Video #19 - Adding keyword to your social meta description
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all right family let's move on to step number 11 and optimizing our blog for search engines

next step is you want to put your keyword in your social meta description so let me

show you how to do that okay family what I usually like to do when I add

the keyword to my social meta description I like to use the same one I used for my regular meta

description so I go ahead and copy this text highlight it copy it go back to

social open graph meta description and I just hit paste then I go to my

Twitter description and I hit paste and you are good to go now remember your keyword is right here good

Christian churches near me good Christian Church near me you've already created a meta description I

just copy and paste you have now done step number 11 and that's putting your keyword

in your social meta description oh yeah we got to save it don't forget to say

alright family let's go to step number 12 keep it locked