Mm Did they have any other um incarnations in between that one that we spoke ofAnd and Kenneth's life right now you have multiple incarnations happening simultaneously OK I see I see I seewhat you mean when you speak of multiple simultaneous incarnations Do do you look at the linear timeline likewe do Or or or the that linear simultaneous could be any time that could be beforeor after Now Before and after Are the I stuck in the idea of physicality The actual idea to understandis that everything is happening simultaneously and when we say simultaneously we mean literally simultaneously What you understand as timespace movement is you shifting through billions of parallel realities all the time Let's see Could you help me understandplease Um the concept of free will versus um everything is happening right now If everything is happening rightnow do I still have free will Because the idea of destiny or free will boilsdown to this simple understanding in any particular lifetime you chose a hallway to walk down how you walk downthat particular hallway It's up to you You're gonna walk down that hallway No matter what But theidea is you can walk it upside down you can walk out of your hands you can walk on yourhead you can crab walk you can walk up and down the walls It doesn't matter how youchoose to experience that reality is where free will comes into play So it is a mix of bothaspects It is not necessarily just you have free will in this way That's very helpful Thankyou When you speak of walking down the hallway Destiny I guess Um does it have to bewith one profession or one's lessons in life Like is it more physical or is it more what I'm hereto learn and to amass into my my overall being you pick which lessons which themes think ofit more in the terms of themes If you partic if you pick a particular setof things that you knew would help you expand as a soul where you've spent many lifetimes being the villainyou will take a lifetime to play out as the victim Thank you Co could you give usan example Tell me um the themes that I have chosen for this current lifetime formyself The idea of connection you are playing the communicator you're playing the connection for those thatneed you to be the intermediary Thank you That that that makes a lot ofsense What the the answer for most problems in most people's lives are very simple They do notrequire the idea of being overly complicated Usually most humans will make the situations more complicated thanthey need to Ok Fair enough Amanda has another question here What about people Imeet from other countries on earth Do you think it's possible that we'd be a part of the samesoul group Or usually are they born close together They can be anywhere I am not fromearth but I still have connection to the channel Fair enough Uh I have one more question around thistopic and then we we'll shift a bit Um I'm very curious about the concept of incarnationand uh higher soul over soul higher mind Uh uh Ho how many I don't know if thisis the right way to ask it uh Because I'm I'm thinking so linearly here buthow many lifetimes have I had it changes from moment to moment You are constantly shifting to different versions ofyou that have different connections and different lifetimes In one moment you could have 112 connections in another momentYou can have 50 It just changes from moment to moment It's not necessarily astatic number throughout your entire life OK Um I was speaking with another uh intuitive personuh the other day and she mentioned to me that my daughter is quote unquotea young soul It's her second incarnation Um How do I do understand this Many of theChildren that have been born on your planet in the last 10 to 15 yearshave not had very many lifetimes on your planet because you are shifting up So thesouls that are coming on to your planet is there to have the idea of moving past the ideaof previous Karma previous ideas that have been encapsulated into your society So by being new they have a umyou look at life so to speak they're not bound by the idea of Karma thebalance that you as souls have had for many many many lifetimes because they are no longer maintainedand connected to those ideas they can move past them That makes a lot of sense and and one choosesthe theme for their incarnation Yes it's not chosen for them Well yes and noyou can have the idea of the councils the people that help you plan out yourparticular lifetime If they have seen that you have been experiencing life in a very particular way to giveyou contrast they will say hey you need to experience this in order to understandthat but it is really this and that it is not this or that it is a combinationAnd then eventually you will see those things as this is that it is not separateIt is all one thing from different points of view Very good Thank you That that's really niceway to put it Uh Amanda is asking can I also know my theme inthe hallway of chosen if you know one of your themes is to help heal the planet to helpheal yourself and help heal the people around you Thank you I have a question for my neighborHe's not uh present Amanda saying thank you Um He's not present but he did havea question for me Can you read that My neighbor's name is Tas And he's asking Tas is asking aboutAntarctica It's against the law to fly over or sail into privately No one is allowed toexplore it And the guy who did say they were all new lands Um What can you tellTas about Antarctica The idea of Antarctica is that there are things there because the landscape has been frozenfor so long that has been maintained by the ice itself that you as humansare not quite ready to interact with There are also many doorways around your planet that will lead you toother realities and and one of those doorways or some will be in Antarctica Yes Um Is Anna Anna umall covered with ice or are there areas which are lush No those places thatthey refer to as being lush Those people shifted through a doorway into another dimension where that is so butin on your planet right now it is ice Thank you Um I'd like to ask you a littlebit about the moon Yes How come the moon is the only celestial body that we know that doesnot spin on its own axis It always showing shows one side to us It does rotateit takes a month It rotates around the earth Yes But it it the the the themoon itself does not rotate around itself Correct It is a natural body that has been modified Itis tightly locked in that way The technology they are it is not hollow as some might believe itto be Are there any structures um and or beings including humans on the moon right now mostly outpostsThere is not actual the idea of permanent structures where people permanently live It ismore the idea of observation posts and places where things happen that would not necessarily belooked upon so nicely here on earth Thank you Amanda is asking I think you I think you already answeredit The moon is being locked in position how and why that is beyond the level wecan explain at this moment It is there to help balance out your planet tohelp keep the idea of a stable environment that you would not have if that particular celestial bodywas not in orbit around you It has been modified by different species from your past to dowhat it is doing now Thank you Um Is it true that the moon's gravity causes uh um the waterof the oceans to shift the the the rising tide and so on Yes that is what is meant bythe idea of tightly locked I see Thank you Were there ever life on moonLike an active life or atmosphere No no How about Mars Yes In your past a few million years agothe idea of meld prior to it destroying itself Mars had a thriving civilization had peopleon it Ironically the idea of an asteroid that came from the destruction of Medek crashed into Mars andscraped off the magnetic sphere and made Mars uninhabitable for the beings that live there and those beings that livedthere couldn't stop it No many of the souls that lived on Mars as you callit have migrated to earth When you say migrated Do you mean physically or by wayof incarnation incarnation I see how many of these Martian souls are on earth now give or takemany many of the humans that live Now Were there the beans that you intuitively referredto as little green men from Mars The reason for that is they were reptilian in nature andgreen and they were short Thank you Uh Amanda is saying there's a lot of fear mongering interms of climate change and what is to come here on earth Are we safe hereIf not how long until we're not safe your climate will shift over the next years to come Thisis all part of your process It is a natural cycle that has happened on your planet but ithas been sped up by your technology that has polluted The idea of destruction that has occurred inyour past is playing out with your people Thank you Um When you say uh technology do you referto what we call Harp No more The idea of fossil fuels that have beenpolluting your atmosphere Ok Thank you Um Speaking of the climate change what what what what direction um isour climate change transforming or shifting to you are gonna see your sea levels rise you willnot be completely destroyed as many of the fearmongering media sources have said Uh but the ideais that you as souls wanted to go through an idea of transformation So this reflection ofthat state by the time you fully interact with us as beings your whole world will havetransformed You mean even by way of rising water rising water heat cold all sorts of different things UmWhat are we talking here in terms of um water rising Um How many meters of feet and over howlong closer to the idea of 100 ft Many of your coastal cities will be flooded But the ideaof actual flood and flood waters will come from more of the idea of hurricanes large storms thatyou are starting to see now that are starting to flood areas on a on a regular basis manyof the cities that are in land now will eventually become coastal cities a 100 ft Oo um oover how long I mean we haven't seen any water level rising so far You have it's just moregradual for the time being Should we get ready now And if we live by the coast shouldwe um move inland higher place right now or we have uh 20 or 50 yearsyou have close to 100 years The idea is you're already starting to see people havingto move more inland because the coasts are eroding so they can no longer live inthose places that they used to live Ok B by 100 years from now Um I would imagine wewill be part of the star family and um we'll be flying in space and have uh peace on earthYeah maybe Yeah Yes But you must also even when you start interacting with usyou must actually deal with your own stuff Absolutely With some of the technology that I assume will be uhtransferred to us or as you mentioned uh was already given but um repressed Would that technology be helpful forthese changing times Eventually most of that technology will be released to your people for nowYou are still in a state of repression where the idea of that technology is notnecessarily appropriate for you to actually have right in your daily life But think of it this way 30years ago on your planet much of the technology that is very common now was allscience fiction It was all just the idea of an idea that someone would potentially have and create yourtechnology has grown leaps and bounds over the last 100 years and it's gonna grow that much faster that muchsooner So you expect uh you expect uh things to uh accelerate Yes when you all stop fighting eachother fighting for the idea of resources and realize that there's enough for everyone tohave You will work together to create a civilization that will be spectacular Thank you That'sgood I mean II I imagine that for us to come to peace and tostop uh trying to uh annihilate the other person Uh We probably need uh some major majorum maybe a cataclysmic event of sort to to ensure we all work together No no not this time Youhave had stories on your planet of past civilizations that have been wiped off the faceof your planet in a night Can you repeat that please You have had the idea like the story ofAtlantis Mhm Where they were we wiped off the face of your planet in a night when yousay in the night you mean overnight Yes The the meteorite hit and Atlantis was gone the body ofthe comet crashed into your North American ice sheet and melted much of the water that was thereand it filled the oceans that you have around your world Right Where where was AtlantisThe main body of the final Atlantis was in the Palmas Bahamas OK Uh Amanda is asking howcan we initiate that change towards working together It feels governments are creating more division than unity It is theunderstanding You cannot change others you cannot change their priorities you can work individually to changeyour own frequency work through your own issues You will shift to a version of earth that reflectsthat particular understanding and that way of being that shows a world where it is in unity For whenyou have warfare in your heart your outward world will reflect those beliefs that you have bought into and chosento propagate and be part of your reality right So ok thank you So you know we're floodedwith messages of violence and us against them and then aga against us If I reduce orremove my exposure to these messages and focus on messages of hope and unity and working togetherCan I expect my reality to change to that way Yes the less you consume and the less youchoose to vibrate with that particular frequency you will have a more peaceful reality because allthat is reality is neutral it just reflects back to you what you believe what you are where you arefrequency wise right So on on the same notion um regarding uh the human body is itpossible for me to shift to a reality that my health is perfect and just be there juststay there Yes Thank you It's not necessarily it's relevancy if it's relevant for you to have that experience toshift to a reality where you have a perfect health which by the way you dohave perfect health you're just perfectly how you are at this time Physically you're a perfectrepresentation of who you are energetically OK OK I see it Um when we spoke class and iii Irecall you said it in another video not with myself Um that you do not havememory you just access information as you need it right Yes So um I asked you um I believethe last time we spoke to give me AAA scan and tell me if there is any healthissues with me and you did and and I I would use the word recall not remember but recall maybeit's more appropriate And um if you recall um you said there was uh you asked me to have mykidneys checked Yes No I did ask uh someone not a medical doctor uh aboutthe kidneys and I got some answers and um I believe I've shifted myself to a realitywhere my kidney is fine Yes Could you tell me if this actually happened Many of you onthis planet have the idea of large scale toxins build up in your systems You are constantlyshifting between realities So any any body ailment is is a reflection of toxicity toxicity and beliefs andbeliefs How may I um reduce eliminate or clear toxicity out of my body please The first thing youmust do whenever you are dealing with health issues is approach the idea of a third detoxificationof your liver and many other organs Much of what you on your planet eatat this time has many heavy metals has many ideas of toxic food and chemicals that add into yourdiet that profoundly affect your ability to function correctly and think Mhm So we would startthere Thank you Could you point me to um foods foodstuffs which are less toxic andor what I can take to remove toxicity out of my body There is a particularbrand based out of California name American Botanical Pharmacy They have different detoxes that you can dobut use your best judgment to find a particular service that helps you in that waywhere they are able to the 08 the level of heavy metals in your system If thank you Ifyou are uh a human on the on planet earth like uh myself and Amandaand lo is not here at the moment Um Would you drink the tap water No UmWould you drink spring water in plastic bottles Not in plastic bottles in glass Yes The idea that glass doesnot leach into your systems like metal or plastic does would you say that um switchingto clean water from glass Containers would result in a positive health change for anyone that doesthat much of what you refer to as tap water on your planet Much of the way you lookat things understand that water itself has memory So the memory of the emotions that iscontained within the particular water because the water system in most cities is a closed system and your motionitself imprints on the water itself You need to clean and purify the water to properly cleanse it tomake it suitable for properly drinking Thank you That's very interesting Um What about praying with the water blessing thewater Yes that's good Are you familiar with the work of Doctor Imoto that was looking into water being blessedor being angered at and then taking a a microscopic uh pictures of the water Yes Do you agree withDoctor Imoto that water is blessed is uh probably healthier for you and water whichis uh absorb the anger emotions are are not good for you Yes What you as a being are ismostly water in nature So you combine with the particular water that you absorb into your physicalbeing Ok I see Um Ethan we have a device um called the water distiller I believe ituh vaporizes the water and then uh recollect that I imagine it will be the P uhH2O molecule Um is is that good water Is that worth um using such such a device youalso in a cheaper way something that would be much more easy for more people to get is tohave the idea of double charcoal filtered water and the device that you spoke ofit's filtering out the different chemicals that have been leached into your water supply through the municipalities of differentpeople on your planet that are not completely able to be filtered out through even their systems Thankyou When you say double charcoal do you mean a two stage Uh The watergoes through the first filter and then through the second Yes I see And would you filter the waterprior to put them in the distiller or distill them and then filter them We would distill them and thenfilter them OK Very good then filter OK Uh Amanda is asking oh I guess you justanswered that Do you know what filter is best than to clean the tap water thatwas charcoal And it is there a favorable Amanda is asking is there a favorable way to absorbthe emotional memory was allowing yourself to understand that what you are is energy All that is actuallyin the water is just energy Your water is a physicalized form much as fireis also a physicalized form Everything is energy It's just a a particular vibration that matches the frequency ofwho you are at any given moment Thank you Could you explain to us a bit aboutlight What is light and it's uh it's um uh uh use or part in creation Everything islike everything that frequency light is the thing that you cannot necessarily catch is the non-physical aspect of everything Itis all energy of different frequencies What you perceive to be dark and light are merely twoaspects of the same energy Yeah Iii I heard somewhere uh something that I liked Umthe speaker uh said um darkness is not the absence of light but it's lightknowing not to go there in a way What would be a better way to sayit You have a dark side you have a light side much of your understanding and yourreality is that of a duality is that there is the light there is the dark in reality bothexist simultaneously Both are in your world much in the way in you You have the positive aspect ofyourself and the negative aspects of yourself OK That's that's very interesting II I guess humans Um Imean I find myself um that my thinking is so linear time based and and polarized How do I Imean the conversation with you is very helpful but how do I move myself tothe thinking The idea that living in such a way that I understand that it's all part ofthe whole instead of seeing good and bad light and dark and so forth allow yourself to livein that understanding allow yourself to be in that understanding Thank you That's good It is your beliefsright The belief that you can only live in a linear way is just a beliefIf you don't see yourself as separate from the reality that you're in understand that you are creating thatreality Can you repeat that Please understand that you are creating the reality that you live in So you donot need to fight it if you see the reality that you exist in asa reflection of who and what you are your beliefs and your knowing OK Ethancould you please uh suggest to offer um methods for us to be more whole If I can say itthis way have the knowing that you are whole You are 100% energy There's nothing left out Thankyou Uh There's another question from a from Amanda Here you mentioned one of my themesis heal the planet and heal myself Can you tell me more about what needs to be healedwithin myself And are these two missions related It's all related There's nothing outside of it Itis your purpose It is the reason for being it is part of your existence asa person There's nothing separate from those separate statements You are healing yourself You are healing theworld by healing yourself Thank you I guess Amanda is looking for something more specific Would you be able tooffer anything like that Is there a belief in yourself that you have not quite dealtwith And what is it specifically I see look to those things because those are usually the clues for mosthumans to be able to actually understand and be able to incorporate the aspects of themselves that they havenot quite integrated Usually when you hit the point when you have integrated different aspects of yourself whereyou fully healed the trauma and allowed yourself to be ok with those experiences you will see a reflection inyour reality of that particular understanding and that way of being And that could be truefor also someone who experienced a severe trauma you know was in a war got attackedor anything like that Um Ethan what can we do to have a healthy long life reregarding you know I mean I don't know how much toxicity we can remove at this point byourselves but how can we navigate this toxic world You're doing it already You do not necessarily requiresomething outside of yourself I am connecting to your higher mind as you speak to me and the peoplethat are asking questions to be able to share with you what your higher mind wants to sayto you But you're not quite listening Fair enough What is it that I'm missing the most here by thinkingthat you're missing something There's nothing left out Thank you That that's a good one Um With your permission Iwant to ask you a little bit about your uh home planet and your civilization YesOK You mentioned to me there are three spheres uh which are supercomputers circulating your planet Can you talkof And they had three names Epiphany So have you written do Kiki tell us about those please Epsilon epiphanyand eclipse They act as a trinary moon for us They act in such a way that they balancethe environment prior to the planet itself being geo formed Terraform It was a rocky worldwith no water nothing on it no atmosphere When the gray came and created the world forus to be able to exist and thrive they created our world by using the supercomputers thatare massive The energy of them is reflected to your world through your moon as well and beamingthrough me to you and those that will watch this transmission right Um Could you give me an idea ofthe physical size of your planet and the physical size of these uh supercomputers My planet isroughly a little bit bigger than your planet with a little less gravity The sizeof the moon that we have the supercomputers are roughly the size of your moon each one But at ancollateral dis distance to keep the planet itself balanced they are made of nano particles nano machinesbut they are on a magnitude that you could not understand at this time They are true Artificial intelligence Theyact as a balance point because we are the third hybrid race So they are there asthe three reminders that we are spirit We are physical and we are all that is one for each Othhe yes And the grays develop these computers Yes And um how do these computers interact with theplanet itself Their gravitational pull as well as their ability to connect to every being on our worldand keep our species connected no matter where we are in the universe because they are the balancing mechanism forour species that we carry with us even if we are not on our home world So youare um let me say a different way All the Sasan es uh interact andinterface with these three supercomputers at the same time as needed as needed much in the same way we showup exactly when we need to everything works off of synchronicity That's very that's very interestingUm uh And forgive me for asking such trivial questions but you know we're starting from scratch here UmYou you mentioned the word synchronicity I've noticed recently that when I look at my phone that glass device thatglass communication device um I see repeating number patterns uh on it you know I pick it up andyou'll say 222 or 111 or 1111 and it's it's been happening nonstop for me for thelast weeks or months Um Is that does that mean anything or just just by chanceIt is a synchronistic reminder for you to know that you have raised your frequency the more frequentthose particular numbers show up where you see a repeating 1111 22 22 333 Thosesort of things is a synchronistic reminder that you have been raising your frequency and that is an outwardactual reminder to yourself that this has happened Thank you What are what are goodways for us to raise our frequency by being yourself by working through your negative beliefs by willingto be willing to go into the places that you're afraid to look and understandthat it is like a carnival ride Change your perspective on what could be seen scary or or threatening Takea different perspective on it Yes that's good Uh Amanda has another question here UmWas was what it sorry what is it within myself that needs to be healedAsk it this way What am I afraid to look at What what I have to believe is truein order to think that I need to be healed make it so big that you cannot ignore itor run away from it It's so big but it's usually so obvious It's simple Usually formost people it is a sense or belief that you are not good enough you are not worthyto exist but the fact that you exist means you're worthy you would not exist otherwise Uh Thank you forboth for both myself and Amanda here Um Ethan I think you hit the nail onthe head here Um I think the issue of worthiness uh is probably main uhmain anchor of of a problem for most people especially especially in this country in the United States andon on on the North American continent Uh It seemed that value how we value ourselves isuh we we attach material to it first and foremost and quote unquote success whether it's to have theright partner or money or car or whatever Um How can we switch ourselves toinherent um knowing of worthiness by dealing with the beliefs that you are not good enough Go to thesource of that tells you you're not good enough I see you have to do the work yourself Yeah everybodythat's true The channel in front of you had a four year old running in his head for 40 yearsHe finally did the work to be able to let go and help that aspect of himself beintegrated into who he is Therefore he no longer needed that four year old Fair enough Uh AmandaT the question as a therapist I do see that the I'm not good enough woundis incredibly common Is that one of the major earth lessons to find self loveor realize self-worth Yes Does that mean that um part of the reason for us toincarnate on the earth at the at this time space is to heal that wound of selfworth Yes Um Does everyone needs healing Yes you wouldn't be here if you didn'thave compassion for those around you that do not necessarily have that understanding and be willingto hold space for the people that need it because many people are not aware of theidea that they're perfect but the way they are right Or they have been fed the idea ofnegativity that has fed the negative ego that has caused them to move into The idea ofI'm not good enough So they need to set themselves apart from the world instead of realizing they are partof it that they are worthy they are worth being loved Yes thank you Um Wasn't that I don't knowif one or the main lesson that Yeshua came to give us about compassion The main lessonfor the one you refer to as Yeshua was the idea of forgiveness forgiveness Do youknow how to forgive yourself and forgive the world It is even said in the parables thatin the stories about him that he could forgive all the time he forgave the worldthat he saw it because he realized the world he saw was a reflection of who he wasinternally Is that soul of Yeshua uh incarnated after he was Yeshua Understand this the idea ofpast or future incarnation the one you refer to as Yeshua transition into the idea of the collectiveconsciousness He is the avatar of the idea of forgiveness right So he he symbolizes forgiveness in a way Yesunconditional love That is why that particular understanding and that particular symbol is so prevalent in your societybecause it is what you need to have in your understanding of your reality And Iguess that's really the the major lesson for us Uh Right here in this uhin this timeline isn't it Forgiveness Yeah I heard this um this saying somebody said I likedit It said um to love someone is to take them as yourself to see them as yourselfto see them as yourself Is that forgiveness or is that separate when you can seethem as yourself You could not hate them You treat people how you feel about yourself OK thankyou Um I I've noticed and this is me noticing there's no stats here but I've noticedum I believe there's an increase of I don't I don't like the word mental health issues but peopleseem to be um very stressed out to various um to various degrees Some some are you knowday to day Uh but some the resort the resort to drugs alcohol substances violence livingon the street It seemed to me like there's more and more of this isn't it No it's justbecome more prevalent in your society in your history There has always been these kind of ideas and these kindof experiences but because you have your media today you're able to see those things that were already existing It'sjust more prevalent because you're able to actually observe them more openly than you were before Thank you II understand Um how can I help if I do need to help a homeless person Someonewho lives in a tent in the park you know down the street the understanding andcome from a place by no means Are we saying allow yourself to be in a situation whereyou could be hurt They come from a place of compassion and understanding that those people are alsohurting and their world has been torn down That is why they are in thatplace But there are also beings that choose to live that way because they see themselves asmore free and open to your society and to the world because the world is their homenot just one little shack Yeah that I I yeah I I can relate to that Thank you EthanIs there a specific message yourself or any other being would like to uh send us nowor to anyone that would be watching this video later Be willing to live from a stateof compassion and forgiveness Understand that the world you see is not necessarily terrible It is a reflection itis a willingness to actually grow beyond what you have Remember that you chose to behere as a being you chose to be in this situation you chose the different things you knew that beinghere would be the most exciting thing you could do that would help you grow andexpand as a soul at this time That is why there's so many people on thisplanet But also understand that the compassion is that everyone is doing the best they can withwhat they have And many times people are operating from a place where they have been hurt andnot necessarily healed the wounds So a person that is um negative towards me attacking me various ways doesn't haveto be physical Um and I do see they're hurting but they keep attacking me oror you know um with all the forgiveness I have towards them and compassion and they stillkeep attacking What what what do I do because they are still hurting right Do notnecessarily put you in a sit yourself in a situation where it is relevant for youto keep experiencing that unless you want to realize that you have a choice to continually interact with thepeople that are hurting but know that you don't necessarily need to continue hurting yourself Ok That's good Amandahas another questionnaire and I'll I'll close it after um the new younger souls comeinto earth that you said have less karma Will they have the I'm not good enough wound aswell Or do those souls have a different lesson here on earth They have adifferent lesson because they are coming into a different age They do not continually have the idea ofthe same lesson that you as souls that have been there for many many lifetimes I understand they will nothold on to those ideas for as long because they do not buy into theidea that goes along with those particular beliefs They are essentially will create a whole otherculture that we're not even aware of Right That's the idea That's good Well I hope my daughter isone of them She is I think so Uh Thank you very much We are complete for today I Ithank you very very much Good day Good day