The problem with starting out in anything is the time it takes to get from the ideato the solution If you have an idea for a business personal brand or you want to builda digital product I recommend you do a couple of things in the beginning to save yourselfweeks or months of time This will ultimately help you to get your product to market fasterand grow that much faster In this episode we will discuss what to do and whatnot to do in the beginning of your digital business journey to achieve the best results as fast aspossible Before we do that I recommend you join the part time digital business newsletter Thisis my newsletter It's also the sponsor of this video This newsletter I curate everyweek I send a weekly update every Saturday at 9 a.m. articles tips specifically geared towards digital businesspersonal branding and content creation What I believe will help you the most to grow and tobuild and to start earning that much faster You can join thousands in the groupYou can find links for this in the description the problem the problem with most peopleis they have great ideas but they have nowhere to actualize them when you want to transform anidea into a tangible action plan This requires a structured approach The first thing you wannado is begin by brainstorming and really mind mapping to explore the concept in detail identify key componentspotential challenges and rewards that will come from your content This is the piece of the puzzleI wish I spent more time on In the beginning I started about five brands with five differentmessages over the past few years before I finally figured it out for myself The time Iwasted was too long I was wasting years not days or months because I would keep going backto the drawing board over and over again Then needing to change the website the emails theemail sequences the products rebuild an audience over and over again If you spend the right amount oftime on simply defining your audience defining their needs defining your skills and how youcan practically solve those needs over time you will have 90% of the puzzle done The restis just technical building of the products and crafting the content around those products Wetalk about this much on the channels What is the easiest way to mind Map your digital businessidea There's many different routes you can take with your digital business I recommend you choose one of theseproduct types from that one product type you can then decide how do I wanna write this ebook Howfar do I wanna go with this ebook What do I wanna make this ebook about Then you canget into your audience get into your audience's needs and where your audience is having those problems to solvethose problems I give examples of this in the content system course that we teach on You can find linksfor that in the description But the most important thing is to align your product with your target audience withthe proper monetization techniques to get people to actually buy those products This took me years to figure out howI could do this the correct way when you can line all of those things up it will thentrickle down into your goals and your objectives which is number two how do you define goals and objectivesfor a business idea This is the road map for your project When you lose motivation or when thingsstart to feel like you're not getting anywhere You wanna go back to this road map You wantto understand you need to let time do its thing You want to start by defining those goalsfor your audience Don't worry about your personal specific goals right now define your audience's goals Whatdo you want your audience to learn from your products or content Here's an example Iwant my audience to learn how to write clearly in one hour a day That'sas simple as it can be And your audience can understand that How will you teach thisinformation Is the next step Example I will produce short videos and digital PDF S to shareSo take the necessary time to really figure this out and think it through It does not needto be overcomplicated but make sure you have these things aligned if you spend the time to do thisright If you do that now you will save yourself months of frustration Like I had togo through if you need to switch your message a good role is to start witha few topics narrow them down into one or two main foundational topics These topics are thecore for your brand For me these topics are digital business and create our economy to give yousome examples Number three set up a basic content creation plan before creating any productsAgain I talk about this thoroughly in the content system I've created a full course on thisbecause I believe it is so important at the beginning of your content is more important thanyour products At the beginning your content is more important than your products You could spend months creatingand designing products If you're not cultivating an audience along the way you will haveno one to sell those products to take it from me I spent a year buildingproducts and not focusing on an audience when the products were done They were they were great butI had no audience to market them to And I felt like I was back at zero This is thebalance that is the most important to attain early on between content creation working on your website and digitalproducts and monetization I will tell you for my own personal opinion to budget your timea new product every 90 days while you have an audience following you because of your content Remember yourideal audience is out there but they have to know you and they have to knowwho you are and trust you before they will buy from you They will not see your digital productsvery much if at all in the beginning but they will see the free contentyou're sharing before anything else This is how you build that relationship as you create your freecontent around your product ideas you're helping to solve problems while you're learning how to put yourfirst product together This is a win win for you and your audience It's a big time saver So ifyou follow these simple things in the beginning I guarantee you you will save yourself months of time wasted andstagnant growth meaning very little growth as you go Don't worry about monetizing in the beginning If you don't havean audience it won't make a bit of difference if you have 20 products and you're monetizedall across the board If there's no audience to buy those products then you're relyingon buying and paying for ads which I do not recommend that you do And I don't think you needto do when you get great at matching your free content to your digital product outcomes and thento your audience's problem solves you will have figured out how to make more sales overtime Naturally If you would like a program and a step by step course I believe creating digital productsBuilding a digital product business is the most important thing other than your content creation I have created aspecific course for this hours of content a community group you can find links in the description to getmore information and I will see you in the next one