce and sells right So what these artists have figured out up here is thathow to get to a blue ocean right Artists down here are very much in a redocean And what we wanna do is figure out how to get more of us out ofhere into up here shorten the gap for developing artists to become healthier artists and entrepreneurs Allright So let's jump in to the blue Ocean Um Domino belief here This term is important differentiationHow do you get original Right It's a process by which you create ways to set yourselfapart from everyone else You don't wanna be last in line of 200 clones you wantto be first in your own line right Uh You don't wanna be so left of the centerthat you're just weird and wacky and odd Um But you want to kind of becomfortable in your own clothes You wanna be your own person you wanna be able to standon your own feet and uh connect with your audience for who you are not being a cloneof whatever artist is popular So differentiation super important as we think about this All right So here's our artisthere's you right And you are every day you make hundreds of decisions Every year you makethousands of decisions that will either put you over here in a red ocean or set youup to move out of a red ocean into more of a blue ocean And we say it allthe time that you don't get a career by making one lucky decision You get a careerby making thousands of right decisions over time Let's talk about red oceans What arered oceans Uh red oceans are super congested right Uh They're bloody with competition There's a scarcity mindset whichmeans they got to take from somebody else and get theirs and um rather than collaboratewith them they're very transaction based They are very low ticket price they can't charge higher tickets because there's somebodyelse that will steal their person right They beg for attention rather than earn attention the competingclogged markets So when we're starting out as ours and let me say two if this is you this isthere's nothing wrong with being here today This may be the most important day of your year because you realizethat heck you're in a red ocean and you need to change the way you think change the way youoperate and act to get out of this red ocean Um So no harm no foul ifif you're here So we want to get more people out of this red ocean into a healthier more optimalblue ocean Blue oceans On the other hand make the competition irrelevant right Somebody like aCirque Du Soleil or an apple There's only one cirque du Soleil right There's a meaningful experience there there'soriginality there They are free from competition Cirque Du Soleil isn't competing with any othercircus right They can charge a premium price Uh There's a growth and expansion mindsetthere's collaboration there rather than just competition thinking They take an original approach and standout from everybody else And this is where healthy artists are this is where career artists areThis is where those dominating artists how they think operate build and scale their career Allright So let's look at a couple of examples of Red Oceans Uh Red Oceans wouldbe you know your local cover band competing in battle of the bands They're open micwriters nights where there's a line out the door cosplay people like there's 500 boba fatsrunning around out there which by the way I love Boba Fett But you get my pointsongwriter competitions where there's just 5 million people competing to win a Chin Award uh jam sessions bluesnights right There's hundreds of people who can do that They're not differentiated they're not original inany way So if we flip it and look at blue oceans you know wejust lost lost Jimmy Buffett recently His parrothead community is really a perfect example of a blue ocean right Youhave to go to Jimmy Buffett if you want that Parrothead community Grateful dad's anotherexample Go from back in the nineties I think they're still touring Um You have artists like Garth whoare you know if you want Garth you have to go to go to Garth righthere come the mummies band Uh Some friends of ours who dress up like mummies andplay funk music do very well each year doing this Um And lastly you know Kiss is a blueocean Taylor is a blue ocean Coed and Cambria um is developing into a blueocean And here's really the goal for this domino belief is that your decisions onmusic product engagement experiences and messaging They all need to make this shift right They need to make the shiftout of the red ocean that's bloody with competition and really shift into a more of a blueocean that is original for them All right So that's a quick overview of the red and bluelens that all our decisions get filtered through hundreds of times a day thousands of timesa year So that's the domino belief for this week red and blue oceans filtering our decision makingbetween the red lens and the blue lens So if you're a student member I know this willserve you well this has been kind of our gift to you Go get thisinto your work flow But if you're an academy member you'll be part of the monthly callin tomorrow as well as the monthly training session The call in tomorrow has Brian Petersonjoining us We're gonna be talking about artists as product managers managing their suite of products Brian's worked with TaylorSwift He's worked with Universal He's worked with BM I he's worked with a bunchof startups It's gonna be a great conversation and then our arena members um will alsoreceive the full archive training of hacking music So I can't wait to see you guys uh on thecall tomorrow at one central time with Brian Peterson We'll see you there