2020-10-15_16-36-44_(a_free_online_course_for_beginners) (1080p) (1)
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    Hallå first leal you are in this introduktion course This is a very easy course Vill mansion

    actually several stopp Things that you actually think how to understand But I want you to understand of things

    to do and I would be good start with Stockholm Oasis Oh with eh investments

    and standing what is investment What I do that way to understand Eh så förstling med

    points Anki har Ja han Vi har varit i dom där Jag heter Lena bodde stocks

    Jag har varit i Stockholm Åres here the what is about the sideways Jag vann Och vad då

    fanns det då Och i nittio understand eh stocks och eh år fanns i eh Investment Eh Petunia det tog

    en mormon i så Giovanni Company for fan tog more money back then and and there is

    a of eh Choices that you can you Eh and the the the choice to you Eh The more money

    out but you can go Gott Money If you baby Eh and dont have cleaners tragedier Eh

    eh What I tell you that Eh i det här stadiet eh först le is understand a stopp is

    appar of the company you that of Company tog Shore That eh du kan en mormon i and then

    throw this spar bot like this is Apple Company Ja på det här this det skapar ni här seventeen man

    vill över en timme Lyon No so when the belly eh Sure so the out sta standing I seventeen

    Berlin for you två kon tvåhundra Så what this means is that if you one by

    one out of Se även till Wallin So this means that one of version of this is kock

    increases thinks to the the the increase may profits and for disease the evolution of the company This

    means that your stock that is one we get here Evolution the what is this one So this price

    to increase so that when when it increases från Och ni får till två wifi When you och

    annaler Åh så ja Vi sist stabs i the north of relation of the company And

    if you really want to play the company the right way you need to understand nothing pouches Ja eh A

    m D eh eh Would it to understand the evaluation Alldeles snart Okej But the evolution of the

    stock wears and opportunity to understand how theres kris so where is very important människor So what med

    understand that company and fan vad The Company eh Dansstudio wheelie rapport och Theater rapport that the publish every

    year och every eh freeman så hes numbers that is with this eh V v

    din this rapport will help us to Anders stand halv evolution of the company is and

    the company is to weighted port now I can you that this is very hard Var det att

    komma Ah if you when you want to and money fast den you have to

    create astralis eye that you follow and to know is right SOS alarm new Beginners Docent now Ah

    ah dont know how to walidata kompaniya so how to create strategy If you know the company

    that this is two to things kreativa strategi is wanting and one of the company soothing And then

    we ve här on strategi This means that we create clear we so if you get a För exempel

    if you of the invest ifor eh sig yes This means that you have a range of which means that

    you actually be able to wait and lose the first two years or the first year to measure

    the wall of action with eh actually vilken higher lektorat because you med viner stopp expansiv one of

    the company inte you can read the numbers I don t understand how how to valet den

    inte minst that it will be har to val Rita company Vad du kan vara the

    company when your eyes would become yes and your pouches of the stock could become value bitches which

    means that you will be av way to buy This is topp the best press which is

    there how to do it s there is a of work that we we do you

    to eh the company highway Så the beginning is is hart Yes I know about you

    have to actually know This course is about sheets because I sweep to to analyze different

    things in the right way so I do not know it to analyses here because of

    the one of the key to be measure tekniker You also fundamentala is very You know is

    very what we want to understand is that first line i Thailand Några bodde stopp

    i tunnland några bad company I nittio understand company inte will be in the company that you baby stopp if

    you believe this company and so if you Tube way talar om eh longtime eh but you belle add

    this company you keep improve the keep this new prata Och sen så the evolution keeping

    crease Den gör jobba joule stop and way of I dont think this thing personally I do the best the

    best I stocks in the best prices år not the best companies thebes I stocks hand This is two different

    This is two different with actually the this word of the stock is one and the Canon of the company

    Eh I do that the company will be very effective The the long term hole in the long

    term about oerhört and I actually valley istock they know when to buy this to the best

    prices and this is a long story För totally yes So we understand that we need to

    learn more about the company you to know more about company layers of the company

    that is very important because when you of the company that the way when you actually are more money Eh

    faster eh because what the best Price hor Att eh of High Price Eh så att blodet kom morgon norrut

    ifall and dot com like this ditt Så vi får gå till det Investor Relations

    Man har funnit att I got to väster relations to the company Eh rapporten Så sov i don t know

    if they eh O just try and Billy the true Ja what I want to

    show you actually the prime Jag skriver the easy way eh to understand this talks I

    want you I want you to begin the best way you know very hard actually to to

    understand about the easy stuff What you hit the track Eh ino tik very long time to understand

    håll Håll thing actually so thats what al of people the courses Mot course courses to

    understand top of the company that we need to know how to the isis tuff

    so dont be Eh scary that is good to be very and there ett one We

    break the the rapport and rapport that we one tal så to to be the show that we understand

    everything Så is we see here This is standing This is the aning Persien This one Eh she

    Jag ser nog This is downtown Pers Okey thats it is one top of six complete to the last year

    Two point which is good which means that there the crease and die in priser Fisher Price Eh

    oskyddat understand how to Walther sker This is the sales Alltså service is going on fire Service is alltså

    att alla har fått the product of top money out of the product by total here Profits increase so I

    need to the production of the crease is that we see here Det går Kan

    wheaten kvinnor service och en mormon eh it like Så så viss kultur Eh God gost

    For the aning shire Axel Eh so you will see going crazy in dom You

    are not the way that they daintree actually gick utför shower cream of keeping providing the profet Så så att

    eh this is that the bransch idag Så alltså valley that a thing with the assholes

    go För det kommer eh Count eh reserver bords and so one we see that there is less

    money that will come Eh that is the spotless Italien Ja även of you we understand quarterly rapport of

    the rapport the sims think so to understand this Quarter Rapport Union nyaste och just Your exempel of the company

    This is in me that he is you that because I don t I don t have of

    just want to the of the good Exempel out of the company och de companies so vi fan där

    där det är I found out that the Cat rapport Hela rapport i reporten Vinnova alltså that www

    alize what the rapport the the EU rapport The you do the fundamental analys i switch rees

    that you trying to analyze the company and therefore mun dement alls train in the company and trying

    to understand who is that company that you Tube So this is important because we understand house trång The

    company is Danny You be able to invest V with better Then you better Ehm

    Conf confidence yes but of confidence and the here this Apple isis is enough So this is the one

    of one thousand aller You know one hundred twinkies svens Mamma back Snart bär tal Tog hand of

    tog han red fyrtio Dall you see for companies cyber you of good companions eh you are to believe that

    and is the down to but total isen fort hos innehåller this in and then tony Så läs

    mitt kliar You can alla Yes they are things you can you do You think that you can

    you have they modeller I modern What you see is what is this what so this

    is the Hives you always we and all that you rapport so next time is one out of

    action as I told you to do about what we have a strategy You have to create strategi action

    and you have to know much that used to have Eh Sofia Enorm strategi Eh Dubai Muntlig

    band Eh in eh One company or several companies Huntley touches the you and profits Eh If

    you if they try to find out dividend companies De is an some of people some people De ident eh

    companies companions att eh have have widens eh Apple do have Mmm Ja I the very good så vore min

    is that this is strategi now but combined sover Strategi is that we will give more money

    which means that you have eh aquino divided Biden eh att strategi that we that you we are you

    good companies that ank rea sin eh of the Stopp Stopp priser Increases you may kudde här

    Strategi that You Tube only in investment companies investment kompis is good company Sexual eh some of this now

    is not good smart He he had the East ratio What you know how much money You have how

    you spend money Eh Manly may be just one ou one a out of touch of this is

    trying to And you have to decide Okay one the ice brott I would be one point but if

    you have strategier you have to be for because you You know this into the one you just

    follow your strategy But this I strand strange because you to first like create a good strategy And

    you know that you have to I can do it Eh sexually hit skit The video strategies how to

    create Ivar lax I believe that Så jag har haft to understand the difference between the makro

    cirkus stance in the Microfich instance Men märker du circumstances taxar or the Dels alltså eh helt of

    the market the of the economy the worst the economy is the worst eh stop this would

    be I know I Benz what can of company is you investing så Hives I good company zporn i

    big companions that are dependent on eh the God of the world ekonomin so that it minns that if

    the the market drops the company Pris hit precis with dropp också så we have

    to understand makro circumstances amaro circumstances deras as good how egendom Kompaniets hovet frikänd Company

    What do you do och Håkan och strategi i havet Eh do this companies eh var

    god concept of concept Eh Watch market they are and so eh and I lost tills my people to

    invest in the future companys or the future market to be specifik The future markets is very important University in

    because what you invest in the future markets with that means that the growing market Väl dragit these companies

    with Sweden We are will give peace companies more opportunity to invest more and the

    money because this market is growing And eh the companies are with this market Vill eh benefit

    of this increase the market and the flow that goes in the market with eh create more opportunities this

    companies to the trees more faster så in west in the future markets i Sverige Porsche this so vi

    hoppar this video video video a good actually good good informations about how to do how

    to be I now I know But I hope that this informations this way bor for you to

    die Kol I eh begin to invest may av not it is the gode invest right because

    right now We are the thing that we have to analyze how we have to know

    how to one to buy And so we have to know which kompis att I

    skolen because the market it is not the so if you the good company Sydde ihop bitcoint that här

    eh Hi p I val you with the P value that means that one of action our stopp priser

    top faster so beautiful about the this try to not pay kompanistandar Ha ha V P P I

    value because the high P Ali where they skip the same thing the value The Italien Det här

    gäller risk is så be careful about this is tofs quay Ah because by believed This

    is tofs with high impact here The price is faster or eh Slow Så just det här i livet är

    Mind of this video att Wall förs shore the other videos eh education videos so I would have to

    you the more the more courses of our stocks and there are some of tions so if you like this

    video Eh wow ah var just show me what you like Comment Så eh to Thank

    you Thank you this video you see the video Hope you like this is a guide Course eh as if

    you like to imorse Isol förstår Eh help with it So with the other corset and

    sopsäck korruptions that will you and his a more of course of this talks What alltså I treasure nollett and

    and more profits and the crease risk your eyes and see and this video Bye bye


    Hallå first leal you are in this introduktion course This is a very easy course Vill mansion

    actually several stopp Things that you actually think how to understand But I want you to understand of things

    to do and I would be good start with Stockholm Oasis Oh with eh investments

    and standing what is investment What I do that way to understand Eh så förstling med

    points Anki has Yes he We have been in them where My name is Lena lived stocks

    I've been to Stockholm Åres here the what is about the sideways I won And what then

    was there then And in ninety understand eh stocks and eh years were in eh Investment Eh Petunia it took

    en mormon i så Giovanni Company for fan tog more money back then and and there is

    a of eh Choices that you can you Eh and the the the choice to you Eh The more money

    out but you can go Gott Money If you baby Eh and dont have cleaners tragedier Eh

    eh What I tell you that Eh at this stage eh first le is understand a stopp is

    appar of the company you that of Company tog Shore That eh du kan en mormon i and then

    throw this spar bot like this is Apple Company Yes on this this you create here seventeen man

    vill över en timme Lyon No so when the belly eh Sure so the out sta standing I seventeen

    Berlin for you två kon tvåhundra Så what this means is that if you one by

    one out of Se även till Wallin So this means that one of version of this is kock

    increases thinks to the the the increase may profits and for disease the evolution of the company This

    means that your stock that is one we get here Evolution the what is this one So this price

    to increase so that when when it increases from And you get to two wifi When you and

    annals Oh so yes We last stabs in the north of relation of the company And

    if you really want to play the company the right way you need to understand nothing pouches Ja eh A

    m D eh eh Would it to understand the evaluation Alldeles snart Okej But the evolution of the

    stock wears and opportunity to understand how theres kris so where is very important människor So what med

    understand that company and fan vad The Company eh Dansstudio wheelie rapport och Theater rapport that the publish every

    year och every eh freeman så hes numbers that is with this eh V v

    din this rapport will help us to Anders stand halv evolution of the company is and

    the company is to weighted port now I can you that this is very hard Var det att

    komma Ah if you when you want to and money fast den you have to

    create astralis eye that you follow and to know is right SOS alarm new Beginners Docent now Ah

    ah dont know how to walidata kompaniya so how to create strategy If you know the company

    that this is two to things kreativa strategi is wanting and one of the company soothing And then

    we ve här on strategi This means that we create clear we so if you get a För exempel

    if you of the invest ifor eh sig yes This means that you have a range of which means that

    you actually be able to wait and lose the first two years or the first year to measure

    the wall of action with eh actually vilken higher lektorat because you med viner stopp expansiv one of

    the company inte you can read the numbers I don t understand how how to valet den

    not least that it will be have to choose Rita company What you can be the

    company when your eyes would become yes and your pouches of the stock could become value bitches which

    means that you will be av way to buy This is topp the best press which is

    there how to do it s there is a of work that we we do you

    to eh the company highway Så the beginning is is hart Yes I know about you

    have to actually know This course is about sheets because I sweep to to analyze different

    things in the right way so I do not know it to analyses here because of

    the one of the key to be measure tekniker You also fundamentala is very You know is

    very what we want to understand is that first line i Thailand Några bodde stopp

    in acres some bad company I ninety understand company not will be in the company that you baby stop if

    you believe this company and so if you Tube way talar om eh longtime eh but you belle add

    this company you keep improve the keep this new prata Och sen så the evolution keeping

    crease Den gör jobba joule stop and way of I dont think this thing personally I do the best the

    best I stocks in the best prices år not the best companies thebes I stocks hand This is two different

    This is two different with actually the this word of the stock is one and the Canon of the company

    Eh I do that the company will be very effective The the long term hole in the long

    term about oerhört and I actually valley istock they know when to buy this to the best

    prices and this is a long story För totally yes So we understand that we need to

    learn more about the company you to know more about company layers of the company

    that is very important because when you of the company that the way when you actually are more money Eh

    aunt eh because what the best Price hor Att eh of High Price Eh so that the blood came morning north

    if and dot com like this ditt So we get to that Investor Relations

    It has been found that I got to väster relations to the company Eh the report So slept i don t know

    if they eh O just try and Billy the true Ja what I want to

    show you actually the prime Jag skriver the easy way eh to understand this talks I

    want you I want you to begin the best way you know very hard actually to to

    understand about the easy stuff What you hit the track Eh ino tik very long time to understand

    håll Håll thing actually so thats what al of people the courses Mot course courses to

    understand top of the company that we need to know how to the isis tuff

    so dont be Eh scary that is good to be very and there ett one We

    break the the rapport and rapport that we one tal så to to be the show that we understand

    everything Så is we see here This is standing This is the aning Persien This one Eh she

    Jag ser nog This is downtown Pers Okey thats it is one top of six complete to the last year

    Two point which is good which means that there the crease and die in priser Fisher Price Eh

    unprotected understand how to Walther happens This is the sales Thus service is going on fire Service is thus

    att alla har fått the product of top money out of the product by total here Profits increase so I

    need to the production of the crease is that we see here Det går Kan

    wheaten women service and a mormon eh it like So so certain culture Eh God gost

    For the aning shire Axel Eh so you will see going crazy in dom You

    are not the way that they daintree actually went out shower cream of keeping providing the prophet So so that

    eh this is that the bransch idag Så alltså valley that a thing with the assholes

    go För det kommer eh Count eh reserver bords and so one we see that there is less

    money that will come Eh that is the spotless Italien Ja även of you we understand quarterly rapport of

    the rapport the sims think so to understand this Quarter Rapport Union nyaste och just Your exempel of the company

    This is in me that he is you that because I don t I don t have of

    just want to the of the good Exempel out of the company och de companies so vi fan där

    where it is I found out that the Cat report The entire report in the report Vinnova thus that www

    alize what the rapport the the EU rapport The you do the fundamental analys i switch rees

    that you trying to analyze the company and therefore mun dement alls train in the company and trying

    to understand who is that company that you Tube So this is important because we understand house trång The

    company is Danny You be able to invest V with better Then you better Ehm

    Conf confidence yes but of confidence and the here this Apple isis is enough So this is the one

    of one thousand aller You know one hundred twinkies svens Mother back Soon speaking Took care of

    tog han red fyrtio Dall you see for companies cyber you of good companions eh you are to believe that

    and is the down to but total isen fort hos contains this in and then tony So read

    mitt kliar You can alla Yes they are things you can you do You think that you can

    you have they modeller I modern What you see is what is this what so this

    is the Hives you always we and all that you rapport so next time is one out of

    action as I told you to do about what we have a strategy You have to create strategi action

    and you have to know much that used to have Eh Sofia Enorm strategi Eh Dubai Muntlig

    band Eh in eh One company or several companies Huntley touches the you and profits Eh If

    you if they try to find out dividend companies De is an some of people some people De ident eh

    companies companions att eh have have widens eh Apple do have Mmm Ja I the very good så vore min

    is that this is strategi now but combined sover Strategi is that we will give more money

    which means that you have eh aquino divided Biden eh att strategi that we that you we are you

    good companies that ank rea sin eh of the Stop Stop prices Increases you may pillow here

    Strategi that You Tube only in investment companies investment kompis is good company Sexual eh some of this now

    is not good smart He he had the East ratio What you know how much money You have how

    you spend money Eh Manly may be just one ou one a out of touch of this is

    trying to And you have to decide Okay one the ice brott I would be one point but if

    you have strategier you have to be for because you You know this into the one you just

    follow your strategy But this I strand strange because you to first like create a good strategy And

    you know that you have to I can do it Eh sexually hit skit The video strategies how to

    create Ivar salmon I believe that So I have had to understand the difference between the macro

    circus stance in the Microfich instance But do you notice circumstances tax or the Dels thus eh completely of

    the market the of the economy the worst the economy is the worst eh stop this would

    be I know I Benz what can of company is you investing så Hives I good company zporn i

    big companions that are dependent on eh the God of the world ekonomin so that it minns that if

    the the market drops the company Price hit exactly with drop also so we have

    to understand makro circumstances amaro circumstances their as good how property Company's court acquitted Company

    What do you do and Håkan and strategy in the sea Eh do these companies eh where

    god concept of concept Eh Watch market they are and so eh and I lost tills my people to

    invest in the future companys or the future market to be specifik The future markets is very important University in

    because what you invest in the future markets with that means that the growing market Väl dragit these companies

    with Sweden We are will give peace companies more opportunity to invest more and the

    money because this market is growing And eh the companies are with this market Vill eh benefit

    of this increase the market and the flow that goes in the market with eh create more opportunities this

    companies to the trees more faster så in west in the future markets i Sverige Porsche this so vi

    hoppar this video video video a good actually good good informations about how to do how

    to be I now I know But I hope that this informations this way bor for you to

    die Kol I eh begin to invest may av not it is the gode invest right because

    right now We are the thing that we have to analyze how we have to know

    how to one to buy And so we have to know which kompis att I

    skolen because the market it is not the so if you the good company Sydde ihop bitcoint that här

    eh Hi p I val you with the P value that means that one of action our stopp priser

    top faster so beautiful about the this try to not pay kompanistandar Ha ha V P P I

    value because the high P Ali where they skip the same thing the value The Italien Det här

    gäller risk is så be careful about this is tofs quay Ah because by believed This

    is tufts with high impact here The price is faster or eh Slow That's just how life is

    Mind of this video att Wall förs shore the other videos eh education videos so I would have to

    you the more the more courses of our stocks and there are some of tions so if you like this

    video Eh wow ah var just show me what you like Comment Så eh to Thank

    you Thank you this video you see the video Hope you like this is a guide Course eh as if

    you like to imorse Isol förstår Eh help with it So with the other corset and

    sopsäck korruptions that will you and his a more of course of this talks What alltså I treasure nollett and

    and more profits and the crease risk your eyes and see and this video Bye bye