Awakened Mind background - 2018
Show Transcripts

I think first of all though or or next going to call I should ask haven't understood how

you came into the field of research could you tell us a little bit more about the background of what

awakened mind training is and how easy on what EEG is because a lot of people are

not going to fully understand perhaps what all of that is specially if people have never looked into

these fields before absolutely I'm going to start if you don't mind by explaining who invented

so to speak what it is that I'm doing because that will give you some sort

of I don't know the English word some sort of a background information where to put the the information

about the what and the how yes so this actually was invented so to speak by

Professor Maxwell Kate now this was a British scientist and he was a radiation physicist professor and author but

he was also was a Mystic and the Zen master and I believe that he was also

a master hypnotist now he worked for the British government as a physicist and apparently he revolutionized

raid or in some sort of way I don't know the details about it but he also extended his

knowledge of light and sound into the fields of Mind research he recognized that everything everything that's living in

including the brain and body and you know living things are composed of frequencies of

light so he as being a zen master and recognizing this he thought what if

we can measure Consciousness what if we can measure States Of Consciousness where would we measure that and

he came to the conclusion that the brain would be to fall down so he invented or

co-invented together with Jeffrey Blundell which was until a technical engineer what we use today of course today

we use a modern version of what they had and on YouTube you still find the the old versions of

the my mirror which is what we use but it's improved so much it's you know not only the

Heartwood which software is improved so much now Professor Cade was also a member of the British Society

for psychical research and therefore he has this connection with PSI and spiritualism and all sorts of

things connected also with mediums he when he invented the Mind mirror he was able

to as being a Zen Master about he was able to study the brain waves of

a lot of people who meditate already in high state of awareness and I think he measured

over 4,000 people between I think 1970 in 19 97 20 years time and that study led to the

publication of his classic book and also to a new field and the new feel that

that was EG LED biofeedback meditation so that was completely new that time so when

he did his research he was assistant assisted by Anna wise which was an American lady and she took

the research and everything she burned with kg to get to America and she took that

a little bit further she studied and investigated a lot lot of people artists Sportsman CEOs of

big companies and so she took that into what I would call a Layman's field rather than

people you know Yogi's and Zen Masters and other people you know High states of awareness and

she wrote two books about that yeah what is this this is the people who started

this what it is that we do we actually because the physic Aid mapped these states of consciousness

with his device which he developed together with Jeffrey Blundell and he met these states of Consciousness into patterns brain

wave patterns now brain wave patterns or brain waves for that matter are no I'm gonna you know I'm

going to start with what is a brain wave because some people might not know when our

when we use our brains they give little electrical impulses and these impulses form waves electrical waves and

we can measure that with little electrodes we put on the head because the waves are not confined within

scalp they are project out all right so we can measure that when we put electrodes on the scalp

and while we measure their waves we can categorize them and we can project them into screen showing a

pattern now Kate hand that with different states of Consciousness they they saw different patterns so for

instant a minute if state would give a specific pattern the normal waking state would each time show

that specific pattern now everybody's brains work differently but when you're in a certain State you will

show that pattern okay so at a pattern consists of relative figures so it's always you know normally when

you produce in a normal waking stage a lot of beta which is associated with thinking so

whether your produce a lot of amplitude with that or not you will show a certain ratio within the pattern

and I'm not sure whether I'm making sense but yes okay so he mapped those patterns that are consistent with

this different states of consciousness has and one of the states of Consciousness he discovered all he named

was you waked mind but he also mapped Trung's as a state of consciousness to trance State I

already mentioned meditation but he also mapped different higher States Of Consciousness are superconscious you both mind Universal Consciousness being

the highest state of consciousness ever to be measured so he must a lot of

states of Consciousness now waiting mind Consciousness trainers are trained to lead people into those

States because a arcade found with because he experimented on these students as well he found

that if somebody was in a certain State they would produce that pattern but if he

took somebody in an ordinary state in the waking State and he would train them to

show them that pattern so he trained to brain waves to show that pattern they will automatically come into

that State of Consciousness right no it work the other way around as well so he did not

only measure States Of Consciousness and map them but he experimented any Thief found that

if you train your brain waves and certain way to show that pattern you will actually get

into that State of Consciousness so what so I don't know how to articulate this

correctly but yeah so it works in Reverse effectively you could you could sit in developing a particular method

without the technique and he could measure you and find that that you had that pattern but alternatively you

could follow the pattern and you wouldn't wow okay wonderful yes so this is what wait my trainers do

we are trained to not only measure people but also from the measurement see where people that they

weren't development and Coach them to what where they want to go so yeah okay